Mystery in San Francisco

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Authors: Charles Tang,Charles Tang

BOOK: Mystery in San Francisco
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The Mystery in San Francisco
Illustrated by Charles Tang
ALBERT WHITMAN & Company, Chicago


1 The Arrival

2 A Crooked Street

3 Sightseeing

4 Something Fishy

5 More Trouble

6 Out to Sea

7 Another Sighting

8 Sounds in the Night

9 The Fish That Got Away

10 The Catch of the Day

About the Author

The Arrival

here he is!” said six-year-old Benny.

The airport waiting room was crowded, but the Aldens all saw the man in the baseball cap.

Henry waved to him. “That’s Uncle Andy, all right.”

“But where’s Aunt Jane?” Jessie said.

The Aldens had come to San Francisco to visit their grandfather’s sister, Jane, and her husband, Andy Bean. Chattering excitedly, the children surrounded their uncle. He laughed as he hugged them.

“Where’s Aunt Jane?” ten-year-old Violet asked.

“She had some shopping to do,” Uncle Andy explained. “She’s going to meet us for lunch.”

Benny nodded. “Good,” he said. “I’m hungry.”

“We ate on the plane,” twelve-year-old Jessie reminded her brother.

“But Jessie, that was hours ago,” said Benny.

Uncle Andy laughed. “Same old Benny,” he teased. Then he said, “Let’s get your luggage.”

Fourteen-year-old Henry held up his duffel bag. “We carried everything on the plane with us,” he said.

Benny pointed over his shoulder. “All my stuff is in my backpack.”

“Well, then, let’s go,” Uncle Andy said.

On the way to the parking garage, he asked, “Did you have a nice trip?”

The Aldens said, “Yes!”

“I think you’ll enjoy San Francisco,” their uncle told them. “It’s an interesting city.”

He and Aunt Jane had been staying in San Francisco for the last few weeks. They would not return home until Uncle Andy had finished his business here.

“We’re happy you invited us,” Violet said.

Uncle Andy smiled. “We’re happy to have you,” he said. “I hope you’ve thought about what you want to do.”

“We each want to do something different,” Jessie said.

Henry nodded. “I’d like to see Chinatown. I’ve been reading about it.”

“I’d like to take a boat trip,” Violet told him. She had heard about sightseeing boat tours.

“The Golden Gate Bridge is my choice,” Jessie put in.

“And the cable cars!” Benny said. “Don’t forget the cable cars. They remind me of our boxcar.”

The Alden children used to live alone in a boxcar after their parents had died. Then their grandfather found them and took them to his beautiful home in Greenfield.

Uncle Andy nodded. “You’ll see all that and more.” He took out his car keys. “Here we are,” he said, and opened the trunk.

The Aldens piled their luggage inside. Then they all climbed into the car.

“Where are we going?” Benny asked.

Uncle Andy started the engine. “To Fisherman’s Wharf,” he said. “It’s a good place to begin our sightseeing.”

The Aldens looked at one another and smiled. With so much to do, they knew this would be a special trip.

Before long, they were in the city. The sun shone brightly on the bay. The tall buildings seemed to sparkle. Uncle Andy drove up one steep hill and down another.

“San Francisco sure is hilly,” Violet observed.

“Some people call it the City of Hills,” Uncle Andy said.

The car crested a hill and started down.

“They should call it roller-coaster city,” Benny said. Everyone laughed.

Soon Uncle Andy pulled into a parking space.

“There’s Aunt Jane!” Violet said.

Benny was the first one out of the car. “Aunt Jane!” he called, and ran toward the woman. The other Aldens hurried after him. Aunt Jane held out her arms. Benny hugged her.

“I’m so glad to see you all!” Aunt Jane said.

“We’re glad to see you, too,” Jessie said.

“If it’s okay with everyone, I thought we’d tour the pier first,” Aunt Jane said, smiling. “That way we’ll work up an appetite.”

They strolled along the brick sidewalk and under a sign that read PIER 39. The place was buzzing with activity. Here, an artist sketched a visitor. There, a group posed for a photo. Everywhere, people wandered along the wooden plank walkway. They went in and out of the small shops that lined both sides of the pier.

In one shop, Violet said, “We should buy a souvenir for Soo Lee.” Seven-year-old Soo Lee was the Aldens’ adopted cousin.

“I’m surprised she didn’t come with you,” Uncle Andy said.

“She wanted to come,” Jessie explained, “but she’s playing her violin in a concert this week.”

“She’s a really good violinist,” Benny put in.

“Cousin Joe has been teaching her to play,” Violet said.

“And Violet’s been helping her practice,” Henry added.

Aunt Jane nodded. “You children certainly know how to help people,” she said. “Just like your grandfather.”

“We should buy something for Grandfather, too,” Jessie said. She held up a T-shirt. On the front was a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge. “Do you think he’d like this?”

“You’ll be here a while,” Uncle Andy said. “Why don’t you wait to buy your gifts. We’ll be seeing so much more.”

At the far end of the pier, a carousel whirled, its music playing. There were colorful horses on two levels.

Benny was impressed. “I’ve never seen a merry-go-round with an upstairs and a downstairs,” he said.

Aunt Jane laughed. “How about a ride?” she said.

“Will you ride with us?” Jessie asked.

“Of course we will!” Uncle Andy answered.

The Aldens walked around the carousel. Each chose a horse to ride. Aunt Jane and Uncle Andy sat in a carriage shaped like Cinderella’s. The music started and off they went. Up and down. Around and around. The bright colors along the pier streaked and blurred. Above them, the sky was like a blue dome.

When the ride was over, everyone felt wobbly. “Let’s sit here until we get our land legs,” Uncle Andy said, pointing to a nearby bench.

Henry said, “If we’re like this from a ride on the merry-go-round, I wonder how we’d be after a ride in a boat.”

“You’ll soon see,” Uncle Andy said. “And let me tell you, the water can be pretty choppy out in the bay.”

After a few minutes, Aunt Jane stood up. “Let’s take a look at the water right now,” she said, and led the way to the far end of the pier.

The large, open deck was filled with people. Many of them had cameras. All of them were quiet as they looked out over the water. Far to the west, tall towers rose above the water.

“Is that the Golden Gate?” Jessie asked.

“That’s right,” Uncle Andy said. “It’s one of the longest suspension bridges in the world.”

The breeze picked up. It was chilly and damp and smelled of fish. After a while, Uncle Andy said, “Why don’t we go have some lunch. I know just the place.” He led them along the walk behind the shops. They heard a loud barking sound.

“What’s that?” Violet asked.

“Look over the rail and you’ll see,” Aunt Jane told them.

Below them, sea lions lounged on large, floating platforms. Their thick, dark coats were shiny with sunlight. As the children watched, a few sea lions slipped into the water. Some stood on their back flippers and barked. Others slept through the commotion.

“I wish I had some bread or something to feed them,” Benny said.

Jessie pointed to a sign. “It says don’t feed the sea lions.”

“They can take care of themselves,” Uncle Andy said.

“Judging from the size of them, they have plenty to eat,” Henry observed.

They continued along the way to a broad wooden staircase and climbed to the upper deck.

“The Eagle Cafe,” Uncle Andy said. They went inside and took a table beside a large window.

Jessie looked around at the white walls and the green tables. “This place looks old,” she said.

“It’s the oldest place on the pier,” Uncle Andy said. He told them the restaurant’s history.

While they waited for their lunch, they watched the boats bobbing in the water below them.

“Are those fishing boats?” Benny asked.

“Most are sailboats,” Aunt Jane answered. “They tie up here.”

Uncle Andy pointed to several smaller boats at the end of the dock. “Those few out there are fishing boats.”

Aunt Jane said, “But most of the fishing boats are down several blocks.”

After they had eaten a delicious lunch of hamburgers and french fries, Uncle Andy said, “We have a friend who owns a fishing boat. His name is Charlie. Let’s walk along the wharf. Maybe we’ll be able to find him.”

They walked west. Pigeons waddled at their feet. Gulls flew overhead, dipping and diving.

They hadn’t gone far when Uncle Andy said, “Oh, there’s Charlie!”

A short, stocky man stood on a pier beside a small fishing boat. On the side of the blue and white boat were the words
Charlie’s Chum.

“That must be Charlie’s boat,” Violet said.

“It is,” Andy said.

“Chum? Doesn’t that mean friend?” Benny asked. “That’s a strange name for a boat.”

“Charlie’s boat is like a friend to him,” Aunt Jane said.

“Chum also means bait,” Henry said.

Benny liked double meanings. “On second thought,” he said, “that’s a good name for a fishing boat.”

They headed down the long pier toward Charlie. Aunt Jane waved. Charlie saw them. He did not wave back. And he was frowning.

“Charlie, what are you doing here?” Uncle Andy asked as they approached. “Aren’t you usually docked down the way with the rest of the fishermen?”

Charlie nodded. “Herring season,” he explained. “They were overcrowded. A few of us agreed to dock here.”

“Charlie, I want you to meet my brother’s grandchildren,” Aunt Jane said. “They’ve been wanting to meet a fisherman.”

Charlie glanced at the Aldens. He nodded a greeting, but he did not smile. “Good you met me today,” he said. “I might not be a fisherman tomorrow.”

Uncle Andy cocked his head to one side. “More trouble?” he asked.

Charlie didn’t seem to hear the question. He looked over his shoulder. Henry followed his gaze. Not far away, a tall man in a dark suit and sunglasses leaned against a rail, staring at them. When Charlie caught his eye, he quickly looked away.

I wonder who that man is,
Henry thought.
He sure doesn’t seem dressed for a day at the pier.

“We just toured Pier Thirty-nine,” Aunt Jane said to Charlie, startling Henry out of his thoughts.

Charlie turned back to the Aldens. Shaking his head, he said, “Everybody wants to visit Pier Thirty-nine.”

“We liked it a lot,” Benny said.

“We’ve never seen anything quite like it,” Jessie added.

“It’s nothing but window dressing for the tourists,” Charlie said. “Wait till you get a taste of the real wharf.”

Down the way, a young woman called, “Charlie!” Her long, red hair glistened in the sunlight.

“I think someone’s calling you,” Violet said.

Charlie turned. “That’s Kate Kerry,” he said. “She’s working for me and going to school, too. Putting herself through college.” Then he added, “There’re some fish I have to fry,” and he hurried off without saying good-bye.

Puzzled, the Aldens watched him go.

“Charlie just isn’t himself these days,” Uncle Andy said as he shook his head.

A Crooked Street

ncle Andy suggested that they continue along the wharf. “I’ll show you where Charlie usually docks.”

They passed big sightseeing boats. Aunt Jane stopped at the ticket booths to collect information. “So well be prepared for our tour,” she explained.

A block away at open-air fish markets, men prepared giant crabs for steaming kettles. Inside, people sat at tables with checkered cloths enjoying fresh fish dishes.

They came to an open section. At the railing, Uncle Andy said, “Look down there.”

The Aldens looked over the side. Below them fishing boats — small and large — rocked beside high wooden posts. No docks separated the crafts.

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