Never Love a Scoundrel (26 page)

Read Never Love a Scoundrel Online

Authors: Darcy Burke

Tags: #historical romance, #regency romance, #regency historical romance, #darcy burke, #romance, #romance series, #beauty and the beast

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He saw the honesty in her eyes and knew she was different from her aunt, that spending years in that harpy’s company hadn’t forever marred her sensibilities. He turned and continued up the stairs. “I’m afraid it’s not all that exciting. The rooms are really just a series of bedchambers.”

She frowned. “But I thought there was a special room upstairs.”

He knew precisely to what she referred, but was again a bit shocked at how much she already knew. “Some call it the ‘dress-up room,’ others call it the ‘watching room,’ and still others call it the ‘prop room.’”

Her eyes were wide as she tried to puzzle what each of those descriptions could mean—apparently there were still things he could reveal. She turned to him as they reached the top of the stairs. “And which do you call it?”

He smiled. “The fantasy room.”

Her intake of breath stirred his imagination. “How many fantasies have you realized there?”

“None.” But he had plenty sparking in his mind at the present.

Her brown eyes were curious, beautiful. “Why?”

“Because I’ve never used that room.” He turned to the left and gently pulled her along. “It’s this way.”

He led her down the corridor and turned left along the western wing. The corridor terminated in a curved alcove. Two chaises were set against the walls. “This is where people wait their turn for the room. It’s quite popular. In most cases, people put their names in as soon as they arrive.”

She looked from one chaise to the other and turned her head to look up at him. “You said it was also called the watching room. How does that work?”

He wasn’t at all sure he should be explaining this to her, but why not? She was a grown woman well past the blush of her first Season. “If the people using the room agree to it, others may watch what they’re doing. There’s another room next door with little holes to look through.”

Just telling her about this was incredibly arousing. His skin felt hot. Maybe it would be better if they weren’t touching. He moved away from her, withdrawing his arm from her fingers, and opened the door.

He stepped to the side and allowed Lydia to move in past him. She sucked in her breath again. “It’s beautiful.”

Her gaze was fixed on the bed. There went his cock again. It was a spectacular bed, if he did say so himself, but that was the point of it being in this room. It was a massive four-poster, plenty large enough for several people, and covered in opulent purple silk.

“It’s so big,” she breathed. “Did you have it custom made?”

“Ironically, no. It was my father’s bed, just as this was his bedchamber.” He’d never told anyone that. He was apparently unable to censor himself with her today.

She turned toward him. “If this is the viscount’s room, where do you sleep?”

He’d never wanted to sleep in his father’s bed and since it was too large to be moved, he’d had a new viscount’s chamber designed in the east wing. But it was sacrosanct—to him—and he’d never taken anyone there or allowed anyone to use it. “I made some renovations when I inherited.”

“I see.” She walked toward an armoire against the wall. Jason had a moment’s panic. There was one with clothing and another with objects designed to enhance pleasure. Since he never used this room—and rarely even went inside—he wasn’t sure which was which. He dearly hoped it was the former but suddenly recalled it was the latter. He rushed to step in front of her, placing his back against the armoire.

He smiled down at her. “You don’t want to open this one.”

She looked at him expectantly, her mouth forming a moue. “I thought you were going to show me the room?”

“I think I’m corrupting you quite enough, and this armoire is for people of a certain experience.”

She didn’t look convinced. In fact, she looked determined. “What’s in there?”

He exhaled. He could tell her. It didn’t mean he had to show her. “Objects used in amplifying desire and satisfaction. If you were familiar with sexual acts, I could explain them more fully, but I’m guessing you’re not.”

She blushed again, this time a far darker shade of pink. “I know enough.”

He pivoted and opened the armoire a sliver. He reached inside and grabbed the first thing his hand found. “Enough to know what this is?” He wasn’t even sure what he’d grabbed, but now saw that it was a slender leather thong. It could actually be used for a variety of things, but he vowed not to share them all with her. Even his perversion had its limits.

Her gaze fell on the thong for a moment before rising back up to meet his. “No, I don’t know what that is for.” Her lips pursed, and he could see that lack of knowledge frustrated her.

“So inquisitive,” he said, fingering the soft leather. “This is used to secure someone to the bed. Or I suppose a chair, or any other piece of furniture. Or perhaps it’s just used to lash someone’s hands together.”

Her eyes widened and her nostrils flared. “Why?” she whispered hotly, stirring his desire. It was impossible to have this conversation without envisioning her tied to his bed, her lush body splayed for his appreciation and enjoyment—and hers.

“Some people find pleasure in being restrained during sexual acts. They have to trust their partner—or partners,” he really ought to stop trying to shock her, “and completely give themselves over to their care.”

She glanced at the thong again. “Do you enjoy . . . that?”

The heat in the room spiked. He was finding it very hard not to touch her, kiss her, tear her clothes from her. “I have—once or twice—but it depends on the partner. And before you ask, I typically stick to just one, regardless of what you may have heard.”

“Typically?” she asked, her voice climbing.

“Lydia, do you really want to know every detail?” He leaned forward, hoping for another waft of her spicy hyacinth scent.
. He nearly closed his eyes in lust. “I find a little mystery goes a long way.”

She reached out and touched the leather, her fingers brushing against his. “It’s very soft.”

“You wouldn’t want it chafing your skin, would you?” His cock was now fully erect. How much time did they have until she had to leave?
He couldn’t even consider it.

“No.” Her dark eyes were luminous and still so full of curiosity. And he wanted to appease every last inch of it. “May I have it?” she asked.

Nothing could have shocked him more. That wasn’t precisely true, but it was close enough. “Lydia, what in God’s name are you doing to me?”

Her look turned apologetic. “Sorry, that was overbold of me.” She let go of the thong. “Show me what else there is to do in here.”

He’d already told her about the watching, and he’d showed her a prop. That left the dress-up. He took her hand and led her to the other armoire in the corner, dropping the thong on the edge of the bed as they passed it. He opened the armoire doors wide, exposing an array of clothing, mostly gowns in vivid colors with daring cuts that no respectable lady would be seen wearing.

“Oh,” she breathed, her fingers reaching out to stroke a rich, crimson velvet. “These are beautiful.”

“Guests may wear them, though I daresay they scarcely last long on one’s frame.”

She let go of his hand and looked through them, pausing at a maid’s uniform. “Why is this here?”

“Some like to play different roles. There are military-style uniforms.” He gestured to a bright lobster red coat. “For women who always fancied shagging an officer.”

Her nostrils flared at his use of crude language. “I see. And I also begin to see why you call this the fantasy room.” She turned toward him. “There’s something for everyone here. But I want to know what’s in here for you.”

“Nothing. Until now.” He gazed down at her upturned face, recalled the imprint of her soft lips under his, the feel of her warm hands cradling the back of his head.

Her hand came up and splayed against his chest. “I want you to do it. I want you to have your fantasy. Right now.”

Though they’d been flirting for quite some time, he was still surprised by her words. But, God, how he wanted it, too. “I don’t think that’s wise.”

Her eyes narrowed. She tugged her glove from her hand and tossed it on the bed behind him. As she worked the second glove off, she pinned him with a hot stare. “If you don’t, I’ll have mine. And that involves me using that leather thing to tie you to the bedpost.” She speared him with a bold stare and laid her palm against his scarred cheek.

He flinched.

“What is it?” she asked, her eyes wide with concern.

The touch of her hand burned his flesh, but in the best possible way. “How can you touch my scar so easily? And you don’t stare at it anymore. Why?”

“Because I don’t see it any longer. It’s simply part of you. It’s no different than any other part of you—that of which I’ve seen.” She let her gaze travel over his body in slow deliberation. “I find you beyond attractive, Jason. This scar,” she traced her thumb along its base, “is simply one of your many splendid parts, and without a single one of them you wouldn’t be Jason Lock—”

He devoured the rest of his name from her lips. Lust raged through him with the power of any madness that had ever darkened his soul. But this wasn’t dark, it was light. Blinding, beautiful, soul-wrenching light.

Her hands clutched at his cravat and worked their way to the back of his neck, pulling him down into her embrace. Her mouth opened to his with a ferocity that matched his own, her tongue sliding against his with hungry strokes.

He encircled her waist and hauled her up so that her breasts were pressed against his chest. A hundred fantasies, all with her as the focal point, swirled in his mind. She was clothed, she was naked, she was bound, she was free, she was masked, she stared at him with beckoning eyes.

He lifted her completely from the ground and carried her to a chaise positioned in front of the fireplace. Gently, he set her down on the chaise, but she pulled back from his kiss. “What’s wrong with the bed?” Her mouth was red and wet.

He leaned forward and licked her lower lip, then nibbled at the supple flesh with his teeth. “This is my fantasy, isn’t it?”

“I beg your pardon,” she said softly, with a smile in her voice. “I don’t know if your fantasy involves this, but I hope you don’t mind if I encourage you to touch my breast. You’ve come frightfully close on two occasions now, and I’m afraid I can’t let a third opportunity pass me by.”

She lifted her fingers to the green bodice of her gown and released some hidden fasteners. The bodice gapped open, revealing the pale ivory of her chemise. The tops of her breasts swelled over the edge of the undergarment.

He stared at the tempting curve of her bosom and was nearly engulfed in a dizzying whirlwind of desire. He squeezed his eyes shut. This wasn’t supposed to happen. He needed to put an end to this right now.

But when he opened his eyes, met hers, and saw the wondrous curiosity in their depths, he was lost. “I wouldn’t want to disappoint you.” It was more than that—he couldn’t
to. Without breaking eye contact with her, he brought his palm to one of her breasts and cupped her through the chemise. The nipple instantly hardened, and her flesh heated against him. Her eyes widened almost imperceptibly, but he registered the shared lust rushing between them.

“Lydia, we need to stop this.”

Her gaze was steady and didn’t carry a hint of trepidation or remorse. “I know.” She palmed the back of his head and drew him down to kiss her.

Just one more,
he told himself, as he took her mouth. He took his time exploring her lips and tasting her mouth. She tipped her head back with the softest of moans, her hands clutching him as if she might fall without him to secure her.

She pushed her breast into his hand and he teased the nipple with first his thumb and then added his forefinger, pulling on the nub. He pivoted her and laid her back against the arched curve of the chaise. He settled one knee between her legs and left her mouth to drop kisses along her jawline. She arched up, but he wanted her to lie still and pliant against the chaise. He kept his hand at her breast, but splayed the other softly against her neck and held her down. Her eyes opened, but there was no alarm, just hot desire burning in their chestnut depths.

“Lie still,” he commanded softly.

She did as he bade, letting her head fall back against the gold velvet. He moved his hand down her neck, stroking her flesh with his fingertips. Then he found the straps of her chemise and slid them down her shoulders. He kept going, peeling the chemise and the top of her gown down her torso until her breasts were completely exposed to him. Her pale flesh gleamed in the mottled afternoon light finding its way past the edges of the curtains in the windows.

He left the gown and chemise around her forearms, knowing she was, in effect, restrained. He sensed she’d wanted to try that, and it was only one of a thousand fantasies he’d had about her since entering this room.

He lowered his mouth to her breast and covered her nipple with his mouth, swearing to himself that after this taste, he’d wrap her back up and send her along her way. She gasped and surged up against him. He felt her struggle with her hands, as though she wanted to clasp him.

She wriggled, trying to get her arms free. He wouldn’t stop her, in fact, enjoyed her movements. Could she focus on getting free while he made love to her breasts?

He suckled her flesh, drawing the nipple deep into his mouth. He licked and kissed her, giving this part of her the same attention he’d given her mouth. But he didn’t ignore her other breast. He stroked and massaged the delicious mound, reveling at how perfect she felt in his grasp.

Finally, she got her hands free and her hands locked around his head, holding him close against her. “Jason,” she breathed, again and again.

Her hips moved, and he felt the heat of her core against his knee. He pressed upward, giving her something to move against. And she took his lead with abandon, her thighs closing around him with sharp need.

He cupped her breasts firmly and moved his mouth to devour the second one as he’d done the first. She moaned softly, her fingers digging into the back of his head and her hips grinding down against his knee. He longed to replace that appendage with his cock and drive into her. She felt so good, so perfect.

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