New Species 07 Tiger (21 page)

Read New Species 07 Tiger Online

Authors: Laurann Dohner

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: New Species 07 Tiger
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Tiger had ordered Zandy to stay at Reservation, thinking she’d be safer behind their walls. Instead she’d been attacked for living on Reservation and being human. He stomped to his Jeep to wait. He glanced up at the sky, wishing he were in bed with Zandy. He wanted to see her to make sure she was really fine. He turned when he heard Vengeance and the frightened, wet human male coming from the woods.

“He’s clean.” Vengeance chuckled.

“He tried to kill me,” the human male sputtered.

Tiger grinned. “Shut up or I will ask him to keep trying until he succeeds.”

The drive back to Security was a short one. Tiger sped. He dropped off the human to be interrogated. Usually he’d do it himself but he wanted to see Zandy. He needed to see her. He tossed his keys at Vengeance.

“Take the Jeep home and stop being an asshole. I have better things to do with my time right now than deal with your temper tantrums. Patrol Wild Zone if you want to do something. Bring them in alive if you find humans.”

Vengeance nodded. “I will patrol.”


Tiger took off, jogging toward Zandy’s building. He needed the time to calm before he faced her. He didn’t want to frighten her and he was still suffering from bloodlust. He felt much calmer when he knocked on her front door. He hated finding it locked to keep him out. Smiley answered the door.

Smiley frowned. “She is sleeping. I assume you wish to ask her questions. It should wait until morning. She’s told us everything she knows.”

Irritation rose quickly at being told what to do by the other male. “You’re relieved. I’ll stay here until she wakes.”

Smiley hesitated. “She is attracted to you physically. I smell it on her when you are near. I like her a lot, Tiger. I would like to talk her into dating me. I can’t tell you who to share sex with but please keep it in mind if you scent arousal on her. I don’t want another obstacle in my way if she doesn’t enjoy the outcome of you touching her when it wouldn’t mean anything to you.”

Tiger was instantly enraged. “Leave,” he growled.

Smiley knew he’d gone too far. He lowered his gaze before he inched past Tiger’s rigid frame. Tiger wanted to slam the door but he closed it quietly, locking it. The male had openly just admitted to wanting Zandy but he wasn’t going to have her. He spun on his heel, walked to the bedroom door and eased it open.

The bedroom was dark with only a narrow beam of light coming from her bathroom. Zandy was sprawled on her stomach on the top of the covers. The scents of other males masked a lot of hers. It drove him a little crazy, knowing how close she’d come to dying and that he hadn’t been there to protect her. Others had come to her rescue.

The loose shorts showed off her bare legs and one side had slid up to reveal one rounded ass cheek. She wasn’t wearing underwear and the baggy shirt rode up to reveal inches of her spine. The thought of Smiley seeing so much of her made him want to track the male and punch him in the face.

A soft growl refused to be denied but she didn’t stir. He reached down and unfastened his pants. His cock flared to life. The desire to touch her and have her under him made him quickly strip. He breathed in the mixed scents in the room and wanted her immersed in his. He knew he was being irrational, she wasn’t his, but he couldn’t help it.

His dick hurt from wanting her so much as he put his knee on the bed and crawled up until he crouched over her. Another growl ripped from his throat when he picked up a faint scent coming from her. His heart raced. Zandy was going into heat. Whatever control he had left slipped away.

Chapter Eleven


A deep, scary growl roused Zandy from a dead sleep and she jerked when she was flipped over. Her mouth opened to scream but one word stopped her terror.


Tiger was on his hands and knees next to her. His hair was down and he was naked. The room was dark but not pitch black. She’d left the bathroom light on and the door cracked so just enough light enabled her to see him. He shifted, gripped her thighs and parted them.

His hands gripped the waist of her shorts next and the material ripped. It shocked her that he’d so easily destroyed them. A quick tug to get them out from under her and he tossed them to the floor. Her eyes widened as she watched him lower his face until his hot breath was on her lower stomach. One hand fisted her shirt, shoving it up until he’d bared her breasts. His hot mouth kissed her ribs.

“Tiger? What are— Oh!”

He nipped her with his teeth. It didn’t hurt but a jolt shot through her from his sharp canines. His hand released her shirt to cup her between her legs. His fingers teased the seam of her pussy before one of them pressed down on her clit.

Her hands rose to grip his shoulders as his hot mouth trailed kisses over her bare breast until he sucked the nipple inside his mouth. He wasn’t gentle as he suckled her. Passion hit hard and fast.

“Yes,” she moaned as she spread her thighs wider to encourage him to keep touching her.

His finger slid from her clit to the opening of her pussy. He entered her with the thick digit slowly and finger-fucked her. Her hips moved, unable to stay still. Her fingernails dug into his shoulders and he tore his mouth away from her.

“You’re wet for me already.” His voice came out gruff and super sexy. His finger slowly withdrew from her body.

“Don’t stop.”

“Muffle your sounds, Zandy.”

She wasn’t sure what he meant by that because she hadn’t thought she was being loud. She didn’t get a chance to ask though as he gripped her hips, rolled her over and jerked her ass up in the air until she was on her knees. Suddenly he was behind her and his cock entered her slowly.

She moaned and clawed the bedding. His hold on her hips kept her in place and he adjusted his legs to the outside of hers, pinning her there as he drove his cock deep. He eased his hold on one hip, bent forward and one of his hands flattened next to one of hers to brace his body as he curled over her back. His mouth ended up next to her ear.

“I’m going to fuck you. I need you now. Grab the pillow and use it. There are officers outside.”

The “muffle” comment suddenly made sense as she struggled to find the pillow somewhere above her head. She dragged it closer and Tiger almost withdrew from her body before his hips slammed hard against her ass. She dug her face into the pillow and cried out in pleasure at the feel of his thick shaft stretching her vaginal walls. He moved fast, fucked her hard enough that it nearly drove her flat, but his arm slid from her hip to encircle her waist as if he knew she was about to collapse.

All she could do was feel as he took her in a near frenzy. It felt so good it nearly hurt. His balls slapped against her clit and his ragged breathing matched her own. He adjusted his hips, took her at a new angle, and the crown of his cock hit a spot that made her moan louder.

The arm around her middle tightened and he growled. He kept fucking her until she lost it. The climax struck and she bit into the pillow to keep from crying out. Her body jerked under his and suddenly Tiger’s mouth locked on her shoulder. Pain made her cry out as he bit down. Pleasure and agony mixed until she nearly passed out. His teeth released her as he ground his hips against her ass and, jerking violently, he came hard. She could feel his semen shooting deep inside her.

The only thing keeping her up was Tiger’s strength. He stopped coming and just collapsed to his side, taking her with him. They were still joined and he held her tightly around her waist to make sure they stayed that way.

Her shoulder ached where he’d bitten her. He was breathing as heavily as she as both of them recovered. He lifted his head and put his lips next to her ear.

“Another male isn’t to touch you, Zandy. Swear that to me. I’m the only one you share sex with.”

His words stunned her.

He growled softly and his mouth nipped her shoulder. “Swear.”

It didn’t hurt but her oversensitive body jerked from the soft bite. “I swear.”

His tongue licked the area he’d bitten. It was an odd sensation as he lapped at her skin. His cock inside her twitched and he slowly started to move, fucking her again. She moaned and turned her head against the bed. Her fingers found his arm around her waist and she clung to him.

He rolled onto his back and took her with him until she was sprawled on her back over him. His free hand cupped her mound and played with her clit while his hips drove his cock into her pussy. Zandy threw her arm over her face and used her wrist to muffle some of her moans.

She wasn’t sure what had gotten into Tiger or why he’d made her swear he’d be the only man she was with but she didn’t care at that moment. He felt so good inside her and massaging her clit that it was all that mattered. She wasn’t sure what felt better. The way he’d taken her fast and furiously on her knees or the slow, languid way he fucked her now.

Sweat made her body slide on his by the time he’d made her come a second time and found his own release. They relaxed and panted. Zandy turned her head to rest her cheek against Tiger’s chest, where she remained. Her fingers on his arm caressed him and her hand over her mouth dropped back over one of his shoulders.

“Drained,” he rasped. “You take it all from me. I feel almost turned inside out.”

She lifted her head to peer at him. His head was tipped back and she couldn’t see his face. Disappointment struck over not being able to see his eyes. He seemed to read her mind as he lifted his head enough for their gazes to meet.

“What do I take from you?”

He blinked. “You make my seed come out so hard it nearly hurts.”

“Oh.” Her shoulder throbbed. “Are you all right?”

A smile played at his lips. “It’s a good kind of ache right now.”

His head fell back and his hand flattened on her lower belly, caressing her. “I bit you again.”

“I felt it.”

His body tensed under hers and she was too sluggish to protest when he rolled them onto their sides. His tongue licked at her shoulder again. His cock twitched against her vaginal walls where they were still connected and he slowly withdrew from her. His tongue kept lapping at her.

“Am I bleeding?”

He paused. “Yes.”

She wasn’t sure how to react. She knew he’d bitten her hard and he’d broken the skin. It wasn’t the first time and she remembered what he’d told her. She’d have to hide the injury or someone would think he’d mated her. The other bite was healing quickly since it was just a few light scratches. The one he’d just done felt much worse, had hurt more, and she wondered how bad it was.

“I didn’t mean to do it.” He lowered his head to rest it against hers. “Did I hurt you?”

“A little but it isn’t bad now.”

“I got you far worse this time. It will leave a scar.”

She hesitated. “Why did you bite me again?”

“I lost control.”

“It’s okay.” It was done and she wasn’t going to bitch about it.

“It isn’t. Damn.” He nuzzled her with his cheek against the side of her face. “Sometimes it’s hard to be me.”


He took a few slow, steady breaths before answering. “I’m a male but I’m more. I have instincts that sometimes rule my thoughts. I wanted to mark you. Smiley warned me away from you when I arrived here and stated his intentions to try to talk you into sharing sex with him. The idea of him touching you sent me into a rage.”

“I’m not interested in anyone but you. Is that why you had me swear off other men?”

“Yes. I think I’d attack any male who touched you. I am trying to be honest. I don’t want a mate but I feel things for you, Zandy. It confuses me and drives me a little insane. I’m not someone who should take a mate.”

She could relate to that. The memories of two broken marriages haunted her. She’d tried to make her relationships work but they hadn’t. The thought of opening herself up to another serious commitment was frightening. Tiger and she came from two different worlds, or so it seemed. His past was completely foreign to her and hers would be to him. Opposites attracted but long-term it probably wouldn’t work.

The silence between them stretched. Zandy finally pulled herself away from her grim musings. “May I ask you something?”


“Smiley said something that worried me.”

“Did he threaten you?” His voice turned scary.

“No. He said my scent is changing and that he thinks I’m going to ovulate. He said I should hide it from New Species men. Can you smell anything?”

“Yes. He’s right.”

“That’s so weird. Will men really be attracted to me because of that?”


“I’m trying not to freak out that your sense of smell is that good. It makes me wonder about all the other little things you can pick up with your nose. I hope my deodorant is working well enough.” She rubbed his arm as she babbled, knowing she was doing it but couldn’t stop. “Good thing we don’t have to worry about pregnancy. I hope it’s not an offensive smell like body odor. Please tell me I don’t stink.” She inwardly winced at the thought.

He said nothing.

“Did you fall asleep on me?”

“No. I’m awake and you smell wonderful. It’s an attractive scent. I wish I could stay the night but I can’t. I have to leave soon.”

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