Never Ever (5 page)

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Authors: L.P. Maxa

Tags:, #contemporary romance

BOOK: Never Ever
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Chapter Twelve:



I was going crazy. The girls had been gone for too long. I missed Livi. I had known this girl for less than 24 hours and I fucking missed her. What in the holy hell was wrong with me? I needed…I needed…I needed to man up. I was being a giant pussy. I ran my hands through my hair, frustrated. Cole walked out onto the front porch, that’s right, I was sitting on the front porch waiting for her to get home. He handed me another beer, I was going through them like water.

“Hey man, you, uh, you okay?” He plopped down in the chair opposite me, a jack and coke in his hands. Jack and Coke was pretty much all Cole drank after sun down.

I took a long pull off the fresh bottle. “I’m fine.”

“Yeah? You seem just peachy.” Cole gestured to the three empty bottle at my feet. “Man, she’s just a chick. Just like the thousands of other chick you’ve bagged.”

“Thousands? I’m good, but I’m not that good.” I laughed humorlessly, “I don’t know what’s happening to me. I feel like a little bitch. I fucking spooned her all night last night. Like wrapped my body around hers and slept like a damn baby. She told me today that I needed to back off, that her friends were asking questions. It killed me to say okay. I don’t want to back off. I want to tell her friends everything, I want to be able to touch her and kiss her and flirt with her out in the open. I want…Ugh!” I ran my hands through my hair again, pulling it straight up.

Cole started to laugh, like side splitting laugh. “Aw man, Tay, you like her. You actually like a girl. And it only took twenty eight years.” He wiped at his eyes, “And of course you had to pick a girl that lives 4 states away. Not to mention, she’s technically still married. Good job, bro.”

I looked at him like he was a mental patient. “You are crazy. I don’t
her. I just want to nail her, I
to nail her. The need to nail her is all encompassing. That’s all. Once I get it out of my system I’ll feel better.”

“Oh yeah? All encompassing? And when’s the last time you cuddled because you wanted to?” Cole took a large gulp of his drink and then crunched on some ice.

I just glared at him. He knew the answer to that. I didn’t cuddle, I didn’t spoon, I didn’t sleep over. This guy had known me since freshman year. He knew my M.O.

“I get it, Tay. Livi’s hot, she’s funny, and she has a body that just won’t quit. But, she lives in another state man and she’s also going through a
. I meant what I said yesterday, she’s not for you.” Cole shrugged like his words were no big deal. “You want her this weekend? Fine. But you better get it through your head that that’s all you’re going to get.”

“That’s all I need.” Right? Or was
right? Was Livi the first girl to ever get under my skin? Even if she was, it was most likely because I couldn’t have her. She was unattainable. I’m a dude, we want what we can’t have. My life was golden. Everything was going according to plan. This was nothing more than a weekend fling.

Cole and I sat on the porch drinking and shooting the shit until we saw headlights pull into the driveway. My heart started to race. Really heart? Do you really need to be that excited to see Livi? I glanced over at Cole, could he see my traitorous heart pounding out of my chest? The girls climbed out of the car laughing, my eyes searched for her as I stood, “Y’all have fun?”

Allie answered me, “This town is fucking adorable. We met some locals at dinner, they told us the band playing at the bar tomorrow night was actually pretty good.” She shut her car door, “Said it gets packed, that we should try and head there a little early so we can get a table.”

I held the screen door open for them, “Of course ladies, it’s your world, we just work here.”

Cole opened the front door, leading them inside and heading towards the bar. “Who wants a drink?” They all answered ‘I do’ as they filed inside. He stood at the bar, hands on his hips, “Who wants what?  Wait! Let me try and guess first; Allie and Livi want vodka sprite with a splash of cranberry and a lime. Kate wants a crown and coke, and Ms. Baily wants a shot of tequila with a beer chaser. Am I right?”

Baily sat on top of the bar, reaching for the Patron, “You are correct, sir.”

I stared at Livi from across the room, I knew she was avoiding my gaze. Trying to ignore me. I guess she’d meant what she said earlier. No big deal, I just need to keep my distance until bed time. “Okay, what now? Y’all wanna have a dance party in the living room? Go for a midnight swim? Play some cards? Your wish is our command.” I threw my arm around Allie’s shoulder. See? I could act like there was nothing going on with Livi and me. I’m friendly with everyone.

Kate tasted her drink, frowned at Cole and then added more crown. “Let’s go for a swim.”

Baily threw back her shot and then nodded, “I’m down for a swim.”

I smiled, like the cat that ate the canary. “Everyone else good with that?” I said everyone, but I meant Livi, I had a hankering to see that girl dripping wet wearing next to nothing. I waited until I saw her nod yes. “Pool or lake?”

Predictably, Baily said lake. Kate, Allie, and Liv said pool. I voted lake…for obvious reasons. Baily started to whine when she realized she wasn’t going to get her way, “Come on guys. We can swim in a pool whenever we want. When do we get the chance to go for a midnight swim in a lake? Never.”

Allie pursed her lips, “That’s true. Okay, I change my vote.” Good girl Allie. I looked over at Kate, would she cave too? She shrugged, “I’m good with either.” I loved these girls!

I laughed, “Okay Livi, looks like you’re outnumbered. Lake time.” She shot daggers at me from across the room. I didn’t care. I was minutes away from having a sexy girl in a swim suit in the middle of a dark deserted lake. It was every man’s dream come true. Every man’s dream and a scene in every horror movie I’d ever watched.



Chapter Thirteen:



The lake, in the dark? I needed another drink. I knew what Taylor’s end game was. During dinner Baily had brought up how flirty he was with me. I had explained it away as nothing. I told my friends that maybe he was a little a flirty, but it was going to help me write my next book. His one liners and sexual innuendos were a romance writers dream. They had all laughed about it and the subject was dropped. But two vodka drinks in, and a dark sexy scary lake? Things were about to get complicated. And my inhibitions were down just enough not to care. I had thought about Taylor the whole time we were gone. I wanted him, I wanted to feel desired
him. I longed to be touched. It had been too long. This was going to happen, I just needed to keep a clear head long enough to get away from the prying eyes of my friends. I changed into my swim suit and threw Taylor’s tank top over it, might as well start turning him on now. Right? I walked out of my room and immediately felt Taylor’s eyes on me. I could feel the heat coming from his gaze, warming me to the core. He walked over, handed me a fresh drink and whispered next to my ear, “I was planning on behaving in front of your friends, but I doubt I’ll be able to control myself now that you’re wearing my shirt.”

I took a sip of my expertly made drink, “Well, I’ll just have to take it off then, won’t I?”

Taylor chuckled, “Alright Sugar, how many drinks did you have at dinner?”

I smiled what I hoped was a sexy smile, “Just enough to make tonight interesting.”

And I walked away to join my friends on the back porch. We all followed the narrow path down to the dock in single file. Baily leading, because she no longer trusted Taylor’s navigational skills. Taylor was right, the lake look so peaceful in the moonlight. I finished my drink on the walk down, I crunched on some of the ice left in my cup. I giggled to myself, when we were younger we used to call eating the ice left over from our mixed drinks, properly hydrating. The difference a few years makes is incredible. I had downed water all through dinner, and I had applied more sunscreen today than I had through all 4 years of college. I peeled off Taylor’s shirt and set it on the ground next to my cup. I walked silently out towards the water. I could hear my friends laughing in the background, but I knew Taylor would follow me. Just like I knew the instant he stepped up behind me, sensing him even before he placed his hand on my bare hip. Goose bumps spread all over my body. “You ready Sugar?”

I turned towards him, “Promise not to let the monsters get me?”

He nodded and grabbed my hand so that we jumped into the water side by side. I had given him a big speech only hours before, telling him to back off, telling him to watch himself around my friends. And here I was, throwing all that away. I wanted his hands on me as much as I wanted his attention on me. We swam back towards shore until we were about waist deep, we both sunk down letting the cool water hit our shoulders. Taylor reached for me under the water, pulling me towards him. “You okay Livi? You haven’t been this quite since I met you.” He smiled, turning us so that my back was to the shore and he was in position to get eaten by lake creatures first. 

“I’m fine. I’m sorry about earlier. It’s not all you, obviously, I’m just as much to blame.” I let him pick up my legs and wrap them once again around his waist. I felt his hard length pressed up against my core. Against my better judgment I tighten my hold, grinding against him as slowly as I could. Trying my best not to make ripples in the water. I grinned when he closed his eyes and bit his lower lip. “You’re right Taylor, I love it when you touch me. I crave it.”

He opened his eyes, the moon was bright enough for me to see the lust that filled them. “I crave you too, Sugar. More than I have ever craved anyone. I need to have you. I’m selfish and I’m a bastard. When this is all over, I’ll take you to the airport and never look back. But tonight? This weekend? I want all of you.”

I swallowed, audibly. His words made me ache. I wanted to be in our little bed, on the porch. Where the fan would drown out my moans. “Okay.”


“For the rest of the weekend, I’m yours. All yours. As much and as often as we can manage, you can have me.” I ground against him again, hard and slow. “My friends can’t know. And when this trip is over, so is this little fling.”



Chapter Fourteen:



My cock strained against my swim trunks, begging to be let out to play. My blood felt like lava running through my veins. I wanted to pick her up, throw her over my shoulder and run back to the house. I wanted to put melatonin in her friend’s drinks. I wanted Livi, and I wanted her
. I groaned when I saw everyone make their way over to us. Livi laughed and pulled away from me, I missed her instantly. Wait, no. I missed her little pelvis grinding against mine, and that was all. Allie swam up and handed Livi her drink. “Here you go Livi Lou. I saw you slammed yours on the walk down here. We can share mine.” I narrowed my eyes, I didn’t want Livi to drink anymore. I wanted her sober, I wanted her to remember every ounce of pleasure I planned on making her feel.

“Thanks, Allie Cat.” Livi took a big gulp of the drink and then handed it back. I nudged her under the water.

Kate squealed, “Oh my God! Something just brushed against my leg!”

Oops, wrong chick. “Kate, it was probably just a fish. Calm down or Livi is going to start crying.” That earned me a kick from Livi, but I knew it was coming. I grabbed her leg and held on. I ran my hand up her thigh and brushed my fingers against her pussy. I smiled smugly when her eyes closed in response to my touch. Suddenly I found myself under water. I came up sputtering, and Cole was on me again. Dunking me a second time. When I came up he mumbled, “Stop looking at Livi like you want to eat her. You are being too obvious.” He let me go and swam back over to the girls, “Let’s play a game.”

I grinned, “Hide and seek?” Cole shot me a glare and Livi snorted.

“How about ‘I Never’?” Baily suggested.

Kate, Allie, and Livi all groaned.

“What? Y’all don’t want to play?” Baily looked irritated. “What else are we going to play wading out in the middle of a lake? We have no cards, no dice…”

Cole raised his drink overhead, “I’ll play. So will Tay. He loves this game, he gets shit faced every time. There’s not much this guy hasn’t tried at least once.”

I sent water splashing in his direction. He covered his drink with his hand raising it up above the water. “Dude, quit you are going to get lake water in my jack.”

Livi had an extremely serious look on her face, “No joke Tay, he could get dysentery.”

I shook my head, “No flesh eating bacteria, no dysentery, no monsters. Stop worrying so much, Sugar.”

Baily’s eyebrows raised so high they disappeared into her hair line. “Sugar?”

Livi laughed, nervously. “He’s southern Baily, not trying to get into my pants.” I reached down and placed my hand on her hip, trying to calm her.

Baily shrugged, “Let’s play. Who wants to go first?”

Allie raised her hand, “Me!”

Livi sighed and rolled her eyes towards the sky. She mumbled under her breath, “Good lord, here we go.”

I grabbed her hand under the water. She turned towards me smiling, fire in her eyes. Standing here, this close to her, watching her laugh and smile. Watching her beautiful breasts covered in water. Torture. My dick was crying.

Allie spoke up, “Never, have I ever, had a three some.”

Damn. I took a drink, but to my relief so did Cole. I searched my memory, was he lying? Nope, that’s right. Halloween sophomore year; the nurse and the cheerleader. Roommates.

Cole offered to go next. I cringed. “Never have I ever kissed a dude. So, for y’all, drink if you’ve kissed another girl.”

All four of them looked down, up, anywhere but at each other as they drank. Hmm…my sad dick gave a little twitch at the thought of them making out. I’m a guy, sue me.

Kate’s turn. “Never have I ever, got so drunk that I didn’t remember what I did the night before.”

Everyone drank except for Kate. She smiled smugly. Livi grabbed Allie’s cup and held it over head, “Never have I ever, got so wasted I fell into a trash can.” That must have had its desired effect because Kate stuck her tongue out at Livi and then drank. But so did Cole. I looked him, “Really, dude? A trash can?”

He shrugged, “Freshman year.”

I nodded, “I’ll go. Never have I ever…” Damn it was hard thinking of something to say without having to drink myself. “…paid for sex.”

No one drank.

Baily snorted and shook her head. “Never have I ever, asked someone to pull my hair during sex.”

Cole drank, wow, I was learning a lot of about my friend tonight. I looked away from him just in time to see Livi bring Allie’s cup away from her lips. “Whoa, wait a minute. Liv did you just drink to that? You like to have your hair pulled?”

She just shrugged and turned as Allie said, “Never have I ever asked someone to cho-”

Livi sent a wave of water towards Allie’s face. “That’s enough.”

Kate and Baily were cracking up, Livi sounded pissed but she was still wearing a smile. “What was that about? What was Allie going to say?” Please God let it be what I think it was.

Livi shook her head, pointing a finger at Allie, “Nope. Don’t even think about it Allie. I can play dirty too.”

Allie had an evil grin on her face, drunk, but evil. “Oh Livi, its okay. No one here is going to judge you for liking it a little rough.” She motioned in my direction, “I’m sure Tay here is a freak in the sheets. He’d probably applaud you.”

Livi snatched the drink they had been sharing and downed it in one long swallow. The sight of her swallowing made my dick twitch again. Man, I was pathetic. “
No mas
for you Allie Cat. You are white girl wasted.” Livi turned to face her other two friends, “And you two. Stop it.”

Kate and Baily were still laughing, Kate leaned over and pulled Livi into a hug. “Aww Livi, we love you.”

I stood up, putting my hands on my hips and narrowing my eyes, “Are y’all going to share with the class? Secrets don’t make friends.” I needed to know just how rough my girl liked it. I was glutton for punishment.

Baily splashed water in my face, “No, but they do

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