Natural Solutions to Things That Bug You (81 page)

BOOK: Natural Solutions to Things That Bug You
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General Information:

These bugs are related to the ladybird beetle and destroy mealybugs. In fact in its larval stage it even resembles a mealybug.


They will eat other garden pests; however, they need to be kept away from ants. Do not use any pesticides for at least a month before releasing these good guys.




General Information:

    The majority of mites are real pests; however, there are beneficial mites that will eliminate the bad mites. They are available commercially and shipped as adults and should be scattered by hand in the garden areas as needed.


The adults that you are releasing will then lay their eggs next to the pest mite on the underneath sides of the leaves. The beneficial mites will sometimes feed on nectar but will not harm the plants. The mites will not feed on aphids, whiteflies or scale and only feed on the bad mites.


Pesticides and fungicides will kill the beneficial mites so care needs to be taken if you are going to use them. It is best to catch the problem early if you expect good results. The minimum order by one mite sales company is 300 predatory mites, which will guard 15-20 plants that are lightly infested.




PREDATORY MITE                                          DESCRIPTION


Metaseiulus occidentalis…………              The most commonly released mites are very

                                                                      effective at temperatures over 90

Phytoseiulus persimilis…………..              They like mild humid conditions, especially in greenhouses up to 80
F. Higher temperature strains are available if needed.

Amblyseius californicus…………..              Used in greenhouses and outside. Used at temperatures up to 85

Amblyseius (Euseius)…………….              Species will feed on all types of mites but is mostly effective against the citrus red mite on citrus trees in Southern California. They will not go into areas that are heavily infested with spider mites.





    These beneficial nematodes are microscopic roundworms that are recognized as one of the safest methods of eradicating a number of pests.

The bugs that respond well to
“death by nematode”
are wireworms, cutworms, Colorado potato beetle, Japanese beetle, grubs and June beetles.


The beneficial nematodes will kill more than 200 species of pest insects. However, they will not harm earthworms, which make them a preferred method of control. They are capable of living in the soil for 2-3 months.


Nc nematode eggs can be purchased in most garden shops and usually come in a small sponge with about 1 million eggs. They hatch quickly and grow to adults in a very short period of time. Nc nematodes are harmless to pets and humans.


Nematodes enter their victim through any bodily orifice and most will introduce deadly bacteria into the victim or just eat their tissue. Never spray nematodes in direct sunlight or you may kill them.




General Information:

These wasps are one of our best insect hunters and eliminators. They will eat the pest’s eggs and larvae and lay their eggs in the pests. The pest then acts as an incubator for the wasp eggs. They are available through many mail order companies.





These wasps look like small white rice-like drops that attach to the backs of caterpillars. These are actually the cocoons of the future wasp generation. The larvae, spends a small amount of time inside the body of the caterpillar before leaving and making their cocoon. It actually consumes some of the caterpillar’s tissue without killing it.


They then hatch and go looking for aphids and drill holes in the aphids back. The adults usually feed on nectar or honeydew.




    These are very tiny wasp parasites that are found all over North America that attack and kill caterpillars, scale, aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs, leafhoppers and the larvae of many beetles.

When you order them through mail order they will be shipped as adult wasps and will then lay their eggs on the pest as soon as they are released. The adults require flowers for nectar.


Recently, a new chalcid wasp is being sold called the “golden chalcid”
Aphytis melinus
. This parasitic wasp will be used to control California red citrus scale, San Jose scale and ivy scale. In cold climates they should be released in the spring.



This wasp parasite prefers whiteflies and will lay its eggs on the scales of immature whiteflies. Then as the wasp gets bigger it will feed on the whitefly and kill it. If you see a whitefly with a black spec on its scales it is a wasp egg. These parasites are often used in greenhouses and will be at their best at temperatures over 70
F. When they run out of whiteflies to eat they will reduce their population.

If you place a rose geranium plant in the greenhouse the plant gives off a chemical substance that reduces the metabolic rate of the wasp and places it into a state of suspended animation. Remove the plant when you need the wasps again to clear out the whiteflies.



These are unusual-looking wasps that have very long tubes that look like stingers but are really tubes to deposit their eggs with. They can use these tubes to bore through bark and lay their eggs on hiding caterpillars. They can locate their victims by sensing their vibrations.


They are dark-colored wasps that have clear wings and very long antennae. The adults will eat the host larvae and also consume honeydew and pollen. They are found in all areas of North America.



These wasps will attack their prey and paralyze them to death with their stinger. They prey on spiders, caterpillars and most other insects in the neighborhood. The adults will return to the colony with a portion of the prey and share it.


They will sting humans if bothered while they are at work. You will notice a loud buzzing sound before they sting you.



These wasps will not sting either humans or animals. This species can kill hundreds of pests and prefer armyworms, cutworms, gypsy moths, hornworms, corn earworms, leafworms and even bollworms. One wasp is can parasitize as many as 100 pests in its lifetime. When the wasp
eggs hatch they live off the host and eventually kill them from within. They can easily be purchased through the mail and need to be kept in a warm, humid location. They must be released at the time when the moths are laying their eggs or when you first notice them in your garden.

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