New Species 01 Fury (19 page)

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Authors: Laurann Dohner

BOOK: New Species 01 Fury
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“Director Boris ordered me to take your security card and escort you directly off Homeland. He stated your personal possessions would be packed into your vehicle and brought to you within the hour at the front gate.” Shock tore through her that she wouldn’t even be allowed to say goodbye to the women or pack her own things.
My prick comment has probably driven
Director Boris to a
new level of asshole.
Her next thought centered on Fury.
I’ll never see him again
. Pain lanced through her. She might not be his favorite person but to never lay eyes on him again left her feeling miserable.

She nodded grimly as the security guard put his hand on his gun in case she argued the point. It would only make the impossible situation worse. She unclipped her security card to hand over. He released his gun but grabbed her arm instead.

“I can walk myself, thank you.” She tugged to break his grip but he didn’t let go.

“I’ve been told if you put up any kind of resistance to arrest you and have you transferred to civilian officers of the law when we reach the gate.” She didn’t struggle but she wanted to. She lifted her chin instead. She fought back more tears as the man yanked on her arm roughly and pulled her out into the bright sunshine. Two more security guards waited outside, one of whom snatched her security card from her hand.

Director Boris had really rolled out the angry red carpet for her, it seemed, since she’d been assigned three security guards.
The two new men took front and back positions while the guard still gripping her arm stormed to one of the security 95

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cars. He practically shoved her into the back seat. She closed her eyes when the car moved, knowing they drove her to the gate, and out of Fury’s life forever.

Ellie was shoved outside the gate into a group of protesters. Nervousness ate at her as she stood there to wait for her car. She glanced at the anti-New Species group and looked away quickly when she met suspicious glowers aimed at her. The protestors didn’t know her association with the New Species but they’d seen security escort her out. She inched closer to the gates when a few of the protesters approached.

“Back away,” one of the guards demanded, reaching for his weapon.

Ellie froze. “I’m waiting for my car. They don’t like me.” She jerked her head toward the people behind her. “Can’t I wait here so I’m safe until my car comes? Is that too much to ask?”

The security guard smirked. “Move back to the line now or I’m going to have to make you.”

He looked totally sincere. She spun away and moved ten feet back to the line painted on the ground. Some of the protesters were within a yard of her now. One of the men glared at her and walked closer. He was a burly thug sort and he appeared to be a reject from prison with badly inked tattoos on his bare arms.

“Who are you? You came from inside. Are you one of those bleeding-heart animal lovers?”

She swallowed. “Please leave me alone.”

A woman protester glared at her and turned to face one of the guards. “Who is this woman?”

The guard didn’t even glance at Ellie. “She worked inside but just got canned.” Ellie gaped at the guard for ratting her out and instantly sensed the hostility that came from the people around her. She again moved closer to the gate, fearful. Some of them belonged to the same group who’d stormed Homeland. The guard with the shotgun shook his head at her.

“I ordered you to get back.”

“Yeah,” one of the protesters yelled at Ellie. “Why don’t you come over here, bitch?

We’d love to have a chat with you.”

Ellie studied the crowd. They weren’t walking around anymore, carrying their hate signs. They watched her and drew closer together, mob style. Their signs were gripped as if they were baseball bats and terror filled Ellie. She faced the gates again and grabbed at the bars.

“I will sue every one of you if you let them harm me and you will be canned right along with me.”

“So leave,” one of the security guards snorted at her. “They can’t attack you if you aren’t here.”

“I can’t. My car and my personal belongings are being brought to the gate. I don’t even have my purse.”



He shrugged and smiled coldly. “It’s not our job to protect you anymore. You’re an ex-employee so fend for yourself and back away before we have to force you.” He paused. “And roughing you up would be my pleasure. We heard you want us all fired so those New Species can take our jobs.”

“What is going on here?” An angry male voice came from above, from the catwalk.

Ellie peered upward. She didn’t know the New Species by name or by face. His features revealed him to be one though and he also wore a black SWAT-type outfit with the letters NSO across his chest.

“Nothing,” the security guard called up.

The New Species frowned as he met Ellie’s gaze. “I’m an NSO officer and I’m in charge. Why are you out there?”

“I’d been fired.” Ellie glanced over her shoulder at the crowd behind her. “I have to wait for my car to be brought to me before I can leave. Security refuses to allow me to wait inside and I’m really kind of in a jam here.” She looked back up at him. “I’d really like to be safe while I wait.”

Someone threw something and hit Ellie on the side of her arm. She winced and spun around to see what had nailed her. A soda can lay on the ground and dark liquid sprayed from where it had ruptured. Ellie backed away from the protesters, inched along the gate as someone else threw something. She barely ducked out of the way as a full water bottle bounced off the metal bar next to her head.

“Get her inside,” the NSO officer ordered. “Now!”

“She’s been fired,” the security guard explained. “She’s not our damn problem.”

“I am ordering you to do it now,” the NSO officer snarled. “Secure her to safety.

Don’t make me say it again.”

Relief flooded Ellie as one of the security guards glared at her but pointed to the entry section of the gate. Something else flew and hit her shoulder. She didn’t see the object but it hurt. The gate opened as the crowd pitched something else but it missed this time, barely, as she lunged to get on the other side of the fence. She rubbed her shoulder where she’d been struck and looked up, intending to thank the NSO officer, but he’d disappeared.

“Stay by the gate,” the security guard closest to her ordered.

She nodded. She’d happily wait there for her car while she watched the protesters from safety. They glared at her and still hadn’t resumed their circling protest.
, she thought, and turned her back on them. She wished she could sit down but the ground didn’t appeal to her. She closed her eyes, hugged her body, and hoped she wouldn’t have long to wait.

“Ms. Brower?”

Ellie opened her eyes, surprised to see Fury approaching with the NSO officer who’d ordered the security guards to allow her back inside the gate. Fury wore jeans, a black long-sleeved shirt, and a pair of boots. His hair had been pulled back into a 97

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ponytail and he looked furious. Her heart immediately started to race at the mere sight of him. Despite his angry, tight expression, he looked sexy in his casual outfit that displayed his broad shoulders and trim waist. He stopped about four feet in front of her with the NSO officer on his immediate right.

“What is going on? Slade here informed me what happened outside.” His gaze ran up and down her body, examining her. “Were you hurt by anything they threw at you?”

She shook her head, deciding not to mention her throbbing shoulder. She forced her gaze away from Fury to glance at Slade. The NSO officer who’d saved her just peered at her curiously.

“Thank you for making them allow me to wait here for my car. It was getting ugly out there.”

He nodded. Ellie’s attention returned to Fury. She bit her lip, indecisive for seconds, and then made a decision. He needed to be warned and she wanted him to know what had gone down inside the director’s office. She also wanted to say goodbye to him.

“Can we speak privately?” She glanced at the security guard standing very close to them who obviously listened to every word.

Fury frowned but nodded. “Is this a private matter between you and I or can Slade be included?”

Ellie smiled at Slade. “He’s more than welcome to be a part of this conversation.” Fury spun around. “Follow me.”

The security guard next to Ellie suddenly grabbed her arm. “She stays right here.

I’m under orders from Director Boris that she is to be kept outside. I’m already in violation of those instructions by allowing her on this side of the perimeter. She goes no further.”

Fury spun back around. “Get your hand off her.” Fury growled the words. His irritation showed. “I give the orders above your director. The woman walks with us and you stay put. Understand? Don’t touch her again.” The security guard looked stunned but he released Ellie to step back. Fury waved her to walk in front of him and Slade. She took about twenty steps before she faced both men who were right behind her. She darted a glance around the area to make certain no guards were close enough to eavesdrop.

“What is it you wanted to say privately?” Fury’s gaze met hers, softened, and his tense, angry features relaxed.

“I wanted to warn you that Director Boris has it out for your new security teams.

He tried to make me file a bogus complaint today against you and your men. I’m sure if he did that with me, he’ll try to do it with other people. He’s really pissed that you are taking control of your own community. I just wanted to let you know.” She paused.

“You guys saved me the other day and I think you’re better than the present security. I 98


believe you were dead-on right about how he’s going to try to keep command of Homeland. I just wanted to give you a heads-up.”

Fury studied her but nodded after a few long moments. Slade’s expression turned stony. He didn’t reveal what he thought. She may as well have been talking about the weather. Fury took a deep breath.

“What kind of report did he want you to file against my team?” The ground suddenly became really interesting to Ellie. She was unable to look at him. “He tried to make a big deal about you helping me clean up inside the dorm bathroom. He implied some pretty messed-up things.” She glanced up at him before focusing on the ground again. “I refused to write the complaint and told him he couldn’t make me commit perjury. I just wanted to warn you what he attempted.” She could sense Fury watching her as the silence stretched. She finally looked up at him to see a few frown lines around his mouth. “Is that why you were fired? I was just informed that happened.”

Word sure travels fast
. “That and it may have had something to do with me calling him some not-so-nice names when he got really angry about my refusal.” She smiled sadly. “He probably would have let me pack up my own belongs before I made some choice insults.”

Fury’s lips twitched but he didn’t smile. “I see.” He paused. “I need your address and your home phone number in case Justice wants to have a word with you. Just tell me and I’ll remember the information.”

Ellie’s shoulders slumped, hating to admit her situation to him. “I’m going to get a motel room in town and go job hunting. I moved from another state when I relocated here to work. I’m homeless right now. I can give you my cell phone number though if they pack it with my things. Otherwise I could always call the office to leave my motel number for Justice if you really think he’ll want to speak to me. I have no idea what motel I’ll be staying at yet.”

Dark eyes blinked and Fury’s mouth tightened into a firm line. He stared down at her, seemed to be studying her for some reason she couldn’t fathom. She forced her gaze from Fury’s when Slade spoke.

“I’m sure that will be fine, Ms. Brower. Please don’t forget to call the office with your contact information.”

Ellie nodded. “Well, again, thank you for making them let me back inside.” Her gaze returned to Fury. She realized it would be the last time she’d ever speak to him and sadness filled her over that fact. He stared down at her mutely. She wanted to say so much to him but could only think of one thing that summed it all up.

“Please be happy and thank you for deciding I shouldn’t die.” She gave him a sad smile before she returned to the waiting security guard by the gate. She sensed his gaze on her the entire way but she kept her back turned. She didn’t want to watch him walk away for the last time. He had his freedom now and they were even.


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Half an hour later her car arrived at the gate. She took the keys, noticed they’d put her purse on the front seat, and climbed in. Depression hit her hard. She’d never return to Homeland or Fury. She had no idea where to go or what to do with her life at that moment.

The guards opened the gates and pushed back the protesters to give her access to the street. Someone threw something and it hit the side of her car. She flinched but drove away without checking to see if they’d caused any damage. That was the least of her problems.

* * * * *

“You did the right thing.” Justice put his hand on Fury’s shoulder. He stared at the gate his friend had been watching for nearly forty minutes. “I know it was difficult for you to let her go.”

Fury fought his emotions, a complex thing to do, and met his friend’s concerned gaze when he turned his head to end his vigil. “I did as you asked when you informed me she’d been fired. I allowed her to walk away. She’ll be safer now that she’s not at Homeland, in case more assholes attack us.”

“Our enemies could have killed her,” Justice reminded him. “I know this is difficult for you.”

“I can’t imagine never seeing her again,” Fury admitted. “I feel pain.” Regret tightened Justice’s features and he squeezed the shoulder he gripped once more. “I didn’t know it was that strong.”

“It is.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I realize she’s better off in her world than here. She said she has no home though.

What will she do? Maybe I should have asked her to stay. We could have forced the director to keep her on at the dorm.”

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