Never Keeping Secrets (15 page)

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Authors: Niobia Bryant

BOOK: Never Keeping Secrets
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Chapter 15
ou okay?”
Danielle looked up at Omari sitting on the small sofa against the wall of her dressing room. She nodded as she reached behind her to massage the small of her back. “I think all of the standing in those five-inch heels is wrecking my back muscles,” she told him with a grimace as another spasm radiated across her back.
“Let me see if I can help that,” he said, rising in his navy linen pants and white tee with matching navy and white spectator shoes. “I shouldn't have laid this dick on you so hard last night.”
Danielle arched a brow as she eyed him. “Or maybe I injured my back working so hard riding that dick down 'til it deflated,” she shot back.
“You did do that,” he agreed. “Hell of a job.”
She kept her eyes on the man as he came over to press his fingers against the small of her back. She moaned in pleasure at the small circles he made. “That's nice. That's real nice,” she said, imitating Bernie Mac.
Omari chuckled. “This little vacay was nice. Thank you for showing me LA,” he said, his hands still working magic on her back.
“I just wish I wasn't so tired and cranky,” she told him, folding her arms across the top of her desk and then settling her head on top of her arms.
“It's all right baby,” he assured her. “I'm just happy to finally get to see you face to face.”
Danielle fell silent and just enjoyed him putting in work on her back.
This was the first weekend Omari flew out to Los Angeles to spend with her, although she had been back to New Jersey one weekend during her downtime. She had to admit that she liked the laid-back nature of their “friendship.” Omari lived up to his word and was never clingy or asking too much of her. Most nights they talked a little on the phone. Some nights they didn't. There were no missed calls on her phone while she was taping or doing spots. He completely understood that she had a life and a career of her own—grown-woman shit.
And the dick was nice. Real nice.
She spun in her chair and walked over to the door to lock it.
She turned and walked back over to him, running her hands down the front of his thighs and then around to grip his firm buttocks before she sucked his bottom lip into her mouth with a soft moan.
Omari followed her lead and brought his hands up to grip the back of her thigh beneath the full skirt of her burnt-orange dress. “You smell so good,” he told her, nuzzling his face against her neck before pressing his lips there.
Danielle shivered. “That's my new body wash,” she whispered as she closed her eyes and tilted her head back.
He slid her delicate panties to the side and stroked his finger against her bare pussy lips. Danielle widened her stance in her six-inch heels. He slid one thick finger and then another inside her and then plucked her swelling clit with his thumb.
She hissed in pleasure, her fingers digging deep into flesh where they rested on his shoulders. “I absolutely love fucking you,” she whispered into the rising heat in the air as she raised one leg to wrap around his waist.
“You do?” he asked throatily, looking down into her face as he slid his fingers in and out of her slowly.
Danielle nodded as she worked her hips in motion to his fingers planted inside of her. Her entire body felt alive. Sexy. Vibrant. Electrified. He made her feel like she tingled everywhere with all the hairs left on her body standing on end.
Pure chemistry.
Omari brought his free hand up to her nape and pulled her head forward to kiss her. First softly and then deeply. His tongue tasted of the juice he had been drinking.
She wondered if all his juices were as sweet.
Danielle lowered her leg and stepped back just enough to free his fingers from her pussy. Omari slid his fingers into her mouth. She reached down to stroke his hard dick as she kissed him, sucking both his tongue and his fingers in a mini-ménage.
“Damn,” Omari swore.
“Oh that ain't nothing,” she whispered against his open mouth as she pulled the front of his pants away from his dick and jerked his zipper down.
“Shit,” he swore.
Danielle dropped to her knees and freed his dick to take the thick and warm tip into her mouth. She sucked as much of the length of him as she could into her mouth, being sure to stroke his thickness with her tongue.
“Danielle,” he moaned, biting his bottom lip as he tilted his head to the side to look down at her.
She let her spit drizzle against his tip before she freed his dick from her mouth and stroked the length of him swiftly as she bent her head to flicker the tip of her tongue against his balls.
Omari cried out and roughly fell back against the bookstands on the wall. Shit fell over and onto the floor.
Fuck it.
Danielle moved back to lizard-lick his tip as she continued to work her wrist and jack him.
“Girl you hell,” he said, his voice nearly a high-pitch soprano as he dug his fingers into her hair and made a fist. “Don't make me move to LA.”
Her soft laughter tickled his dick as she continued her onslaught, causing the sucking noises to echo inside the small office.
“You gone make this bitch cum,” he said, sounding somewhere between excitement and regret.
She gave his dick one last lick, suck, and kiss before rising to her feet and sitting on the edge of her sofa. “Oh no. You got work to do before you leave LA this morning,” she told him, opening her legs wide and using one finger to pull the now-moist seat of her panties to the side.
Omari rushed to snatch his wallet from his pocket.
Danielle watched as he eventually unrolled a condom onto the length of his hard dick. She used her free hand to lightly pat her plump lips and then spread them to give her clit air.
Omari dropped to his knees and slid his dick inside her until it was buried. He leaned forward to suck at her mouth as he worked his hips, sending the length of him against her walls.
“Thank you for coming to LA,” she whispered against his lips, already feeling a fast and furious nut about to explode.
“You're more than welcome,” he said.
Moments later they both clenched tightly at each other as white-hot spasms sent them free-falling through one hot climax after the next.
Hours later, long after she made sure Omari was securely on his flight back to New Jersey, Danielle was in her dressing room getting her makeup done in preparation for doing a live edition of
The A-List
. Everyone was on alert, excited and nervous about the first-time try at going live.
Her back was acting up and she was seriously considering requesting to wear flats but she knew her stylist would have twelve fits if she ruined his ensemble by not wearing the feather-covered Louboutins sitting and waiting for her by the door.
Danielle fanned herself. She didn't know if it was the bright lights surrounding the mirror of the dressing room or the cluster fuck of more than three people being inside the small room at one time, but she was hot. “Can I get some water, please?” she asked, her eyes closed as the makeup artist finished her eye shadow.
Bzzzzzz . . .
Her cell phone vibrated in her hand but Danielle waited until the makeup artist moved onto her lips before she checked it. An e-mail. She felt her body go tense. The last thing she needed before going on air live was another taunt.
The e-mails from her unknown tormenter proclaiming to know her secrets and threatening to expose them had continued. They increased in frequency so much that she was almost afraid to answer her e-mail. So far there had been nothing but the dumb-ass e-mails but Danielle was aggravated. She thought about reporting it to the police but what would she say—“Excuse me, very busy officers, someone is e-mailing the shit out of me?”
This is some childish shit
And she was beginning to be very clear about the identity of the overgrown adolescent.
“Can I have a quick minute everyone?” Danielle asked suddenly. “Please.”
As soon as they filed out of the room she checked the e-mail. Sure enough. Same-old same-old.
Danielle already knew there was no reason to respond. Anytime she tried over the last few weeks the e-mail always bounced back.
“I know your secrets,” she mumbled. “I just bet you do.”
She used her thumb to quickly make a call.
The phone rang three times and she started to end it just before a voice filled the line.
“If it isn't the star
made. How are you dear? Are you calling to say thank you?”
Danielle hated the very sound of Carolyn Ingram's voice. “I believe I have thanked you enough, Carolyn,” she said, forcing civility into her tone.
Carolyn laughed in her deep, throaty voice. “Yes it was adequate. Definitely not everything I dreamt it would be.”
“Listen, stop sending the e-mails, Carolyn. We had a deal.”
“E-mails,” Carolyn balked. “What e-mails?”
“You know damn well—”
“Hold on one sec, dear.”
Danielle rolled her eyes.
“Candy, sweetie, your tongue is far too wet. I want you to eat the pussy, not drown it.”
Danielle gagged at the imagery of Carolyn's withered old body being nude.
“Okay, I'm back. Now what's this about e-mails?”
“Just stop threatening me about my secrets,” Danielle snapped.
The door opened. She turned in the chair to eye her assistant, Ming. “They want you on the floor in five minutes. They really need to get in here and finish getting you dressed,” she said, looking apologetic.
“I have no reason to contact you about anything. I got everything I wanted that night,” Carolyn was saying.
Danielle held up her finger for just one minute. Ming left her alone with a nod.
“If I knew you would cum so fast I would have made a deal for more than one lick of that pussy of yours,” Carolyn said with a mocking laugh. “But no worries. A deal is a deal. I got you the job at WNYU and you let me finally eat that good pussy.”
Danielle felt her shame spread across her body because it was true.
“Did you want a refresher?” Carolyn asked and then smacked her lips loudly before she released a shrill laugh.
Danielle ended the call, jumping up to her feet quickly to walk over to the door. But before she could make two solid steps she felt a sharp pain at the base of her head. She reached for the wall as she got dizzy. She cried out as she felt her body go slack. Seconds later she hit the floor.
In the moments just before she felt herself slipping into unconsciousness she heard Ming enter the room and then call out for help.
Danielle lay back in the hospital bed. “Two steps forward and three steps back,” she said, looking down at the IV in her arm.
Even after two days in the hospital she still felt weak and tired. Plenty of well-wishers had sent flowers and her room was full but there was no one sitting at her bedside. No one to make her smile through the disappointment. No one to tell that the only thing the parents she never met gave her was a genetic disorder that could one day lead into her having dialysis and/or end-stage renal failure. Death.
Polycystic kidney disease.
Danielle could hardly pronounce her newly discovered disease that made such a late appearance in her life.
A tear raced down her face.
The doctors said all the niceties about how regular checkups and medicine to manage her symptoms meant she could resume her life. It all sounded good but she couldn't keep her eyes off the end of the line. Death.

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