My Woman His Wife Saga (31 page)

BOOK: My Woman His Wife Saga
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Breaking Even
I found out from Yoyo that Monica would be in the hospital for at least two days after she had her baby, so the very next day I went to see my man, Sean. He runs a locksmith shop over near Monica, and I knew for sure that every time he made a key for someone, he made one for himself, just in case.
I was almost sure he told me a while ago he had keys to Monica's crib, because he had been hitting her off for a while before she started fooling with Rico. Arturo would be getting out of the hospital in a day or so, so if I was going to do something I had to make it quick. I broke Yoyo off already because she wouldn't shut the fuck up about it, but she knew she owed me some info so I'd get with her later.
My boys told me they saw Monica and Stenton having lunch in the city and they looked like they were in a heavy debate. That scandalous bitch was probably trying to get some dick, with her ignorant ass.
I parked my car on the little island across the street from the shop, just in case I had to make a quick getaway from the feds, who seemed to constantly be on my back. I checked my surroundings in my mirrors before exiting my vehicle, making a quick exit and practically running across the street. I looked behind me once more before entering the shop.
“Yo, Sean. What's up, my nigga?” We exchanged handshakes across the desk.
“Nothing much, man. Just making this money. What brings you to the 'hood today?”
“I came to holler at you about getting a key.”
“Say word? To your crib?”
“Now you know I know how you get down, man. You'll never have that much access to my shit.” I laughed. I'd hate to put a bullet in his peanut head if my shit ever came up missing.
“So, what can I do for you, man? You know I got the business.”
“And that's why I fuck with you. You remember that chick you was hitting over there on Lincoln Drive? The jawn that be having everybody sprung. She was messing with my boy Rico before he got set up.”
“Oh, you're talking about Monica. You trying to get at that? The shot is fantabulous.”
“Nah. Yo, you a wild boy.” I had to laugh to myself because you just never knew what to expect Sean to say. He hit nearly every dame that came through those doors, and I ain't mad at him. A brother got to pay his rent somehow.
“You sure? I can set that up for you.”
“Man, I am positive. What I need is access to her crib, if you get my drift.”
“Oh, you want me to do some illegal shit.”
“Nigga,” I had to step back and look at him for a second. I couldn't believe the shit that had just come out of his mouth. “You already doing illegal shit. I'm sure keeping a copy of everyone's keys can't be lawful, right?”
“Okay, you got me on that one. I feel you, but that comes at a price.”
“Name it, but I need them today.”
“You can have all three keys and the pass code to her alarm within minutes for five thousand a pop.”
“You telling me you want twenty thousand for me to get in the crib?”
“Cash money up front. And keep my name out ya mouth. I don't need the jakes coming down on my shit. I got a family to provide for.”
“Damn, you straight robbing me with my eyes open on that one, Sean. Who you know carry around that kind of money?”
“That's none of my concern. I just need five thousand to get started, and you pay by the key. Do we have a deal?”
“Hold on, man, let me go to my car.” I was pissed that this dude was straight raping me for the keys to Monica's house, but that was a small price to pay to get some dirt on her and Stenton and to get him off my ass.
I checked the perimeter and made a mad dash to my car, pushing a few buttons once I got inside to slide out my secret compartment. Taking the eight thousand I had, I made sure everything was back in order before I stuffed the cash in an old McDonald's bag from the backseat and dashed back across the street. I got a little paranoid when I saw a cop car pull up behind me, but my heart returned to a regular pace when they kept going.
“Look, I don't have twenty thousand on me, but I do have eight. I'll send one of my men down here with the rest of the money in the morning. My word is my bond.”
“Look, I don't be doing no favors and shit, but I'll do it for you this one time. Next time come correct or step.”
“Okay, Sean. I feel you. You the man today.”
I stood by while Sean counted his money, afterward tucking it safely away in a safe under the desk. I made sure to peep the location on the low just in case I ever had to come back and get this nigga. Ten minutes later I was out the door with three keys and the password to the alarm in my right pocket. I called Hector and told him to send the dough over to Sean, and for him and Jesus to meet me at Monica's crib in an hour. This chick needed to know who she was fucking with. This wasn't a game.
Within the hour we pulled up on Monica's block, opting to park down the street from her house just in case one of her nosey-ass neighbors stayed home from work and was watching her house. With our baseball caps pulled low over our faces, we walked slowly up to her crib like we lived there, and let ourselves in. I was mad after we finally got in because her alarm wasn't even on. That was money I didn't have to spend.
Now, I have to say, her crib was on point. We took our time looking around the crib just to see if something would jump out at us that we could use.
“Yo, C Dogg! Hector! Come up here. You guys got to see this.”
Both me and Hector ran up the steps to see what Jesus had found. We found him in what I assumed to be the master bedroom. Entering the room, I turned my attention to the television to see what all the hoopla was about. That shit on the screen made me want to fuck just walking in there and seeing Monica's naked body.
Apparently, little Miss Monica was very busy. The recording was on fast forward but I could see that Monica was a beast when it came to sex. She had just about everyone in town who was of any importance in a compromising position on that tape. No wonder she walked around like she had shit on lock. She was able to fuck up the lives of politicians, judges, and dudes on the police force. I just shook my head and stopped the tape. I popped it out of the VCR and stuffed it in my inside jacket pocket for later use. I was sure it would come in handy later.
We looked around a little more, just to see what was what. But all I saw were some jewels I didn't need, and a couple of dollars on the dresser. A drawer full of dildos made all of us take a step back. I decided I had what I needed, so we bounced.
On the way back down the street Shaneka and this fly-ass chick pulled up to me. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't have kept on walking, because Shaneka would have caused a scene and that was the last thing I needed. I told Hector and Jesus that I would meet them at the car. Stooping down so we were face to face, I paid respect to the driver, then asked Shaneka what was up.
“What you doing around this way? I'm shocked to see you outside of West Philly.”
“I had to come check on a few things. What you up to?”
“We about to go see what Monica is up to. I heard she had the baby, but I'm not sure if she's home yet. She got an ass whipping coming to her.”
“She ain't home yet. Yoyo told me she just had the baby yesterday. That baby ain't Rico's. It's by some married dude she was fucking with.”
“How you know all that?”
“Didn't I just tell you I was talking to her sister?”
“Well, Tanya still owe her, so it's a done deal. I'm on my way through the window.”
“Now, Shankea, let's not get stupid. You don't think her neighbors are watching? The moment you climb through that window the cops are called. Here, I got one better for you.”
“Carlos, you act like shit is sweet. I owe that bitch. She setup my man.”
“Girl, calm the fuck down. She just put him in a bad position. Rico was going to get it regardless. It was just a matter of time.”
“Look, I really don't need to hear this right now, Carlos,” she said through the window with tears streaming down her face. For the first time I could honestly see that Shaneka did care about Rico. Yeah, she did him dirty, but the love was there.
“Look, here are her house keys, and the alarm is off. I got them from . . . well, that's not important. Go get your shit off, but make it quick. I'm sure someone has seen us coming and going by now.”
“Thanks, C Dogg. I owe you one.”
“Don't mention it. Just be safe.”
Feeling like my work was done, I met up with my boys at the corner and we jetted. I had to make a couple copies of the tape while it was fresh on my mind. I had a feeling life was going to be cool from here on out. I had a couple of officials I needed to see about some things.
Payback Is a Mutha
Tanya and I pulled up in Monica's driveway, not giving a damn who saw us. After fumbling with the locks we finally got in and started tearing the place up. I snatched all the paintings off the walls, afterward cutting them to shreds with a knife from the kitchen. Tanya found cans of paint in what looked like the baby's room upstairs. She started to wreck the mural, but I talked her out of it. That would be the one room we didn't touch. Instead, we took the paint and splashed it all over the house, ruining the carpets and drapes. Tanya cut up the couches and chairs. For a second I felt bad for Monica because I knew this shit cost her a grip. Her house was laid like you wouldn't believe, but by the time we got done you would have thought we had a frat party in there.
Tanya took a can of spray paint and painted obscenities all over the walls. After a while I took a seat in the corner and watched her work. It was obvious she had some shit to get off her chest, so I let her handle her business. Before we left I ran to the car and grabbed the baby doll from the backseat.
Going back into the nursery, I folded the cover down in the crib and sat the baby doll under it like it was a real child. On the way up I got the biggest knife I could find out of the kitchen and used it to stab a whole straight through the doll, impaling it to the crib. Then I took some of the red paint that was left over and poured it on the doll, giving it the appearance that it was bleeding. I would never kill her child, but that was a hell of a message to leave behind. After bashing in the television screens I was finally able to pull Tanya away from the house. Our work was done.
Home Sweet Home?
Sheila came to the hospital to see the baby a few hours before I was to be released. We didn't really have anything to say to each other after the restaurant incident. I said nothing to her the entire time. She held the baby for a second, and after she commented that the baby looked like James, I called security to make her ass leave. Like I needed the constant reminder.
Surprisingly, my sister kept her promise and was at the hospital to take me home. I was so nervous about leaving because I knew once I got home it was all on me. There wouldn't be any nurses to take the child when I didn't feel like being bothered. I knew for sure the first thing I would do was start interviewing nannies. I didn't have the time to be getting my nails messed up changing nasty diapers. When I pulled up on my block there were several police cars around my house. I started to panic. Did I accidentally leave the stove or the iron on in my haste to leave the house? Or did someone break into my shit while I was gone? Damn, I was only gone for a few days.
I didn't see any flames or fire trucks, so it was safe to assume my shit wasn't burning. The amount of cops on the premises made me nervous. I was clueless as to what was going on. The first officer I recognized was Officer Hill. I approached him after Yolanda stopped the car. I needed answers now.
“Can someone tell me what's going on here?” There had to be at least thirty cops on my property. Some were standing around talking, others were bringing out pieces of my furniture. For the first time in my life I was scared to death.
“Are you the owner of this house?” Officer Hill asked as though he didn't know who I was. I decided to play along until I knew what was going on.
“Yes, I am. What seems to be a problem?”
“One of your neighbors called and reported suspicious activity on the property. She said it might be a possible break in. When we arrived we found your house ransacked. There were no signs of forced entry, so we are assuming the perps had a key. Right now . . .”
I didn't want to hear shit else he had to say. I needed to see for myself what was going on with my house. When I walked in, nothing could have prepared me for what I saw. My house looked like a tornado had blown threw it. My paintings, furniture, everything was torn up. I saw nothing that could be salvaged. I ran through the house like a mad woman, not believing the damage I saw. What broke my heart was what I saw in my son's room.
At first I was happy that whoever did this had spared his room, but what I saw in the crib took my breath away, and all I remember seeing was a bird land on the windowsill before I blacked out. I came to with my sister and half the police force standing over me. All I could do was curl up in a ball and cry. Officer Hill took the report. They said all they could do was investigate and get back to me. Everyone except Officer Hill cleared out. I couldn't call the judge because all the phone lines were cut, and my cell phone was still in Yolanda's car.
“Well, Monica, we'll be getting back to you with a full investigation. Just thank God you have neighbors who care.”
“Thanks for your help. Now can you please leave? I need to get my head together.”
“I'm gone, but be careful. Things like this aren't random. I guess your time is up in this town, huh?”
“She said leave, nigga. Damn. What, you don't understand English or something?”
I sat down in a fairly clean corner and tried to understand what had happened. I didn't want to say too much around the cops, but now that they were gone, I could get to the bottom of all this.
Yolanda and I, after finally finding two glasses that weren't broken or chipped, got something to drink. I had her grab the baby and follow me upstairs to my room. I pulled all the ruined linen off so we could sit down, then I grabbed the remote off the side of the bed. After pushing a few buttons, the fake bookshelf on the right wall moved to the side, revealing an entire surveillance system.
“Damn, bitch. You like inch high private eye up in this joint. What the hell do you need with that many TVs?”
“You'll see in a minute. Just let me rewind this tape.”
We sat in silence as I began to rewind the tape. Yolanda fed the baby in the process. After the tape stopped, I pushed play and fast-forwarded through the day.
At around five, Carlos and two of his men came in snooping around my spot in search of something. I saw them take a tape out of the VCR after they watched it for a while. Carlos stuck the tape in his top pocket, and they searched around a little more before they left. I never turned the alarm on, but I clearly saw him pull keys out his pocket from the camera I had set up at my door. The tag looked like it came from Sean's shop. I made a mental note to go see him.
After they left, Tanya and the woman I met up at the prison showed up and started tearing up the place. Watching that woman in my son's room and seeing what she did burned me up inside, but I held it down. It didn't make sense to be mad now. Later on in the tape I saw the cops come in. Some of them pocketed my money and jewels. I shook my head in disgust at what was playing out in front of me. Hell, if you couldn't count on the law to have your back, then who could you count on?
Taking the tape from the VCR, I gathered all of my son's clothes into plastic bags, leaving everything I owned minus a few pairs of underclothes and some jeans. There would be a for sale sign out front tomorrow. I would hire someone to come and clean up this mess. Hill was right, I was done with this town.
I stayed with my sister for the time being, giving her a couple thousand for the inconvenience. Carlos acted innocent when he came around, and I told Yoyo not to worry about saying anything to him, just get him for all she could before we left. Within a month's time the house was cleaned out, and all of the damage restored. I left the mural up in the nursery, but painted the rest of the house neutral colors to satisfy the buyer. I was practically giving the house away, so it didn't take any time to get it off the market.
On our last day in Yolanda's apartment I sat alone and contemplated my life. I had to honestly admit to myself that I had caused a lot of the drama, but was I really that bad? Furthermore, did my son deserve to grow up without a fair chance? It didn't take me long to decide, I knew what I had to do.
“Come on, Yolanda. We have a plane to catch, but I have to make one stop first.”
“Monica, do you have to do this? Things will be better once we leave here.”
“Yoyo, I've already made up my mind. Now let's go. We have to have the cars over there two hours before lift off, and you know how long the lines get.” I took one last look at my sister's apartment, the place I had called home for the last two months. We would be making a new home in Atlanta, Georgia and I couldn't wait to get there. I had worn Philly out, and there would never be another like me around these parts for a long time.
I took in the city on my ride across town, burning certain landmarks into my mind. I was sad to go, but I knew I had to. There was nothing left here for me except for Jasmine and I had an ace in the hole that I was sure would end her relationship with James if things panned out as I suspected. I had to start over. I deserved a second chance at life and the baby deserved a fair chance at life, and that was what I was determined to provide, all while I waited to reel Jasmine in.

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