Never Wager Against Love (Kellington Book Three) (13 page)

BOOK: Never Wager Against Love (Kellington Book Three)
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She narrowed her eyes again and Arthur was relieved to see
the sparks of her temper were driving away her nerves.

“It is interesting how when I guess correctly it is a matter
of the odds being in my favor, but when you do it, it’s a sign of great skill. 
And I choose not to kiss you.”

“How disappointing – for both of us.”

“You are impossibly arrogant.”

“At times.”  He dealt them both a card, then picked his up
and looked at it.  “The eight of hearts.”

Vanessa then looked at her card and met his eyes.

After a moment, Arthur said “Your card is higher.”

She nodded curtly.  “Yes, yes.  Get it over with.”  She
leaned toward him with lips pressed firmly together. 

“As tempting as your lips are, my love, I choose not to kiss

“Excellent,” she said as she reached for the deck.

“Not so fast,” said Arthur, as he placed his hand over
hers.  “I said I chose not to kiss your lips, not that I didn’t want to kiss

Vanessa looked at his hand then withdrew hers.   “I cannot
imagine where you intend to kiss me, if not my lips.”

His answering look immediately flooded her cheeks with

“My dear,” he said, “I never thought you were so short of
imagination.  Although from the looks of that charming blush, it seems your
thoughts are at least somewhat in league with my own.  But fear not, I don’t
plan to do anything too untoward….yet.”

And with that, he rose from his chair and helped her stand. 
They he slowly leaned in to her.  He lightly brushed the side of her head with
his own.  His lips barely grazed her temple as he let them drop to her neck,
where he began to lightly nuzzle.  The unmistakable shiver that went through
her was highly satisfying, as was the way she clutched at his shoulders.

“That is quite enough of that,” she said breathily, as she
fought to keep her balance.  “You’ve had your kiss.  Now it’s time for the next

The fact that there would even be a next hand gave Arthur
the confidence to continue his exploration of her neck.  “I haven’t actually
kissed you yet,” he said between light nips on her neck.

“But this is so much worse,” she said as indignantly as she
was able, while simultaneously stretching her neck to give him better access. 

“Perhaps you are right,” he said as he pressed his lips to
her pulse point, gently sucking.  “It is time for the next hand, after all.” 
He stepped away from her, leaving her gently swaying.  He was going to reach
out a hand to steady her, unsure whether he’d then be able to let her go, when
she sank back down in the chair.

She dealt with slightly shaking hands.  After checking her
card, her look was one of triumph.  “The king of spades.”

Arthur looked at his card, then met her eyes.

It didn’t take long for her to say “Lower.  And I decide not
to kiss you again.”

Arthur’s grin could only be likened to a lion who had just
sighted dinner. “Sorry, love.  It was a tie.”

Her eyes grew wide as he once again rose from his seat.  “I
don’t believe you.  Show me your card.”

He pulled her into his arms.  “Are you questioning my

“In this case?  Absolutely.”

“Too late.  The hand has been played,” he said, as his lips
skimmed along her neck to her collarbone.  Then he continued his journey to the
tops of her breasts, or what would’ve been the tops of her breasts if they
hadn’t been covered by the hideous brown gown.  

As he travelled further down her chest, his breath dampened
the fabric of her gown. She whispered a protest, but did not move away.  He almost
wished she would.  He’d been lusting after her for more than a week now,
counting their time in Kent.   Too much more of this and he wouldn’t be able to

As his lips reached the place where her nipple lay obscured
by her clothes, he licked.  She stifled a moan.  He licked again and this time
her hands clutched his head.  He waited to see if she would push him away, then
when she didn’t he sucked her hardened nipple into his mouth.  How he wished he
could take off her gown so he could taste the sweetness of her skin.   Then he
switched to the other breast.  As he began suckling anew, he was so painfully
hard he worried he might actually explode if he went any further.  It was that
thought which finally convinced him to reluctantly withdraw from the bounty of
her breasts. 

As he raised his head he smiled at the view in front of
him.  Vanessa’s eyes were closed and her head thrown back.  Her red curls had
completely escaped their knot and were in disarray about her head and
shoulders.  And for a moment he was seized with the urge to back her up a few
steps to the bed and see how many different ways he could elicit that same
expression from her.

But in the end he helped her to her chair, since there was
no way she could stand on her own.  He sank into his own, wondering how long it
would take her to come to her senses and what her reaction would be once she

*                    *                    *

Vanessa knew she was making a fool of herself, but couldn’t
help it.  Arthur’s reputation as a magnificent lover was well deserved.  As she
finally focused her eyes on the man across from her, he was wearing that
infuriating crooked smile and had dealt each of them a card.  He picked his
up.  “The four of spades.”

Vanessa looked at her card then met his eyes.

“Yours is higher,” he said.

“No it’s not,” she replied, as she carefully replaced her
card in the deck.  She was lying, of course, but she wouldn’t give him another
chance to drive her mad with passion.  “It is my turn to kiss you, my lord,”
she said as she rose from her chair and walked toward him.  He began to rise,
but she pushed him back down.  “I believe I shall find this more comfortable if
I am seated,” she said, as she sat on his lap.  Then she met his lips with her

His arms pulled her to him.  She could feel his very hard
cock beneath her bottom.  She wiggled her hips just a bit and was rewarded with
a groan.  They continued kissing with tongues mating and hands exploring each
other gently.  Just as he cupped her breast, there was a sudden rap at the
door, along with the serving maid’s voice asking if she could clear the table.

After a panicked moment when they both seemed surprised to
find each other in that position, Vanessa leapt off his lap as quickly as her
wobbly legs could take her.  Arthur walked to the window with his back to the
door, trying to hide the evidence of what they’d been doing.

The serving girl saw little amiss as she and her counterpart
came in to remove the dishes and set the room back to rights.  When the two
girls left, Arthur turned to see Vanessa readying her reticule for the next
day’s meeting by placing a small pistol in it.  It was this reminder of the real
reason he was with her that broke the erotic haze.  He couldn’t afford to
become entangled with this woman.  Not if he hoped to keep her safe.

And he would keep her safe.

Vanessa cleared her throat, her eyes on the pistol she was
carefully placing in the bag.  “As interesting as that exercise was, I think,
perhaps, the lesson should draw to a close.”

Arthur knew it was the right thing to do, although it stung
a little to have her suggest it.  Hadn’t his kisses affected her at all?  “Very
well.  We shall have no more lessons.  Today.”

And with that he watched with resignation as she divided
their bed with the blanket once again. 








The messenger they’d sent to Cambridge must’ve ridden
straight through the night because Dumbarton’s letter of introduction came to
them at noon the next day, along with a loan of five pounds – with interest to
be paid by Arthur at one percent
per annum
– and the next clue in their

“According to the Professor, we’re to secure a chalice from
the Duke of Newcastle’s home in Nottingham,” said Vanessa, as they made their
way to Norwich Castle once again.  “Are you acquainted with him?”

“Enough to thoroughly dislike the man.”

“So you know him well?”

“It’s not necessary to know him well to despise him.  I have
not only my own impressions to go on, but Lynwood’s experience with him, as
well.  But at least we won’t have to waste time convincing him of our
.  I wish Dumbarton had solved the rest of the code.  I don’t want to
spend any more time in Nottingham than strictly necessary.”

“I’m sure he’s working as quickly as he can.”

“For someone who boasts of his abilities as much as he does,
one would think he could get on with his work faster,” grumbled Arthur,
irritated by her defense of the lecherous old bastard.

They arrived at Norwich Castle, prepared for the stench, but
just as repulsed as the previous day.  Arthur carried the leather case in which
they’d sheathe the broadsword.  It would be awkward transporting it, but they
had little choice in the matter.  As they waited for Sir John, Vanessa noticed
the same old woman waiting in the great hall from the day before.  This time
she was arguing with the officer in charge.

She was so short she could barely see over the desk where
several officers were seated.  But nothing could intimidate the woman.  “Me
son, his wife and their two babes are in yer blasted gaol.  I come here to get
them out, I paid yer demmed ‘toll’ and now yer saying they have to stay.  Yer
crooks, ye are.  The lot of ye.”

“Watch yer language,” said the officer in charge, who didn’t
appear surprised in the least to have his honor challenged.  “There’s a
respectable gent and miss here.  They want none of yer foul language.” 

The old woman looked like she was about to tell him what she
really thought of him, when Vanessa approached the officer. 

“How much is the release fee for this family?” she asked, as
the old woman regarded her with suspicion.

The officer looked Vanessa up and down quite thoroughly, a
slight smile revealing tobacco-stained teeth.  “Do not fret yerself about this
situation, miss.  I can have this female thrown out so ye won’t have to hear
from the likes of her again.”

If possible, the old woman became even more incensed.  “See
here, ye jackanapes.  If ye wasn’t the law, I’d take a poke at ye for that. 
And I’d likely do some damage, too.”

The other officers behind the desk laughed at their
colleague, whose face immediately reddened with fury.

“Get out!” he bellowed at the old woman.

She looked like she was about to jump over the desk and
attack, when Vanessa put her hand on the woman’s arm, giving it a gentle
squeeze.  “Have patience madam, your family may be released after all.”

The old woman looked at her like she was a lunatic, but
calmed down enough to see what would happen next.  Vanessa turned to the
guard.  “How much will it take to get the family released?”

The officer turned mean eyes to the old woman and spat “Ten

The old woman gasped.  “Ain’t nobody I know got blunt like
that, even put all together.  T’is robbery, it is.”

The guard was unapologetic.  “There’s one pound each for
your son and his wife, then one each for the two brats.”

“And the rest?” asked Vanessa.

“Not that it’s any of yer business, but the rest is for them
blankets we give ‘em ever since the little girl got sick.”

“Mimsy’s sick?” asked the old woman.   For the first time,
the formidable woman looked frail.

“She’s been coughing for weeks now.  Been nothing but a
problem for us because no one wants to go near them.”

Vanessa had heard more than enough.  “I am an officer of the
Crown and I demand that you release this family right now.  There will be no
release fee.  I just want them out of your gaol.  Immediately.”  Vanessa was
almost shaking with rage.

“You ain’t no officer of the Crown,” said the guard.

It was then that Sir John spoke up.  Vanessa hadn’t noticed
his arrival, but as she turned she saw him holding Dumbarton’s letter of
introduction, standing next to a decidedly stern Arthur.  Sir John cleared his
throat.  “Apparently she is exactly who she says she is.  If this woman’s
family has served their sentence….”

“They has!” said the old woman, still looking like she
wanted to thrash the officer in charge.

Sir John took a step back from the woman, then continued
speaking to the officer.  “Then I believe you should release them forthwith.”

“What about the ten pounds?” asked the officer, who’d clearly
been hoping the well-dressed couple would provide the bounty.

“Yes, what about the ten pounds?” Sir John asked Arthur. 
“We do, after all, have expenses…”

“There will be no money of any amount changing hands,” said
Vanessa.  “Just as there will be no more delays.  Lord Arthur and I have
business with Sir John.  When we return, we want to see this woman’s family
with their release papers.”

“Can’t be done that fast,” said the officer.

“Yes, it can,” said Vanessa.  “And it will be.”

The officer looked at Arthur, hoping he would be able to
control Vanessa.

In return, Arthur summoned centuries of Kellington authority
and said, “You heard the lady.  It will be done.”   

Up to that point, the old woman had been in shock, watching
the exchange between Vanessa and the officers.  Arthur pulled her aside. 
“Madam,” he asked quietly, “how were you going to get your family back home?”

“We was going to walk.  But I fear for the little ones if
they’re sick.”

Arthur believed the entire family would be sick or, at the
very least weakened, if they’d been in prison for long.  “Sir John, do you have

“Do you need a ride, my lord?  I can arrange something for a
very reasonable price.”

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