Never Too Far (11 page)

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Authors: Abbi Glines

Tags: #Romance, #Young Adult, #Contemporary, #Adult

BOOK: Never Too Far
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Two hours later we were back at Bethy’s apartment and I had prenatal vitamins and several pamphlets about having a healthy pregnancy. I tucked them away in my suitcase. I needed a warm bath and a nap.

Bethy knocked once on the bathroom door and walked inside. She was holding her phone

in one hand and smiling like an idiot. “You’re not going to believe this,” she paused and shook her head like she was still in disbelief. “Woods just called. He said the condo is ours for the same cost I am paying now on this apartment. He said it’s a job perk since having two of his employees on the club grounds will be helpful. He also said we would both be without a job if we tried to decline his offer.”

I sank down onto the closed toilet seat and stared up at her. He was doing this because I

was pregnant. This was his way of helping out. I wanted to scream at him and hug his neck all at one time. Tears stung my eyes. “Is he still on the phone?” I asked when I realized Bethy was still holding it close to her ear.

“No this is Jace. He said this has to do with you. You aren’t… like seeing him or anything are you?” she asked slowly. That must have been Jace’s question. She was repeating it like she didn’t believe it even as she said it.

“Can you mute the phone?” I asked her quietly.

Her eyes went wide and she nodded. Once it was safely muted she stared at me like she

didn’t recognize me. What did she think? I was leading Woods on while I was pregnant with

Rush’s baby? Surely not. “Bethy, he knows. Woods knows.”

Realization dawned on her and her mouth dropped open. “How?” she asked.

“He put me on the morning shift in the dining room. The kitchen… it smelled like bacon.”

Bethy made a big “o” with her mouth and nodded. She got it. She reached up and unmuted

her phone. “There is nothing going on with Woods and Blaire. He has just become a friend of hers and wants to help out. That’s all.”

Bethy rolled her eyes at something Jace said then called him crazy and hung up. “Okay, so

he knows you’re pregnant with Rush’s baby and he’s giving us a condo for dirt cheap? This is like the best thing ever. Wait until you see this place. If he lets us stay after the baby is born your room is plenty big enough for a crib! It’s perfect.”

I couldn’t think that far ahead. Right now I just needed to go ind Woods and talk to him. If I did leave in four months I didn’t want this deal to go away for Bethy. I needed to make sure of that before I let her get too excited.


Jace had called to let me know the girls were moving into the condo on the club property today. I hadn’t seen her since the incident on the golf course. Not for lack of trying. I’d tried to put myself in her path at the club several times and it never worked. I’d even stopped by yesterday and she’d been gone. Darla had said she and Bethy were both off work so I assumed they’d gone to do something together.

I pulled up to Bethy’s apartment and instantly noticed Woods’ car. What the hell was he

doing here? I jerked my door open and headed for the door when I heard Blaire’s voice.

Turning I walked toward Woods’ car until I saw Woods leaning against the wall it was parked beside and listening to Blaire with a smile on his face. One I was about to wipe off.

“If you’re sure, then thank you,” Blaire said quietly as if she didn’t want anyone to hear her.

“Positive,” Woods replied as his eyes lifted to meet mine. The smile on his face disappeared.

Blaire turned her head to glance over her shoulder. The surprise on her face as her eyes

met mine hurt. Maybe I shouldn’t be here right now. I didn’t want to lose it and scare her off but I was real close to going into a blind rage. Why were they talking alone? What was he positive about?

“Rush?” Blaire said, walking away from Woods and toward me. “What are you doing here?”

Woods chuckled and shook his head then opened his car door. “I’m sure he came to help.

I’ll leave before he takes that ugly scowl out on me.”

He was leaving. Good.

“Are you here to help us move?” she asked, watching me carefully.

“Yeah, I am,” I replied. The tension left me as Woods’ BMW roared to life and he drove off.

“How did you know we were moving?”

“Jace called me,” I replied.

She shifted her feet nervously. I hated that I made her nervous.

“I wanted to help, Blaire. I’m sorry about Nan the other day. I’ve talked to her. She won’t be


“Don’t worry about it. You don’t have to apologize for her. I don’t hold it against you. I understand.”

No, she didn’t. I could see it in her eyes that she didn’t understand. I reached out and took her hand. I just needed to touch her somehow. She trembled as my ingers brushed her palm.

Her teeth bit down on her bottom lip the same way I wanted to.

“Blaire,” I said and stopped because I wasn’t sure what else to say. The truth was too much right now.

She lifted her eyes from our hands and I could see the desire there. Really? Was I dreaming this one up or was she… was she really? I slipped a inger up her palm and caressed the inside of her wrist. She trembled again. Holy shit. She was affected by my touch. I stepped closer to her and ran my hand slowly up her arm.I was waiting on her to push me off and put the distance between us I expected from her.

When I got high enough my thumb grazed the side of her breast and she grabbed my free

arm as she shuddered. What the fuck? “Blaire,” I whispered, pressing her back until she was against the brick wall of the apartment building and my chest was inches away from touching hers.

She didn’t push me off and her eyelids looked heavy as she stared at my chest. Her breathing was heavy. The cleavage the little pale pink sundress showed off was right there under my nose. Rising and falling as if it was an invitation.An impossible one. Something was off here.

I put my other hand on her waist and slowly slid it up her body until my other thumb was

tucked under her breast. She wasn’t wearing a bra. Her nipples were hard and erect poking

against the thin material of her dress. I couldn’t stop myself. I eased my hand up and covered her right breast squeezing it gently. Blaire whimpered and her knees started to give out. She let her head fall back on the wall and closed her eyes. I held her steady and slipped my leg between hers to keep her from sinking to the ground.

With my other hand, I covered her left breast and ran the pads of my thumbs over her irm


“Oh God, Rush,” she moaned, opening her eyes and staring at me through her lowered lashes. Holy fuck. I was in some form of tortured heaven. If this was another dream I was going to be pissed. It felt too real.

“Does that feel good, baby?” I asked, lowering my head to whisper in her ear.

“Yes,” she breathed, sinking down further onto my knee. When her warm center pressed

against my leg she gasped and gripped my arms harder. “Ahhhh,” she cried out.

I was going to come in my pants. I’d never been this turned on in my life. Something was

different. This wasn’t the same. She was almost desperate. I could sense her fear but her need was stronger. “Blaire, tell me what you want me to do. I’ll do whatever it is you need,” I promised her, kissing the soft skin under her ear. She smelled so damn good. I kneaded her breasts in my hands again and she let out a pleading whimper. My sweet Blaire was incredibly horny. This was real. This wasn’t a damn dream. Holy fuck.

“Blaire!” The shrill call of Bethy’s voice was like a bucket of ice water thrown over Blaire.

She stiffened then stood up dropping her hands from me and scooted away. She couldn’t look up at me.

“I… uh… I’m sorry. I don’t know…” She shook her head and hurried away from me. I watched until she was at the door and Bethy was talking to her sternly. Blaire was nodding.

Once they went inside I slammed both hands against the brick and muttered a string of curses while I attempted like hell to get my raging hard on under control.

After a few minutes the door opened again and I turned to see Jace walking out. He looked

over at me and let out a low whistle. “Damn man, you work fast.”

I didn’t even respond to that. He didn’t know what he was talking about. Blaire had been

hungry for my touch. She hadn’t pushed me away. She’d been almost begging me silently. It

made no sense but she’d wanted me. God knows I wanted her. I always wanted her.

“Come on. We have a couch to move. I need your help,” Jace said, holding the door open.


What was wrong with me?
I walked back into Bethy’s bedroom and closed the door. I needed a minute to calm down. I’d been ready to beg Rush to screw me right there. It was that stupid dream.

Okay, maybe last night’s dream hadn’t been stupid but it had been extremely intense. Thinking about it had me squeezing my legs together.

Why was I doing this now? Sexual dreams were one thing but now they were vivid and so

real I was basically orgasming in my sleep. It was insane. Not once in Sumit had I been this horny. But then Rush hadn’t been in Sumit.

I sank down onto Bethy’s mattress that she had stripped for the move. I had to pull myself together around him. He hadn’t been trying to come on to me but I’d been a panting wild woman from the moment his ingers touched my hand. How embarrassing. Facing him after

that was going to be hard.

The door opened and Bethy walked in with a small grin on her face. Why was she grinning

now? She’d jumped all over me when she’d caught me outside. “Your pregnancy hormones are

kicking in,” she said after the door was firmly closed behind her.

“What?” I asked confused.

Bethy cocked her to head to the side. “Have you not read any of those pamphlets the doctor sent home with you? I’m sure one of them tells you about this.”

I was still confused. “About the fact I can’t control myself around Rush?”

Bethy shrugged. “Yeah. I guess he’d be the one that did it for you. But you get horny while pregnant, Blaire. I know this because my cousin used to make jokes about his wife when she was pregnant. Said he had a hard time keeping up with her and all.”

Horny? Pregnancy was making me horny? Just great.

“Probably only gonna be an issue with Rush. I igure he’s the only person you are attracted to and want that way. So it’s just gonna be more intense around him. Maybe you should tell him and enjoy this. I have no doubt he’d help out.”

I couldn’t tell him. Not yet. I wasn’t ready and neither was he. Nan would be furious and I couldn’t handle Nan right now. Besides, Rush would choose Nan and I couldn’t handle that again either. “No. He doesn’t need to know. Not right now. I’ll be better.”

Bethy shrugged. “Fine. I said my piece. You don’t wanna tell him, then don’t.But when you

crack and fuck his brains out, could you not do it in public?” she asked with a smirk, then opened the door and walked back out.

“You need to wrap it up in a quilt irst! You’re gonna ruin my cushions,” Bethy yelled at the guys.

I could face him. He didn’t know about this. I would act like nothing happened. Besides I

needed to help do something. I could finish packing up the kitchen.

Rush was watching me. Everytime he came back into the apartment to move something

else his eyes found me. I’d dropped a bowl, spilled a box of cereal and dumped out a box of latware because of those heated looks. How was I supposed to concentrate and not be a clumsy idiot with him looking at me like that?

When he walked back into the apartment this time I decided I’d go pack things up in the

bathroom instead. They would be moving the kitchen table and chairs next and I just couldn’t deal with that. I’d probably break every glass Bethy had.

I stepped into the bathroom and suddenly there was a body behind me moving me in further. The heat from Rush’s chest pressing against my back made me shiver. Dangit. I wasn’t going to be able to handle this.

The bathroom door closed and the familiar sound of the lock clicking into place only made

my heart beat faster. He wanted more of what had gone on outside and I was so worked up by being near him I wasn’t going to be able to think straight.

His hand brushed the hair on my neck away and he moved it over my shoulder. When the

warmth of his lips touched my bare skin I may have whimpered. Both of his hands rested on

my hips and he pulled me back against him even more. “You’re driving me crazy, Blaire.

Insane, baby. Fucking insane,” he whispered against my ear. It took all my willpower not to let my head fall back on his chest.

“What was that outside? You had me so damn worked up I can’t think straight. All I can see is you.”

His hands moved up my sides then moved over my stomach. The almost protective placement of them, even though he had no idea what he was protecting made me tear up. I

wanted him to know. But I also wanted him to choose me… and our baby. I didn’t think he could do that. He loved his sister. I was terri ied of that kind of rejection and I refused to let my baby be rejected.

I started to move out of his embrace when his hands moved up to cup my breasts and his

mouth began nibbling on the curve of my neck. Oh hell. I might not trust him with my heart but I really wanted to trust him with my body. Even if it was just this once.

“What’re you doing?” I asked breathlessly.

“Praying to God you won’t stop me. I’m a starving man, Blaire.” He paused waiting on me to reply. When I didn’t, he reached up and pulled the straps of my sundress down until my breasts were bare. They felt swollen all the time now and it made them so sensitive. I was going without a bra more and more. My bra didn’t exactly it anymore and I hadn’t wanted to spend money on a new one if this bigger boobs thing didn’t last long.

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