New Species 06 Wrath (23 page)

Read New Species 06 Wrath Online

Authors: Laurann Dohner

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: New Species 06 Wrath
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She wasn’t afraid. “That you’re in charge or I’m all yours?”

His gaze lowered down her body and he licked his lips. “That you are mine. I might believe it and you wouldn’t want that.”

“Why?” Her heart raced.

He lowered, his face hovered by her throat and warm breath fanned her there. “You have no idea what I want from you.”

“Tell me.”

Dark eyes stared into hers. “Right now I want to touch you.”

“Go ahead.”

He leaned in and brushed a kiss over her throat. Lauren turned her head and exposed it to his wandering mouth. His tongue traced a pattern, sharp teeth gently brushed too and she resisted the urge to reach up and grip his shoulders just to have something to cling to.

He lowered down her body slowly, teasing and awakening her desire with each caress of his hot mouth. She moaned when he sucked on one taut nipple and her restraint broke. Her hands lifted, opened on his chest and she stroked him.

A deep growl came from him, his hot, rigid cock brushed her leg and she spread them wider apart. Wrath suddenly pulled away and their gazes met.

“I want you. I hurt for you.”

“Take me. I said I’m yours.”

One of his hands opened on her belly, slid downward and Lauren moaned when his thumb rubbed against her clit. His fingers tested to see how turned-on she was, found how sleek and wet he’d made her with his mouth, and just the sight of his body.

“You’re so ready for me.”


His eyes closed and his head hung a little. Lauren’s hands left his chest to cup his face. Wrath looked at her then, his gaze tortured with longing and something else…maybe fear. She hated to see it and lifted up until their mouths were mere inches apart.

“Kiss me, baby. It’s okay.”

An eyebrow arched and his lips curved upward just slightly. “Baby?”

“An endearment. I could call you sexy. You really are.”

“So are you.”

“Please kiss me?”

His focus fixed on her mouth. He paused and glanced back up. “I’ve never kissed someone before on their lips.”

She tried to hide her shock. “Never?”

His gaze slid away as he avoided hers. “My experience is limited to breeding experiments. Mercile enjoyed testing pain drugs on me more. The few females who were brought to me didn’t want that kind of intimate personal contact since they didn’t know me.”

“Look at me, Wrath.”

He did and she identified his pain for sure then. “I’ll kiss you. Everyone has a first time. I’m honored that I’ll be yours.”
And I wish I were your last.
The idea of him touching someone else, being with them, made her chest hurt. “Just relax and put your mouth over mine. I’ll show you.”


Wrath wanted Lauren, wanted to experience everything she offered and so much more. Fear of losing control gripped him but he breathed through the worst of it. She was waiting for an answer.

He allowed all the feelings he experienced to surface and quickly determined that he’d do anything to avoid causing her any harm. It gave him confidence to face down his ultimate fear of having a flashback to his abuse strike at an intimate moment.

He was a strong male. He needed to have faith in his ability to control himself. He refused to allow the past to ruin his future. Lauren stood before him, willing, ready and eager to share sex with him. Nothing had ever tempted him more.

He took one deep breath and made a decision.
I can do this. I’m stronger than my conditioning. Lauren isn’t someone I’d ever harm and that will keep me from losing control.

He leaned in closer, closed his eyes and Lauren fused her lips to his. Her tongue darted out, licked the seam of his mouth and entered to explore. He was hesitant at first but caught on quickly, devouring her with passion as they stroked each other.

His weight pinned her down as he stretched out over her. Lauren lowered her head back to the bed, released his face and wound her arms around his neck. She only paused for a second before wrapping her thighs around the backs of his legs. With his height, he’d have to move up for him to enter her since his cock was below her pussy. She arched her back to urge him on. Her breasts pressed tightly against his chest and Wrath snarled.

Kissing her, the taste of her, drove him insane. He wanted more, needed it, and quickly knew he was about to lose control. The desire to take her nearly overrode everything else.
, he ordered his body.
You can do this. Focus on her desire…her desire…

He knew they needed to slow things down. He was determined to be the male she deserved and that would be one who could take her with tenderness. It might kill him but he wanted her bad enough to face his own inner demons.


Wrath broke the kiss, breathing hard, and their gazes held. Desire made his eyes appear almost black as he stared at her. Lauren gazed back and ached for him to continue kissing her. Her lips parted but he spoke first.

“I want you.”

“I want you too.”

He braced his arms on the bed and pushed his chest off hers, put space between their bodies, and Lauren refrained from protesting. She unlocked her calves from behind his thighs to free him. She didn’t want him to feel trapped by her in any way and prayed he wouldn’t call their lovemaking to a halt.

“Will you roll over for me?”

Her mind worked. “You want to take me from behind?”

“Yes.” His voice deepened.

She nodded. “I like doggy style.”

He suddenly laughed.

Her face burned, realizing he might take that wrong considering he was New Species and had mentioned he was canine. “I mean—”

“It’s fine. I knew you meant the position. It is my favorite.” He chuckled again. “I wonder why.”

Lauren laughed and rolled over, breaking eye contact with him. Wrath rose to his knees, his hands gripped her hips and he pulled her up to her knees.

“Spread your legs just a bit more,” he urged. “I’m much taller than you. I need to put my legs on the outside of yours but you’re so small I’m afraid I’m going to hurt you.”

She looked back at him and arched her eyebrow. “Most people don’t tell me that.”

All humor left his face. “I don’t want to hear about other males touching you. It makes me angry.”

“I meant that people don’t call me small.”

“You are, compared to me.”

She couldn’t dispute that. Wrath was one big, tall, buff man. She spread her thighs, braced her palms flat on the bed and watched him shift his legs to the outside of hers. It made them more level in height that way. One of his hands settled on the small of her back and his gaze locked on the curve of her ass. He stared into her eyes finally.

“I will go slow. Tell me if I hurt you.”

“I’m hurting already but it’s because I want you so bad.”

His tense features relaxed slightly. “I am in control.”

“Yes, you are.”

He smiled. “I was reminding myself of that, not you.”

“You aren’t going to hurt me, Wrath. You’re large.” She glanced at his straining cock. “But I can take you.”

“I hope so,” he muttered.

“I’m a lot of things but fragile isn’t one of them.”

Lauren turned away, lowered her head and waited. She knew he was worried about having a flashback to being abused but she trusted him. His hand pressed down and she lowered, tilting her ass higher, and he leaned in closer until the head of his cock touched the slit of her pussy. He rubbed her there, stroked her clit, and she moaned. The blunt head of his cock slid higher, pressed against the entrance to her vagina, and he slowly pushed.

Her body didn’t admit him easily. She’d never been with someone so large and she spread her legs a few more inches to help him. He growled, pushed, and she moaned slowly at the feel of being parted and stretched.

“You’re so tight,” he snarled.

The sound turned her on more. Wrath sank into her slowly. She could feel her pussy stretched taut around his thick shaft and it felt amazing. She kept her body relaxed as he eased in. It allowed her to adjust to him as he bent over her. One hand braced on the bed next to her shoulder as he curved over her back, pinned her there, and his other hand reached around her to play with her clit. A louder moan broke from her lips.

“Am I hurting you?”

“Don’t stop,” she got out.

He growled in response, withdrew a little and pushed inside her deeper. His hips moved slowly, rocking against her gently until he was fully seated. He paused there and allowed them both to share that connected feeling before he started moving again. He fucked her faster, his finger tapped the bundle of nerves, and Lauren realized she wasn’t going to last long. It was too much sensory overload having him inside her while he stimulated her clit.

“Yes,” she panted and shoved her ass back at him, urging him to go faster.

He bent farther over her, his weight pinned her and his mouth opened on her shoulder. Sharp teeth raked her skin but didn’t hurt. He turned his head, lightly bit the back of her neck and Lauren cried out as the climax struck.

Wrath snarled, jerked his mouth away as her vaginal muscles clamped down tightly and fluttered from her orgasm. Pressure suddenly filled her as his hips ground against her ass. He stayed buried deep inside her, his hand jerked away from her pussy and his arm wrapped around her waist to lock her in place.

His body tensed, shook violently and he cried out. It wasn’t like any other kind of sound she’d ever heard—it was a mixture between a shout and a howl. His cock felt as if it grew even bigger. She felt pressure inside her pussy, and warmth.

Wrath leaned his weight to the right, kept a tight hold on her and they both fell over on the bed, hitting it on their sides. It surprised Lauren but she didn’t protest as he wrapped around her more, spooned her tightly in his embrace and brushed a kiss on the side of her arm up near her shoulder.

“Did I hurt you?”

She turned her head as he bent his elbow and propped his head on his hand. Their gazes met and she smiled. “No. You, um, feel bigger.”

“My dick swells. Are you sure it’s not painful?”

She reached up, cupping his cheek. “I’m okay. It doesn’t hurt.”

“I can’t stop it. I will hurt you if I tried to pull out right now. I’m locked inside you but it will only last a few minutes.”

Shocked a bit, Lauren stared at him. “Locked inside me?”

He nodded. “It’s part of my altered—”

“It’s okay,” she promised him, not really caring why it happened but just accepted it. “It’s part of you.” A chuckle escaped. “Don’t move. Stay right where you are.”

Shock filled Wrath’s eyes. “You think this is funny?”

“Not exactly funny but it’s kind of cool from my prospective. Most men just pull out and roll away from a woman after sex. You can’t do that, can you?”

“No but I admit I have no urge to separate us. I’m where I want to be.”

Lauren knew right then she had lost her heart to the big New Species.

Chapter Twelve


Lauren wiped at tears, feeling grateful Wrath hadn’t been there to witness her sadness at leaving the NSO Homeland. Regret lingered too, that they hadn’t gotten the opportunity to say goodbye but she knew it was probably for the best. It was hard to walk away from the man she was pretty sure she loved but they’d captured her coworkers so there was no logical reason for her to stay at his side anymore.

“Don’t cry.” Amanda handed her a tissue. “Then you’ll get me started and I don’t look good at all with red, puffy eyes.”

“We didn’t get to talk during the trip back to your condo since we didn’t have any privacy.” Lauren studied her best friend. “How did your night go?”

Amanda sat on the couch next to her in the living room. “Not exactly as I had planned. Flame took me to their bar, it’s really cool there, but they don’t drink alcohol. Kinda weird, huh? They are totally into juice and sodas. Anyway, we ate a nice huge steak dinner—he ate three of those babies—but he is a mountain on legs, in his defense. I swear, I feel downright dainty compared to that hunk of kitty love.”

A smile curved Lauren’s mouth. “God, please tell me you didn’t call him that.”

“I didn’t. I thought it though. He can dance.” Her eyebrows wiggled. “I mean, he can bump and grind with the best of them but he got called away on some emergency.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Me too. It was cool though. I didn’t want to go back to the cottage since I knew you and super stud needed some alone time. I hung out with their women. Man, they are kickass fit. I got to go to the women’s dorm for a sleeping party in the living room. They think it’s totally cool to have slumber parties and I admit it was fun. There are a few little women too. They made me feel huge. You know?” She rested her hands on her stomach. “But we watched movies and they asked me a ton of questions. Now it’s my turn to grill you.” Amanda studied her. “You are in love with him, aren’t you?”

“I’m that easy to read? I think so. He’s amazing. I never thought I could fall so fast for someone.”

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