Mysterious Gift (8 page)

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Authors: Carlene Rae Dater

BOOK: Mysterious Gift
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The instant his toes touched bottom, he whirled around, spread her legs, and entered her. The coolness of the water combined with her heat was sweet torture. She wrapped her legs around his hips and started rocking, faster, faster, faster. He gritted his teeth, trying to hold on as long as he could. With a scream of pleasure, she came, crying his name. Her muscles clenched around him, causing exquisite bliss, and he exploded.

They stood in the shallow water, joined together, still rocking gently with the waves of the pool. Soon the undulations slowed then stopped. Darkness filled the area. Off in the distance, an owl hooted. Then it was silent again.

“Wow, we should do this more often.” Robin giggled as she gently disengaged from him. Brian’s legs felt like overused twine, and if he hadn’t been holding on to the side of the pool, he would have gone under.

“Give me a couple of minutes, and we’ll have a rematch.” He dipped below the surface to slick the hair off his face.

“I’d love it, but it’s getting late. We still have to pack and get organized for tomorrow.” She pulled herself up by the pool ladder and stood there, naked and beautiful, while she rung the water out of her long hair. He could barely see her in the darkness, but it was enough. He grew hard once again. He couldn’t wait to spend some time alone with her.

“Yeah, you’re right. Now we just have to find our clothes before one of the staff finds us out here butt naked.”

“I think it’s too late.” She gave him a pointed look, held up a flashlight, and clicked it on. On one of the chaises were two fluffy towels and a pile of their folded clothes.

He searched the darkness but saw no one. “Where the hell did they come from? Did you see anyone?” He was sorry now he’d ever doubted her.

Robin pulled the towel around her. “Nope, I was preoccupied.”

He grabbed their clothes while Robin lit the path, and in minutes they were inside his room.

“I’m going to take a shower and get the chlorine out of my hair, and I guess I’d better see what clothes they left me and pack.”

“Good idea. I’m almost ready. Come back in here when you’re finished. I sleep better with you beside me.” He patted her butt and headed for his bathroom. He didn’t make it.

“Brian! Come here!”

He shot across the room and entered hers. “What?”

“Look at these clothes. And look at this!” She held up a stack of Polaroid photos. Her green eyes sparkled like emeralds in a snowstorm. “Whoever bought all these outfits took pictures of the ensembles so I’d know what accessories to wear, even the jewelry.”

Brian took her chilled body in his arms. “See, honey, no one wants to get rid of you. They wouldn’t have gone to all this trouble if they did.” He spoke loudly, to make sure whoever was listening thought he believe Robin was flaky. They want to play game? Fine with him.

A grin decorated her face for a moment, then it was gone. She seemed to have a renewed sense of purpose.

“Yes, I suppose you must be right.” She smiled and stroked his chest. “I promise I won’t embarrass you in from of the duke.”

“The thought never entered my mind. Okay, get going, it’s late.” He turned and went back to his bedroom.

He had every intention of making love to her again, in his comfortable bed, but his all-day training combined with the physical activity in the pool worked better than a sleeping pill. He was out like a light and never felt her come to bed.

He awoke before the alarm went off and slipped out of bed. Might as well let the poor kid sleep; she’d had a rough day. He quickly showered, dressed, and put his filled Dopp kit in his valise before zipping it closed. He took the folder with him to read over in the dining room, and was on his second cup of coffee when Phelps walked into the room.

“Ah, Brain, there you are. All set for the big adventure?”

“Yes, I don’t think it will be a problem.”

Phelps’ head swiveled in an exaggerated manner. “And where is the delightful Nurse Guyer this morning?”

Before he could answer, Robin walked through the door. “I’m right here, all set to go.”

Robin wore an obviously expensive beige pantsuit with a scarf in colors of emerald, purple and gold draped around her neck. Shoulders back, she held her head high and exuded an air of supreme confidence.

She’d brushed her russet hair up into a sophisticated French twist and wore more makeup than he’d ever seen on her before, but it was subtle and emphasized her eyes and high cheekbone. Without a doubt, Robin Guyer was one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen.

Brian glanced at Phelps. The man’s mouth hung open, literally. He swallowed twice and finally got his tongue working. “My, my. You look….stunning. I wasn’t sure if the clothing Rosalie picked out would suit you, but apparently it does.” Phelps reached into his pocket and withdrew a handkerchief. “You will be an asset to Brian in his work, no doubt.” He wiped his brow and reached out to take Robin’s hand.

“Come, my dear, sit. I’ll have cook get you something to eat.” He pulled out a chair for her. “What would you like?”

“Just some fruit and coffee, please.”

Phelps nodded and left the room.

“Jeez, I didn’t think anything could fluster him.” Brian checked to make sure the opal in his ring was positioned correctly then took her hand, brought it to his lips, and kissed the back. She smelled of a light but exotic perfume. “I don’t know quite what you’ve done to yourself, honey, but I like it. You’re beautiful.” His heart beat fast in his chest, and he wanted to take her back to the bedroom and make love to her all day, all night—forever.

“While I was getting ready to go this morning, I remember a quote by Eleanor Roosevelt that my Grandma told me once. ‘No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.’” A gentle smile creased her face. “I decided to take control and not let anyone put me down, ever. Not even myself.” She brushed a bit of hair off Brian’s forehead.

In twos and threes, the rest of the staff and scientists wandered into the dining room to wish Robin and Brian God’s speed.

Brian was surprised when Rosalie Stein came up, hugged him, and kissed his cheek. Then she took both of his hands in hers. “Good luck to you, Brian. Enjoy Europe and rest. I’m sure everything will turn out well.” Rosalie smiled and stepped back. He slid the business card she’d pressed into his palm into his pocket.

Soon, they were hustled into the long black limo with Hunter behind the wheel, and they were off, heading toward Boston.

He waited until Hunter was preoccupied with driving, then pulled out the business card Rosalie had placed in his hand. On the front were four lines:


Horst Brunner


Zurich, Switzerland

41 1 0277 3445


When he flipped the card over, he saw two words written in ink.


For Removal


He slipped the card into his wallet and sighed with relief. He’d do this one job for the institute; he owed them that much for helping him to control his gift. Then, he and Robin would go off to explore and enjoy Europe. If Phelps became too demanding, or wanted him to do another job, he’d simply have the implant removed.

He sat back and enjoyed the scenery rolling by. Heck, he’d be in Zurich and could rent a safety deposit box for the implant. If Phelps became a problem, he’d simply turn the damn thing over to the FBI, or the CIA. Hadn’t they done mind control experiments in the past? Hell, maybe Phelps
the CIA. Brian suppressed a chuckle.

Brian wasn’t sure if he’d ever get his memory back. Right now, he was content. He’d learned to control his gift, and with Robin at his side, he knew he would be able to do anything.


The End





Author Bio


Carlene began her writing career as a journalist writing hard news, feature articles, and humorous essays. She has sold short stories to magazines in the horror, confession, religious, and humor markets. She has published three humorous mysteries, a romance, a romantic suspense novel, a straight mystery, a paranormal romantic suspense novel, and a non-fiction novel about her adventures as a volunteer at the San Diego Sheriff’s department. She teaches a monthly Writing Workshop and writes full time from her home in southern California where she lives with her husband and two huge Labrador retrievers. Visit her blogs:
, Facebook: Carlene Rae Dater and Twitter: A Mystery Writer





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