Neighbors and More (High Rise Series) (16 page)

BOOK: Neighbors and More (High Rise Series)
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“Excuse me. I need a private moment.” She pulled the closet
door behind her. Her heart hammered as she unlocked the secret cabinet and
entered the combination of the safe. With a shaking hand, she unlaced bags,
opened boxes, and checked her jewelry, money and checkbook. All accounted for.
A sigh of relief escaped her. After locking everything back in place, she
rearranged her clothes and hung her fur coats. “I’m done.”

Dread coursed through her, but she mentally shook herself. Should
she tell them about the safe? Dad had made her swear her never to reveal its
presence, except to her husband.

Detective Ladd pinned her in place with a sharp gaze. “This
must be horrible for you, Ms. Alexa.”

 “It is.” Had he noticed her brief moment of reprieve?

The detective nodded. “I’m glad you’re handling it better
than many women would. No hysteria, no panic, except for a moment outside.”

Dante gathered her in his arms. “Indeed it’s terrible for
Alexa. Any other woman would have collapsed after all she’d faced this week.”

“I’m sorry, Ms. Alexa. Be assured we’ll do everything
possible to find those responsible,” the officer firmly said.

Ladd shrugged. “We’ll take another tour of the apartment,
then we’ll talk.”

“I’ll make us some coffee,” Dante suggested. Promising
support, his arm surrounded her waist. He tugged her out of the bedroom and its

“Very good idea. I’m sure Ms. Alexa can use a cup.” Officer
Raines gave her a supportive smile as he ushered them to the living room. “Careful
where you step. We haven’t cleaned the floor yet.”

Ignoring them, Detective Ladd swept his eagle gaze around
the room and examined the bar area. “Hmm,” he muttered and picked up the big
flashlight. “Hmm,” he repeated and swiped a flash over the lamps, ceiling, and walls.


Preparing a pot of coffee allowed Dante to collect his
thoughts and sort a few questions. What had the detective discovered when he’d uttered
a few
? Why did he allow Alexa private time in her closet under such
crucial circumstances? Why had she suddenly relaxed in spite of the bedlam that
had erupted in her condo?

The aroma of freshly-brewed coffee invaded Dante’s nostrils
and cleared his mind. He poured four cups of coffee and placed them on a tray.
Careful to avoid stepping on broken glass, he tiptoed to the cocktail table of
the living room. “Black for everyone.”

The beep of his cell phone reminded him he hadn’t returned
the junior lawyer’s call. He went back to the kitchen and slipped on to the
balcony through the side door. The rain had abated, but big clouds still
darkened the sky.

“Yes, Jay. What’s up?”

“I paid a visit to Tom Dalen, told him I work for you, and
we’re investigating Bairey’s death. He answered my questions without problem.
Nice fellow.”

Leaning against the inner wall, Dante darted watching
glances around him and spoke in monosyllables. “Yes.”

“As you suspected, he lent money to Steve, $200,000 at ten
percent, two years ago.”

Dante whistled softly. “Ten percent? That high?”

“Tom said he did it only for Julia. He has known her for years,
since before her marriage to Steve, and was feeling sorry for her, but he
didn’t trust her husband.
Loans and More, Inc.
was facing bankruptcy. Clients
were threatening to take Bairey and his partner to court. Meanwhile, Carter
Morton wanted Bairey out for ruining him.”

“Good job, Jay. Anything else?”

“This sum was far from being enough. Apparently, Bairey was going
to ask Greg Partson to lend him a big sum to get the investment company out of
trouble. Also Juan did a search on Dianna Oliveira.”

“Anything interesting?”

“She was involved with a drug lord in Sao Paolo and did jail
time, before coming to the U.S. About the surveillance of your grandmother’s
house, everything is going well. By the way, Juan said your sister is a beauty.”
A chuckle sounded on the other end of the line.

“Thank you for reassuring me, but tell Juan that flirting
with a client, especially his boss’ little sister, may get him fired.” Dante caught
a glimpse of the detective walking out of the bedroom suite. “Bye, now.”

Reassured about
and Isabella’s safety, Dante
entered the kitchen and joined Alexa and the men who sat across from her. He’d
wait to hear what they had to say before sharing any information.

While sipping his coffee, Detective Ladd stared at Alexa
above the rim of his cup. “Good and strong. We needed that, right, Ms. Alexa?”

“Yes. Thanks, Dante, for the coffee.” She set her cup back on
the table and smartly waited. The silence weighed heavily for a moment.

“So, Ms. Alexa, were you relieved the intruder didn’t find
your collection of gems?”

“Very relieved, but...”

“Are you sure? Nothing is missing.”

She shook her head.

Understanding dawned on Dante, and he stifled a smile.
“Smart move, Alexa. I’m glad you hid them before we left.”

She bit her lip, and her gaze averted toward her suite.
“It’s a horrible feeling to know a burglar entered my condo, my own bedroom.
Thank God, he didn’t take anything.”

“Yes,” Ladd said. “But that means he may come back. And be

“Oh.” Alexa paled and stiffened.

“Think about it. Your bedroom, office and guestroom were
ransacked, your kitchen and bathrooms searched. The intruder was looking for
something valuable. At first, I thought about a paper, or some evidence
incriminating him, but then I realized you have a fortune hidden here. Does
anyone know you keep your jewelry at home?”

 “Probably.” Alexa twiddled her fingers. “I change earrings,
bracelets, or necklaces often, to match them with the outfit I wear. Obviously
I’m not going to run to the bank on a daily basis. Anyone can guess I keep most
of my jewelry at home.”

“Two days ago, you had a drawer full of items. Today it was
almost empty. What made you decide to hide them before going to the funeral?”

“I always put them back in their place. Except two days ago.
I was too...shaken by the bad news and forgot, but I removed them the next

Ladd glanced at the officer, but continued, “Was it Mr.
Partson who installed a safe?”

“No, it was my father, but Greg knew about it of course.”

“Your father?”

“I lived in this apartment with my Dad since I was ten, then
during my marriage, and after my divorce.”

“How come your father did not install a security system on
the door and windows?”

“Why would he? Our high rise has the best security system.
The security agents at the reception desk spend their time peering at closed
circuit TV. They monitor all areas of the building and would catch any trespasser
attempting to sneak in. But we never expected the problems to come from...”

“From within the Blue Waves. Someone with the key,” Dante
finished her sentence.

“I see.” Ladd exchanged another glance with Officer Raines. Dante
frowned, annoyed that they hadn’t yet communicated their findings.

Ladd’s phone rang. He looked at the id and scrunched his
eyebrows. “Yes, Mr. Partson?” He nodded a few times. “You can come if you
want,” he added as if he was inviting Greg to a drink in his own place.

Alexa pinched her lips. Dante immediately draped his arms over
the back of the sofa, behind her. Let Greg see right away that Dante had
assumed the role of serious boyfriend.

“Can we clean this mess?” Alexa waved her hand around. “It’s
really getting on my nerves.”

“In a moment, Ms. Alexa. I want Mr. Partson to see it. Then
we’ll collect all of that in a bag and take it to the lab for fingerprints

The door bell chimed. Dante held Alexa’s shoulder. “I’m sure
these gentlemen can open.”

She shrugged and gave him a sideway smile. “Good. I’d rather
not be the first to be smacked with Greg’s outrage.”

“What the hell is going on here? Alexa?” Greg’s bellow
answered her.

Dante controlled his snort. “You know him so well. Don’t
move. They can handle him.”

“Who do you think did it, Mr. Partson?” Ladd didn’t waste
time turning on his little recorder.

“I hope you find out soon, detective, and send him to rot in
jail.” He stared at the bottom of the Chinese bowl and moved it with the tip of
his Loafer. “I bought this antique piece in Hong Kong. It’s unique, invaluable.
Its shipping cost me a bundle. Good thing it’s insured.” He strode toward the
bar and lingered there scanning the area. Dante caught his gaze flipping from
the broken ceramic on the floor to the ceiling and lights. What was Greg
looking for?

The officer put on latex gloves and started collecting the
pieces, arranging them on the table. “I’ll wrap them after I clean this floor.”

Greg returned with a glass of Scotch in hand. Instead of
sitting in a chair, he remained rooted in front of them, his bushy brows gathered
into a scowl. “What d’you think you’re doing pawing my wife?”

“Ex-wife,” Dante specified without blinking. “Don’t take
offense, Partson. I’m her lawyer.”

“And my boyfriend,” Alexa’s tender smile melted his heart.

“What the—”

“Mr. Partson, please have a seat. We have important news for
you and need your input.”

“Shoot, but first tell Cantari to show some decency and
behave in public.”

Although Ladd shrugged, Dante realized it was the wrong
moment to antagonize Greg. He removed his arm from behind Alexa’s shoulder.
“Don’t worry. No one will attack you here.”

“Attack?” Concern replaced Greg’s angry tone. “Alexa, were
you here when this happened? Someone attacked you?”

“No, we found the mess when we came back from the funeral.
These gentlemen witnessed the shape of my condo as soon as I opened the door.”

Ladd explained the whole situation in a few words.

“Alexa’s jewelry is insured, like everything else here, but
I’m glad she didn’t forget to put it in the safe. Detective Ladd, do you think
this incident is related to Bairey’s death?” Greg tented his fingers. Dante
followed the direction of his gaze as it scanned the living room and rested on
the bar. Did he want another drink or was he trying to remember something?

 “I can’t say yet, but there’s more.” The detective paused
until he had Greg’s full attention again.


“Ms. Alexa was attacked yesterday. Someone tried to drown
her when she took an early swim.”

“What?” Greg lurched out of his chair, panic wrinkling his
face. “Alexa, my poor child.” He stepped forward and cupped her face between
his hands. “Are you okay now?”

“I’m fine, Greg. Honestly, I am.”

 “Sweetheart, why didn’t you call me?” He released her and
pointed at Dante. “Did you know about it?”

Dante nodded. “We spent the day at Holy Cross Hospital.”

Visibly shaken, Greg rubbed his forehead. “Why didn’t anyone
notify me? Alexa is my responsibility. Detective Ladd, you have to find the
miserable SOB who tried to kill her and ransacked her condo.”

“If you are so concerned about Ms. Alexa’s safety, maybe you
can help us, sir.” Ladd shot Greg a knowing glance.

“I’ll do anything to help you catch the man who harmed
Alexa.” His vehement voice sounded sincere.

“Greg,” Dante halted him. “Did Steve Bairey borrow money
from you?”

Greg turned his head toward him and held his gaze for a few
seconds. “He asked me for a big sum. His company was in deep financial trouble.
I refused. Even at the 10% interest rate he offered. Never trusted the guy. I
know I would have lost my money. Why the question?”

“Because Tom Dallen admitted that he lent Bairey $200,000 at
ten percent, a few months ago.”

Greg snorted. “Bad move, but then Dallen is not a
businessman. Detective Ladd, I suggest you investigate
Loans and More, Inc.
you’re at it?”

Dante stifled a chuckle at Greg’s arrogant tone, but the
detective scowled and raised an eyebrow. “Thank you, Mr. Partson.”

Greg shrugged and left, as the officer followed him. “I’ll
get a box to carry the broken pieces. Be back in a few minutes.”

“Ms. Alexa,” The detective said. “Is there anything else you
can remember from the time you dated—” He stopped short and cleared his throat.
“I mean from the time you went out with Steve Bairey. Anything that can help
the investigation?”

Alexa frowned. “No, nothing.”

Why couldn’t Ladd lay off her? Dante decided to redirect the
detective’s mind on the other condo owners. “Detective Ladd, as Alexa’s lawyer,
I made a list of plausible suspects and their motivations.”

“Really, I’ll be curious to hear that.”

Dante extracted his iPhone and shuffled the screen with his
thumb. “Everyone has skeletons in his closet. Here are my assumptions on
I’ll read it to you

1-Greg Partson still cares about Alexa in an obsessive fatherly
way. Maybe he couldn’t stand to see Steve harassing her.

2-Dianna Oliveira wants to marry Greg, but he’s spending
too much money and time on his first wife and delaying their marriage because
of Alexa. Steve has asked Dianna to help him convince Alexa to marry him or
else he would tell Greg about some sordid details from her past.

3-Julia Bairey resents Steve who’s been cheating on her
for ages. A bad divorce would leave her penniless because Steve poured all his
money in his company and too many bad investments. With Steve dead, she’ll collect
his life insurance.

4-Tom Dallen
has lent big sums of money to Steve
who had never returned any. Besides, he’s in love with Julia Bairey and wants
to protect her from her unworthy husband.

5-Carter Morton is Steve’s partner. Maybe he and Steve
had a fight about business. Maybe he’s had it with Steve’s procrastination to
get the job done

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