NecessaryDecision (2 page)

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Authors: A.D. Christopher

BOOK: NecessaryDecision
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Kylar, on the other hand, pushed himself to be the
strongest, toughest, baddest were-panther on the battlefield. It made Varek
worry…what if Kylar wouldn’t give him a chance? What if he couldn’t imagine how
good it could be between three men such as themselves?

Still, Varek felt that Kylar would be the perfect man for
him and Gable to share. Kylar obviously enjoyed a variety of lovers and Varek
and Gable weren’t averse to inviting other men into their bed from time to
time. Kylar also possessed a certain hunger that was rare in free-born men. He
might not realize it, but Varek and Gable both saw that he was ready for a
change. He was ready to move out of his elder grandfather’s long shadow and
establish a family of his own.

Varek and Gable could be that family…if only he’d claim them
as his mates, if only he’d give them both a chance…

“Yes! Yes!” Gable cried out and thrust his hips, driving his
cock deeper into Kylar’s mouth. Varek watched his lover come, all thoughts and
worries vanishing in the vicarious bliss of seeing Gable shoot his seed between
Kylar’s lips. Varek came with a groan a second later, comforting himself with
the thought that soon it would be his turn. Soon Kylar would leave the slave
quarters for his expensive home and Varek would be the one coming into Gable’s
hand or mouth or ass while the both of them dreamed of the freedom they hoped
lay in their future.


Gable was lost, blinded by pleasure, coming so hard he
wasn’t sure there would be anything left in his balls by the time Kylar was
done sucking him. Kylar swallowed his seed with strong pulls while his thumb
drove into Gable’s ass, penetrating him with just the perfect amount of force
and aggressive thrusts that spoke of the barely contained violence simmering
beneath Kylar’s cool exterior.

Kylar Grossman was an angry man.

He and Varek had agreed Kylar was the man they wanted to
claim them both, but a part of Gable feared Kylar would never see either of
them as anything but pieces of slave ass, easily replaced and forgotten.

Unless…unless Gable found some way to stand out in Kylar’s
mind, some way to make sure he couldn’t stop thinking about tonight, couldn’t
keep himself from coming back for more…

The second Kylar’s head drew back and Gable’s spent cock
slipped from between his lips, Gable was reaching for the oil beneath the bed.
It wasn’t his oil, but it didn’t matter. At this time of night, any lube was
fair game, any cot a good place for hot eager bodies to come together, for
thick cocks to push into tight places that ached with the sweet pleasure of

But not for Kylar.

Kylar had never taken another man in that way, or let
himself be taken. He was still in the running for a female mate and was
forbidden the ultimate pleasure of penetration upon penalty of losing his
chance to marry a woman and continue his family line. But that could all change
quickly, Gable knew that from experience. How many Free Orion men had he seen
give in to temptation and drive themselves into willing slave ass, thus giving
up their chances of a female mate forever?

Dozens. Maybe fifty or more. Women were scarce and there was
just something about the energy in the slave quarters at night. Especially
tonight, with the feeling that their world was about to change hanging in the
air, making blood pulse faster.

“I’d rather you suck me than fist me,” Kylar said when he
saw the lube in Gable’s hand, but Gable only smiled and poured a bit more oil
into his palm.

“I want to suck you. I want to suck you until you can’t
remember your own name,” he said, reaching for Kylar’s cock, coating it with
the oil, teasing slick fingers up and down the engorged length of him until he
swelled even thicker.

God, he was so beautiful, so strong and…safe, just like
Varek. Gable had been mercilessly bullied for being the “runt of the litter” in
his early days as an Orion slave, after his own pack had been defeated. Without
the enormous Varek there to stand between him and another show of dominance by
the bigger boys, he could have died. But Varek had protected him, become his
friend and then his love. And now, together, starting tonight, they were going
to show Kylar they were the only two men who could satisfy him.

The thought of having both of these big men touching him,
fucking him, owning him and liberating him at the same time, was enough to make
Gable’s sex begin to rise from between his legs once more.

“But first, I want you to fuck me,” Gable said, easing over
onto his belly, arching his back, presenting Kylar with his freshly shaved
hole. He cast a heated look over his shoulder, hoping Kylar could see how much
he wanted his cock inside him.

Kylar’s hand fisted his own cock, stroking up and down until
every inch glistened with oil. “You know what that would mean for me.”

“I do.” Gable reached a tentative hand back to stroke
Kylar’s hard, furred thigh. “And wouldn’t it be a relief to have that option
off the table? To escape from a destiny that you don’t want to begin with?”

Kylar’s mouth parted in shock before his lips pressed into a
tight line. “You don’t know me, slave. You don’t know anything about me.”

“I know more than you think. I’ve been watching you.”

“A spy?”

“An admirer. I like what I’ve seen,” Gable said, rotating
his hips in a slow circle, past ready to feel Kylar buried deep inside his ass.
“And I want to know more. I want to know a lot more.”

Kylar was quiet for a moment, but the sounds of the other
men in the room filled the silence between them—groans and cries and grunts of
pleasure helping make Gable’s case for him. Gable watched Kylar’s breath
quicken, watched his eyes glaze and his erection purple with need. He held his
breath, afraid to believe this might really happen, that it would be so easy to
form the connection he craved.

“I’m twenty-eight,” Kylar said, his voice a sexy rumble that
made Gable shiver and his balls ache. “If I haven’t passed those tests by now,
I doubt I ever will.”

“Wise thoughts from a wise man.”

Kylar’s mouth quirked at one side. “Not wise, just horny,
and staring at something too tempting to resist.”

And then, without reaching for more lube, without preamble
or further foreplay, Kylar gripped Gable’s ass in his hands, spread his cheeks
and pushed inside, stretching him, filling him, so big and hard he might have
been too much if Gable weren’t accustomed to taking every inch of Varek’s
massive cock inside him.


Gable’s eyes flicked up, meeting Varek’s across the crowded
room, the bliss of Kylar inside him growing even more intense as he watched his
love watch him, saw Varek take his cock in his hand and keep pace with the
punishing rhythm Kylar had established. In seconds, Gable was near the edge of
orgasm again, grunting in pleasure when Kylar reached around and fisted his
cock, jerking him to completion just as he spent himself in hot spurts.

This was it. This was so close to what he wanted he could
taste it. The only thing better would be having Varek on this bed with them,
helping him take the first steps toward love, family and freedom.


Kylar came inside Gable with a wild cry, his orgasm seeming
to last forever. He’d never felt like this after sex before. So free, so
liberated. His head was about to spin off his body, but his soul felt more
grounded than it had in years.

Thank god.

Thank god he’d finally done it, taken the leap that would
remove him from the competition for a female mate once and for all. He was sick
of pretending that he desired the same things his father and mother desired. He
didn’t want a wife and children, and now he would never have one.

Unless you find a warrior mate and then two of you find a
woman to share down the road…

The thought made Kylar’s lips twist in a wry smile.
As if he’d want to complicate his life with one mate, let alone two.
If tonight had taught him anything it was that he was better off alone. If he’d
been attached, he might not have made it into this lovely man’s bed tonight.
And that would have been a damn shame indeed.

Chapter Two


It had been three weeks, three long, jealous, teeth-grinding
weeks. Varek wasn’t sure how much more he could take. Kylar came to the slave
to Gable
, nearly every night. And then tonight they’d gone
into the woods together. Laughing.

. Varek hadn’t seen Kylar Grossman
laugh since….ever. But in the past few days, his chronically clenched jaw had
begun to relax, the angry tightness around his eyes to ease and his lips to
curve into a smile whenever Gable was near. Gable, who was falling in love with
Kylar the same way he’d fallen for Varek—fast and hard and forever. Gable still
loved Varek with the same devotion, still came to his bed when Kylar left and
sucked and stroked and whispered comforting words, but Varek was eager to move
on to the next stage of their plan. He was tired of being on the outside looking
in. He’d tried to pressure Gable into action, but with little effect.

Gable had introduced Varek and Kylar. Kylar had been
polite—he’d even shared a meal with them after drills, all three of them
settling down for sandwiches in the grass near the training fields—but he
hadn’t shown any sign of considering Varek as a sex partner.

Gable said they just needed to give him a little time, to
ease him into the idea of being one of three, but Varek couldn’t wait any
longer. He was afraid. Afraid of losing Gable, afraid of losing his chance to
show Kylar how good it could be between the three of them. Afraid of being left
behind. Not just left behind in the slave cabins when Gable convinced Kylar to
be his mate, but left behind when his love moved on. The thought terrified him,
and he’d never been scared of anything before.

So, a few minutes after Kylar and Gable had slipped out the
rear entrance to the barracks, Varek had followed, staying at a good distance,
tracking them through the thick Washington woods, using every trick he’d
learned from the Shis-Inday Pride as a boy. His childhood home had been in a
very different kind of forest, but the same principles still applied. Walk
lightly, stay aware of your surroundings and look, listen and feel for any
disturbance in the order of nature.

Not that this wood was really
at all.

It was inhabited by nearly four hundred were-panthers with a
taste for red meat, especially when they shifted into their panther forms. The
deer population was never out of control and the usual predators—wolves and
bears—were scarce. They knew better than to come into this particular stretch
of woods. They knew there were things hunting here that were bigger and badder
and, most importantly, more clever than they were.

Clever enough to trick even the Orion Pride’s best tracker
by doubling back on his own tracks and lying in wait.

The sleek brown panther leapt into his path, teeth bared,
snarling a warning. Varek’s heart pounded in his throat and adrenaline coursed
through his veins. Something primal in him screamed for him to shift, but Varek
coaxed that beast-voice back to sleep with a few deep breaths. He knew this
particular panther, and if he had wanted to fight, Varek would already be
bleeding. This was simply a warning, a warning to back off and leave Kylar and
his lover to frolic through the woods alone.

A warning Varek didn’t intend to heed.

“Going hunting?” Varek asked Kylar, knowing he could
understand him in his panther form even if he couldn’t answer. At least not
with any movement of his lips.

He could communicate telepathically, however…if he decided
to lower himself to such a thing. Telepathic communication was usually
something utilized only with your own kind. The Free-born chatted with the Free
and the slaves with other slaves. Only during battle were the barriers of
free-slave etiquette leveled and every mind wide open to their brothers in

But Kylar had already broken custom. He and Gable spoke
freely in each other’s minds. Gable had told him, and confessed to Varek how
erotic he found it to hear Kylar inside his own head while Kylar fucked him
from behind in his panther form.

According to Gable, they fucked that way often. That was
probably what they were planning to do tonight, out here on the outer edges of
the Orion Pride’s land. They were looking for a little privacy, but they
weren’t going to get it.

“I’d like to join you. I’ve been craving fresh meat,” Varek
said, pulling his tight black t-shirt over his head, grateful that the sun
hadn’t quite set on this long summer night. Kylar was getting a good look at
the wall of muscle beneath Varek’s shirt, and liking what he saw. Even though
the other man was in cat form, Varek could spot the tell-tale shine of lust in
his eyes.

I hunt alone,
said Kylar, his telepathic voice even
smoother, more seductive than the one that usually rumbled from between his

Hunting alone. That’s a good way to end up in trouble.
let his shirt drop to the forest floor, toed his way out of his shoes and then
reached down to tug off his socks and added them to the pile.
Why don’t you
let me come along and watch your back?

I already have someone to watch my back. Gable’s waiting
down the trail near the waterfall.

Swimming. Sounds even nicer than hunting. It’s been so
hot in the slave quarters the past few weeks.
Varek popped the fly on his
faded cargo shorts and shoved them to the ground. He hadn’t bothered putting on
boxers. Once he stepped out of his shorts, he was completely bare to Kylar’s
gaze, to those bright blue eyes that dropped to the thatch of reddish brown
hair between Varek’s thighs where his cock swelled, thicker and thicker, until
it stood in a heavy column pressed tight to his stomach, making his desire

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