Never to Love (14 page)

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Authors: Aimie Grey

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Never to Love
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With that item checked off of my to-do list, I sent Marina a quick text as I walked back to my office and logged into my first video conference. Within ten minutes, I was ready to scream.

“Do you see this?” I asked, referring to the website I had up on my screen and was sharing with the group. “Why is there a fucking random block of lavender on Tate’s site? Everything else around it is gray. I’ve told you about this six fucking times, and it’s still there.”

“Did you clear your cache?”

“You know what, you’re fired. Anyone else want to ask a stupid question?”

Everyone assured me they did not. It wasn’t often I was in that pissy of a mood, but it did get results. As soon as I ended the meeting, I called the on-deck web designer and then tried to think of anything else that needed a bitchy touch. Might as well use it before I lost it.

My mood was still going strong when my cell rang a few minutes later. “What?” I asked in a clipped tone.

“Who pissed in your tequila?”

“Oh, hey, Mar. What’s up?”

“Drew has the stomach flu, so she won’t be able to go out with Brady tomorrow night.”

Shit. “Anyone else you can think of?”

“Not on short notice. People will do a lot for me, but I hate to impose.”

“You’re too nice for your own good.” She really was an amazing person. “Dammit, you made me smile. I had another two or three good hours of bitch left in me and now it’s gone. It would have been so much easier to get Brady a date in full-on bitch mode.”

“What’s wrong, anyway?”

“Had a weird night and everyone has been out to annoy me since I walked through the door this morning. If I didn’t know better, I’d say they had a wager going on how much I could take before going postal.”

“What makes you know better?”

“My client roster, of course,” I said with another damned smile.

“Glad we can help. I’ll think about a date for Brady, but no guarantees. Let me know if you come up with someone.”

“Will do. I’ll swing by around seven.”

“Ms. Griffith, there’s a Mr. Ramsay here to see you,” the receptionist interrupted.

“I have to go. Talk to you later,” I said and then ended the call.

“Which one?” Not that I had to ask, but better safe than sorry.

Before she could reply, Thomas pushed his way through the door. “Why would Finn or Sawyer be coming to see you? Is there something I need to know?”

“Maybe I was expecting your dad,” I teased.

“Ha. Ha. Very funny.” Damn, the man was hot when he was riled up.

“Why are
coming to see me?”

“Well, Colton is visiting with my parents, so I thought I’d take you out to lunch.”

My pussy dried up instantly. “That’s not how this works. Just because I gave up on the one-night rule doesn’t mean we’re dating.”

“Don’t worry. That’s the last thing I want. Ever. I just wanted to thank you for last night.”

There it was. He lowered his guard just enough to show me he had a lot on his mind and wanted to talk. Did I really care enough to listen?

“What the hell, but I only have an hour before my next meeting.”

“I can work with that,” he said with a grateful smile.

Instead of getting in a car, Thomas guided me down the street to a little bistro on the corner of the next block over.

“Natalie was released on bail this morning,” Thomas said casually as he wrapped his hands around a mug of coffee as if he were cold. “Before they let her out, the police took us to her house to pick up some of his things. I feel like the worst father ever. He has three prescription medications that I had no fucking clue about.”

“That reminds me.” Grabbing my purse, I dug through it while I continued, “Last night he told me he took medicine before bed for stomach pains. When I asked a few questions, I figured out it was just these,” I passed him what was left of the roll of antacids.

“Thanks. I didn’t see any with his other medicine. I’ll pick some up on our way home from Mom and Dad’s.”

“Be sure to get the brand name. He said mine taste better than the kind his mom gets.” Not sure why I was gloating, but I couldn’t deny that I was. “You know, it’s none of my business, but that seems like a lot of medicine for a kid to be taking. If he were that sick, wouldn’t you know?”

“I’m not really sure what’s going on, and I doubt Natalie will tell me.”

“Might want to make an appointment with his pediatrician so you know what you’re dealing with.”

“Yeah, I will,” he said dismissively.

We chatted while we ate and then walked back to my building. Instead of dropping me at the door, Thomas followed me inside.

“Thanks for lunch. I have a conference call in five minutes,” I said, which didn’t stop him from following me to my office.

“Don’t push it, Thomas, I’m busy.”

“Raincheck. Tonight?”

“Text me later.” When he didn’t leave, I added, “Now get the fuck out.”


“God, you’re so fucking sexy.”

“I know,” I said as I pulled my dress over my head. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

Once we were both naked, he backed me up against the bed. “Nope. Remember rule number three? No beds.”

“But you fucked that chick on a bed.” If he weren’t so desperate, I’d say he was whining.

“Yes, but that was different. Three people fucking, especially when they aren’t all completely sober, calls for a bed. Safety first and all.”

“Why do I find that so hard to believe?”

“Fine, I knew it was your bed and the thought of tormenting you made me horny. Happy?”

“Very. Back to the subject at hand. Colton’s asleep across the hall, and it’s not like we can do it on the front lawn.”

“He’s eight.”

“That’s my point,” he replied, gently pinching my nipples.

“Did he wet the bed last night?”

“What? No!”

“Does he know where the refrigerator and the bathroom are?”


“Does he know how to read?”

“Of course. What are you getting at?”

Thomas had gone almost completely soft, but I was okay with that. Seeing how many times in a row I could get him hard without letting him come sounded like fun.

“Tape a note to your bedroom door and then meet me out back.” Not bothering to cover myself up, I stepped through the French doors leading to the back yard.

“What should this note say?”

“You’re a smart man. I’m sure you’ll figure something out.”

Even during the summer, the air still became slightly chilly after sunset. It was just enough to harden my nipples and give me a light dusting of goose bumps.

Waiting for Thomas, I lay down on a cushioned chaise lounge and looked up at the few stars that poked through the overcast sky.

When I saw movement in the house, I spread my legs a little and began playing with the glow-in-the-dark stud tucked in between them.

“That’s the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen,” said a completely naked Thomas as he stepped onto his manicured lawn. How had I not seen him like that before?

“Get over here and show me how hot you think it is.” Scooting back a little farther and hooking one heel through the loop of each of the long armrests, I silently invited him to come over and join the fun. Within seconds, he was lying on his stomach, staring at my pussy as if it were about to put on a Broadway show.

“Are you just going to lie there and look at it all night?”

“I can’t decide what I want to do first,” he said as the tip of his finger toyed with my clit.

“Then I’ll choose for you: eat it, then fuck it.”

He licked his lips as his fingers spread my pussy for further visual examination, and I thought for sure I’d come on the spot.

“Look how wet you are. I bet it wouldn’t take much to make you come.” One of his long fingers traced lightly over my piercing, continuing lower, before finally slipping inside my cunt.

“Oh, God.” Fingering had never done much for me, but watching him watch his finger slide in and out of me and his thumb toy with my clit was one of the most erotic and intimate moments I’d ever experienced. I just needed a little bit more.

“You’re ready to detonate, aren’t you?” he asked as he added a second finger.

Clenching my teeth, I refused to give him the satisfaction of knowing he could make me come so easily.

He flashed his signature arrogant grin my way before leaning in for a single lick. That one swipe of his tongue was all it took. As hard as I tried to make my orgasm seem insignificant, I couldn’t stop the spasm that ran through my entire body.

“Ready for the main course?” he asked as he rolled a condom down his thick cock. Any plans I’d had to make him work for it went right out the window. I wanted that fat cock in me, and I wasn’t willing to wait.




This woman was going to be the end of me. She’d just come insanely hard while I studied her pussy. Now all I could think about was how good the tight grip her pussy had on my fingers would feel on my cock.

By ordering me to fuck her, she was trying to stay in control of the game, but I knew who was really in charge: my dick. Unfortunately for my attempt at a power shift, T.J. thought Juli’s idea was fucking genius.

Plunging into her tight heat never got old, but this time almost felt like it was our first as my bare flesh rubbed against hers. Going bare everywhere is the only thing that could have possibly felt any better, but that would never happen. I wouldn’t let it, but I could pretend.

“Damn, that’s good,” I said, picking up the pace. The lawn furniture was awkward, so my arms were busy supporting my weight over her gorgeous body, but I desperately wanted to touch her.

Between the slight angle of the makeshift bed and her height, I couldn’t reach her tits with my tongue or teeth. Needing my mouth on her somewhere, I dropped my lips to hers and plundered her mouth with my tongue.

Damn, she tasted good.

Before I had my fill, she pushed me away, staring up at me with pleasant bewilderment in her expression. I couldn’t take it anymore.

With a few awkward maneuvers, I flipped our positions, earning myself two overflowing handfuls of breasts. Holy fuck. They were real. How had I not noticed before?

Angling them up, I sucked one of her nipples as hard as I could and teased the tip with my teeth. The hint of pain had her hips speeding up as she rode me with abandon. Shifting my attention to the right, I flicked her other nipple with my tongue, which led to her grinding her clit against me.

Keeping my hands on them, I pulled back to look at both of her tits at once. I couldn’t help but wonder what they’d look like with a small barbell running through the tip of each one. Between that image and the way she was working her hips like a pro, I was barely holding on.

“Please, Juli. Please come. I need you to come,” I rambled, most likely incoherently. Releasing her breasts, I licked one of my fingers and moved it between her legs. Rubbing with the same desperation I felt in my dick, she came undone, squeezing around me, leaving me no choice but to come as well.

The last thing I remember was her pulling off of my dick and collapsing on top of me. We must have lain like that for hours because when we woke up, the grass was damp with early morning dew.

“Mornin’,” I said around the sleep in my throat.

“Too early,” she complained, her body still pinning me to the lounger.

“We need to get up before Colton comes looking for us and gets a good look at your perfect ass.”

“Okay, okay,” she agreed but didn’t move.

Grabbing two handfuls of ass, I scooted to the end of the chaise and was grateful I’d paid extra for the non-tip weighted base.

With the terrible mechanics I had to use to get to my feet, I nearly dropped her before managing to juggle her small body into a more secure position. When she climbed up my body a few inches and wrapped her soft legs around my waist, the tip of my dick was perfectly aligned with her entrance, teasing me with her wet heat. At that point, my morning wood decided it would not give up without a fight.

As soon as we were inside, I tossed her on the bed and she turned over on her stomach. I couldn’t tell if she was actually going to fall back asleep or not, but I didn’t care. Wondering if she’d notice her rule being broken, I grabbed a condom, rolled it on, and then shoved a pillow under her pliant hips.

Almost completely covering her body with mine, I grasped her hands, which rested on either side of her head, for leverage, and entered her from behind.


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