Mysty McPartland (12 page)

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Authors: My Angel My Hell

BOOK: Mysty McPartland
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Damn man, if he thinks by marrying me I am going to be his personal slave he has another thing coming. Comfort indeed. Like hell, I’ll give him comfort.
Gleefully, she plotted her strategy.
Oh this was sure going to be a lot of fun.

Pleased at first with her answer, he smiled, but it slowly faded as he watched with narrowed eyes as she rushed away. She gave in to easily and that made him wary. He could swear that she would be up to something and as he slowly made his way back to his men, promised himself that he would watch her very carefully.


Chapter Thirteen


Somehow his wife had managed to turn his life into hell, within a month of bringing her home nothing in his existence was the same. His clan has finally grown used to her beauty and no longer went wandering around in a daze. Now they followed her around hoping for a crumb of attention from her like eager, little puppies. Day and night, his hall was in chaos, his food was either too salty or too bland, his bath water nearly always cold. And he knew the little witch was behind all the discomfort he was suffering and it had all started the day he found her playing with the children.

He just wished he knew how t
o get his orderly life back again. But nothing he said to her seemed to make one wit of difference. If he complained about the food being too salty the next meal was as tasteless as paper. And so it went, if he complained about the hall being in an uproar and untidy the next day it was even worse. And the damn wench always seemed to have a reasonable excuse for everything.

The only complaint he didn’t have was h
er reaction to him when they were alone in their bedchamber. She welcomed his love making with enthusiasm that left him breathless and she never denied him. It was his own reaction that frustrated him, every time they made love he lost control of his body and his thoughts and always he was left weakened and mindless by the experience.

, at least the only thing he could think of that was good in this hell he lived in was that now he could look at her and not lose his sanity or his thoughts completely. At this moment though, he somehow needed to find a way to get his life back to normal. What it was, he didn’t have a clue yet, but he was clever, he would come up with something and it better be damn soon.

From beneath lowered lids
, he watched her sitting in front of the blazing fire across the hall. Her exquisite face was wreathed in a smile of sunshine as she spoke to the group of children siting, worshiping at her feet. Nay doubt she was telling them some frivolous tale about a damsel in distress and a heroic white knight. He snorted in disgust.

She filled the children’s head
s with utter nonsense, yet they always kept coming back for more. On wet, blustery days the hall was filled with young and old and they always attended her every word with eager relish. Even his men and it was a pitiful sight.

As he continued to stare at her, his cock started to rise
beneath his kilt and he glared even harder hoping she would look his way so he could signal to her that he wanted to take her upstairs to their chamber and make love to her for what was left of the stormy afternoon.

Dalla gritted her teeth when she continued to feel her husband’s gaze bore into her. She sniffed knowing exactly what he wanted, but she refused to slack his lust even though her own body was fighting her. He had to learn that she wasn’t a convenience he could use whenever he desired. She wanted more and by damn she would have it.

Oh, s
he knew it was wrong to deny him but, he was going to learn he couldn’t have everything his own way
It had been weeks now since he made that selfish demand about comfort. He also needed to realize that she was a wife and not his personal slave or whore.
I wonder how long it will take the dense man to finally understand that very fact.

It didn’t look as though it would be anytime soon. Sitting up she sighed, until he did, she wasn’t going to change anything, she would continue as she has until he got it into his thick skull. She came to the end of her story, seeing he had finally stopped glaring at her and his attention was on Duncan, she bid everyone goodbye and hurried upstairs to her waiting bath.

While she lay in her
tub, she laughed softly; her poor man had been living in misery since the day he ordered her to see to his comfort. He always looked confused and apprehensive whenever he came into the hall and when he stared down at his supper he always wore an expression of wariness.

The room growing chilly, she quickly finished with her bath and stepped out of the tub. Once she was dried and dressed, she sat on the window seat and brushed her hair. Her mind was full of the wonder over what she shared each night with him; it still astounded her that she found such pleasure in his arms.

With a
desirous sigh she put down the brush, she knew that it wouldn’t be long before he joined her in their bedchamber. And just thinking about what would happen between them sent the heat swimming through her blood. It was shameful, yet she could not deny she wanted him to make love to her and she wished the dratted man would hurry himself upstairs.

, it was a pitiful fact that only a short time ago she wasn’t going to let him slack his lust inside her. Now she knew that by denying him, she would only make herself suffer as well. Lord help her, she was truly a pathetic, wanton woman however, it would be pointless to keep fighting the pleasure they found in each other’s arms.


Several mornings later while he stood just inside the doorway, Tarrel stared at his wife and the children surrounding her. He shook his head as he glanced away from her and over the hall. Tables still held dirty dishes and chairs were scattered. There were no servants about and he wondered where they all were. This couldn’t go on he thought, enough was enough.

Jaw clenched it was now to get his life back in order, he moved down the steps and over to her and the children. “’Tis over, wife. Children, off home with ye now.” Eyes narrowed he waited for the hall to empty before he returned his attention to her.

Not at all surprised by her husband’s displeasure she smiled sweetly up at him.
Ah, it seems he has finally had as much as he can stand.
Unperturbed by his annoyance, leaning back in her chair, she continued to stare up at him nonchalantly. “Was that really necessary? If ye wanted to speak to me there was nay reason to scare the poor children half to death.”

With his hands
clasped behind his back, he glared down at her. “Where are the servants? And why has the hall nay been cleared after our morning meal?” He spoke sternly and when she smiled again, he swiftly glanced away.

“I sent them of
f to have their own meal and told them not to hurry back since there was plenty of time to clean up before noon.” She shrugged her shoulders, but couldn’t help grin when he refused to look at her.

e finally discovered the reason why he could not gaze at her and found it highly amusing. She only found out because she overheard a few female servants discussing it and she thought it immensely funny. It seemed her husband couldn’t look at her because his mind became muddled when he did.

gritting his teeth in exasperation over her answer, he tried to hold on to his temper. “The servants are here to work nay enjoy a leisurely breakfast and as for having plenty of time to clean up this mess,” he waved his hand to make his point. “’Tis already near noon and nay only will my men be here shortly, but so will ye father.”

he mention of her father, she jumped to her feet and squealed in delight. “Father is coming here? Och, I canna wait to see him!” she was about to rush out the hall, but he grasped her arm keeping her at his side.

Irritated at f
eeling a spiral of jealously snake through him at the joy he heard at the mention of seeing her father, he forced himself to push it aside the ridiculous sentiment. “Before ye greet ye father, call the servants and have them clean the hall. I willna be shamed over ye lack of care to my home.” Seeing her pale and then lift her chin in anger, he sighed. Dropping her arm, he walked away before he apologized like a simpleton for speaking to her so harshly.
Damn woman makes me forget my own anger.
Disgusted at himself, he opened the door and stepped outside.

Annoyed over h
is harsh tone, she watched him storm away, but when the door closed behind him, smiled and hurried to find the servants and have a few words with cook. She couldn’t serve the horrible meals that they have been having to her father.
Oh, it will be wonderful to see him again, she missed him terribly and she wanted to hear all the news from home.

quickly telling the servants that her father was about to arrive and the hall needed cleaning and a bedroom must be aired for him. She went to the cook and, after explaining what she wanted for the noon meal and supper, she spent a few moments sharing pleasantries with him.

Even though
she wanted to be outside to greet her father, she did not want to upset the poor man by rushing off. He was a dear fellow, but lonely and as she stood listening to him an idea came to her and she smiled. Aye, that’s what this nice man needed and when she found time she would find the perfect wife for him. After leaving him, she hurried outside.

she stood beside her husband and waited impatiently for her father to arrive, when he came through the gates, she was about to hurry down the steps when she noticed Robert at his side. With a cry of joy, she rushed down them and when her father stood beside his horse, threw herself in his arms. “Och, Papa, I’m so happy to see ye!”

Kevin hugged his daughter and kissed her cheek. “And I too am pleased to see ye, lass. I have missed ye sorely.” He gave her another hug and put her down.

her father placed her back on her feet, she turned to the handsome man standing a few feet away and smiled at him with joy, without thinking or hesitating she went into his arms. “Oh, Robert, I’m happy to see ye too.”

forced himself to hide his rage and hugged her back, he was furious when he noticed she was glowing with happiness and it wasn’t just seeing him and her father that put it there. Out of spite he lifted her chin and placed a tender kiss on her lips. “Och, Dalla, it broke my heart when I came home and found that ye were already wed.”

Stunned and shamed over the deplorable behavior of his daughter and hearing the shocked gasps, Kevin blushed, he loudly cleared his throat and taking her arm tugged her out of Roberts embrace. “Ye are both behaving unseemly. Ye forget she is a married woman, Sir.” He hissed at them.

Tarrel stood on the steps and watched his wife hurry to greet her
father; once again he felt the swelling of jealousy rise up inside him. But it was her greeting to the good looking blonde man that sent it sky high and his anger blazed out of control. He was sickened to the pit of his stomach when he witnessed the embrace between them.

It was only with a supreme effo
rt that he managed to control himself. Only when he saw Laird McBain pull his daughter out of the other man’s arms did he move down to greet his father-in-law. When he reached them, he wrapped an arm around his wife’s waist and hauled her up tightly against him, ignoring her soft gasp. “’Tis a pleasure to have ye in my home, Kevin.” He shook his hand and rudely ignored the blonde man.

Robert stiffened with loathing as he watched the tall dark headed man take possession of the woman he planned to wed. He was insulted when the laird rudely snubbed him.

Unaware of the animosity between her husband and Robert, Dalla glanced around and suddenly noticed
her cousin. Her jaw clenched and her eyes narrowed, why on earth did her father have to bring that woman here? It didn’t take her long to guess, one look at her cousin’s sultry face knew exactly why Lisa was here. She snorted as she watched the other woman ungracefully dismount.

When her presence went unnoticed,
Lisa angrily struggled from her horse and once her feet were on the ground, fussed a few moments with her gown and hair; satisfied she seductively strolled forward and pushed Sir Robert out of the way.

Dalla, Laird Tarrel.” She gave her cousin a forced smile as she greeted her, but when she turned to her cousin’s husband, she smiled brilliantly and stepping forward, placing a lingering kiss on his cheek. “’Tis truly a pleasure to see ye again, Tarrel.” She whispered flirtatiously so only he could hear.

He scowled in displeasure while he regarded the red haired woman who had come toward him with her hips swinging in blatant invitation and knew that more trouble was about to erupt into his life. He ignored her kiss and greeting, he felt his wife stiffen against him and squeezed her waist. “’Tis seems ye have bought a few guests with ye, Kevin. They are welcome to stay as ye are, but I’m afraid they will have to be content with residing in some of the vacant cottages.”

Surprised over her
husband’s words, Dalla turned to gaze up at him, when she saw the coldness on his face decided not to argue with him in front of the others.

Quickly calling for Duncan, he told him to show their two visitors to some empty cottages and once they were walking away, he led his wife and father-in-law inside.

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