Read Never Look Back Online

Authors: Geraldine Solon

Tags: #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Crime, #Kidnapping, #Suspense, #Thrillers

Never Look Back (18 page)

BOOK: Never Look Back
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"Which means we have to do a memorial for you.


"Oh, you heard me. We have to fake your death. I tried to make this easy for you, but I don't think you realize how serious this matter is."

"Easy," she lashed out. "You've never been stripped out your identity, dragged from place to place, unable to get close to anyone. I miss being able to have a friend where I can just laugh and share a secret. I want to be able to talk about who I am and what I dream off. I wish I could express myself to my full potential. I don't want to settle for average."

"I'm sorry."

"Why do I have to listen to you? What difference does it make to live like this when I've lost my family and myself? What more do I have to live for?"

She immediately thought of Gio and how special he made her feel. How she enjoyed watching him sleep peacefully before she tiptoed outside his unit. How she took one last look at the view of the city, and how she wanted to get lost from everything.

She'd tell Gio her secret soon, and maybe he can help her fulfill her goal—to kill Vladimir, locate the Russian mob, and rescue her mother. She needed Gio to help her. She couldn't count on the Feds. But she also couldn't possibly do it alone.

So, she gave U.S. Marshall Collins her heart-stopping smile. "Do you want me to write my obituary?"


Gio slipped into his robe and grabbed his phone. After punching in a number, he keyed in a text.
It worked. She trusts me now.

His phone beeped.
Good. How long?

Patience, my cowboy.


Dana took a gulp of her green tea as Gio entered the shop with a dozen pink roses.

"You're early." His eyes lit up when he set the vase on the counter.

"Aw, they're beautiful. Thank you."

He gave her a gentle kiss on the lips. "You left without saying goodbye."

Opening the cash register, she pulled out the stack of bills and divided them into twenties, tens and fives. "You slept like a baby."

A grin played on his lips. "Come away with me this weekend."

She shrugged wishing she could go. "You know I can't leave the store."

"What if I tell you that I can let you leave the shop?"

Shutting the cash register, she pointed out, "And I know you won't take no for an answer."

"Can't help it."

Bending down, she said, "I'm afraid I can't do this Gio. You hardly know me and you don't—"

"No need to explain." He gestured with his hands and winked. "I perfectly understand. But just so you know, the invitation is always open. It doesn't have to be this weekend."

Dana pursed her lips. "I love your persistence."

"Persistence…" He pointed up. "Is the key to success. And here comes a customer." He approached the door and welcomed a brunette inside. "Good morning, how can I help a beautiful lady like you?"

The woman blushed. "Thank you, I'm looking for a scarf."

"A scarf?" Gio led her to the aisle and fondled the array of scarves. He picked an emerald one. "To you, this may seem like an ordinary scarf." He put it around her neck. "But look at how it compliments your green eyes."

The lady faced the mirror and beamed. "Wow."

He plucked a pair of silver dangling earrings from a nearby table. "Add this and you'll dazzle your date."

Dana covered her mouth, trying to control her laughter as the lady applied the earrings and admired herself in the mirror.

"So?" He raised his eyebrows.

"You're right," the lady said, facing him. "You're good." Turning to Dana, she added, "Can I hire him to be my fashion consultant?"

Dana giggled. "Sure, but he's worth a fortune."

The lady brought the scarf and earrings to the counter. "I can imagine." She handed Dana her credit card.

Dana rang up the items and swiped her card. She put the items in their respective boxes.

"Wow. I love the packaging. This is such a fancy shop. Do you own it?"

Dana looked away. "I just manage it."

"She doesn't just manage the shop," Gio said with conviction. "She gets to choose the products herself. She has a good eye for quality."

The woman took the paper bag. "With that keen eye, you might consider owning your own business."

Dana smiled. "I'll keep that in mind."

"Have a nice day," Gio added.

The lady waved goodbye. A stream of customers flood in and kept Dana and Gio busy till mid-afternoon.

"I'm starving. What are you in the mood for?" Gio asked while tidying the shop.

Dana folded the beach towels. "You've been such a gentleman. Let me buy you lunch for a change."

"Let's order delivery. I'm craving a nasty patty." He cackled.

"Sure, nasty patty it is."

"Oh, and that cafe also makes vegan burgers."

"Nice." Dana pressed her lips.

"You are vegan, right?"

Dana marched to the aisle behind him. "Yeah, sort of."

He followed her. "You also don't do a good job evading questions."

Dana froze.
Am I that obvious?

He gazed at her. "What is bothering you, Abigail?"

She shook her head, tears trickling down her cheeks.

"I'm here for you." He dried her tears. "Why do I get this feeling that you're holding back?"

"What do you mean?" She walked away, trying to calm her nerves. All she wanted to do was tell him everything. Should she?

"You're not using your full potential." Gio spun her around. "You're beautiful, decent, talented and you were made to shine." Pulling her towards him, he kissed her.

Again, she got lost in his kisses and found herself caressing his hair. Gio lifted her and reached for her breast as he planted soft kisses on her neck. She unbuttoned his shirt and continued to kiss him. Oblivious to her surroundings, she laid her hands on his behind, pulling him against her.

A woman cleared her throat. "What's the meaning of all this?"

Dana and Gio let go of each other.

"Cara, I can explain this," Dana said, straightening her skirt.
Oh no!

The woman stalked toward them, her three-inch heels clacking. "What's there to explain? You're supposed to be managing the shop and not playing pokey with your assistant. Did you forget our end of the month meeting?"

"I'm sorry." Dana tied her hair in a ponytail. "This won't happen again."

Cara circled around them. "How do I know you don't do this every day?"

"If I may say, you're not being supportive," Gio coughed. "She's an incredible manager who works ten hours a day six days a week. She hardly eats. She chooses the best products, and sales are better than the other shops in this area. If you want to blame someone,
me." He laid his hand on his chest. "I kissed her. I told her that she was worth more than all of this. I care so much about her that I would want to make you an offer." He folded his arms "I would like to buy this shop for her."

Cara eyed him from head to toe. "You're quite a gentleman, but what makes you think this shop is for sale?"

He straightened his shoulders. "Name your price, and I'll double it."

Cara glanced at Dana and back at Gio as a customer walked in. "Get back to work."

Dana didn't, couldn't say a word.


In Gio's bedroom that night, Dana reached for his hand. "I don't know how to thank you for what you did today."

He brought her hand to his lips. "It's nothing."

She traced her finger on his jaw. "Nobody has ever stood up for me like that."

"I meant what I said. I could buy that shop for you."

She leaned on his chest. "How do you do know me so well?"

Taking a deep breath, he said, "I was born to love you."

She fingered her locket and set it on the night table allowing the words to sink in. She didn't just want to be loved, she needed to be loved. Just looking at Gio reminded her of how her father used to take care of her mother.
"I love you, Gio." She closed her eyes.


Agent Wayne tidied his desk and grabbed his jacket, ready to leave for the night, when the phone rang.

Sighing, he picked it up. "Agent Wayne here."

"Agent Wayne," a girl's voice cried. "I need to talk to you. This is Natasha."

"Natasha Kestav? Are you okay?"

"No, I'm not." She was weeping, which made her words hard to understand.. "My father, OMG, he's such a pig. He's disgusting! You need to come here right now. He doesn't know that I know."

"I'm on my way, Natasha. You have to be discreet and pretend you don't know anything."

"Please hurry."

Kerry took a deep breath. This case seemed to be leading them to more clues and he intended to get to the bottom of it all.


After discussing with Natasha Kestav, FBI Agents Kerry and Felicia and their team presented the warrant of arrest at Stacy Kestav's house.

Mr. Kestav held the door ajar, exposing his arm with a dragoon tattoo. "What do you guys want?"

Kerry kicked the door and pushed him towards the wall. "You're under arrest for the murder of your daughter, Stacy Kestav. You−"

"I didn't murder my daughter." He struggled his arms, yelling.

Mrs. Kestav came out of another room, hair disheveled, eyes wide open. "What's the meaning of all this?"

Natasha popped in from her room. "I called them, Mom." Her eyes guarded.

"What?" Mrs. Kestav said. "How could you so such a thing, Natasha?"

She led the team to the basement. They dragged Mr. Kestav downstairs, his wife trailing behind them. The team searched the basement and found pornography videos and monitors.

"Did you do this?" Mrs. Kestav eyed her husband with jaw wide. "Is this what you do when you tell me you're working late?" She slapped his face.

Natasha hugged her mother from behind. "Mom, you didn't know. He's the one who killed Stacy. There's blood down there." She pointed to the floor.

Putting on his gloves, Kerry reached underneath the desk and removed a bloody butcher knife and handed it to an officer. "I'm sure it will match Stacy's DNA. You need to tell us now who is behind this. I'm sure you work for somebody."

Mrs. Kestav shouted at her husband in Russian while Mr. Kestav didn't say a word.

Felicia approached. "You see, Mr. Kestav, one of your victims described your tattoo, and if I'm not mistaken, she called you Skully."

He wiggled his arms with his eyes wide, but the officers pressed their hands on him.

"Your heart rate must have jumped when I said that. You need to tell us where Marcy Simmons is," Felicia added.

Mr. Kestav spat at them as they pulled him out of his house.

Kerry turned to Felicia. "We need to find Marcy Simmons."

Chapter 25

Vladimir stopped near a ditch to catch his breath. The morning run was exhilarating and helped clear his head. No matter how hard he planned to hurt Dana, he couldn't. He was quite smitten by the supermodel and never felt this way with anyone. Vladimir passed by the ideal location where he planned to buy a property. His dream now would be to build a low-rise building that would include a gift shop for Dana. Austin's charming city won his heart, and he was ready to have a new life, but there were matters he needed to fix.

Sweat poured down his back and beads of moisture heated up on his face. He pulled out his pedometer, analyzing the steps he took.

His cell phone rang. He sighed as Constantine's number flashed on the screen. "What's up?"

"Time is ticking."

"Don't pressure me." He bent down to stretch his knees.

"They're coming for us, and you're so occupied with this woman you're wasting—"

"Constantine, you don't know what it's like to have a father constantly at your back, telling you you're not good enough. He never paid attention to me or Mom. All he cared about was that stupid bitch, Marcy, and when she left, he neglected us. I hate him for what he did to me and Mom." He squared his jaw.

"I hear you. Do what you have to do, then get your ass back here."

"I don't know." Vladimir drew in a breath, watching as other joggers passed through the trail. "Although I hated Dad, all I ever wanted was for him to love me and be proud of me."

"I'm sure he's
of you."

Vladimir shook his head. "But look at me. Look at
. We're exactly like our dads. We joined the mob," he mumbled. "Don't you ever wonder what could have been out there for us?"

"Watch what you're saying. Are you listening to yourself?" Constantine raised his voice. "Your judgment is clouded because of this woman. How the hell can you question what we're doing when we have the perfect lifestyle? We have houses all over. We can travel when we want to. The booze, the women… Are you crazy?"

BOOK: Never Look Back
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