Nailed (2 page)

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Authors: Desiree Holt

BOOK: Nailed
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The man with his cock in the woman’s mouth had just climaxed
and he could tell the woman was about to reach her own orgasm when he heard
that low voice at his shoulder.

“You must tip Marco under the table.”

“Oh?” He looked up and down every inch of her body. “Why do
you say that?”

“He seldom gives anyone, Dom or sub, such high marks. You’re
either very influential or very good.”

Tyler couldn’t help the wolfish grin. “Definitely very

She cocked her head. “Well then. I have a little more than
thirty minutes free. Shall we see if you live up to your reputation?”

“That doesn’t give us a lot of time,” he protested. He had
so many things he wanted to do to her. With her. Her light scent, sandalwood
and something indefinable, drifted across his nostrils and he had to stop
himself from drawing in a long breath.

“If you’re that good,” she teased, “you should be very
inventive, too.”

“Oh, I am. Definitely.”

She led him down the short hallway to the last room on the
right, swiped her key card and opened the door. When he stepped inside Tyler’s
senses were immediately swamped by the same scent that enveloped Flame, only
here it was stronger. He closed the door behind him and studied the room.

Thick navy carpeting on the floor complemented the soft blue
walls. At various points manacles hung on chains from the ceiling. There was
every possible kind of equipment available and ready to use, and a carved chest
that he was sure held whatever toys a person would need. Flame was obviously
well-grounded in BDSM and had prepared her room for every eventuality.

He waited, watching her to see what she would do next.
Waiting to see which Flame would appear. He liked a kickass woman but not in
the bedroom. There she had to be strong but submissive. He held his breath as
he waited.

Finally she turned to face him and gracefully dropped to her
knees, hands behind her back, eyes lowered in the typical submissive pose. His
heart began to pound in anticipation. Especially with her next words.

“I am yours, Master. Tell me how I may please you?”

Chapter Two


Flame waited with barely leashed impatience. Her heart
pounded with anticipation and the pulse in her womb throbbed insistently. She
knew how wet she was, even spilling onto her inner thighs. The instant sexual
attraction between them was so explosive it nearly shattered her control. She
would need to guard herself with him even as she craved what she hoped he could
give her.

Despite what she had said to Tyler, she knew all about him.
Did he not know women talked? Nearly every sub who came to Finesse, at least
the ones she knew, described him in such ecstatic terms she began to wonder if
the man was real. No one could be that masterful, that inventive, that sexually
satisfying and still have a tender side to him. Especially after she heard some
of things he liked to do with his subs.

No one could be that good. That perfect. If he was, why
hadn’t some woman forged a permanent relationship with him? Or was he one of
those men who could only give sexually but not emotionally? She’d been there,
done that and had the t-shirt and more. Much more. That situation was what had
prompted the emergence of Flame, her persona as a switch, and the hard work it
had taken to achieve her status at Finesse.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

But here she was unexpectedly alone with him, nearly
drooling at the sight of him, her desire to please him raging through her. Tall
and broad-shouldered, his granite-jawed face with its piercing, deep-brown eyes
was topped with hair so blond it looked like corn silk. She was already
visualizing what was beneath the tailored shirt and silk slacks he wore.

Complicating the situation was that charge of electricity
sizzling in the air between them. She was sure he felt it too. It was too
strong to be one-sided. And underlying it was the hint of an emotional
connection that set off alarm bells in her head. No emotions, she silently
reminded herself. That wasn’t what this was about. If she was smart she’d tell
him she’d changed her mind and usher him out of the room. Then run as far from
him as she could get.

“We need to establish some ground rules.”

She wanted to tell him they didn’t have enough time for
ground rules, they had barely more than half an hour. But he was in charge and
that thought alone thrilled her.

His voice was low and even, full of authority, but at the
same time with a seductive quality that made her suddenly want to throw herself
at his feet and tell him she’d do whatever he wanted. She was there to please
him. Even with her other Doms, while she acted the part, giving in to the
submissive side of her nature—the
side—she had willingly submitted
while holding back a good part of herself. She was greatly afraid with this man
that would not be possible. He would demand everything of her and she’d be
powerless to resist.

“First, your safe word.”

She cleared her throat. “Fire.”

“Fire?” he repeated. “Ahh, as in Flame.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Second. We have limited time tonight. That means we’re able
to do less than I’d like. It’s possible only one of us will receive
satisfaction. I’m sure you know which of us that will be.”

Not me, but I don’t care. And why don’t I? How could a
man affect me this strongly after just a few minutes and literally no

“It would please me greatly to bring you to climax.”

Interesting that she meant every word of it. She’d thought
herself a true submissive until the disastrous relationship with Edward had her
questioning herself. Remolding herself as a switch and playing both roles was
cathartic, but now deep inside her the true submissive was peeking out. What
was it about this man that turned her inside out like this in so few moments

“I’m glad to hear that. Stand up now.”

She rose to her feet, hands still behind her back. She’d
learned how to do that without being awkward or clumsy. Edward had certainly
drilled it into her.

“You may look at me.”

She raised her eyes and nearly lost her breath at the hunger
she saw burning in his. Thirty minutes would be barely enough for them to
scratch the surface.

“I want you to take off my shirt carefully, fold it and put
it neatly on the chair against the wall.”

She was proud of the fact her hands barely trembled as she
complied with his order. She was so turned on from just being with him that she
had trouble controlling herself. She unbuttoned his shirt, slid it from his
broad shoulders and disposed of it as he’d requested. Then she took a good look
at his chest and her breath lodged in her throat. He was solid muscle
everywhere. The wall of his chest was matted with whorls of hair that looked
like spun gold. And barely concealed were large nipples of dusky-brown.

She ran her tongue over her lower lip, hungry for a taste of

“You may touch me,” he told her. “I want you to. Put your
mouth on each of my nipples and suck them the way you like yours sucked. Do to
me what you wish I’d do to you.”

Her luxurious red hair fell around her face like a curtain
as she leaned forward and took one of his nipples in her mouth. The moment she
gently closed her teeth around the bud Tyler felt electricity sizzle through
him to every part of his body, even his balls. He could almost hear his dick
begging for her to put her mouth on it.

Flame licked the pebbled bud, swirling her tongue over and
around it, alternating with gentle nips. When she had teased it and tormented
it for a few moments she moved to the other nipple, giving it the same
treatment. Tyler gritted his teeth to maintain some thread of control. The
woman had the mouth of an angel—or a devil—and knew how to use it. He’d been
with a lot of women but he knew already none of them could compare to Flame,
who burned so brightly.

“Step back now.” His voice had a taut, strangled sound.
Good. She was getting to him.

She took one step backward and stood with her eyes lowered
and her hands behind her back. She could see an impressive bulge at his fly and
her mouth watered at what she’d see when he was naked. For the first time since
agreeing to this spur of the moment session she regretted not having more time
to spend with him.

Stop it. Don’t go there. You know what happens.

“Remove the bustier and toss it to the side. But do it
slowly. And leave the boots on.”

She took her time undoing the laces, opening them with
tantalizing slowness. She could hear the rasp of his breath as his breathing
quickened. Saw the flex of his cock behind the fabric of his slacks. He’d
tasted so good when she worked his nipples she wanted to lick him all over his
body. Especially that impressive bulge.

She tossed the bustier to the side then stood there, eyes still
downcast, hands behind her back, waiting for his next command. She could almost
feel the slide of his gaze over her body. For the first time in ages she
wondered how he saw her. If he approved. Did he think her curves too full? Her
breasts imperfect? The freckles on her skin a turnoff?

Stop, stop, stop. Don’t go there again.

“Hold your breasts out to me in your palms while I finish
undressing,” he commanded. “Rub your thumbs over your nipples. Make them stand
out. Hard. For me. You may lift your gaze and watch me.”

Obediently she cradled her breasts in her hands and rasped
her thumbs over the taut peaks. Heat surged straight to her pussy, more because
he was watching her than from the act itself. A lot of Doms requested this and
while it always stimulated her, this was far beyond anything she’d felt before.

And when he’d removed the rest of his clothes, she swallowed
a gasp at the sight of him completely nude. The cock that sprang from the nest
of dark-golden curls was beyond magnificent—long and thick with a rich purple
color to the head. She could hardly wait to get her mouth around it.

“On your knees,” he ordered. “Now.”

She lowered herself to the submissive pose, awaiting his
next order.

“Take my cock in your hand and put your mouth on it.”

She had to stop herself from thanking him. Wrapping her
fingers around him, she opened her mouth wide and slid his shaft over her
tongue. Oh lord. He filled her mouth to capacity and tasted as good as he
looked. The scent of his musk filled her nostrils. Her pussy throbbed and every
nerve in her body danced. With a skill born of practice, she moved her lips
back and forth on the velvet-covered steel, swirling her tongue around it each
time she withdrew.

“You have a very talented mouth,” he told her. “It gives me
much pleasure. Suck harder, Flame. Stroke faster. Cup my balls.”

Warmed by his praise, she did as he ordered, increasing the
rhythm of her hand and drawing his cock more deeply into her mouth. Sliding one
hand between his hard thighs, she cupped his balls and rolled them in her
fingers. The groan that broke from his mouth let her know exactly how much he
was enjoying it.

As much as I am.

How many times had she performed this act before? But never
with this inner burst of heat and desire. When he gripped her head and moved it
away from his body, she looked up at him, surprised and stunned. Had she
somehow done something wrong?

“Did I displease you in some way, Master?”

“No.” he shook his head. “Just the opposite. But we need
more time than we have for you to use your mouth on me the way I want. Answer a
question for me.” His gaze burned into her. “With unlimited time I like to test
my subs, try different things with them until I find what gives us both
pleasure. But since we have so little time we need to change things up. So I
ask you. What drives you to orgasm the fastest? Just being restrained? What
toys work best on you?”

Whatever it was she was feeling for him suddenly became
stronger, stunning her. It wasn’t very often Doms asked their subs what turned
them on. Maybe after several sessions habits had developed but usually the
decision was always the Dom’s. No wonder Tyler’s subs raved about him the way
they did.

When she didn’t answer him he cupped her chin and tilted her
head up to him. “A good and obedient sub always answers her Master’s questions.
Now. What makes you come the fastest?”

She hesitated before she spoke and then she barely whispered
her answer. “The crop.”

“Flame?” His fingers tightened on her chin. “I can hardly
hear you. Is there a problem with you answering me? If I want to know
something, if I ask you something, there is no wrong answer. So tell me, Flame,
in a loud, clear voice, what it is you love the most.”

“The crop.” Her voice was stronger this time. After all, he
had cared enough to ask. “I love the feel of the crop on my ass.”
Maybe too

“Does it make your pussy cream? Your clit swell? Tell me.”

“Yes. All of that.” Just the thought of him applying the
crop to her heated her blood.

“Good. This is your room so fetch me the one you’d like me
to use.”

She rose to her feet and went to one wall where she kept a
multitude of instruments and objects displayed in racks. She studied a group of
crops before selecting a favorite one and handing it to him. It was about an
inch thick and covered from handle to tip with thick braided leather. She
watched him heft it, testing its weight in his hands before looking around the

Pain was an aphrodisiac to her. She tried to choose her Doms
carefully so none of them took it over the top.

Been there, done that, got the t-shirt to remember it.

She had to believe Tyler didn’t fall into that category or
Marco, who knew her history, would have intervened. Her eyes followed him as he
moved around her, scanning the room. When he spotted a thick padded bench
outfitted with cuffs he pointed to it.

“There,” he indicated. “Bend over that bench, legs wide
apart, hands down so I can fasten the cuffs around them.” He pulled a condom
from the large glass bowl where she kept them as he followed her to the bench.

She arranged herself as he’d ordered, feeling the familiar
warmth of the leather, waiting expectantly for what came next. Tyler stood
behind her, running one hand over the curve of her ass and between her thighs.
One lean finger stroked her slit and rimmed the opening of her vagina. Flame
had to grit her teeth to keep from pushing herself down on it. He hadn’t, after
all, given her permission yet to do it and the submissive part of her would
never violate that. But oh, how she wanted to. More than any other man she’d
ever been with.

Tyler took the manacles and fastened them around her ankles
and wrists. After testing them to confirm they were secure, he picked up the
crop he’d placed on the floor where she could see it.

“Now we begin,” he said, running the crop once over her
smooth flesh.

She jolted when he laid the first stroke on her ass and at
once the erotic heat blossomed and spread through her body. Then he did it
again and again. Occasionally he took a moment to reach between her thighs to
check her cunt, grunting when he found it dripping wet. Tormenting her a little
more each time, he made sure to give her clit a little rub and pinch. Flame had
all she could do to contain herself.

He applied the strokes more rapidly now, the level of heat
increasing and spreading to her thighs and into the slick channel of her pussy.
She didn’t swallow her cries of pain, knowing how stimulating they were to a
Dom. Nor did she try to stem the flood of tears running down her cheeks.
Endorphins flooded her system, ramping up her desire. Every strike of the crop
carried her into that place where pain and pleasure mingled in an erotic
cocktail. She teetered so close to release, she ground her teeth in
frustration. She never used her safe word. She saved that for extreme situations,
not for the sensual pain that she welcomed.

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