Never A Choice (The Choices Trilogy (Book 1)) (29 page)

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Authors: Dee Palmer

Tags: #The Choices Trilogy, #Book 1

BOOK: Never A Choice (The Choices Trilogy (Book 1))
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“Fuck.” He is still not happy. “I’m not happy about this Bethany.”

“No shit Sherlock, I’d hate to see you really angry.” I placate him with more kisses but have to leave.

His lecture is at seven, prompt and I don’t want to be late. Although I do get an excited twinge in my core at the thought of what he might do if I was. My phone buzzes with a text.


I did try and sit at the front but Sam and Mike called me to sit with them and it just felt rude to refuse with no good reason; I text back.


The theatre is full except the front row which has reserved notices along it. The main door clicks shut and the room falls instantly silent. Daniel dominates the room with his power and presence and I shiver at my intimate knowledge of that dominance. He narrows his eyes, sweeping the auditorium until he spots me; he flashes a wicked smile. I blush and immediately worry what he might do in front of all these people. He pulls a piece of paper from the inside pocket of his suit jacket and clears his throat.

“Is there a Miss . . .” He pauses to look at the paper and my whole body tenses, “Thorne?” No No he is not going to do this.

“Crap.” I mutter.

“What have you done now?” Sam elbows my ribs mocking me with his ‘you’re naughty’ expression.

“Sir.” I raise my arm.

“You’re assignment was not completed, whether you were too distracted or too far away to understand the instructions carefully I would suggest you take a seat in the front to prevent this happening again.” His eyes bore into mine, which must be the size of saucers. Oh My God he cannot be serious.

“The front row is reserved, Sir.” I am so red right now, I clash with my dark green woollen skirt and sweater.

“I know.” He smirks and raises a brow. I have to move as I don’t know how far he will take this. “Do you think it is polite not to follow simple instructions Miss Thorne?” Crap! Alright, alright, now I know exactly how far he will go. I pack my bag and have to squeeze awkwardly across the row of students to the aisle; where I begin my descent of shame. I am so fucking angry right now. I have a good mind to storm out but the wicked look in his eyes tells me he knows exactly what I’m thinking and is challenging me to ‘try him.’ I sit and loudly throw my bag to the floor. I then rummage until I find my pencil and pad before I return to look at him with my angriest glare. He is delighted with himself and I sit and stew. I also write pages of notes; he is really rather brilliant when he is not infuriating.

It suddenly occurs to me that I am alone in the front row and the tiered rows with their desks shield me from the view of those above me as does the one I’m writing on. I can only be seen from the waist up by everyone else but only someone on the stage would have a view below my waist too. My turn to smirk. I give a light cough and his eyes flick to mine, his cool expression gives nothing away, he doesn’t even pause in his presentation. I quietly uncross my legs and spread my knees wide. His face is turned to the screen but on looking back his eyes widen as he recognises my change in position. His eyes continue to address the room but my heated stare is fixed on him and I catch every furtive glance my way. I pull the woollen material from my dress, bunching it at my waist just enough to prevent any material falling between my legs and obstructing the clear view. I sigh as I become very aware of the change in temperature now my legs are open, cooler but I’m heated by desire and I wiggle a little in my seat. I see his throat swallow and I lick my lips to mimic the dryness he is trying to moisten.

His jaw is clenched but other than that he looks the picture of calm, he does however, move to stand behind the podium and that makes me grin. I think one last bold move and we’re even. I slowly take my finger, wet the tip between my lips and in a movement so slow it would go unnoticed by the unobservant. I trace this finger down my body and start to slide it under the waistband of my skirt.

“The material from this lecture is available on-line but unfortunately I will have to finish this lecture here and I am unable to field questions tonight, until next time.” His abrupt finish halts my move immediately. He switches the presentation off but remains on the stage. As he has dismissed the room there is a surge of activity and deafening noise. I hear him call, Miss Thorne but use the general level of disturbance as cover and hurry out of the door. I know there was at least another ten minutes of the lecture and he is a perfectionist. There is no way he didn’t have the exact and appropriate amount of material for the time allowed. I can see as I leave that he is again surrounded by gushing students. Perhaps it wasn’t the smartest of ideas to provoke him when I know he is angry anyway because of the weekend, but he wasn’t the only one who’s angry. Fuck it, I’m not going to dwell, I’m going to meet my best friend, get roaring drunk and deal with Daniel’s ‘man-struation’ later.

“I bought us a bottle, I didn’t fancy bar hopping tonight, is that Ok with you?” Sofia calls to me above the noise of the bar.

“Absolutely.” She hands me a glass and starts to pour. We’ve managed to secure an alcove seat in a very busy wine bar. It’s lively, intimate but perfect for catching up.

“Are you going to get that, it hasn’t stopped ringing?” She nods to my vibrating bag.

I know and I know who it is and he’s really pissed. “My phone, my convenience.” We clink glasses and drink. I ask Sofia about her wedding plans and she tells me at length the stress she is under. The only daughter with a huge extended family, trying to please everybody and Paul just wanting to please her. I can tell she’s really excited about it all though and she secretly adores all the attention.

“So?” She raises her brows and addresses the elephant in the room. “How’s it going with Mr Hot and Horny, still ‘fun’?” She uses air quotes to mock me but her expression is serious. I haven’t dated since her brother two years ago and before that it was only ever John.

“Oh definitely
” I follow this understatement with an uncontrollable surge of heat to my cheeks and a large gulp of wine.

“You’re not getting away with that Bets, spill! You’ve stayed at his place, how many nights this week?” She tops up my glass hoping for the lots of liquor equals a loose lips scenario.

“A few, he’s very insistent when he wants something.” I try to bite back the giggle but it’s useless.

“And he wants you . . . lucky you.” She giggles and nudges me.

“For now.” I smile lightly the sobering sentiment quelling the giggles. I may not like the feeling I get when I acknowledge this fact, but when I am not in the thrall of Daniel Stone I do see this for what it is and where it will end.

“Oh I have missed your ‘glass half full’ world view. Look he’d be nuts to let you go Bets.” She softens her voice. “How do you feel about him?” My shoulders stiffen and she thinks it’s in response to her question. It isn’t. I’d happily tell her if I knew myself. No my shoulders stiffen and my skin tingles because I can feel him. How does he do that?

“Holy shit!” Sofia’s eyes widen and she beams a huge smile. I don’t turn but take a large gulp of my wine, empty the glass and pour myself another. He stands behind me brushing his hands across my shoulders. He moves his hand and sweeps my hair from my neck scorching my skin where his fingers lightly touch. He leans in and softly kisses my cheek.

“Bethany.” His voice is low and husky. He offers his hand to Sofia and they shake hands. “Sofia, lovely to see you again. Bethany invited me to join you for drinks. I must apologise for being late, I wasn’t entirely sure I had the right address.” I tense instantly under his fingertips at this comment. “Can I get you another drink? Some water to go with the wine, perhaps?” He is charming with a touch of menace.

“We’re fine with the wine, thank you.” I look at his gorgeous face and he is all smouldering sexy as hell with a dazzling smile.

“Very well, I won’t be a moment.” He disappears toward the bar.

“Late?” Sofia queries.

“I’m surprised he’s only late, I didn’t tell him where we were meeting, I have no idea how he found me.” I whisper even though the noise of the bar easily drowns my words. Nothing would surprise me, he is like super spy of something equally sinister.

“So you didn’t invite him?” She smiles unaware of my growing unease.

“Well yes I did. He was really grumpy earlier about not seeing me all weekend and I said he could join us but that I was staying over at yours after, it was a compromise. But then he was a complete arse in the Lecture this evening. I may have provoked him and then done a runner. Really didn’t think he’d show up, it’s why I wasn’t answering my phone, if I spoke to him I would’ve caved and told him where we were, he’s really persuasive.”

“I’ll bet, looking like that why would you say no? Still he looks cool about it now. So we’ll have a few drinks I’ll text Paul. We’re still doing the girlie sleepover though?”

“Hell yes!” Although I don’t quite agree with her summation of Daniels’ demeanour.

Daniel returns with a large bottle of water and proceeds to pour me a glass. He has a beer for himself. I tell Sofia about Daniels lecture, skipping the tense bits that have me on edge or maybe it’s the way Daniel is drawing patterns on the skin of my neck and along my collarbone with his thumb. He whispers while Sofia is checking her phone.

“I want to speak to you alone.” I know he can feel me tremble and he hums into my neck inhaling the scent from my hair.

“I know you do but I can’t leave Sofia alone, she’s a man magnet.” I smile tightly.

“She’s not the only one, or haven’t you noticed?” Actually no, the only thing I have noticed is the filthy looks I have been getting from every female that happens to clock Daniel. “But you’re right, you’re safe . . . for now.” He nips my ear lobe with his teeth sending a current straight to my core. He is too calm, too controlled; this underlying tension has me on edge. Sofia squeals and makes me jump and I turn and see Paul making his way through the crowd. I turn and give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“Daniel, this is Paul Simmons, Sofia’s fiancé. He works near your offices, in one of the finance houses and Paul, this is Daniel Stone.” Paul interrupts.

“-Yes I know who you are, it’s really good to meet you.” Paul shakes Daniels hand vigorously

“Right.” I carry on. “Well . . . Paul this is Daniel,. .” Daniel interrupts this time.

“-I’m Bethany’s boyfriend.” The shock on my face would be the same if he’d slapped me but it was Sofia that gasped.

“What?” I gasp too.

“Well, I thought partner sounded like a business relationship, and although lover is technically correct I feel that although it is an intimate description it also sounds temporary. I thought you would prefer boyfriend, for now.” My mouth is open and I am actually speechless. Paul steps in.

“Well, that makes you a very lucky man.” He slides in next to Sofia and winks at me.

“I’ll drink to that.” Beams Sofia and I can’t help but love my cheering section. Even if I am hugely embarrassed.

“Yes, yes it does.” Daniel agrees softly and he covers my mouth with a heated passionate kiss as if there wasn’t a room full of people. “I need to speak to Bethany, I won’t keep her long.” I just manage to put my glass down before I am whisked off the seat and led away through the busy room toward the back of the bar. We walk through an entrance that is clearly marked staff, and then a second door that is to a small intimate private dining room. My heart is racing as he turns to face me, he fixes me with heavy lidded eyes filled with lust. My lips are dry and I moan a little with pent up need as I suck my lips into my mouth.

“I like your thinking Miss Thorne.” His words are pushed through deep desire filled breaths. “You know by rights you should be properly punished for your behaviour today. If we had time, I would make it that you couldn’t sit down for a week, but I am going to have to improvise. I am going to fuck your mouth and you are going to swallow all I give you. It is going to be hard and fast and for me. Understand Miss Thorne?” Oh God I’m so wet right now I squeeze my legs together. “Oh No Miss Thorne, I don’t think so, for me remember?” I pout but nod to his raised brow.

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