Naughty Wishes 4: Soul

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Authors: Joey W. Hill

BOOK: Naughty Wishes 4: Soul
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Titles by Joey W. Hill

Naughty Wishes Part I: Body

Naughty Wishes Part II: Heart

Naughty Wishes Part III: Mind

Naughty Wishes Part IV: Soul


Naughty Bits

The Vampire Queen’s Servant

The Mark of the Vampire Queen

A Vampire’s Claim

Beloved Vampire

Vampire Mistress

Vampire Trinity

Vampire Instinct

Bound by the Vampire Queen

Taken by a Vampire

A Mermaid’s Kiss

A Witch’s Beauty

A Mermaid’s Ransom

Something About Witches

In the Company of Witches


Laced with Desire

(with Jaci Burton, Jasmine Haynes, and Denise Rossetti)


(with Jaci Burton, Jasmine Haynes, and Denise Rossetti)


Honor Bound

Controlled Response

Naughty Wishes

Part IV


Joey W. Hill

InterMix Books, New York


ORK 10014


An InterMix Book / published by arrangement with the author

Copyright © 2016 by Joey W. Hill.

Excerpt from
copyright © 2013 by Joey W. Hill.

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eBook ISBN: 978-0-698-19825-8


InterMix eBook edition / April 2016

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.




Titles by Joey W. Hill

Title Page


Naughty Wishes Part IV: Soul

Excerpt from

About the Author


In our three previous installments—
and Mind—Geoff and Sam have worked out their Master/sub relationship. Sam has convinced Chris that what she wants is a three-way relationship, not a choice between the two men. And while Sam is on a trip, Geoff and Chris have started to explore a sexual relationship, something she’s always secretly wished would happen. Tonight she returns to find out exactly how Geoff and Chris—fully in sync—can overwhelm a woman.
At long last, the three will discover if their relationship can work as a love shared by three . . .

They’d left the lights off in the kitchen, creating an erotic dreamworld, moonlight streaming in through the window, the firm heat of their bodies and the rasp of their breath filling her senses. Geoff’s hands were on her buttocks, parting them, his intent to take her there clear. Chris opened his own pants before lifting her with his incredible strength to accommodate both men’s desires.
Oh God . . .
They’d demanded to know if she was ready for everything they wanted, and they were just taking over, moving as decisively as she’d ever seen them, an irresistible force.

Geoff slid into her ass, his cock well lubricated. Her muscles released for him, drawing him in, the friction and his size bringing her a pleasurable discomfort. Chris eased it by stroking and probing her wetness in front. She moaned, head dropping back on Geoff’s shoulder. When Chris pushed into her, the sound became a harsh plea. They were both filling her up, so tight, so big. “God . . .”

“We missed you,” Geoff whispered against her ear. “You’re not going to wear a stitch of clothes until Monday, because one or both of us is going to be inside you, going down on you or kissing you until then. What do you think of that, Sam? Do you belong to us? Are you completely ours?”

“Yes. Yes . . .” Her voice trailed off in another moan as Chris pushed deep, withdrew and thrust again, his gaze on her face, his hands gripping her ass, keeping her spread for Geoff’s penetration as Chris worked her on his cock. When Geoff pushed in deeper, it brought them in even closer proximity. They were inside her so profoundly all she could do was cry out her need for more.

As if the two men had the ability to speak in each other’s minds, they came to a halt, watching her helpless writhing with avid eyes.

“Should have had her wear the red dress she wore to that dance club and torn it off her.” Chris grunted. “Reminding her not to wear that for anyone but us.”

“This way she can still wear it for us, because it’s not torn,” Geoff pointed out reasonably. She would have laughed if she weren’t spiraling up so high and fast.

“Geoff . . . Chris . . . I missed you . . .”

In answer, Chris’s mouth was back on hers, exploring and tangling with her tongue, as Geoff’s teeth closed over her shoulder, a sharp stimulant that had her arching up, everything below the waist throbbing.

“Come now,” Geoff commanded. Usually she had to concentrate to come. Now she was ready to leave the runway with no direction from her brain at all. Her body spasmed in joyful obedience. Chris changed the angle of his thrusts. With him doing that and Geoff working inside her ass, it was like being shot out of a cannon, a pure rush of thrilling adrenaline. The climax seized her, her response punctuated by a high-pitched scream. They followed her over that edge almost as quickly, pushing against her with demanding male strength, flexing, thrusting bodies, heated breath. The grunts of release, their combined scents filling her senses, made all of it even more overpowering.

Oh God . . .
She realized she was mumbling it when Geoff chuckled softly in her ear, brushing a kiss along her jaw.

“I assume you mean me.”

She coughed over a laugh, but Chris spoke before she could. “Just because you think you’re God doesn’t make it so.”

“I don’t think I’m God. I just want
to think it.”

She sputtered over another chuckle. Chris bent to kiss her mouth again as Geoff sampled her neck, her shoulder, turning her laughter into a long, wistful sigh. “I thank God—the actual, separate force of nature—for both of you,” she said when she could form words.

She’d hoped Geoff and Chris would figure out things with each other so that the three of them could take things to a more integrated level. She hadn’t recognized the impact that would have on her directly. The two of them were so in sync on a normal day, this was like a full mind meld. They’d sure as hell come to an accord in her absence, and she’d received a ravishing like she’d only read about in romances. She might need to increase her vitamins. Do lots more yoga stretches.

They withdrew from her body, but they didn’t let her go. Instead, after adjusting his clothes, Geoff sank down on the kitchen floor, his back braced against the cabinet, keeping her between his legs. Chris stretched out in front of her on his hip. He laid his head on her breast, nuzzling and playing with her nipple with tongue and lips, keeping her shuddering.

Her fingers trailed down Geoff’s denim-clad thigh, up to his knee, down to his shin. She had her other hand on Chris’s hair, stroking gently. Her heart was thudding back to a normal rate, though as she looked toward her tattered dress and thought about how they’d greeted her, it skipped a couple of beats. The memory would keep her aroused for the next several months. That perpetual state would likely come in handy.

Geoff overlapped her hand on Chris’s head so they were touching him together. She had to clear her voice again so it came out as less of a rasp. “Can I ask a favor?”

“This wasn’t favor enough?” Geoff asked. “Greedy girl.”

He jumped as she clamped her fingers around the ticklish spot on his knee. “Hey, quit it.” He grabbed her wrist, pulled it back to him. “You want to play it that way? You’re helpless here—you know it.”

“No, no . . .” She squealed and squirmed as he feathered his fingers under her armpit, tickling her mercilessly. “Stop, I’m sorry . . . Mercy . . .”

“Master,” he growled in her ear. “I’m sorry,

“I’m sorry, Master,” she wailed, still shrieking. He stopped and put his mouth to her neck, biting hard enough she was sure he left teeth marks in her tender skin. She drew in a humming breath. Chris, unperturbed by their antics, captured both breasts in his large hands, so he could suckle and play with them with more focused intent. “Oh . . . I may not survive this . . .”

Geoff smiled against her throat. “We’ll take care of you,” he promised. “Bring you back to life. Again and again . . . and again.”

“Okay,” she said faintly. Chris lifted his head. She put both her hands on his face, cradling it, molding her fingers over his jaw. “I’m so happy,” she said. “And you look happy, too.”

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