Mystery's Choice (Vengeance Of The Fallen Book 1) (24 page)

BOOK: Mystery's Choice (Vengeance Of The Fallen Book 1)
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Felicity sat in the circle and trembled, this attack had been too close. She took a few cleansing breaths and picked up her cat to soothe her. Centered, she stood and called to the elements. Air brought a breeze to cleanse the room. Fire, made all of the candles in the room flare to life. Earth, sprung flowers up in the empty pots around the room that had been waiting for Spring. Water, brought a gentle rain to fall outside. Felicity cupped her hands and extended her arms upward.


“The sacred Three, my fortress be. Encircling me. Come and be round my hearth, my home. Fend thou my kin and every sleeping thing within from scathe, from sin. Thy care, our peace through mid of night to light’s release. As I will so mote it be.”  Felicity waved her hand over the candle in the center of her circle and it winked out.


She picked up Luna and slowly stepped out of the circle. Luna struggled out of her arms to wind between her feet as she walked. Satisfied she would be safe for the night, she went to reheat her pizza.



Ryan watched as the sunlight slowly lit his brother’s bedroom. As he lay looking at his brother’s fiancée sleeping, he tried to feel guilty, but he couldn’t. She was his and he would fight to keep her. He would fight his brother, but more importantly he would fight Cain. Somehow, together Mystery and he would keep Seth safe. He reached over and gently circled the tip of one breast. She shifted in her sleep to give him access to the other. He showed it the same attention. When he looked up she slowly opened her eyes and he leaned over to kiss her.


“I wish we could stay like this forever,” she whispered as he settled her into the crook of his arm.


“So do I.”


“I wish….” She looked away.


“We agreed, no regrets, no guilt, just honesty.”  He hugged her tightly.


“Okay.” She pushed out of his arms, “In that case, its time for our morning run.”  She got out of bed and unselfconsciously sauntered over to the dresser. Turning to make sure he was watching, she bent over to open the bottom drawer. She turned around slowly and swung her leg up on the bedroom chair. His eyes followed her hands as she smoothed on her sock and she smiled as she did the other sock. She opened the first drawer and took out a pair of lacy panties. Mystery slowly pulled them on and he lunged for her. She nimbly dodged him and he thudded into the dresser. Mystery simply shook her finger at him and pushed him into the chair. She reached into the dresser and pulled out a lacy bra. Ryan’s pupils dilated as she rubbed the lace across first one breast and then the other causing her nipples to harden. Liking the sensation she dropped the bra and used her fingers to harden them more. Seeing the look in Ryan’s eyes she decided to push it farther by putting her finger in her mouth and sucking, the other hand still fingering her breasts. She slowly removed her finger from her mouth and trailed it down her abdomen to the top of her panties. She made sure Ryan was following her finger, she glanced up and their eyes locked. Without looking away she slid her finger inside the lacy waistband and found herself. She widened her legs to allow better access and began to stroke herself. As her breathing quickened she never looked away from Ryan. She began to shudder and she moaned as the friction built. She flung her head back, crying out as she came. Ryan grabbed her and pulled her to the floor, ripping off her panties as he forced her legs apart with his knee. His mouth caught her startled scream as he pushed into her and she came again. He thrust furiously and when she reached for his shoulders he took her arms and pressed them over her head, pinning them there. He licked her throat and moved his mouth slowly to her breasts, licking lightly over her nipples. He reared his head back and shouted as they both went over the edge together.



As the rest of their two weeks passed they fell into a routine. They spent time during the day taking walks, going to the zoo and museums in Denver. In the evening they fought demons side by side, sending them shrieking back to Hell. And each night, they made love until they collapsed, and they slept in each other’s arms.


Each night when Seth called they struggled to make it sound like nothing had changed. Both of them hated to lie to him, so the phone calls were always short and tense. Mystery began to wonder if he had figured out she and Ryan were together. Ryan thought he hadn’t, because Seth didn’t want to know.


On their last night together, as they lay in each other’s arms, they both knew the time had come to discuss what they were going to do when Seth came home.


“I think we should tell him tonight when he calls.”  Mystery said so softly Ryan barely heard her.


“No. It will devastate him.”  Ryan whispered back. “I think we should wait.”


“I want to be with you!  I won’t wait, I won’t waste a moment of our time, hoping for a good time to tell him, while months go by.”  She sat up. “Besides, if I send him away they might leave him alone. He could get set up to finish his residency at another hospital. He could start his life over without all of this mess.”


“Mystery, you know the only reason they haven’t killed him is because you protect him.”  He rubbed her tense shoulders. “He trusted us, we can’t tell him while he’s a thousand miles away he was wrong. It’ll destroy him.”


“I can’t protect him. I don’t want to hurt him, but I don’t want to go through the charade of picking him up at the airport like everything’s fine. I don’t want him to think we are going back to the life we had before he left again. He keeps promising he won’t leave and he does. The trust is gone. I just want him to go for good!”  She took Ryan’s face in her hands. “I don’t love him anymore. I love you.”  Mystery dropped her hands and turned away, tears sliding down her face.”  I want to be with you. I was with the wrong brother before; you are who I belong with. Can’t you feel it, Ryan?  Can’t you feel how right we are? Like it was always meant to be.”  She rested her head in his lap.


“You do love him, you share a child.”  He played with her hair. “I know you love me, but a part of you will always love Seth. He needs us to survive, he can’t protect himself.”  He pulled her up into his arms. “I will let you go to pick him up tomorrow and then once he is settled, I’ll come over from the hotel and we will talk to him. The last thing we need is for him to leave here and we don’t know where he is again.”


“I wish I had met you first. And we shared Jeremiah. That Seth had never been a part of this, and he was safe.”


“I know you do, but we still owe Seth more than we will be able to give him. The least we can do is destroy his world in the comfort of his own home.”  He pulled her gown over her shoulders. “We will protect him and maybe when this is all over, he will be able to start his life over again, somewhere far away from us and the memories of our betrayal.”


Mystery cried as he lowered her on the bed. This would never be over.






The next morning Mystery stood in the crowded terminal and waited for Seth to come off the plane. She blushed with shame as she realized a part of her hoped he had run again and he wouldn’t get off the plane. She knew Ryan was right, but she wished desperately he were standing beside her, holding her hand, telling her it would be all right. She wanted to feel safe; she wanted to feel like she wasn’t the only thing standing between her and disaster. With Seth, she felt alone, because she was all was standing between him and a gruesome death. She was tired of having to be the protector; for once she wanted to be protected. She blanched as she realized she resented Seth for not being able to defend her. She knew in her heart he would if he could. Tears of frustration welled in her eyes. Damn Cain for putting them all through this!  If he hadn’t come into their lives, she would never have met Ryan or if she had she would have been happily married to Seth already. She could hear the wind howling in commiseration with her and it began to snow. She was still lost in thought, when Seth called her name. She felt a surge of something for him, maybe love maybe not, and confused she began to cry harder. As she stepped into Seth’s hug, she hoped he thought she was crying because she was happy to see him.


They went to get his bags and began the 40-mile drive from the airport back to Boulder. Seth was concentrating on the storm so; she tilted the seat back and drifted off to sleep.


A myriad of corridors stretched out toward a blood red horizon. Anguished cries croaked from the eternally entombed suspended in the walls. “Water! Water!”  A collective sigh was emitted as dark clouds slithered across the crimson sky and thunder boomed in the distance. Parched lips parted awaiting the ecstasy they dreamt was hidden within the shadowed clouds.


Abruptly, as if an unseen seam had burst, blood poured from the clouds drenching those entombed in the walls. Harsh laughter echoed through the maze as the cries began again.


Mystery turned in terror to look behind her, desperately seeking another way out. Seeing none, she gingerly stepped forward, agony spilling from her as the earth singed her bare feet.


“Careful, one false step and you will find yourself entombed with the others,” Legion whispered cagily as they followed at her heels.


As she pressed her way into the maze, the smell of frying flesh slinked its way into her nose. Her skin gleamed with sweat as the air around her began to heat. Mystery screamed and leapt away as one of the damned grabbed at her shoulder.


“Help me!”  Came the parched plea. “Please, Mystery, help me!”


Mystery’s mouth opened to scream as her green eyes met Seth’s tortured grey ones. The sound stifled as she gawked at Seth’s emaciated body wedged into the wall. Scaly, little beasts ate at what flesh remained on the scorched bones.


She whirled to flee and was stopped by a delicate, exquisitely manicured hand. Her gaze followed along the skeletal remains of an arm, and into the pain-filled depths of Sarah’s eyes.


“I told your father nothing good could come of bringing you into our lives! I told him!”  Sarah rasped accusingly.


Mystery covered her ears and fled down the corridor. When the ground went out from under her she grabbed a hold of the outstretched arms of one of the damned. Gasping for air, she pulled herself from the chasm, which had opened up in the floor, onto the undamaged edge, and pulled her knees to her. Frustrated tears coursed down her colorless cheeks and she rested her head against the wall.


“I can’t do this.”  She whispered to herself.


“You must.”  A voice above her said.


Mystery looked up and into the agonized eyes of Ryan. Flesh was hanging from his outstretched arms where she had pulled it lose from gripping them to stop her fall.


“You must.”  Ryan whispered.


Mystery woke up screaming, causing Seth to swerve. He pulled the car onto the shoulder and ran around the car to pull Mystery into his arms. She was trembling and crying. He knew from past experiences all he could do was hold her until she pulled herself together. She tentatively wrapped her arms around him and buried her head in his chest. When she was calm again, Seth went around and got in the car and finished driving them home.


Mystery stared out into the snow and wished for the millionth time this were all just a nightmare.


She helped Seth bring in his bags and went to make some coffee when they got back to the house. Mystery made sure to keep her distance from Seth and chattered. She told him about the card she had sent Felicity and about the attack Nergal had made on her life. She chattered about the fact they were running low on coffee and creamer. Seth settled at the table and just watched her; when she looked up she saw the sad look on his face, and she knew Seth could tell what was coming. She wished again there were a way to do this without hurting him. She sat his coffee in front of him and he took her hand. She slid it loose when the doorbell rang. Seth buried his face in his hands as Mystery went to let Ryan in. Mystery opened the door and stepped back to let Ryan in. He looked into her face and stopped her as she turned to head back to the kitchen.


“What happened?”


“First, I had one of the most realistic and horrible dreams I’ve had since this thing started. Second, Seth knows what’s coming.”


Ryan leaned in and gave her a quick kiss and rubbed her arms. She turned and headed back into the kitchen, Ryan followed her. Seth looked up when they walked into the room, he noticed how they moved as a unit and he closed his eyes against it; maybe he was just imagining things. Mystery went to the coffee pot and poured Ryan a cup and poured one for herself, then she came and sat next to Ryan at the table. Seth tried to catch her eyes, but she looked down into her coffee.


“Seth, I’m guessing you have already figured out what’s going on.”  Ryan took a sip of his coffee, hoping it would open up his throat.


“Yes.”  Seth sipped his coffee and looked into his brother’s eyes. “I know you fell in love while you were here facing things, after I ran away. I know you have been denying yourselves so you wouldn’t hurt me.”  He looked over at Mystery and when she wouldn’t look up, he took her hand. When she looked at him he continued. “I had hoped Mystery and I could find what we had before all of this, before I ran. But every time I looked into her eyes she would look away. And I knew the only thing I could do was leave you alone to find out if what you thought you were feeling was real.”  He looked at Ryan again. “I had my answer the minute you walked into the room together. You were a team in ways Mystery and I never were.”


“I never meant for this to happen, Seth.”  Mystery squeezed his hand.

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