New Blood (The Blood Saga Book 2) (6 page)

BOOK: New Blood (The Blood Saga Book 2)
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Tackling one another, wrestling with
playful nips and jabs. Never in my life had I felt so free. Our feral like
ecstasy swelled as this went on for hours.

Days could have gone by I would not
have noticed or cared. My body moved with lithe speed and agility I had not
thought possible for any creature. Even a Vampire.

Running through trees that stood
hundreds of feet high, the forest was our ballroom. And so we danced.

We spent all night in the woods. It
was amazing. Every remote sound never imagined in the world before I could now
hear. When a bird landed, I could hear the scrape of the bark. The sway of the
leaves if it were a small limb.

As woodland creatures climbed and
scurried away from the two most menacing predators in the woods, I could hear
their hearts swell with fear. Their tiny claws dug into the earth as they raced
up trees to hide. Their fear excited me. It boiled my blood with raw need.

Hunger ripped through my body as if
I was starved. Damien knew what my body ached for, again, for the third time
that day.

We could hear the deer about five
miles out in a small clearing. Springing from limb to limb with no more sound
than a June bug. Hitting the earth below as soft as a bird landing, my body ran
and moved as lithe as a jaguar.

Naturally, I went for the first one
I saw, which was not an unimpressive size. When I lunged, it felt like I was
flying, silent as an eagle with just as much grace.

Landing on my prey, I rolled the beast
to his back. My fangs ripped into the hide like a hot knife through butter. His
agony I made sure did not last long.

Of any of the times that day, I did
not forget the hunt. I did not become overwhelmed and black out.

As I stood, I realized Damien was
watching with a smug and amused expression. I was covered in my dinner again.
Humiliating. Damien, who hadn’t fed, opting to observe me instead, strolled
over to me, never faltering in that bewildering grace. Hands touched to my
cheeks as he leaned closer, kissing the blood away. The fire in my body built
quickly as he forced me twenty feet back into a tree. Our bodies were free of
the outside world. Damien was far more savage then he had been before. As was

He broke a tree, too. A big tree at


A few hundred years ago, I never
would have predicted ending up under Jezabell’s House. Then, it had been a time
when all that mattered in our world was blood and power. Power and blood. One
did not go without the other in those times, immortal or otherwise. The humans
called it the Dark Ages.

Things had changed since then. The
hunt wasn’t a necessity for us to survive. As the true dawn of man came, there
came donated blood or animals. It was boring.

Did humans feel the same when
hunting, and making their own food was no longer an absolute necessity? Bagged
blood is the Vampire equivalent to McDonalds.

A sneer involuntarily marred my
features as Hendrick knocked on the frame of my open door. “Hey, Phoenix.”
Hendrick sucked at being nonchalant. He was a horrible liar, and his motives
were always so clear he may as well have had a label maker on his forehead.

My brow rose in consideration as I
looked Hendrick over. Lara sent him… Not that it mattered. Hendrick was a good
friend, however brutish the man was. “Hendrick.” I turned from him, fighting to
hide the smirk as I easily picked up the gist of a conversation between
Hendrick and Lara right from his own mind.

No one could block me out. No one.
Although I didn’t always listen. Moreover, on the plus side, no one knew I
could listen so well either. Not even Damien.

Hendrick stood leaning on the doorframe,
too hesitant to cross the threshold. “Get it over with, Hendrick. What does our
sister have to say about my erratic behavior today?”

Just as the thoughts crossed
Hendrick’s mind I saw them, and was surprised. Hendrick had ignored Lara’s
request completely with a last minute change of decision.

“What did you read from her?” I
paused at Hendrick’s question.

It took a brief moment of
concentration to see Hendrick meant from the taste of her blood. It was
something vastly frowned upon in our world, Vampires who were not mated
drinking from other Vampires. Nevertheless, it was one of my gifts to read
blood. Gift- or curse.

In all honesty, I had believed no
one but Lianna had caught the gesture, though she was too new to understand. “You
saw that huh?” I questioned through tight lips. I’d sworn that Hendrick had his
back to me at the time. He’d caught me off guard. A rarity.

This time, Hendrick had one up on
me. Usually he didn’t think much before he did something or spoke. His thoughts
usually were more or less replays of events that had already happened. Not what
was yet to come. No point in plotting the future when he could just live it, he’d
once said to me.

“I’m not going to say anything. You
know me too well for that. Just as I assume you won’t say anything either.”
Hendrick reassured me. A slight smirk tugging at his lips, eager for my answer.

As far as Hendrick knew, I never
held anything back from him.

“You know me too well for that,” I
mocked with a grin. We nodded once to each other. “There’s a great deal of
magic in her blood.” Pondering a moment, I finally turning to face Hendrick

“She tastes like wild cherries.” If
someone would have asked me later, I wouldn’t be able to explain why I said it.
Hendrick’s brow rose slightly. Apparently he didn’t much get it either.

right then.” Hendrick
stared at me as if my eyes were crossed. “Will she make it?” Hendrick’s brows
fused together in a hard line of concern. He’d already decided to love her. Not
surprising. The brutal bastard had a heart the size of Texas.

I thought a moment on the likelihood
of Lianna’s survival before nodding. “I’m sure she’s going to surprise us all.”
Hendrick seemed worried and confused all at once. It would be best for him not
to dwell on anything I’d said. I thought to distract him. “I feel like going to
the city. Let’s hunt.”

Hendrick’s features changed into
one of excitement. In a sinister grin, his lips curled back from his teeth.


Before long, the dawn was painting
the sky. Its glow was radiating across the meadow. Everything seemed to be glowing
with the orange light in the early break of day.

With the dawn, the world around us
was smoldering with summer heat. It made all the smells stronger, even more
pungent and sweet, from the honey suckle and wild flowers to the water of the
nearby river.

Arms under his head, his hands
folded together. “You look good enough to eat, twigs and all,” his voice lit
with laughter to break the silence around us as he sat up to his side and
pulled out a leaf from my hair, flicking it lightly against my nose. “We should
get back soon.”

Sighing, I gave a long low whine.
My lips set into an over expressive pout. He laughed, running his finger down
to the tip of my nose with a soft tap.

Casually he shrugged with a wryly
grin. “Well I guess we could stay out here for a few more days if you like.
Believe me, I don’t mind. But the others may eventually come looking for us,
just be warned. Thought you may want some clothes before they did was all.” He
chuckled as I wrinkled my nose in distaste.

“Yes, I suppose you’ve got me
there. Not something I would find enjoyable.” Looking around sheepishly. “Um,
Damien... Where are our clothes exactly?” Or what was left of them.

He bellowed out a loud laugh. “Hm,
I’m not sure. Guess that means we better start back tracking.”

Jumping to his feet, he grabbed a
hold of my hands, pulling me into him. Again we moved like ghosts through the
woods, without a real sound as we now hunted for our clothes of all things.
Eventually of course we did come across them. Though we distracted each other a
lot along the way. Inevitably, we found ourselves fully dressed. His, I might
add, were perfectly immaculate where mine on the other hand were rather torn
and blood stained.

At a more human pace we strolled to
the house. His arm wrapped around my shoulders, and mine around his waist.

Jerking to him a stop, I stood
frozen not a hundred feet from the house. “Do we really have to go in there?” I
looked down at the blood soaked white clothes someone had decided to dress me
in. I felt the huff of his half laugh. Looking over to him seriously as I was
able with animal blood all over me, “Please don’t make me go in there. I think
I can survive out here in the wild. No bear is gonna eat me.”

All too amuse he ruptured with
laughter, pulling me along with him against my better thoughts. Breaking free,
I ran upstairs as fast as I could. Laughter chased me to our room. Never had I
been so embarrassed. Luckily, it was just the girls and Damien.

“Anna dear, don’t be so worried. We
all have done that on far more than one occasion! Sometimes we even do it on purpose!”
Lara consoled teasingly as she came in behind. Despite any arguments she
insisted on helping me clean up. Apparently it was bad enough I needed the

Stripping down, she took my clothes
and tossed them into a hamper lined with a black trash bag. Okay, so maybe this
wasn’t entirely abnormal. Taking note of my observing this she answered an
unsaid question, “There’s a burn pit not far from the house.” Burn your bloody
clothes, good thinking I suppose. What else were they supposed to do with them?
Turn them over to the humans who took out the garbage and risk them seeing so
much blood?

Turning on the tub, she added an array
of oils and bath milks, even rose petals. This was a first for me, Vampire or
otherwise. I felt like her new doll as I climbed in.

A while later she had me dressed in
more white. The dress was silk, very flowing and soft cut, hanging with a very
loose fit. Simple in design. It hung on me perfectly. Despite how short it was.
“Thank you, Lara.” I felt awkward. But who was I to argue? If they wanted to
play dress up with me so be it. For now.

Her angelic voice laughed so sweet
yet so childish. “Anna, you are family. We love you. Yes even Phoenix.” She
eyed me as if she’d already known my opinion on that. “Think of Phoenix and
Hendrick as annoying older brothers if you will. Be tough with them. Phoenix
will learn his place with you one way or another eventually.” Comforting.

At her insistence she combed and
pulled at my hair until it fell in loose waves the way she wanted it. “There you
look perfect now.” Standing to her tiptoes she kissed my forehead before taking
my hand, leading me eagerly down the stairs. With a sly grin, and a wink, she
presented me quietly to Damien.

Yes, I caught that.

Damien stood motionless at the bottom
of the stairs, ever watching. My back straightened uncomfortably. Dresses were
not in my comfort zone.

Hendrick especially found this
amusing. He carried the biggest grin I had ever seen. This made sense. He was
the biggest man I had ever seen.

Damien just stood there. Staring.
Looking away, I turned back to the stairs slowly. This wasn’t me. The blood
stained jeans sounded preferable at that point. I wanted out of the dress. In a
second or less, he was in front of me.

Reaching out for me, Damien pulled
me into him. His lips found my cheek. He mouthed the words faintly against my
ear, enunciating precisely, “Good-Enough-To-Eat.” Hips lips tugged my lobe. “Don’t
worry, I’ll tear it off soon, and you’ll never have to wear it again.” My
unease was fairly obvious.

Forcing a rather embarrassed smile,
I motioned to Lara. “It was all her. I’m just the Barbie,” I mumbled. My hands
pressed to his chest.
Down boy.

The grin smearing across his lips
was all too knowing. He would tear it off, and he’d enjoy doing so. Lara
boasted a grin as she curled up with a most pleased Jezabell on the couch. I heard
Jezie whisper to Lara, “Nice work, my love.”

“All I did was provide the dress,
and play with the hair. She is an exquisite
,” the last word had a
teasing emphasis. She heard me, oops.

At long last Damien took my hand,
guiding me back to the sitting room. Sitting, he pulled me into his lap, back
into the overly large chair. Both my legs lay over his left arm.

Phoenix stood, which made me tense.
Leaning to pick up a wine glass from the center of the table he handed it to me
by the stem. “No hard feelings, Anna. Cross my heart, hope to die.” He winked.

Taking the glass, I gave him a slight
nod. Yup, I could do this. Damien was staring at him with a look I couldn’t
quite determine. Phoenix, however, ignored him completely.

Damn I hate these glasses.
Phoenix’s lips twisted up into a smirk as I watched him while taking the glass-
trying to be careful. I’d already broken two. “Thank you, Phoenix. Same goes
then.” Our eyes locked.

For just a moment he stood still.
Phoenix still looked at me as if he was searching for something, but after a moment,
he just nodded and took his seat on the couch beside the girls. They were
curled into each other like coiled snakes.

We all sat like this until the next
dawn talking. Hendrick and the girls shared many of their past experiences as
New Bloods. I learned Hendrick was the youngest excluding myself.

At one point, Phoenix excused
himself and stole my glass as he did. Upon his return he handed me a silver
plated water bottle with a black screw top before he sat back down beside the
girls. Hmm. ‘Thanks,’ I mouthed. He winked.

It was so amazing how time moved
here. So fast, without anyone even noticing. I understood it now better than I
had at first. Now I understood why Damien was the way that he was. What could time
mean when it was endless? Yes, each second could be accounted for but each hour
meant nothing in the same sense.

“Anna, would you mind terribly
being left here for the day on your own? We have some things to do in the city
that we need Damien’s assistance with.” Jezabell spoke, pulling me out of my

Damien pulled a lose strand of hair
behind my ear, kissing the back of my neck as I remained melted into him. “Of
course.” I was too young to risk taking anywhere near people. “It’d be nice to
go for a walk anyway. Get to know the place better.”

Jezabell answered sweetly as ever, “Of
course. Whatever you like. We would prefer if you stayed close though. The
borders are hard for you to read still. You may not feel the break in secured
land.” Secure land?

As I nodded softly Damien continued
kissing along my neck. It was very distracting. Had I heard an edge of warning
in her words?

“Just stay close,” he spoke in a
low voice just for me. Phoenix kept eyes on me the most out of everyone. He
still didn’t trust me, but he put on a nice show. When he wanted to.

It was an hour before everyone was
ready to go.

Damien was reluctant to remove
himself from my side. Why was he so nervous? Why did I think he was nervous?

He kissed my cheek feverishly as
well as my lips. Pressing me against a wall, tucked behind an alcove we were
getting swept away again when I heard Hendrick clear his throat a little louder
than needed.

Damien grinned and shot Hendrick a
dirty but smug look. He leaned closer and kissed my temple as he whispered. “I’ll
be back before long. Just be careful, and don’t stray too far please. All right?”

“Lived alone most my life as a
mortal. I think I’ll survive  few hours. I’ll be fine. Just go.” Kissing him
back with a bit more self-control, I pushed him out the door with Hendrick
giving some good nudges to help things move a little faster. He seemed eager to
get going. They all did.

Wonder what they were doing anyway?
Ah well, probably shopping. It didn’t matter. The quiet would be nice. Hendrick
gave me a grin and mumbled about my behaving accordingly.

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