Nero (Made Men #1) (13 page)

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Authors: Sarah Brianne

BOOK: Nero (Made Men #1)
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Elle s
miled back up at him, satisfied, but she really shouldn’t have.
Oh, shit.

Nero grabbed Elle and flipped her around, shoving the front of her body in
to the lockers, ensuring the side of her face that wasn’t hurt was the one pressed up against them. Elle felt the whole front of Nero’s body flat against her backside. She could feel through her jeans that he was harder than a rock on her ass. His hands were on her abdomen again, but this time, they were above her thin shirt. Elle thought her legs would fall off if she squeezed them together any tighter.

Nero spoke in her ear
. “I will find out who hurt you today, and I will fucking enjoy them screaming in pain. I will find out every single thing anyone and everyone has done to you, and I will enjoy watching them all scream in pain.”

Nero moved his hands up her
shirt and grasped each breast, making Elle arch back into him. “Then I will enjoy watching you scream as I fuck you because, baby, I will pop that cherry very soon.” Nero must have read her mind as he gave another tight squeeze to her breasts. “I give you my word that my dick will be the first and only to slide in and out of your tight, wet pussy, and you will be the one crawling and begging for me to take it.”

Elle couldn’t believe the words that
had come from his mouth, but her body was betraying her by enjoying every harsh word. She had no response and remained unable to think of one when he flipped her body back around to conquer her mouth one last time. Her mouth had betrayed her, as well, by letting him suck her tongue in his mouth. Nero grabbed her hand once he was finished making his point.
Yeah, by completely violating me!

Nero walked her out of the locker room
. When the gymnasium greeted her once again, she felt confused, used, and needy. Her damned body was turned up to a thousand degrees after that last event.

When she saw Amo, Vincent, Leo, and Chloe on the bleachers
, her body decided to add complete embarrassment to that list.

glanced over at Nero, saw his smug, gorgeous face, and felt she was playing into his very-skilled hands. He had her right where he wanted her, and she knew it.
‘You will be the one crawling and begging for me.’

what had taken place in the locker room, she had already gotten on the ground to start that crawling and begging. She had taken it there because she’d realized she didn’t want to lose Nero just yet.

She liked it when he held her hand
. She liked it when he paid her attention. She liked looking at him and talking to him. Most of all, she felt she and Chloe were just a bit safer in this hell hole with him.

f getting on the ground is what keeps those good things in my life, then fine. But I will not crawl, I absolutely will not beg.

Stupid wolf!


Chapter Nineteen

Perfect, Let
’s All Break Necks


Stupid girl, you have no idea what you just did.
Now that Nero had seen a flash of the true Elle, he was going to make sure she would come out and play. He didn’t think a girl could be so innocent and sexy at the same time.

The way Elle
had been incredibly eager to please him and greedy to have him had made it almost impossible for him not to take her. The only reason he had fought himself was because he planned to have her for good. He didn’t know if it was because she was about to die by the hand of his father, or if it was because he had found out the extremes of her torture. It could have been the moment he saw the blood on her hand, or the proud look in her eyes after she licked him.

Nero smiled to himself as he walked across the gym
. When he had told her to make him stay, he honestly had thought she’d merely kiss him. Instead, Elle had taken it to the next level by unbuttoning his shirt. That was when he had known she really wanted him.

Then he
thought he would see the extent of how much she wanted to please him by telling her to pick up her jacket. When she had slid down the lockers, his dick had never been harder in his life. Furthermore, when he had seen her eyes that were aware exactly of what he was picturing

her sucking his dick

his dick somehow had become harder. He’d had her right there on the ground, and still he hadn’t taken her.
Yeah, and my dick regrets it.

, he’d thought the least she could do was button his shirt back. Nero had to get something out of the whole thing if he was walking out with blue balls, and that was how he had decided to show her what her future held.
She just
to lick it and give me the proudest fucking look.

The feel of her tits and ass in his hands had been exactly how he had thought they’d be.
A little more than a handful of perfection
. After that, all Nero had to do was hold them after he ripped her clothes off.

When Nero and Elle walked closer to the bleachers
, he let her run to Chloe’s side. He was somehow not shocked that Chloe ended up looking worse than Elle after the whole thing, reminding him of what had happened during lunch. His hate began to outweigh his sexual needs again.

A moment later
, Amo, Vincent and Leo walked over.

“Please tell me we can kill every motherfucker in that lunchroom now.” He
had known Vincent was ready for a fight.

“I want the piece of shit who threw the carton of milk. Where did it come from?”

Nero didn’t think someone would try
to pull a stunt like that with his crew there. Although Nero knew that the person had hit their intended target, it could have hit any one of them. He was blaming himself; he had been paying attention to what Elle was talking about.
I should have seen it coming.

They all three shook their heads.

“All right, we need to ask around and make people talk.” Nero smoothed his hair down. “For some fucking reason, Elle won’t tell me what else they’ve done to her. That’s at least the second scar she will have on her head, and there’s no telling what kind of shit won’t leave a mark. I don’t care who has touched her, whether it’s dicks or bitches. We will do exactly what they did to her. I want every fucking detail.”

Amo finally
spoke up. “That sounds fair, man.” Nero knew Amo was on the verge of murder just as much as he was.
Good, I want Amo to snap some fucking necks.

, way too fucking fair,” Vincent agreed.

, let’s all break necks.
“Then we’ve got three fucking rounds of payback.”

Nero looked over at Elle sitting beside Chloe
, whispering. He knew she was trying to comfort her. Nero was drawn to Elle by the way she protected Chloe.
I just wish it didn’t mean becoming the target.

“She al
l right?” Amo asked him.

, she takes hits too well.” He didn’t like how she could make a joke out of what had happened.
She was probably happy it ended up hitting her.

Nero wasn’t okay with that.

“She’s some tough shit.” Vincent’s voice sounded proud.

“Yeah, I think the question is
, will
be all right.” Nero noticed Chloe didn’t look quite as well.

Amo was definitely looking forward to the destruction about to come. “Let
’s fucking find out.”

* *

When Elle saw Chloe’s face
, she ran to her side and sat down next to her on the bleachers.

“You okay
, Chloe?”

Chloe’s face was a blank stare toward the floor
. You would think there was nothing inside of her, but Elle knew she was fighting back her demons. Her hair was a curtain on the right side of her face; it killed Elle.

had actually been starting to become slightly comfortable. Elle noticed she had slept, eaten, and showed her face more in the passing days.
Now it’s all gone to Hell.

When Chloe gave no response
, Elle tried again.

“I’m fine
. Just a little bump is all. You know, it wasn’t the worst thing that could happen to me. There’s a good thing in all this; they can’t get close to us clearly with these monsters.” Elle pointed to the guys talking a few feet away. “So, now they have to throw things at us. A milk carton, huh? That is totally cliché. I can’t believe the robots thought they’d take us down with that.” Elle knew Chloe appreciated a good joke.

When Chloe’s eyes glanced over at Elle
, she knew she could break through.

“It could have been worse, you know

“How?” Chloe whispered back.

Elle smiled. She had gotten her to talk. “Well, the worst thing that could have happened from the whole thing was the milk carton could have busted. Chocolate milk is a bitch to get out.”

When Chloe attempted a smile, Elle relaxed.

“So, what do you think they’re going to do when they find out who threw it?” Elle looked up at the four guys staring at them.

“Something tells me I’d rather not know.
” Chloe lowered her voice even more, not wanting them to know they were talking about them. “I thought Nero might have been crazy, but did you see Vincent? He has a multiple personality disorder that’s way worse than being bipolar.”

Elle kept her voice down
, as well.
I definitely don’t want them to hear.
“I noticed that, too. He went from Brad Pitt to Rambo in two seconds.”

When Chloe let out a chuckle
, Elle couldn’t help giggling with her.

Elle saw the boys walk over.

“Oh, crap, did they hear us?” Chloe asked nervously.

Elle looked at
their pissed-the-hell-off faces. “Quick, act like you’re still upset.”

Elle saw Chloe’s head snap back down as the boys closed the gap.

Vincent sat down beside her and wrapped his arm around
Elle’s shoulders. “How do you feel, sweetheart?”

Elle looked at Vincent’s baby
-blue eyes. He was back to being Brad Pitt again. “Good. I kicked that chocolate milk’s ass, right?”

, straight to the ground.” Vincent laughed.

Elle and Leo laughed with him and even Chloe let a laugh escape
, but Nero and Amo didn’t think the joke was funny.

Vincent took the chance to ask Chloe, “And how are you
, sweetheart?”

I’m fine.” Elle couldn’t guess if she was still trying to play along that she was upset or couldn’t handle Vincent’s flirting.

“Would you two happen to have a feeling
of who might have thrown it?” Elle wondered why Vincent was asking all the questions. When she looked at his pretty boy face, she found out why. He was trying to use his good looks and charms on them to find out what they wanted.

. Do you, Chloe?” Elle turned to Chloe, hoping she wouldn’t dare open her mouth, either.

, either.” Chloe shook her head.

Vincent gave a smile
. “How about, maybe I should start to ask someone?”

“Maybe a lunch lady
saw. I’d start there.” Elle smiled back.

“I say we start with Sebastian
,” Amo said.

“That the psycho from yesterday?” Leo asked.

“That’s him. Let’s get the girls back to class.” Nero sounded like the boys wouldn’t be heading back to class.

Elle reluctantly stood
. She didn’t want to go to Spanish since she couldn’t keep an eye on him there.

Nero gave her a look to go on and start walking
, but Elle needed them all to understand something.

, I’m going to say this, and I really hope you all listen. That was the first time since I started coming here they were too scared to show their faces. Usually, they stand right in my face and do whatever they’re going to do while the teachers look the other way.

I’m not rich, and my family doesn’t have power; that’s why they get away with it, and that’s fine. But you can’t go around hurting the kids whose parents would come in here and blow a gasket, threatening to pull their kid out.

Legacy Prep only wants one thing, and that’s money. If I leave because of bullying, then they get to keep my scholarship money, and that is a hell of a lot more than my paycheck and tips I give them for the rest.” Elle hoped she drove her point home.

’re just going to talk to them, sweetheart,” Vincent said, standing up.

Let me make it clearer

“Let me paint a picture for you guys
. If you three go and start a bunch of fights, then you get kicked out of school. That leaves Chloe and me stuck here alone with all the people you just pissed off. So, you all think about that when you go to talk to them.”

That isn’t going to fucking happen,” Amo said, crossing his arms.

When Elle went to open her mouth again
, Nero shut her up. “Elle. Class. Now.”

Elle stomped off, ready to wring all their necks, she heard Chloe getting up to run beside her. Nero caught up to her, attempting to hold her hand, but she wasn’t in the mood. Unfortunately, Nero couldn’t have cared less, and as such, she was forced to hold his hand back to class.

When they reached her classroom
, Elle had some parting words.

“None of you better do anything stupid.” Then she walked off
without even telling Nero goodbye.

* *

“Does she know who she’s talking to?” Amo
asked when Elle slammed the classroom door.

, yes, she does, and that’s the problem.” After what he had done with her in the locker room, she was very aware of the kind of man he was.

Nero saw the guys all shake their heads
We’re all going to be lucky to come out of this sane.

Looking over to Leo
, Nero spoke. “Go on to class. Ask around. Let me know if you find anything out.”

l right, catch you guys later.” Leo walked off.

Nero and his crew were going to miss the last part of class again to have some alone time with Sebastian once

Vincent started walking toward the back of the school
. “Three guesses where the bitch is, and the first two don’t count.”

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