Never Say Never (The Price of Fame Series) (6 page)

BOOK: Never Say Never (The Price of Fame Series)
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“Have fun,” she told him, aiming for light and cheery, but the way she brushed against him, heart galloping and body craving, it sounded breathless and needy.

His arms slid around her waist and pulled her flush against his solid frame. A yelp escaped her lips and her whole body shook with his chuckle. Before she could gather her thoughts enough to push him away, his lips brushed her chin and her heart stopped. The second time his lips touched her jaw, then the tingling skin below her ear. Chloe couldn’t think. It had been so long since she’d felt like this, she couldn’t do anything but

“You’re coming with me,” he whispered huskily into her ear, sending shivers up and down her spine.

It sounded like a promise for much more, but the second he released her and stepped back, her wits returned from their brief vacation. He meant to the box where he’d work, not any of the sordid things running through her mind. She scowled at him to hide her embarrassment at the way she responded to his touch.

Challenge hardened his eyes, and he stepped toward her. Chloe took two steps back, the predatory gleam in his hot look made her want to be back in his arms. That wasn’t part of their deal. She’d give him her time, nothing else. From her experience with Dane, with sex came love, and she couldn’t give Sander her heart. He didn’t need it or want it. He’d made that perfectly clear.

Face set with determination, he reached out and grabbed hold of her waist.


Chapter 5


Sander pulled Chloe back into his arms, ignoring the club full of celebrities and high rollers. She felt right molded to him, and he didn’t give a damn who saw their exchange. This was about proving to her she wanted him. He’d seen it in her eyes when they’d been pressed together, chest to chest. Felt it in her shiver when he brushed his lips against her smooth skin. Saw it now, in the dilation of her pupils. And dammit, he had the same response. It’s why he’d released her.

But her scowl changed that. How could she insinuate she hadn’t enjoyed being close like he had? She looked up at him, her hands fisted in the front of his shirt—probably in anger—but her dark golden eyes gave away her feelings. Her lust. And he wanted her to acknowledge it wasn’t just him who felt it.

He slid one hand up her back and into the silky waves at the nape of her neck. With his other arm, he tightened his hold and drew her so close every staggered breath pressed his chest against her breasts. The twin peaks pressing into his skin was as much evidence of her arousal as the thumping of her heart.

He lowered his head and slanted his mouth against her gloss covered lips. She opened up, sighed, and her hands slid around his neck. Arousal crashed through him, and he deepened the kiss, feasted on the sweet, erotic taste of her, and dipped his tongue in to experience it more fully.

Shit. He didn’t think it would go this far. Hadn’t expected her response to fuck with his head like it did. But her fingers slid into his hair, pulled him closer, made his wavering control snap. His groin tightened along with his trousers and he knew she felt it pressed against her flat stomach.

He was lost in her, in the torrent of hormones racking his body. There wasn’t a time he’d kissed a woman and felt so…much. Whether it was because she tried to hide her reaction, or he’d been kidding himself thinking he would be able to keep his hands to himself, he couldn’t seem to stop.

Sander was vaguely aware of bright light flashing against his closed eyelids, but it didn’t distract him from Chloe. Floral and spicy, her scent invaded his senses along with the feel of her, and he doubted he’d be able to stop this even if he wanted to.

Unfortunately—or fortunately, depending on which way he looked at it—Chloe slid her hands out of his hair, flattened her palms on his chest, and pushed away from him. Face flushed and lips swollen from his kiss, she looked like a sexy goddess. One who brought men stronger than him to their knees.

The thought sobered him. He couldn’t allow her to bring him to his knees. He never let a woman get under his skin. Watching his mother bring his father to keel had been enough to firm his resolve. That wouldn’t be him. So why did a damn kiss make him feel like he was already on the floor in front of her?

Chloe mouthed
I’m sorry

He frowned, but her head was already turned to someone at her right. Another flash caught his attention and he followed Chloe’s gaze to see a sleazy-looking guy with a camera strapped around his neck. A camera aimed right at them. Irritation spiked at the photographer for disturbing the kiss, but considering the fact he’d lost control, he should probably thank the man. It was one thing to prove to her she was as attracted to him as he was to her, another to lose himself in her completely.

Sander released her from his hold and linked his fingers with hers. Tugging her through the dancers and partygoers, he headed for the upraised box which held his decks. Dammit, he was supposed to have started his set already.

* * * *

Chloe allowed Sander to pull her through the throng of dancers without complaint. She was still reeling from the feel of his mouth feasting on hers, and embarrassed by her wanton response. And they’d been caught!

Her heart fell to her stomach. No doubt tomorrow pictures of her mauling Sander would be all over the papers. What would her mum think? She groaned, the sound swallowed by the music. Rachel’s interrogation would be unbearable.

Not to mention the humiliating headline. She could see it now.
Sexy Musician and Reality TV Star Assaulted by Unnamed Woman in Destiny.

And she had assaulted him. She’d all but wrapped her legs around his waist and taken him right then. Never before had she felt such an overwhelming ache in her stomach, like not having him inside her to ease it might break her. Chloe was glad his back was to her when he led her up the stairs into the glass booth. Her face was on fire.

Once they reached the top, he held the door open for her to walk through. Chloe couldn’t look at him. Head down, she walked into the small room brimmed with machinery. The opposite wall was completely glass and at this level, they were in line with strobe lighting above the crowd of dancers below. Chloe made her way over to the wall and looked down at the intoxicated guests. One of them hadn’t been intoxicated though. He was sober enough to snap a picture of their kiss. The bastard.

In case Sander hadn’t understood her before, she whispered, “I’m sorry. I didn’t think.”

She knew he could hear her. Only a dull thudding from the music traveled through the thick, soundproof glass.

And she knew that if she hadn’t made the first move, by pressing herself against him to whisper in his ear, the kiss wouldn’t have happened. She’d seen his expression change. Seen it in his smoldering blue eyes. The need to prove her wrong. His determination. The chase. His scorching gaze had made her knees weak and her hormones flare. Who had she been kidding when she thought she’d been dead from the waist down? Dane might have killed her trust in the opposite sex, but he hadn’t taken her libido.

She heard Sander’s soft steps as he approached her, but she didn’t turn around. Couldn’t. Too afraid her earlier need would overwhelm her. Sander already made it clear
funny business
wasn’t part of the deal, and Chloe hadn’t even considered it until he kissed her. From her experience, sex led to love and love led to heartache. There was no way she would allow herself to be a fool like that again. She had enough to deal with at the moment.

“Sorry for what, Chloe?” He stopped behind her. Warmth radiated from what she now knew to be a hard, muscled torso. She squeezed her thighs together in an effort to soothe the ache at her core. “Kissing me back?”

Shaking her head, she tried to find her voice. “The photographer. It’s going to be all over the papers tomorrow.”

Sander’s laugh, throaty and sexy as sin, made her turn. His eyes sparkled with…relief?

“What’s so funny?” she asked, harder than she intended.

His expression sobered. “Isn’t that what we’re trying to do? Have people believe we’re together?”

“Oh.” Why did she feel like her heart had been stomped on?

Did she honestly believe he’d kissed her because he was attracted to her instead of for the publicity it would bring? Or was it because every time Dane told her they couldn’t be seen together because it would ruin his image, she’d longed for him to make their relationship public? If the latter, the fact he still had the power to make her unhappy was infuriating.

“Who hurt you, Chloe?”

Was she really that transparent? She’d worked so hard to hide her emotions since she came back to London. For her mum more than anything. Schooling her features into a polite mask, she raised an eyebrow.

“I have no idea what you mean. Aren’t you supposed to be working?”

Sander studied her, determination clear in his rigid jaw, but he didn’t comment further. She doubted he saw through her facade. If she could help it, she wouldn’t give anything else away. The sooner she forgot about that panty-soaking kiss and focused on why she was spending time with him, the better.

He sighed, then nodded. A small smile played around the corners of his full, firm lips. “Yeah, but I admit I got a bit distracted.”

Chloe rolled her eyes and he laughed. He reached out and ran a finger from her jaw, all the way down to the pulse point at the base of her throat.

“Sander…” She didn’t know if it was a plea or a warning.

“Chloe, don’t apologize. We’re supposed to be seen together, and I certainly don’t mind the kissing.”

His thumb grazed her swollen lip and her breath hissed out. The heat in his gaze made her stomach clench with anticipation. Just as she thought he might kiss her again, he turned, walked over to the decks, and slipped on the headphones. She sagged against the glass wall, both relieved and disappointed.

“A waiter will be up soon, order anything you like.”

Chloe turned to look out at the club while Sander got ready for his set. She didn’t want to think about that kiss, or the fact that the secret place between her legs throbbed still. Instead, she focused on the quiet sound of Sander’s music, barely loud in the soundproof room, but she saw the vibration of the glass as it boomed out in the club.

She turned to watch him, entranced by the light sway as he swung his lean hips from side to side, and the concentration and joy on his face as he expertly worked the decks. He was so focused on the music, looked so relaxed and at ease. Sander didn’t rouse the crowd with cocky words like she’d heard most DJs do in clubs. He let his music speak for him.

Chloe found it sexy as hell. She’d already drained two glasses of wine, trying to douse the fire inside. It hadn’t worked. She couldn’t take her gaze off the bulging muscles in his arms as he worked the decks, couldn’t take her attention off him at all.

Looking up, he grinned. Her heart fluttered.

“Time for a break.” He switched to another album, one which didn’t require mixing, and placed the headphones at the side of the table.

Picking up his untouched beer, he strode over to where she sat next to the glass wall. He lowered himself into the chair next to her. The stem of the wine glass almost snapped in her hand. With labored breaths, she tried not to think about what it would be like if he kissed her again.

“I know this is boring, but I’ll be finished soon.”

“I’m not bored. It’s fascinating watching you work.”

Sander brought the bottle to his lips and took a long pull. “I’ve never played with someone watching before.”

She’d wondered about that. The DJs before him had played at a booth at the side of the dance floor. “Why don’t you play down there?” She pointed toward one of the stages.

Sander shrugged and leaned back in the soft leather chair, his muscled legs spread. A flush crept up her neck when he caught her staring and laughed.

“I’m in the spotlight enough. This is a hobby. I don’t do it for the fame.”

“Oh.” She didn’t know what to think of that. Dane loved being in the spotlight.

“What is it?” he asked.

“What do you mean?” Had she let her feelings show again?

Shifting in the chair to face her, he studied her face intently. “Your mother told me not to break your heart, said you’d suffered enough.”

Chloe was shocked speechless. What was her mum playing at? How did she even know? Not once since she came home had she mentioned Dane to her mum and there was no way Rachel would have said anything. Rachel knew the subject wasn’t something she wanted to discuss.

The minute Joyce called and told her she had dementia Chloe was on the first flight home, making a deal with herself that she wouldn’t tell a soul about her shattered heart. Not that she thought anyone other than Rachel would believe her. She’d been one of Dane’s dirty secrets.

“She shouldn’t have told you that. I…didn’t explain we’re only pretending to be lovers. Chances are she’d forget anyway. My mum’s memory isn’t great with short-term things.”

Sander raised a brow. “You can’t tell me it isn’t true, Chloe. You’re pretty good at hiding your emotions, but your eyes give you away every time.”

He straightened, leaned closer, and she fought the urge to close her eyes. Keep her secrets hidden.

But they were her secrets, and they weren’t dating, not really. Indignation flared and she straightened her spine and glared at him.

“I never said it wasn’t, but I don’t want to discuss it. Anyway, wasn’t it you who said we only need to know the essentials?”

His brows rose and his hand fisted on the neck of the beer bottle. “I did, but I’m curious.”

She almost blurted out
, but stopped herself. Her wits had already buggered off once tonight, she wasn’t willing to allow them to go a second time. The more time she spent with Sander, the more danger she was in of…pouncing on him. Or worse, letting him in.

“As am I, but like you said…need to know.”

He nodded thoughtfully, his attention shifting to the clubbers below. When Chloe realized the interrogation seemed to be over she relaxed back into the chair and sipped her wine. The minutes trickled by in silence while they finished their drinks.

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