Nerdy Girl Nation (Nerdy Girl #1) (14 page)

BOOK: Nerdy Girl Nation (Nerdy Girl #1)
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“Yes, I would think so.”

“I'll make the call personally in the morning. See you back in Boston.”

Rob nodded and walked further down the corridor, wondering how exactly he would introduce Emma to his mother.



As the plane taxied at Logan International Airport in Boston the following morning, the captain gave the go-ahead to turn back on electronic devices. Emma grabbed her cell phone and dialed the number she needed, hoping the conversation would be somewhat civilized.

“Hello?” a soft, but firm voice answered.

“This is Emma MacLean. Can I speak with Robert Breyer, please?”

“Miss MacLean,” the woman answered back with enthusiasm. “He's not in. I'm Lisa Breyer, Big Bobby's wife.”

“So wonderful to talk to you, Mrs. Breyer.”

“Surprising to hear after the conversation you had with my son last night.”

Emma's voice caught in her throat.

How do I respond to that?

“Oh, hon, I understand how things are. I was a wrestler’s wife and manager for way too many years. I'm sure you meant nothing by it. But Big Bobby does take things a bit personal.”

“Your husband is one of the reasons I called. I wondered if Big Bobby, and you of course, would be willing to come out to Chicago next Monday for the show. I'm not so sure I want to square off with Big Bobby, but the guys think I can handle him.”

Lisa laughed at the comment. “I'm sure you can. If Big Bobby could be half as charmed as my son seems to be, I think you'll be all right.”

“Charmed?” Emma got caught in the moment. Had Rob told his mother about her? What did she think of her son and his new boss?

“Oh, Emma. My boy was crazy about you after one meeting.”

“I'm not sure what you mean.” Being coy was her only idea of how to get information at the moment.

“He came home after he met you in Boston. He was supposed to be with Big Bobby for three more weeks, but after he met you, things were different. He said meeting you was like finding the woman you never knew you needed and grieving when you lost her. It was a few months before he snapped back. When he saw you again at the regional finals, he got heartsick all over again.”

“I never meant to cause him any pain. I was in a relationship both times I met him.” Rob was the one who got away, but she never realized he felt the same way about her.

“You aren't now.”

“No, ma'am.”

“And the way my boy looks at you now, is the same way he looked when he would talk about all the wonders of Emma MacLean. A mother recognizes those kinds of smiles. He's fallen for you again and I don't think he's the only one.”

Lisa had Emma pegged. She'd never even met the woman, but Lisa already had an insight into Emma's soul.

“You might be right,” Emma whispered. She shook her head a bit to rein in her thoughts. “About Monday. Do you think you'll be able to come?”

“We'll be there, hon.”

“Excellent. We'll take care of your flight and accommodations. My assistant, Kelly Merchant, will give you a call with all the details.”

“Can't wait to meet you. Tell my boy to give his mother a call ever once in a while, will you?”

“I will. Thank you, Mrs. Breyer. I'll see you Monday.”

“Bye-bye, hon.”

Emma slumped back in her seat when she ended the call. The plane taxied to the gate and the passengers gathered their belongings.

“You all right?” Kelly asked as she touched Emma's hand.

“Yes. I'll be squaring off with Big Bobby on Monday night.” Emma shrugged and gave Kelly a weak smile.

Kelly didn't seem surprised at the news but appeared as nervous as Emma at the idea. “God help us all.”

“I'll get the Breyers’ travel plans finalized and give them a call. You have the photo shoot tomorrow with Gwen and Bobby. Do you need me to be there?” Kelly asked Emma as they gathered their bags from the luggage carousel.

“No.” Emma pulled up the handle on her suitcase. “I'll meet you back at the office when I'm done. It will be nice to sit behind a desk again.”

She heard Ben snort and glanced over to her camera crew. The boys hated sitting with her in the office in LA. With any luck, her office at IWA headquarters would be entertaining enough for the rest of the shooting schedule.

Emma and Kelly parted ways when they reached the curb where Phil waited next to a black Chevy Escalade limo.

Emma stopped short at the view and was almost knocked over by the crew behind her.

“Phil? What the . . .” Emma asked her driver while he stood with a grin.

The back door of the limo opened and out popped a familiar head.

“Annie?” The sight of her sister-in-law was not what she expected.

Annie got out of the limo and pulled someone out behind her.

“Nell?” Emma placed her hand over her mouth at the surprise. Nell had avoided her since the loss of the MacLean matriarch. She had been told Nell was at the funeral but never saw her.

A curvier version of her twin sister, Nell was just as beautiful as Annie, but one hundred times more insecure.

Emma saw Nell's nerves come to the surface as the crew surrounded them. A bob of her throat, a hesitant step, and Nell walked into Emma's open arms.

“I'm sorry,” Nell whispered.

Emma swallowed hard and held on tight to her friend. Even though they hadn't spoken, she knew Nell felt the same loss.

Emma pulled back from Nell with tears in her eyes. “What are you guys doing here?”

Annie wrapped her arms around the other two ladies. “We are going to celebrate. First we are off to the spa for a day of pampering and beauty to get you ready for your first IWA photo shoot. Then, we are off to dinner at O’Rourke's.”

“O’Rourke's?” Emma questioned. O’Rourke’s was
bar to go to in Marblehead. Annie tended bar there while Harry was in law school, so Emma and Nell always felt comfortable hanging out there.

“Yes, O’Rourke's. Teddy O’Rourke is running the place now and the food is so much better. Plus, where would I want to celebrate both of my sister's new jobs at?” Annie smiled and glanced at Nell.

“You?” Emma asked Nell.

“Yes, I was offered the director of the teen program position at the Boston Public Library. I start in two weeks.” Nell’s entire face lit up as she told Emma she had finally gotten her dream job.

“So, you'll be moving to Boston?” An idea sparked in Emma's mind.

“Eventually, I don't think I have time to get moved before I start. The commute is going to be awful.”

“I know what we can do.” Emma ushered them all into the limo, bags, friends, and crew. The ladies began to formulate a plan to make one of their teenage dreams come true.

“Please tell me we can get massages every week,” Annie moaned as the three ladies sat down at their table at O’Rourke's. “I think they’re in order after all your flights home.”

Nell and Emma nodded in agreement. Once they had both gotten over the fact they were almost naked in front of a stranger, they both let themselves enjoy the full body massage.

“I’ll make sure “massage with my BFF’s” is on my calendar every week,” Emma replied. “I think one of the places my real estate agent suggested is not far from there.”

Nell took a sip of water before shaking her head. “I'm not sure I'm comfortable with you buying a place and letting me live there.”

Emma took Nell's hand. “You'll be doing me a huge favor. I will be out of town three to four days a week and I'll need somebody to take care of the place. We've always dreamed of living together in Boston. I can afford my own home. You can't believe what someone paid me for my apartment in LA. Way over asking price just because I lived there.”

“I insist on you letting me pay for some things. Groceries and laundry stuff for sure.” Nell took another sip of her drink.

“We'll work everything out.” Emma smiled and caught the hint of excitement in Nell's eyes.

“It will give me an excuse for me and Sam to make day trips into the city. While Emma's traveling, I can help you get settled.” Annie loved being a stay at home mom, but a project like a new house to put together was a chance for her to spread her decorator wings once again.

It was all coming together. Emma was learning the ropes of her new job. She would be able to move out of her father's house and create a home with one of her best friends. Another plus would be a private place for her to entertain a certain wrestler she had her eye on.

Their meal was filled with a lot of laughs and wonderful stories from their youth. The cameras captured every moment, including the bevy of men who stopped by the table to say hello.

One man stood out from all the others.

“Hello, ladies. Good to see you, Emma.”

“Derek. Hi.” She got up from her seat and gave him a big hug.

He held her tight for a moment before he pulled back and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek.

“Please, sit.” Emma sat and Derek took the seat next to her. “You forgot to mention you're a vice-principal now. Congratulations.”

“Thanks. It's been challenging learning about all the students instead of the ones in my classes or on the team.”

“How did the wrestling team do this year?” Emma asked as the idea her father had posed about a visit to the team came to mind.

“They're a terrific bunch of kids and did better than they did last year, so I'm pretty happy.”

“I know school is over, but do you think they would be up for a visit from some of the IWA?”

Derek's eyes widened. “Really? I mean, it’s not the reason I came over, but they would love meeting them. We’re doing voluntary workouts all summer long so it would make their summer so much sweeter.”

“Some of them are in town on Friday. I'll see if I can set something up if you want to give me your number.”

“Sure.” Derek pulled out his wallet and retrieved a card with his office number at the school and jotted his cell phone number on the back. “Give me a call when you figure things out or if you just want to talk.”


Derek got up and leaned down to give her another kiss on the cheek.

“I'll give you a call.”

“Talk to you soon,” he replied before he walked away.

Emma turned her attention back to Annie and Nell, who stared at her with their evil twin smiles.

“What?” she questioned.

what.” Annie kicked Emma under the table. “It's so obvious he's still hung up on you.”

Emma’s blush covered her cheeks. “He's a wonderful guy, but I don't think we could make a go of it again. Besides, he might be seeing someone.”

“He's not,” Nell stated as if it were fact.

Annie and Emma turned to Nell with questioning looks.

“And how would you know?” Annie asked.

“He goes to my gym. Girls talk in the locker room about coming there just to ogle him. Several of them asked him out, but as far as the rumor mill goes, there hasn't been anyone since Sarah Beth.” Nell shrugged.

“I'm not anxious to go back to the high school, but it would be nice for the kids to visit with some of the wrestlers.”

“Uh-huh. One wrestler who has seemed to get under your feathers?” Annie nudged her sister who nodded in agreement.

“I'm sure I haven’t the slightest idea of what you're talking about,” Emma replied before her cell phone rang. The caller ID told her Rob was calling. With the cameras watching she had to act professional.

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