New Frontier of Love (American Wilderness Series Romance Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: New Frontier of Love (American Wilderness Series Romance Book 2)
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“Do you think he’d have come with us to Kentucky if he were still alive?” Stephen asked.

“Don’t know. But I think it would have been his idea for us to go,” Sam said. “He would have wanted you to get the land you need.”

Stephen smiled at that.

Would their father have wanted the same for him? Sam suddenly wondered.


atherine awoke feeling good about the decision she finally made during the night. She’d been restless and unable to sleep for much of the night, and it gave her time to think. After bathing with a wet cloth, dressing, and then putting her hair in a thick braid, all the while trying not to wake Kelly who also slept in her wagon, she climbed out to a stunningly beautiful morning.

When they had arrived yesterday, she was too tired to notice much of anything. But this morning, the splendor of their surroundings made her gasp in wonder. The warm early morning light poked through a rich tapestry of trees, vines, and brush to reveal the vivid colors of flowers and lush grass. The soft pure air held no hint of the heavy mugginess they’d endured the last few days. In its place, a light wind of cooler air lifted her spirits as well as the leaves of the hardwoods. She raised her chin, relishing the soothing sound and feel of the gentle breeze brushing against her face and through her hair. The soft fragrance of a variety of Aster, Foxglove, and other wildflowers made her expand her lungs and inhale deeply.

Finally, she would have a day without feeling the rocky
movement of wagon wheels beneath her. The wagons wobbled so much so that ever since Kelly arrived with her milk cow, Jane tied a wooden butter churn filled with fresh milk to the side of the wagon every morning. By the evening meal, they all enjoyed creamy butter on their hot biscuits.

She hated to admit it, but she needed some rest. They all needed a quiet day. She strolled up to the cook fire as Jane, yawning, poured water into the coffee pot and hung it to brew.

“Good morning,” Jane greeted. “Looks like it will be a quiet one for a change. Stephen and Sam went hunting. They’ve spent so many days with their legs stretched across a horse’s back, they’re starting to waddle when they walk,” she said, with a grin. “They decided they wanted to stretch their legs and we needed some time to rest.”

“I was just thinking something similar. I’ve spent so much time on that bloody wagon, walking feels strange because the ground isn’t moving.”

“I agree. Maybe that’s how sailors feel when they’re on land again,” Jane said.

“Where are the others?”

“William’s feeding and brushing down the horses and John and Bear took the children to the river to fish for breakfast.”

“Good, I’m famished,” Catherine said.

“Polly’s discovered that she loves to fish. I hope they’ll have better luck than John did yesterday evening. I’d enjoy trout or catfish for breakfast. Although, I’m so hungry, I think I could eat a whale all by myself,” Jane said chuckling, and rubbing her bulging stomach. “This baby has an exceptionally healthy appetite.”

“Yes, he seems to have grown overnight. Rest sounds
marvelous to me. It will be nice to just be in one place for a change, if only for a few days,” she said. “What do you plan to do on this gorgeous day?”

“More than anything, while we’re here at the river, I want to bathe, and wash my hair and clothes. I need to mend Martha’s shoes if I can, maybe make some baby clothes. I brought fabric I can use,” Jane answered.

“Doesn’t sound like you’ll be getting much rest. At least you can do the mending and sewing sitting down. Remember, you don’t have to do it all in one day. I’ll help you with what I can. I’ve never sewn much though. We used dressmakers in Boston,” she said. “I noticed there’s one in town. I can’t wait to visit that establishment. And I’m sure we could find new shoes in town for Martha.”

“Catherine, why did you and your husband leave Boston alone?” Jane asked.

“He wanted to get to Kentucky quickly to claim a prime site of land. That’s why he was in such a hurry. He didn’t want traveling with others to slow us down and he was egotistical enough to think he could defend us himself. He figured we’d meet up with other travelers once we got further along into dangerous territory anyway.”

“What kind of land would justify the hazard of traveling alone?”

“He never told me much. He possessed some papers about it. He hid the documents in my wagon, but I’ve never read them. Your question reminds me that I need to. Maybe I’ll do that later today. How could I have been married to a man and know so little about him?”

“From what you’ve told me, it wasn’t much of a marriage. That’s how,” Jane said.

“Maybe you’re right; he never discussed his affairs with me. I never knew if he was worried about something or if anything good had happened. He considered business affairs ‘too burdensome for a woman’s delicate mind.’ However, I never pressed him for information either. Perhaps it was both our faults.”

Catherine turned and took a few steps to admire the peaceful view of the Kentucky River. Stephen and Jane’s two oxen and three cattle grazed near the riverbank contentedly devouring thick grass. Birds warbled, chirped, and sang from nearly every tree or flew over the river searching for insects floating on the smooth green water. The melodious notes of a mockingbird’s medley rose above all the other birds.

Jane walked up behind her and handed her a pewter cup filled with coffee. The brew sent steam into the air before them as they gazed at the river. They both inhaled the fragrant aroma as they waited for the coffee to cool.

“If I may be frank, your former husband sounds like he was a narrow-minded pompous bloke,” Jane said. “If my husband ever said something like that to me, I would show him how ‘delicate’ parts of the male anatomy are.”

Catherine laughed, picturing Jane’s knee slamming into her husband. Perhaps she should have stood up to him, as Jane would have. Then she let out a deep breath, knowing that regrets were pointless. “When I marry again, it will be to a man who loves me and will want to share his dreams with me and care about my dreams too. That’s what a marriage should be—two people bound together by love—not alliances arranged to mutually benefit each family.”

“You’re right about the importance of love, but some men don’t have grand dreams. Some men are just who they are now and nothing more. And some men have the grandest of dreams and won’t become who they really are until they can chase those dreams. I’ve learned that when you marry that kind of man, you marry his dreams too.”

“Maybe it takes the love of the right woman to help a man see his dreams. You and Stephen share a dream of owning enough land to raise fine cattle.”

“Yes, that’s true. But on our journey, I forgot that for a while. And in that time, I lost Stephen too. I vowed never to lose sight of our dream again. Because, Stephen will never leave the path that dream will make him follow. It’s his destiny.”

Destiny. The same word the Captain had used. With the decision she made during the night, she would change her destiny forever. This choice would likely affect her future more than any other decision she would ever make. A part of her still wondered if Sam would ever take notice of her. “Jane, why does Sam carry that enormous blade and why is he so serious all the time?”

“I asked Stephen about the knife once. He told me that ever since Sam came home from the war, he never parts with the knife, even when he occasionally attends church. Before Sam left his family to join the Continental Army, he had just been Stephen’s big brother, strong and huge, but still his carefree and cheerful hunting companion. But, when the Captain returned from the war, his former cheerful robust companion did not come back. In his place, a haggard, far too thin, seasoned soldier returned—a serious warrior whose weapon was now as much a part of him as his arm or his leg. Over time, Sam did recover physically, regaining his weight and strength, but his now serious, solemn
demeanor—and the knife—never left him. Now, I can’t even conceive of Sam ever parting with that blade.”

Neither could Catherine.

Kelly marched up behind them and stood next to her. “Good morning pretty ladies.”

Catherine gave the young woman an affectionate hug. “Sweet Kelly.”

Kelly smiled and gave her a warm hug too.

The young woman’s complexion glowed in the morning light as she said, “Jane, when we make breakfast, will you show me how to make those heavenly biscuits? They’re the best I’ve ever tasted.” Although still slim, since she had started eating healthy portions of Jane’s good food, especially her biscuits, Kelly no longer looked rawboned skinny.

“I’d be pleased to, but the secret is in the feel of the dough. You know by touch when it feels just right. That comes with practice,” Jane explained. “I’ll show you later when I work the dough. And you have to have the right pans for cooking over a fire, like this Dutch oven cast iron pot.”

As Jane talked with Kelly about baking, Catherine fell deep into her own thoughts—troubled about how to tell two women she had grown very fond of over the last few weeks that she was leaving.

With much difficulty, she decided that she had to return to Boston. After driving her wagon through Boonesborough yesterday, she realized that living alone in this rough and uncivilized town would be impossible. As much as she enjoyed the company of the Wyllies, she couldn’t stay with them forever. They would each be building their own homes and she would not
impose on their hospitality or take advantage of their kindness by doing so.

And if the taciturn Captain was going to remain a cold fish, that left no reason to stay.

“Catherine, you seem to be struggling with something. May we help?” Jane asked.

“I’m not staying in Boonesborough. Or in Kentucky. I’m going back to Boston. I gave myself time to resolve what I should do, and now that we’re here, I know I must return home.” She could not hide the regret she heard in her voice.

“Why?” Jane asked, aghast. “I thought you decided to stay with us.”

“I just don’t think I should,” she said, not wanting to explain. “I’ll find a family that will be traveling the Ohio River route back to the East coast to escort me. I won’t have the benefit of my wagon, but that route will be faster. At least on the riverboat I’ll have a smooth ride.”

“Why go back when a whole new beautiful frontier awaits us? The opportunities aren’t just for men. They’re for women too,” Jane said.

“I have no one here. What good will opportunities do me if I have no one with whom to share them? And my father would expect me to return. It isn’t proper for me to stay. I’ll send him word that I’m on my way home because of my husband’s murder. The Captain encouraged me to decide my own future. Well I’ve decided. There’s no rational reason for me to stay.”

“Sometimes we must do irrational things to do what’s right for us,” Jane said.

“Going back is right for me,” Catherine said adamantly.

“We all want you to stay, especially Bear. I’ve never seen him this way. He’s acting like a boy in love for the first time. And in my opinion, you will never find a finer man, except Stephen of course, and I’ve already claimed him,” Jane said, smiling.

Stunned, her brows collided with confusion. “Bear?”

With a sly grin Kelly said, “Jane, it’s not Bear.”

“What do mean?” Catherine asked tersely.

“Bear isn’t the one who catches your eye, it’s the Captain,” Kelly said.

“Kelly, you’re as wrong as you can be,” Jane said, her voice mocking the idea. “Sam will never marry. If ever there was a man intent on being a bachelor, it’s the Captain. I’ve known Sam half my life and he’s the type of man that sees marriage as something for others. A person could sooner tame a wild deer than Sam. Catherine knows that. Don’t you?”

Flabbergasted, she glanced back and forth between Jane and Kelly, turned abruptly and marched away, her fists clenched at her sides.

Shock ripped through her. She couldn’t believe Kelly figured it out. How did the young woman know when she didn’t even understand what she felt herself? What business was it of Kelly’s or Jane’s anyway? She didn’t want to think about this and they were forcing her to do just that. Her decision was made and she wasn’t going to change her mind.

Then her heart beat faster as thoughts of Sam sprung into her head, wrapping around her like a warm blanket on a cold day. She pictured his rare smile and heard his deep kind voice in her head. She had no idea a voice could even be sensuous. But his definitely was. Resonant and rich, the sound of it stirred something within
her the very first time she heard it. Perhaps it was the quiet strength she perceived in the tone of it. His voice was both gentle and strong at once. Much like he was.

Why was she so strangely drawn to the man? She shared nothing in common with him. If Jane is right, she could never hope to marry a man like the Captain Wyllie. She had promised herself that she would only marry for love. And Sam showed no indication that she even appealed to him. He’d only been cold and standoffish.

Maybe he sensed something from her and it scared him away. Perhaps he’s just incapable of love for some reason. Jane’s right, he’ll never want a wife.

She kept walking toward the river, debating with herself.

Maybe he didn’t even find her appealing. Did he think her a pampered gentlewoman—too genteel, too much a lady? Well, she was learning more each day about how to take care of herself in the wilderness. It wasn’t her fault she’d grown up coddled and indulged. She was who she was and proud of it. If he wasn’t willing to look beneath the superficial part of her, then that was his loss.

Besides, it’s too soon to even be thinking about another man or marrying again. But she was. She couldn’t help it. She just couldn’t. She did feel something for Sam, but was it enough to risk staying here? “Oh Lord, what do you want me to do?” she asked, looking skyward.

She listened to the gurgle and rush of the river. Her emotions seemed to be rushing through her as swiftly as the river’s current. At least the river knew which way to flow. She didn’t know whether to go forward in Kentucky or backward to Boston. She peered down at the mud on the riverbank, feeling like she was stuck in it.

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