Naughty Angel (Sexy Nerd Boys #2) (9 page)

BOOK: Naughty Angel (Sexy Nerd Boys #2)
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Chapter 13


              I’m in the middle of an epic boss battle in Dark Souls when there’s a knock at the door.

“Can you get that Dex?” I call out, hoping my roommate is still home. Dex comes out of his room carrying his tote slung over one arm. He must be going to his mom’s house for the weekend to see his kid. He heads down the hallway and opens the front door.

“Eve, what brings you by?” He asks in surprise.

              “Just here to hang out with Asher,” She answers innocently.

My skin tingles with excited awareness and I lose the boss battle because all I can think about is jumping up to go to Eve. But Dex is still here so I play it cool, knowing Eve wants to keep things quiet. I sigh internally.

              Seconds later Eve appears in the livingroom, Dex right on her heels.

              “Hey, Angel,” I greet her with a smile.

She grins sheepishly and seats herself on the opposite end of the couch. I frown at the distance and clench my fists so that I don’t give in to the temptation to grab her and kiss her stupid. Dex stands in the doorway for what feels like an eternity just studying us.

              “Taking off for the weekend?” I finally prompt, gesturing to his duffle bag.

              “Uh, yeah,” He sends me a warning glare. “I’ll see you Sunday night.”

As soon as he’s out the door Eve let’s out a relieved breath.

              “I thought he’d never leave.”

I lean over and wrap my arms around her waist and pull her against me. She giggles and nuzzles her nose into my neck. Fuck, this girl is wrecking me. And, I love it.

              I run my fingers through Eve’s long, silky hair before brushing it to one side to expose the soft skin on her neck. I bury my nose in the crook of her shoulder and inhale deeply. Her distinct lilac scent shoots straight to my dick and I moan softly.

“Did you just sniff me?” She accuses playfully, turning her head slightly to try to look at me.

“Mhm, you smell almost as good as you taste,” I inform her, placing kisses from her shoulder to her neck.

A sigh of pleasure falls from her lips and it’s a Herculean feat for me not to grind my erection against her ass. It’s been two weeks since our first kiss and we haven’t taken things any further than (mostly innocent) make-out sessions.

In my past kissing has always been foreplay, a means to an end, and hopefully over quickly so that we can move on to the more interesting parts. But, with Eve, fuck, I could kiss her all day. I never get enough of the sweet taste of her lips.

              I turn her face towards me.

              “How do you make holy water?” I say with a teasing grin.

              “How?” She smiles up at me, awaiting the punchline.

“You boil the hell out of it.”

She starts to laugh loudly and I take the opportunity to steal a kiss from her sweet lips. Her laughter turns to a little moan as my tongue sweeps across hers.

              Eve’s phone starts to vibrate on the coffee table and I growl with annoyance as she pulls away.               She reaches for it and reads the message that just came through.

              “It’s Nikki, she invited me over to her place tonight for a girls night,” Eve says after she reads the message. She looks to me like she’s waiting for permission.

“Sweetheart, you can do anything you want, I’m not in charge of your time,” I assure her.

Sure, I’d much rather keep her all to myself for the whole night but I get that girl time is important. Then, a horrifying thought occurs to me; what if they somehow convince her that she can do much better than me? I mean, it’s only a matter of time before she comes to that conclusion on her own, but I’d been hoping I’d get more than two weeks of make-out sessions and chaste sleepovers. At this point I’m likely going to have permanent smurf balls, but it’s worth it to make Eve happy.

              “Okay, I guess I’ll go then. I work tomorrow night, but I’ll text you in the morning?”

“Call me tonight when you get home, so I know you got home safe,” I request.

She starts to get off the couch, I grab her arm and playfully yank her back until she falls on top of me. I grab the back of her head and kiss her deeply, massaging my tongue against hers pouring every ounce of passion that I can into the kiss, just in case it’s the last I get to have with my Angel. She’s breathless when I finally let her go.

              “I’ll talk to you later.” She gives me one more peck on the lips before getting off of me and leaving.



              “Eve! I’m so glad you’re here.” Nikki shrieks, pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

“Don’t mind her, she’s already had a few ‘adult beverages’,” Lee explains with a laugh. Abby and Lee are sitting on the couch with a bottle of vodka on the table and low music playing from someone’s Ipod.

              “I feel like we haven’t seen you much the past few weeks. What have you been up to?” Lee asks once I’m seated on the recliner in the corner. I feel myself blush, should I tell them about Asher?

              “Not much, just school work and working at the bar.” I respond vaguely.

              “How’s Brahm?” Abby asks with ice in her tone.

              “Oh, I dumped him like two weeks ago.”

              “Thank you Jesus!” Abby exclaims in an evangelical impression that makes me laugh.

              “No Remy tonight?” I ask.

“No, I guess she went with Dex for the weekend to meet his daughter.” Nikki explains, her tone makes it clear that the development is as surprising as it sounds.

              “Dex has a daughter?” I imagine what my parents would say about a young man with a child out of wedlock, but I push those thoughts away. Who cares what they would think?

              “I guess so, Remy just told me yesterday. I guess she’s around four. Remy says Dex is a really great dad.”

              “So are they dating now?” Abby questions.

Nikki sighs and shakes her head.

              “She’s being difficult. But, hopefully she’ll come around, Dex seems like such a good guy,” Nikki says before turning to Lee with a wistful look in her eye. “Can we have a baby?”

“How about we talk about this once we finish school,” Lee suggests.

I must have had a look of confusion on my face as to how two women could have a baby together because Nikki turns to me to explain her plan.

              “What I want to do is get a sperm donor, then have a fertility doctor put Lee’s eggs together with the sperm, and put those embryo’s into my uterus.”

“That’s so cool.” It’s so amazing to me how science has made it possible for them to basically have a baby together.

              “What about you Abby, is there a little one in your and Ethan’s future?” I ask.

A look of horror crosses her face.

              “Good               god hopefully not any time soon.” She covers her lower abdomen and shudders. “Besides with running the bar and all we don't have time to even think about kids anytime soon.”

We all laugh at her theatrics.

              “Hey, would anyone be offended if I toked instead of drinking? I’m a little spent on booze, working at a bar and all,” Abby asks.

Nikki and Lee shake their heads and Abby looks to me for any objection.

              “I don’t know what that means.”

              “I want to smoke pot, unless it would bother you,” She clarifies.

              “Um, no, that’s fine.”

              Abby get’s up and leaves the apartment, presumably heading across the hall to her place. When she returns Ethan is trailing behind her.

              “Boo, no boys at girls night,” Lee hisses playfully.

“Sorry, he saw my stash box and then followed me like a puppy,” Abby explains, throwing her hands up defensively.

              “I promise to leave after I smoke.” Ethan gives Lee puppy dog eyes.

              “That’s a lie, once you smoke you’ll be all over Abby. Then, you’ll throw her over your shoulder like a caveman and take her home to do god knows what to her,” Nikki points out.

Abby and Ethan both smile dreamily like they’re sharing a really good memory. They probably are.

              “Do you think...I could...uh,” I gesture at the box.

I’ve always wondered what it feels like to be high. What better place to try it out than among friends? Everyone looks at me in shock but then Abby smiles mischievously.


A few minutes later acrid smoke fills the room and my lungs feel a little like they’re burning, but my body feels like I’m floating and I can’t stop giggling.

              “How are you doing there
?” Nikki asks, using Asher’s nickname for me teasingly.

I’m pretty sure her teasing would normally cause me to blush, but right now all I can do is smile.

              “So what’s with the nickname anyway?” Abby asks, passing the joint to Ethan.

              “Yeah, it kind of seems like you guys are doing the nasty,” Nikki says with a laugh.

Okay, now I’m blushing.

“No, we’re just friends,” I insist.

“Then what’s with the affectionate nickname?” Abby asks again.

              “Well, the night he walked me home from the bar he asked for my number and I told him I wasn’t going to have sex with him, then he said that I was too angelic to hit on anyway,” I explain with a shrug.

              “You told him flat out you weren’t going to have sex with him?” Ethan asks.

I nod, which makes the room feel like it’s spinning. Ethan and Abby exchange a look.

“What?” I demand, reaching for the joint that Ethan’s still holding.

“Well, it’s possible that he took that as a challenge,” Ethan says carefully.

              “He’s been a good friend to me,” I argue weakly.

              Abby gives Ethan a pointed look and he shifts uncomfortably on the couch before meeting my gaze again. His eyes hold a clear apology for what he's about to say.

“The thing is, Asher's been with a lot of virgins. I kind of figured it's sort of his
, like he gets off on it.”

Is it possible this is all a roundabout way of getting me into bed? Ethan’s certainly known Asher longer than I have.

              I swallow down the lump in my throat and nod absentmindedly.



A knocking at my door wakes me in the middle of the night. I’m surprised to find Eve on the other side of the door when I open it. My heart clenches, and all I can think is ‘please don’t let her be here to tell me that she wants to call things off’.

              “Hey Angel, what’s up?”

              “I missed you.”

Her eyes are glassy and she doesn’t seem herself.

“Are you drunk?” I ask, pulling her into my bedroom.

She starts to giggle as she flops down on my bed.

              “Nope, not drunk,” She says and giggles.

Eve never giggles, and when she grabs me around the neck and pulls me down for a kiss the reason for the giggling becomes apparent. The distinct smell of marijuana punches me in the face.

“You’re high?” I pull away in surprise.

She smiles at me again and taps her nose and then winks at me. Well, I certainly didn’t see that one coming.

“Is spending too much time with me corrupting you, Angel?” I joke.

“Nah, I’m corrupting myself, you’re just along for the ride.”

“You want to make room for me in the bed there Cheech?” I tease, shoving her over so I can climb in. “Hey, you can cross another one off your list.”

              “Who’s Cheech?” She asks with another laugh.

              “Famous stoner.”

I reach for my lamp to shut the light off but Eve stops me. I raise my eyebrows in surprise as she straddles me and looks down at me seductively.

              “Do you want me?” She asks and then grinds herself against my dick.

Holy shit, is this a dream?

“That’s a stupid question. Of course I want you.”

She reaches for the hem of her shirt and pulls it over her head. Her bare tits bounce as she grinds against me again. God they are perfect tits, they’re on the small side but definitely a good handful, and perky as hell. I inhale sharply, what the actual fuck is happening right now?

“Let’s have sex,” She says, reaching for the button on her pants.

Fuck, fuck, fuck

I grab her hand to stop her.

              “Angel, we’re not going to do that.”

My cock hates me right now.

She leans forward and tongues my lip ring before pulling it between her teeth. I moan and can’t help but roll my hips against her core, seeking relief for my throbbing. Christ I need to get a grip.

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