Navy SEALs Complete Series: 3 Books + 3 Novellas (Tempting Navy SEALs) (100 page)

BOOK: Navy SEALs Complete Series: 3 Books + 3 Novellas (Tempting Navy SEALs)
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“Don’t push me!” She was up to something, he knew she was. She and that damned team he once fought with. Nosy bastards. They shouldn’t be here. Sorrell had taken out more Special Forces teams than he wanted to think about. They had wives, families. They had no business here.

“I wouldn’t dare push the big bad cartel lord,” she drawled, that soft Georgia accent stroking over his senses and tightening his balls as the last button gave way beneath her fingers. “Why, Ian, what would make you think I’m that brave?”

“Because you’re a hellcat,” he accused her roughly.

“Can I be your hellcat?” Something, a softness, a need in her voice, shredded the last threads of control that held his hunger back.

Lust surged through his system. The defiance that poured from her did something to him. He didn’t want to make her submit, as he should have. Hell no, he wanted to burn inside her fire. He wanted to feel her come apart in his arms and know he controlled it.

Making her submit wasn’t what he needed. Controlling that fire, that burning sexuality and energy, that was the challenge. And the male animal inside him was hard and eager to face her defiance.

“You. Are making a mistake.” He jerked the short skirt of her stretchy dress over her thighs, his hand finding sweet, slick flesh ready for his touch.

“What mistake?” He heard the moan in her voice, the whimper of need.

“Where are they, Kira?” He parted the folds of her pussy. “I don’t have a damned problem letting them watch me fuck you, but you might not like it.”

She arched closer. “Exhibitionism turns me on,” she panted, her fingers working on his belt, the clasp of his pants.

Fuck it. He knew they were there. She knew they were there. And her body was covered. His former team might be able to tell what they were doing, but they wouldn’t see a damned thing. And that was besides the fact he couldn’t have made it back to the room before getting inside her if he had to.

Excitement coursed through Kira as she felt Ian’s fingers caressing the swollen, sensitive folds between her thighs. The rasp of his fingertips, the warmth of them, were driving her crazy. His finger swirled around her clit, dipped and pierced her core.

She held on to him because her knees wouldn’t hold her steady. Her legs were weak, breathing was almost impossible. All she knew was the heat and pleasure of his touch.

And how much she needed it. Ached for it. She didn’t give a damn who was watching, though she knew Durango team, knew there was only one of that crew that she had to worry about actually keeping his eyes on them at the moment.

Right now, nothing mattered but easing the pain she could feel coursing through Ian. She heard it in his voice, felt it in his touch. Something had happened with Diego Fuentes that had torn inside him with the force of a dull knife and left a ragged, aching wound.

“I need you,” he bit out as she released the straining length of his erection.

“I’m here,” she whispered breathlessly. “Right here.”

Two fingers pressed inside her pussy, stretched her, opened her for him, and she couldn’t help but tremble, but whimper for his touch.

He was her weakness. She had known it a year ago and she knew it now. His touch made a lie of a decade of sexual certainty. His kiss reminded her that she was a woman, a woman who was created to submit to her man. And Ian was her man.

“Come here, kitten,” he groaned, his arm reaching beneath her rear and lifting her close.

He was fierce, uncontrolled. She was shaking and out of
control. Her legs wrapped around his hips and her cry pierced the night as he began working his cock inside her.

“Oh God. Ian.” She arched back into the wall, her nails biting into his shoulders as she pressed her hands beneath his shirt.

“You’re tight, Kira,” he groaned at her ear, his teeth catching the lobe to nibble at it erotically. “Tight and hot and so sweet.”

She felt his knees bend, his hold tighten on her. A second later a fractured cry tore from her lips as he thrust farther inside her, deeper, harder.

The impalement stole her breath from the pleasure and the pain. She writhed on his erection, trying to work it deeper, loving the burning pleasure, that edge of pain that she had never imagined could be so damned erotic.

She could feel every bulge of vein, every hard throb of pulsing blood. The way his ass clenched beneath her heels, the way his back tightened as he worked deeper, and it only made her hotter, wetter. It only made her crave him more.

“Are they watching, Kira?” His voice was tormented as he stilled inside her, and buried his face against her neck. “Where are they?”

She heard the torment in his voice. They were his friends. Friends who he believed thought he had betrayed them. Friends he would have willingly given his life for.

“I don’t know,” she panted out breathlessly. She didn’t know, not for sure. She suspected. She assumed. But she didn’t know, and it was best that way.

His hold tightened on her as he half-lifted her and stumbled to the door.


“Goddamn you, you’re mine!” His voice raged with possessiveness, the tone, his hold, sending a piercing shaft of aching desperation through her soul. He sounded as though he meant it. “I’ll be damned if they need to watch this.”

He turned to the wall within the room, pressed her to it, and began to thrust.

His cock pounded inside her, he took her ruthlessly, thrusting, penetrating, groaning her name as she watched the stars explode in front of her vision as she tightened around him.

“Ah God. Yes, baby. Come around me,” he groaned. “Let me feel it. Every ripple . . .” His head fell back, his breath heaving through his chest as his hands clenched on her ass.

Kira couldn’t think. She couldn’t plot a next move. She was lost in the pleasure, coming apart and wondering why the hell he was holding back.

“Easy, kitten,” he soothed as she shuddered against him. He was moving again, stumbling, until seconds later her back met the sofa and he was pulling free of her grip with a shattered groan.

It was only then that she realized he hadn’t donned a condom. And she hadn’t considered it. Hadn’t thought about it.

“Ian.” She tightened her ankles on his back. “I’m protected.”

He stilled, only the thick head of his cock remaining inside her as she watched his jaw bunch.


“Birth control.” She swallowed tightly. “I’m protected, Ian. Don’t leave me.”

He shook his head, his hands clenching on her hips as she felt his cock throb imperatively.

“I haven’t fucked without a condom since I was a kid,” he groaned, but she heard the need, the hunger in his voice.

“Neither have I, Ian.” She blinked back the sudden moisture that wanted to fill her eyes. “I want to feel you. All of you . . . Ian!” She screamed his name as he plunged inside her again. Sweat dripped from his forehead, perspiration covered her body, soaking them both, as she felt the ecstasy consume her again.

Surely she couldn’t orgasm again so soon? Surely he didn’t have such a hold on her?

But as she heard his harsh groan, felt the first spurt of
semen fill her, she exploded again. Arching in his arms, shaking, shuddering, she gave what she had never given before, and accepted something she had never accepted before. She gave herself, and she took all of the man in her arms.

It should have been frightening. It should have terrified her, knowing what she had just opened herself to. Instead, it felt right.

When he collapsed over her, the deep shudders racking his body, matching hers, she could do nothing but hold on to him and let her tears mingle with their combined perspiration. What the hell would she do now, if she lost him?


saw them. He knew the jerk and shudder of a woman’s body when she held back her sobs. He’d known those signs for the better part of his life, but he hadn’t thought he would ever see them in Kira.

He carried her to their bed, tucked her in, and got in beside her before pulling her into his arms.

He felt her fingers clench at his arm, felt her slender, lithe body as it tried to sink into his. And he had seen her eyes. In the dim light of the room he had seen the shattered realization in her gaze before she could hide it.

She was a trained operative, but she had never gone into an assignment quite like this one, against a man that her heart was involved with. The Chameleon didn’t get involved. That agent couldn’t be tempted, couldn’t be bribed, and not just because no one knew if it was a he, a she, or a figment of someone’s imagination. But because whoever, whatever it was, the Chameleon was ice. Unaffected. Unsympathetic to the enemy.

He smoothed her hair back from her face, realizing he didn’t want the truth of why she was here, with him, in his bed. A part of him just didn’t want to know if she was there to betray him. But he suspected it. There was guilt in his lover’s eyes, and it stabbed at his heart.

“You make me forget,” she finally whispered, causing him to still against her.

“Forget what?” he asked

“Who I am.”

His lips quirked at her reply. “You’re Kira.”

“I’m more than just Kira,” she whispered.

She was the Chameleon. The woman and the agent were struggling now, he had seen it in her eyes, he felt it in her responses to him. He had avoided it each time he had seen her, each time he had held her since she had come back into his life.

“Right here, there’s no room for anyone but Kira,” he warned her, careful to keep his voice low, to keep her close. “Don’t make that mistake. Don’t bring something else into this relationship.”

She was silent for long moments.

“It’s who I am,” she finally whispered.

Ian ran his hands over her hair before pulling her head back and staring into her eyes.

“We both know better than that.” He wouldn’t let her believe otherwise. He couldn’t. Not here. Not now. He was not going to face the Chameleon.

Ian watched as she licked her lips nervously, the way her gaze darkened with feminine uncertainty. At that moment he realized, he knew. Yeah, she had a mission. The Chameleon had been sent to him. But it was the woman he was dealing with. It was his woman.

He couldn’t lie to himself any longer. Kira was here for more than a fun time in the sack, or to cover his back. She was a contract agent, the Chameleon, and he could see the battle waging in those beautiful eyes. She was there for much more than the man the woman was claiming. The agent was also there. And it was the agent’s agenda he needed to know.







across the sky as the sun began to rise over the horizon. The faint light eased the darkness that filled the bedroom and allowed Kira to ease up in the bed and stare into Ian’s sleeping face.

She had known the moment he slipped into sleep, just as she knew that the slightest movement by her now would awaken him. And how she longed to move, to touch his face, to ease the lines of strain from his brow.

He had sold his soul to his father for his friends’ lives. For Nathan, for Kell’s lover, for the men he fought with, for a single chance to break the hold Diego Fuentes seemed to have with anyone he connected himself to, and she knew it. There was no other reason that he would risk his soul this way.

Diego was a master manipulator. She had read the secret file the director of the DHS held on him. The games the bastard had played with the DEA, the ATF, and a dozen other agencies would have been laughable were it not for the fact that he invariably won and the agreement he had with DHS protected him if he didn’t. Dirty bastard. Diego knew their weakness just as well as he had known Ian’s and he used it. Like a chess player laying out his pawns and moving them with insidious control throughout his little world.

And Ian was his favorite. His knight. His source of pride. His only son. And he was using him with an efficiency that bespoke his joy in this particular game. He was thwarting Sorrell, playing the U.S. law enforcement and drug agencies, and holding his son in front of them all like a dog’s favorite bone.

Kira closed her eyes at the thought. He was a stronger man than any she had known. Other men would have broken under the pressure by now, or given in. The fear that Ian would turn rogue kept the Homeland Security director up at night, she knew.

It was a heady drug, the power Ian wielded now. It wouldn’t be easy for any man to walk away from. And if he didn’t walk away from it, it would destroy a part of her.

She fought the hitch in her breath, the emotions that boiled inside her, seared her soul. She couldn’t escape the emotions. They wouldn’t let her go. They wouldn’t ease. Everything inside her drew her to Ian, and had been doing so for years. But now, there was a part of herself that she didn’t recognize anymore. A part of herself she hadn’t realized existed until that night in Atlanta. A woman who loved.

“Stop staring at me like that,” Ian ordered her, his voice its normal roughness. Sleep hadn’t made it huskier or deeper.

“How long have you been awake?” She smiled as his eyes opened, thick dark blond lashes shielding the inner depths as he stared back at her.

“Long enough to figure a few things out.” His hand moved beneath the sheet, sliding over her outer thigh to her hip as she felt her heart jump at the suspicion in his voice.

“What did you figure out?”

“That you’re not here just for me.” His lips twisted mockingly. “What are you here for?”

Kira drew back slowly. Sliding the sheet from her naked body, she started to leave the bed, only to find herself held in place by strong fingers that wrapped around her upper arm.

The problem was, no matter her orders, she was here for him. Nothing else.

She turned back to look at him, wondering if she had really portrayed such a cold, bleak image that he couldn’t imagine her caring enough about him to follow him. To help him.

“Maybe I’m here for myself,” she retorted, tugging at her arm.

That was the truth. She was here to assure herself he lived, that his soul survived, that he didn’t do something he would regret for the rest of his life. Fuck DHS and their objectives and agendas. She wasn’t there to keep Diego Fuentes alive, she was there to make certain the wicked amusement that had once gleamed in his eyes returned. She was there to share that amusement. And that was the part of herself she was so unfamiliar with. The part that needed to see more than just the cold, hard drug cartel lord. She needed to see the man again. And she needed to love him, just as she loved him now. All of him.

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