New Beginnings (129 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Douglas

BOOK: New Beginnings
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“I do know that.” I smiled at him over the hood of the car. “Mac is gonna be blown away when she sees this, man. Her father would have loved it.”

“I’d just wish I’d been able to take this on when Bill was still alive. It would have been nice if he could have enjoyed it.”

Seb, like the rest of us, loved and respected Bill. “Yeah, I know what you mean.” I tipped my head back, looking up at the cloudless blue sky. “But I’d like to think he’s looking down on us, smiling right now.”

Seb grinned, pushing his aviator sunglasses back on his head to reveal blue eyes the same shade as mine. “Since when did you become such a philosopher?”

“Since I started to put things into perspective, realizing what’s really important in life.”

“You mean like your family?”

“Yeah.” I circled the car once more, admiring it. “They’re the most important thing in my life, Seb. If I didn’t know that before, I sure as hell do now.”

“Then the last six months weren’t for nothing. You learned something, right?”

“You bet I did.” I would never waste another day wrapped up in the insignificant crap that usually plagued me, while forgetting to tell my wife how much I loved her.

“Hey, what do you know about this girl Nex is chasin’?” Seb asked.

“The waitress?” I knew if Nex had mentioned it to Seb, it was even more serious than I thought. “I know a bit about her, just what he told me. Why?”

“I don’t know.” He shook his head. “He’s just acting weird. Really distracted, ya know?”

“Yeah, I got the same feeling when we were in a meeting together earlier.” As my vice president of operations, he was my right-hand man, and I relied on him for damn near everything. He knew the inner workings of that business as well as I did, and I sure as hell couldn’t afford for him to start letting things slide. “You think it’s because of Jaci?”

“I’m pretty sure it is.”

I was happy my brother was finally taking an interest in one woman, instead of his usual dozen, but I was concerned he could be the one to get his heart broken with this one. “I’ll keep an eye on him, try to discourage him from getting in over his head.”

“Good idea.” Seb tossed me the keys. “Tell my nephew to enjoy this and that I love him, okay?”

“You don’t want to be here when I give it to him?”

Seb smiled. “No, that’s your moment. I wouldn’t want to steal your thunder.”

I clasped his hand, pulling him into a half-hug. “Email me the invoice. I’ll take care of it online.”

“Yeah, yeah, no worries.” He pulled out the keys to his classic Corvette, one of many in his collection. “You headed back to work now?”

“Yeah, but I think I might head over to the bakery first, see how the reno’s goin’.”

“Kruger had no problem moving out early?” he asked, referring to our previous tenant.

“Are you kidding?” I laughed. “He couldn’t wait to retire. Apparently, he and the missus bought one of those big-ass RVs and are gonna start cruisin’ around in it.”

Seb shrugged. “I guess if that’s what does it for ya, right?”

“Yeah.” I opened the car door, preparing to slip behind the wheel and pull it into the garage. “Thanks again, Seb. The car looks incredible.”

“My pleasure. Give your beautiful wife a kiss for me. Oh, and if you need a hand moving your stuff back home this weekend, you know where to find me.”

“Will do, thanks.”

After securing the car in the garage, I fired off a text to Mac to let her know I was going to pass by to treat her to lunch.






I was so excited for Ryker to see all the progress we’d made. The construction crew had been working long hours, committed to making their deadline so they could move on to their next project. Again, my well-connected husband had called in a favor to get people he trusted on the job in record time, but I was beginning to think of this business as
baby, so I didn’t mind accepting his help.

“Wow, would you look at this place,” he said, standing in the doorway.

I was proud of the way my vision was coming together. With the help of an interior designer, we’d selected paint color and furniture that would lend to the upscale chic vibe we were going for.

“Come here,” I said, reaching for his hand. Before I could lead him farther into the unit, the crew forearm, John, intercepted.

“Hey, Ryker, good to see you,” he said, offering his hand. “It’s been a while. How’s the store working out?”

John’s company had built the addition onto Ryker’s factory, which now served as their retail store.

“Things are good, John.” Ryker smiled at me. “Never better, in fact. Thanks again for working us into your schedule. I know how busy you are this time of year.”

“Anything for a friend, you know that.” He gestured to me. “Doesn’t hurt that your wife knows exactly what she wants. Can’t tell you how many of my customers waste time and money changing their minds a dozen times.”

I appreciated the fact that John thought I had it all together, even if there were days when I felt like I was juggling a dozen balls that were about to come crashing down on my head. “You’re sweet to say that,” I said, linking my arm through John’s.

Ryker glanced at our joined arms, frowning slightly.

John was a couple of years younger than Ryker, recently divorced, with twin girls in the second grade. He was a sweet guy, but I couldn’t believe my husband could still be jealous of anyone given how much I loved him.

“Come on in the back, babe,” I said, reaching for Ryker’s hand. “I want to show you the kitchen. We’re still waiting on the appliances, but you’ll get a sense of what it’ll look like.”

“Yeah, sure,” he said, taking my outstretched hand. “I’ll catch up with you before I leave, John.”

I waited until we were alone in the kitchen before I asked, “What was that about?”


“That look you gave us when I took John’s arm. You’re not jealous of him, are you?”

He raised one broad shoulder before breaking eye contact. “We’ve been apart for a long time, Mac. In my heart I know it’s stupid to be jealous, but my head is having a hard time catching up.”

“You have nothing to worry about,” I assured him, linking my arms around his neck. “I. Love. You. I don’t want anyone else.”

He inhaled deeply, wrapping his arms around my waist. “I believe you. I do. It’s just gonna take me a while to shake this damn insecurity. We were rock solid, Mac. Or so I thought. I didn’t think anyone or anything could shake what we had. But I was wrong. We weren’t as solid as I thought we were. And I guess there’s just a part of me that’s afraid of misreading the signals again.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked, curling my hands around his jaw. “You know how I feel about you, Ryker.”

“I thought I knew how you felt about me before too. Turns out I was wrong.”

I did not see this coming. Just when I thought we were putting the past behind us, it reared its ugly head again, making me wonder if we would ever be able to move past our separation and the effect it had on us.

“What can I say or do to make you believe in us again?” Since I was the one who asked him to move out and admitted I wasn’t sure if I’d still loved him when I did, I knew I had to meet him more than halfway.

“I do believe in us.” He hung his head. “I’m sorry. I don’t know where the hell this is coming from. I walked in here feeling good, great, in fact. Then I saw you and it just triggered all these feelings of jealousy and insecurity again.”

I guess I should be grateful he cared. Used to be we’d go to an event together and Ryker wouldn’t care if I danced with another man all night, so long as he didn’t have to dance.

“I know it’ll take some time,” I said gently. “We’re not going to be able to rebuild our relationship overnight, but I feel like we’re in a really good place, don’t you?”

He nodded. “Yeah, I do.”

“Hello?” Molly called out.

“Damn, I forgot she was coming by today. We were going to grab a quick lunch. You want to join us?”

“I didn’t realize how late is was. I should be getting back to work.”

I hated that there still seemed to be a gulf between us and I didn’t know how to bridge it. “Are we okay?”

“Yeah.” He leaned in to kiss my cheek before giving me a half-smile. “Sure we are. I’ll be by on Sunday with my stuff. If that’s okay?”

“Of course, it is.” I knew I was probably being paranoid, but he didn’t seem as thrilled as he had been about coming home.

“There you are,” Molly said, passing through the swinging door. “John said I’d find you guys back here.” She looked back and forth between us. “Am I interrupting something?”

“No, not all,” Ryker said. “I was just heading out.”

“Call me later?” I asked, when he reached the door.

“Sure. Later, Molly.”

“Later, Ryker.” She peeked over the door to make sure he was gone before she asked, “Why’d he seem so tense?”

“I wish I knew.” I sighed, thinking how tired I was of this dance. One step forward, two steps back. “He said something about still being jealous and insecure. I don’t know what the hell that’s about, Mol. I’ve done everything I can to put his mind at ease.”

“It’s because you look so damn hot,” she said, gesturing to my faded, cut-off jeans shorts, pink tank top, and steel-toed pink work boots.

Yes, I had to wear steel-toed boots if I wanted to be on site because John told me he wouldn’t be held responsible if something fell on my foot on his job site. I was supposed to wear the hard hat he’d provided too, but now that we were nearing the finishing stage, I could usually get away without it.

“That’s ridiculous.” Now I was beginning to question my choice of attire. Had it bothered him, knowing I was hanging out with a bunch of construction workers all day? “It’s hot as hell out there today. What was I supposed to wear?”

“He’s just not used to seeing you dress like that.”

It’s true I’d been a lot more conservative before, mainly because I was trying to conceal the extra pounds. Now that I’d shed them, I dressed for the weather without giving it much thought. It was liberating for me, but maybe my husband didn’t see it that way.

“You don’t think he thought I was dressing like this for those guys, do you?” I said, lowering my voice.

“I’m sure the thought crossed his mind. And I’m sorry, Mac, but you can’t really blame him. I’ve been in here before. Those guys practically salivate over you when your back is turned. Maybe Ryker saw that too.”

“They do not.”
Did they? How the hell would I know if they did it behind my back?
“Um, could you give me a few minutes, Mol?”

“You want to call Ryker, don’t you?”

“Yeah. I don’t feel good about the way we left things.”

“No problem. I’ll just go and check out that new boutique across the street. Come over when you’re done.”

“Sure.” I had to get my flip-flops out of the trunk of my car anyhow. Thankfully they were painting today so my clothes weren’t covered in a layer of dust the way they had been when they were repairing and sanding the walls.

I waited until Molly left before I dialed Ryker’s cell. He answered on the second ring. “Sorry to bother you, but can I ask you a question?”

“Go ahead.”

“Were you bothered by the way I was dressed?”

He hesitated a minute before he said, “Jesus, Mac…”

“You were, weren’t you?” I didn’t know whether to be flattered or offended. “I don’t believe this.”

“Goddammit, it just took me back to when we were kids and you used to have guys ogling you all the time.”

Okay, now I was offended. Had it been that long since men were attracted to me?

“You got pregnant soon after we got married, and I guess that just made me feel more secure in our relationship. Like you weren’t going anywhere, even if you did find someone better, ’cause we had—”

“Hold on a minute,” I said, unable to believe what I was hearing. “You were worried I’d find someone better?” I flashed back to all of those trade shows we used to go to when I was the one jealous of all those models who couldn’t take their eyes off my sexy husband. “You can’t be serious.”

“I am serious.” He sighed. “You don’t think my buddies reminded me every damn day that you were too good for me, that it would only be a matter of time before you traded up?”

I knew guys liked to trash talk, especially Ryker’s rowdy friends, but I couldn’t believe he’d actually listened to them.

“I guess walking in there today, seeing the way those guys kept sneaking glances at you when they thought no one was looking, just reminded me how easy it would be for you to find someone else. You kicked me out once before. How do I know you won’t do it again?”

I sank down on a stool at the stainless steel counter in the middle of the open kitchen. “I can’t believe what I’m hearing right now. You think there’s anyone who could take me away from you? You’re the love of my life, the father of my children. Hell, you’re my best friend. I need you, Ryker.”

His voice was rough when he exhaled slowly and said, “I just needed to hear you say that.”

“Then you believe me?” He
to believe me. I couldn’t stand it if I thought there were lingering doubts between us when I was one hundred and ten percent committed to him and our marriage.

“I believe you.”

“I love you.”

“Me too, baby. Me too.”



Chapter Twenty



I felt so much better after my talk with Mac, which meant I could truly enjoy the surprise I was about to spring on our son. I couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when he saw the car.

We made our way through the house before I said, “Uh, Zane, I’m going to trim up those bushes in the backyard. Can you grab me the shears in the garage?”


Cole was headed to his room to drop his stuff when I said to him, “Hold up a minute, kid.”

I knew giving Zane a cool car would mean his brother would expect one too, but I could live with it. Granted, it wouldn’t have the sentimental link to his grandfather that Zane’s would, but I’d make sure it was special nonetheless.

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