Naughty Little Gift -- A Temptation Court Novella (Temptation Court, Book 1)

BOOK: Naughty Little Gift -- A Temptation Court Novella (Temptation Court, Book 1)
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Temptation Court – Book 1

Angel Payne

Naughty Little Gift

Temptation Court, Book 1

Copyright © 2016 by Angel Payne Writes, LLP

All Rights Reserved

ISBN: 978-0-9962861-5-2

Kindle Edition

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Characters in this book are purely fictional, and are the product of the author’s imagination.

Edited By:

Melisande Scott

Tracy Roelle

Cover Art:

Parajunkee Designs


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Shannon Hunt, Once Upon an Alpha

Readers everywhere have already fallen in love with the Cimarrons of the Isle of Arcadia: a kingdom sealed off from the modern world…until now. Slowly, Arcadia has opened its borders to outsiders from the western world—but in this brand-new spin-off story, a native Arcadian ventures beyond the safety of her world, trading six months of her life for the kingdom’s financial stability. Manhattan might as well be another planet to innocent Mishella—and her keeper, the beautiful but bewildering Cassian Court, just as terrifying a mystery. He connects to her soul, challenges her mind…and awakens her body in ways she’s never dreamed. But how does she keep him from taking—then breaking—her heart?

Book 1:

Naughty Little Gift

Make a wish…

Engineering genius. Billionaire icon. Consultant to kings. Golden-haired god. Cassian Court is a legend before he even steps foot on the remote island of Arcadia—but from the moment he locks eyes with Mishella Santelle, she can see only the man beneath the power, the presence, and the muscles…the bruised soul for whom hers has been destined…

But destiny isn’t a luxury for a woman of the Arcadian Court.

Close your eyes…

When six months of her life are bargained to Cassian in a multimillion dollar contract, Mishella must learn the rules of a more ruthless kingdom: New York City. In this glamorous jungle, paths are harder to discern, enemies are more cleverly camouflaged…and passions are impossible to ignore, especially when awakened by the man who can read her every desire with a glance, control her every arousal with a touch…

And leap…

Helpless against how her body and soul react to this man, Mishella dreads her heart is soon to follow—for the ghosts from Cassian’s past will never free him to return her love. In six months, she’ll simply be a memory to him…the naughty little toy he played with for a while…

Unless she can prove the impossible.

That their love is worth fighting for.



“Angel Payne weaves a modern fairytale that steals your heart and seeps deep into your soul.”

#1 New York Times Bestseller Audrey Carlan

“I am a big fan of Ms. Payne’s. It all started with the WILD Boys but she’s cemented herself to my heart with
Into His Dark.
It has everything you could hope for—passion, love, drama and so much heart.”

Sizzling Hot Book Reviews

“A story of forbidden passion, forbidden lust, forbidden love. Angel Payne singes the pages with seductive words, bringing tingles up my body and warmth to my heart.”

Shayna Renee’s Spicy Reads

“Decadence equals novels written by Angel Payne.”

Lightning City Book Reviews

“The imagery and descriptions make this an enthralling read.”

Wicked Reads Blog

“A story about forbidden love that shows sometimes love is written by the fates…
Into His Dark
will have you wishing the island was real, so you can experience the beauty firsthand.”

My Secret Romance Reviews

“You. Do. Not. Want. To. Put. This. Down.”

Twinsie Talk Book Reviews

“Angel Payne has done it again! She’s written another blockbuster series with alpha men, hot sex, suspense, wonderful writing, and did I mention the hot sex? Anything Angel writes is pure gold! I have read her W.I.L.D. Boys of Special Forces series more than once, and now we have the Cimmaron series. I can hardly contain myself!”

Knotty Girl Reviews

“FIVE-STAR READ. Hot, action-packed, passion, and two broken characters make this a page turner.”

Itsy Bitsy Book Bits

“Where to start? Once again Angel Payne makes my heart race, my blood pound and my lady bits tingle! I absolutely LOVE her writing. It’s gut-wrenching at times and laugh-out-loud funny at others. It’s smolderingly sexy and then I start to cry. Ugh. the gamut of emotions in every single story of hers I’ve ever read. Grab
Into His Command
and enjoy all the suspense, the sexy, and the absolute goodness that flows from Angel Payne’s beautiful mind. 5 Stars.”

Rachel Bound by Books

“I ALWAYS love my time in Arcadia and the Cimarron family always make the trip worthwhile. I was absolutely blown away by this installment in the series and cannot wait to see what Angel has in store next!”

Bookalicious Babes Blog


“Keeps you glued to your e-reader!”

The Jeep Diva

“I found this was a book I just couldn’t put down. I got hooked from the beginning and then couldn’t stop reading. Garrett and Zeke are…good dream material.”

Love Romance Passion Reviews

“Angel Payne delivers well-rounded characters, an action-packed storyline that is overflowing with passion, and above all, a love that overcomes and flourishes despite the darkness threatening to destroy the main characters. I cannot wait to meet and fall in love with more of the W.I.L.D. Boys.”

RAW Reviews

“I am never disappointed with what Angel Payne brings to the table. I caught myself a couple of times holding my breath, and trying to read faster and faster. It was a very emotional read…a story of survival, growth, and love.”

Shayna Renee’s Spicy Reads

“Well-written…overall, a magnificent book. I am hooked on this series!”

Night Owl Reviews

“Grabbed hold of my heart and never let go. Thick with passion, smoldering looks, and red-hot dominant sex, Angel Payne has created a sequel to rival its sibling. I am anxious for the continuation of her addicting characters!”

RomFan Reviews

“I really loved this book. Both of these characters are complicated, which makes for a great story, and it worked in such a suspenseful erotic romance. This is one hot and steamy read. I’m still waiting for the fog to clear on my Kindle!”

Delighted Reader Book Blog

“Amazing from beginning to end…full of suspense and creativity…I also liked the little details that make the book more ‘real’ for me.”

Riverina Romantics

“Wow! Just Wow! This is a must read. Angel Payne is an amazing author, and I can’t wait to read the rest of this series.”

We Love Kink

“An enjoyable thrill ride with just the right amount of kinky sex…anyone who likes a good action novel, mystery and/or romance will find the story interesting and well-written. The love story is touching, realistic, heart-warming and very hot. With just the right amount of conflict between the two main characters, the story builds tension without overdoing angst.”

My Book Addiction Reviews

“Certain things in life are absolutes: birth, death, taxes, and the fact that any book by Angel Payne will rock my world. The chemistry between these three will blow up your e-reader, but it’ll be worth every sweaty steamy moment!”

Sizzling Hot Books

“Lava-hawt. The sexual heat is delicious. The characters…stand out with their quirky characteristics; their banter is both fun and sexual—lovely to read.”

The Romance Reviews

“So many OMG moments! This book does not disappoint!”

Twinsie Talk Reviews

“5 smoldering, seductive stars.
Oh My Gahhh
. Even though this is book 7 in the Wild Boys series, it is my first book by Angel Payne, and I see what I’ve been missing! Aside from the excellent writing, excellent editing, ease of reading and all around fabulous story…the characters have me frantic. Dan is such a complex character…and Tess, wow, how she desired him from afar, being nothing more than co-workers, and then coming to bat for him after his “accident” and helping him recuperate in the hospital. This is a tale of desire, a body’s need for Dominance/submission, and how not following your soul’s desire for honesty could mush up a great thing.”

Rachel Bound by Books

“A beautiful story…They complete each other. Their story was definitely worth reading.”

Books Eater Blog

“If you are looking for a hot read and a walk on the darker side of the BDSM world is OK with you, definitely check out
A WILDer Kind of Love
. The familiar faces from the previous books in the series are present in varying degrees, but this story can absolutely be read as a standalone.”

Oh, My Growing TBR Blog

“5 Stars! A lot of heat…Tess was a real surprise to me. Her strength and drive to change her life are what brings Dan out of his dark world and into the light with her.”

Smut & Bonbons

“OMG, what a book! This author pours her heart and soul into her books. You can just feel it.”

Kimmie Sue’s Book Reviews



“Blue and Payne have a style that is like smooth whiskey…goes down hot and lingers for a while.”

The Jeep Diva

“Completely sigh-worthy…the heat they generated could have caused fissures to erupt in the earth’s core. An enjoyable read that makes us believe fairy tales very well could come true.”

The Romance Reviews

“It’s romantic, it’s beautiful, and Mr. Stone is incredibly swoon-worthy. I devoured this book in one night.”

Shayna Renee’s Spicy Reads

“A whopper of a read. There’s everything in this book to keep the reader hooked, And the description of THAT kiss…ohh, la!”

Noble Book Reviews

“Exceeded my expectations. I was surprised at how emotional I became while reading the book. I was able to connect so much to these characters that I was concerned for their welfare. 5 bright and shining stars.”

A Thousand Lives Book Blog

“An OMG page-turner that will blow your mind. I loved every minute!”

Paranormaly Yours Reviews

“Payne and Blue have taken the traditional fairy tale romance and made it perfect for our generation to dream and strive for. Thank you for a Cinderella we can all be proud of and a prince to rival all princes!”

The Book Fairy

“WOW. This book. Part of me doesn’t have words. I really enjoyed this.”

Twin Opinions Reviews

“This book is fantastic! Blue and Payne play off one another so well. The sex is off the charts, the banter is awesome; I couldn’t stop reading.”

Niki’s Book Addiction

“GREAT read!”

Book Boyfriend Hangover

“A MUST READ. Total hotness right from the start. This story had me laughing and crying; prepare your emotions for a ride. Highly recommended.”

Radical Reads Book Blog

“I will be thinking about this story long after I put it down.”

Sizzling Hot Books

“A can’t-put-it-down read…well-written with suspense, humor, and lots of dirty bedroom talk. It won’t let you go!”

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