Never Look Back (Coming Home Book 2) (15 page)

BOOK: Never Look Back (Coming Home Book 2)
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I wish I knew the right words to say to comfort her, but without knowing what she’s so upset about, the only thing I can do is keep quiet until she’s ready to talk to me.

After a few moments, she pulls away and I grab another tissue for her. Seeing this helpless look on her face, all I want to do is hold and comfort her.

“Is there anything I can do for you?” I offer. “I hate that something has upset you, but I’m here for you.”

I give her a moment to compose herself, then reach up to push a strand of hair behind her ear. I use my fingers to caress the side of her cheek before dropping my hand down to my lap.

“Why does my life have to be so complicated?” She asks. “Where did I go wrong in my life to have such horrible things happen?”

“What’s going on Jennifer? Talk to me.” I persuade her to let me help her through this matter.

For the next half hour I listen to her retell everything her father shared with her. I’m at a loss for words and have trouble comprehending that someone could be this cruel and destructive. And the worst part is I can’t figure out how she got mixed up with such a jerk in the first place?

“I’m so sorry, Todd. I know we had plans to have dinner tonight but do you think we can do it another night? I just don’t think I’m up for eating anything right now.”

I’m a little disappointed, but I completely understand.

“I tell you what. Why don’t we just order in pizza?” I hope by making this suggestion, she will see that I really want to spend time with her tonight.

“You’re something else, you know that?”

We decide what kind of pizza and I go into the kitchen to place the order over the phone. In the meantime, Jennifer goes to the bedroom and changes into something more comfortable. I feel bad for not telling her how nice she looked tonight especially since she went through the trouble of curling her hair. I even noticed she had her nails polished too.

I fix us both something to drink and she joins me on the couch minutes later. I don’t want to pry and ask questions, but I am curious to know what has upset her.

I make small talk and briefly mention how my class load has lightened up tremendously. Most of my work has been turned in and I’m waiting on the grades to come through. I pushed myself so hard the first few weeks trying to get ahead by turning everything in early, I am now starting to relax and look forward to everything winding down. In fact, I have two classes that only require me to show up, then I’m free to leave. All of the requirements have been made for them, it’s just a waiting game. I still have to show up for the last class but the work is basically over.

Jennifer mentions how proud she is of me and she’s happy I’m about to fulfill my dream of following in my father’s footsteps. Just when I think she’s feeling a little better, the mood shifts when she mentions how close she came to finishing her degree.

“I’m so close to graduating, I’d be crazy not to finish.” She mentions. “But everything is different now.”

I want to mention the university I’m attending is not very far from here and would be perfect for her to attend, but I don’t want her to feel like I’m pushing her. Each day I find myself wanting to spend more time with her, but I have to stop and remind myself what’s she’s going through.

Just when I think she’s about to open up about what has upset her, there’s knock at the front door. I pull out my wallet and take out enough money to cover the pizza and tip. Jennifer goes into the kitchen to get some plates for us and we both grab a slice each. I’m glad to see her eating instead of picking at her food like most people do when they are upset. I place the container of marinara sauce between us on the couch and we both take turns dipping our cheese sticks.

“Thanks for letting me order pizza for us. I know you were obviously upset earlier and probably wanted to be alone, but I couldn’t let you be here by yourself.” I take a chance by adding that last bit but I feel the need to tell her.

“Todd, sometimes I wonder how in the world I got myself into this mess. One day everything is going in the right direction for me and I couldn’t ask for anything better, then the next day, everything has blown up in my face. Why me? What did I do to deserve such drama?”

“I wish I had the answers for you. I don’t like seeing you hurt and upset.”

Before I am able to finish the sentence, she is pouring her heart out. I spend the next hour listening to her and I’m appalled at Brian’s latest stunt. I wish I could tell him to grow up, then tell him how lucky he was to have someone as good as Jennifer. The dude just doesn’t know what he threw away. His loss will be someone else’s gain.

The room falls silent and neither of us know what to say next. I stand up to take our dirty plates and pizza box to the kitchen. Jennifer attempts to stand at the same time but quickly stops and grabs her stomach. I notice the pained look on her face and I’m not sure how to react.

“Are you okay?” I ask her.

“I’m not sure. I just had a really sharp pain, but it’s easing up some. I probably just stood up too soon.” Her coloring is pale and I’m not completely convinced she’s okay.

“Sit back down for a minute. I’ll get this mess cleaned up. There’s no reason for you to have to do it.”

She leans back and sits on the couch while keeping her hands underneath her belly as though there still might be some pain. I quickly grab everything up and dispose of them in the kitchen. I’m anxious to get back to her.

When I return to the living room, I see she has her feet propped up on the coffee table and she appears to be a little more relaxed and not experiencing any more pain. I turn on the TV and hand her the remote to scroll through the channels.

“Why don’t you find us something to watch? If it’s okay with you, I’ll stick around for a little bit until you think you’re okay. But I’m not going to leave until I know for sure you aren’t having any more pains.”

“Aww, thank you. It was the weirdest feeling but it seems to have gone away.”

I am just going to go ahead and admit to you. I cannot get this woman off my mind. Every time she tells me of something horrible that’s happened, I just want to beat the shit out of whoever is responsible. I am falling for her and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. I’ve tried and it’s getting harder and harder to be near her without doing more. If I had met her first, that could be my baby she is carrying and I promise you, I would be treating her a hell of a lot better than Brian. I would never have put her through the hell he has.

“Can I get you something to drink? Maybe a glass of water?” I ask, willing to get her anything she needs.

“No, no thanks. I think whatever it was has passed now.” She looks over at me even though her expression shows she’s still not a hundred percent certain.

“Are you sure? You still look a little pale.” I tell her. “How about some fresh air? It’s a little warm in here so maybe we could sit outside on the porch.” I’m willing to try anything.

“That sounds like a good idea. Let me go to the bathroom first; then, I’ll meet you outside.” She stands up and grabs on to her stomach again before going down the hallway. “I’m okay. I just want to go slow.”

She makes it to the bathroom and I can’t help but notice how much time it took her. I go on out on the porch and slide both rockers close together. I’m glad I suggested coming out here because it’s so peaceful once the sun sets and the night cools off. I’ve never admitted this before, but I really think she looks sexy. I think being pregnant gives her such a glow and radiance and it’s one of the reasons I enjoy looking at her. God, I feel bad that she’s had to experience this pregnancy alone. I have to wonder how Brian must feel, if he even does, for missing out on this with her. This should be a joyous time for any couple, but it’s been a little bumpy for her, to say the least.

I look down at my watch and notice she should have come out to the porch by now. I walk back inside and see the glow of the bathroom light from underneath the door. Not wanting to scare her, I call out, “Babe, you okay in there? You’ve been in there a while so I thought I should come check on you.”

“Todd, something’s not right.” I hear her from the other side of the door.

“Can I come in?” I ask almost afraid of what I may be walking in on. I don’t know the first thing about pregnancy and what to expect.

“Please.” I hear her say and I open the door without hesitation. “I don’t know what I should do.”

Jennifer is sitting on the toilet and she looks absolutely scared to death.

“I think my water may have broken. I kept thinking I had to pee but it wouldn’t stop. It’s a little bloody looking, but not bad though. Do you mind calling your mother …..” She trails off as she grips her belly again. “I also think these may be contractions instead of stomach pains.”

Panic sets in. “Let me grab my phone. Wait. I’ve got it right here in my pocket.” I tell her. I start scrolling through my contacts looking for my mother’s phone number when it hits me that I know the number by heart. I feel so stupid but right now I’m nervous about what’s happening here. The last thing I want is for Jennifer to start having this baby before we can get her to the hospital.

I tap the symbol to call my mom and listen as it rings a couple of times. “Oh, thank God you answered. Mom, we think I’m in labor. I mean Jennifer. I think Jennifer’s in labor.” I blab into the phone. I’m so nervous I can hardly believe the words that are coming out of my mouth. You would think I really was the one in labor from all of my nervousness.

“Calm down, Son.” My mother says so calmly into the phone. “Your father and I are out having dinner. Is Jennifer near? May I speak with her please?”

I pass the phone to Jennifer who is starting to breathe heavily. I run both hands through my hair, not exactly sure if I need to panic or not. I can’t believe this is happening. Maybe it’s just false labor and she thinks she’s in labor when she’s really not.

Jennifer hands me the phone and I see that the call has ended. “What did she say?” I ask.

“We need to grab a blanket or a few towels and you need to help me to the car. You can drive can’t you?” Jennifer asks.

I can’t help but let out a little laugh. “I hope so. What else? Is she coming here? Do we need to meet her?”

“Todd, calm down. Your mother is in town right now. She and your father were out to dinner but they are getting ready to leave. It would be senseless for her to drive all the way back out here. They’re going to meet us at the hospital.”

How can Jennifer remain so calm? She stands up from the toilet and I turn my head afraid of what I might see. After fixing her clothes, she grabs ahold of my arm and I walk with her to the living room. I make a quick walk through of the house just to make sure everything is turned off. I grab Jennifer’s purse from the kitchen and meet her at the front door. I notice she has pulled out her keys and slipped on a pair of shoes.

“You know I can’t let you drive like this?” I tell her.

“Todd, will you please calm down!” She can’t help but laugh and once I realize what I’ve just said, I laugh out loud too.

“Wait right here and I’ll drive the truck up to the porch.” I run off to the side of the house and crank the truck. I pull the truck up as close as I can and put it in park. I jump back down and run around to help her but she’s already walking to the passenger side. I stand behind her as she climbs inside and I wonder if we shouldn’t take her car instead. Deciding it would take too much time to swap vehicles now, I make sure she gets inside okay, then close the door for her.

Once inside, I take a deep breath before shifting into drive. I am extra careful not to hit any bumps in the driveway, apologizing to her because my father never bothered to have it paved. Once we pull onto the main highway, I switch on my emergency flashers and head in the direction of the hospital. Even though Jennifer’s doctor is here in town, the nearest hospital is about ten miles away in the next town over.

We make the drive as quickly as possible and I see my parents standing just outside the emergency room doors as we pull in. My dad opens the truck door and begins to help Jennifer down and into a wheelchair that he has already secured. I make sure the truck is in park, then run around to help push her inside. My dad offers to park the truck for me while my mom starts talking to Jennifer and asking her questions.

Once inside, I explain to the nurse at the front desk what happened earlier this evening. Jennifer is immediately admitted and I’m told to wait out in the waiting area and someone will be out shortly to get us.

My mom grabs my hand and walks me towards a row of chairs up against the wall. My dad joins us and I am so nervous I don’t know what to say. My parents both sense this about me and tell me it’s going to be okay. I’m thankful I was with Jennifer tonight when she started having labor pains, and I can’t help but wonder if the phone call from her dad earlier tonight didn’t cause her unnecessary stress that eventually put her into early labor.

I reach inside Jennifer’s purse and pull out her phone. I really don’t know what to say so I hand the phone over to my mom and she looks up the number to call Jennifer’s parents. My mom explains to them everything she knows up until now and as soon as the nurse comes back out, she will call them back with an update. In the meantime, both of her parents are getting ready to make the drive here.

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