New Title 6 (17 page)

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Authors: Lila Rose

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was in the poolroom that was glassed off from the parents. I was in the sitting
area watching through the glass, which I found was better for the children
because they were able to concentrate on their teacher without having parents
yelling orders. I also thought it was wonderful because it blocked out the
noise of rowdy kids for half an hour. I was in the back row near the front
door, so it was easier for me to keep an eye out for Talon and Cody while
watching Maya.

grimaced as Maya dove in—well, more belly flopped in. I glanced over my
shoulder once again to see some woman run out of the centre, when I spotted
Cody walking through the door. I smiled and waved him over.

I said, as he sat down next to me.

he whispered. Something was wrong.

Cody, are you okay?”



Cody, where's your dad?”

looked over his shoulder, and as he did, his top lip curled up in a look of
disgust. “Coming,” he said.

looked behind me to see that Talon was coming in, but with him was a blonde
haired, blue eyed, big-boobed bimbo. She was dressed in the tightest of tight
jeans, where anyone could see her camel-toe and a tight white tee. I turned my
attention front and center, and tried my best not to jump over the chair and
rip her apart for touching my man. Unfortunately, they stopped too far behind
us for me to be able to hear what they were saying.

that, buddy?” I asked Cody.

But don't worry, Zee. Dad likes you better.” He looked at me with concerned

smiled and patted his arm. “I know, bud.”

she was, she had to go. It was making Cody uncomfortable and upset.

back in a sec,” I whispered to Cody. “Can you watch Maya for me?” I pointed her
out. He didn't say anything, only nodded.

got up, plastered a big smile upon my face, and walked up to Talon and Pamela

she noticed me, I heard her whisper, “So, when are you gonna give me another
chance to have that cock of yours?”

Talon sighed. His eyes were on me as he added, “I already told you, I gotta
woman now—”

don't mind sharing, you know that.” She smiled and leaned her tits into his

took a deep breath and stopped in front of them; she looked at me and glared.
“Hi.” I grinned. “I'm Zara Edgingway, Talon's woman. Can I ask that you refrain
from rubbing up against
I don't like to see it, and his
son doesn't like to see it. Actually, I find it disgusting that you would even
act such a way in front of these people. Do you have a child here?”

she hissed.

better run and be a good mother then, instead of coming onto a man that already
said he was taken, and acting like some dog in heat.”

stalked off without a word.

glared up at Talon with my hands on my hips and snapped, “I am seriously
thinking of tattooing a sign on your forehead when you're asleep that says
'Property of Zara'.” Then I walked off, leaving Talon chuckling behind me.

Maya finished, we stood outside in the warm midmorning, waiting while Talon and
Cody having a great laugh about what I'd said to Talon earlier; Cody was
laughing his pants off. I was a little annoyed, but also happy to see Cody
smile and laugh with his father, even if it was at my expense. Maya was
standing silent beside me, only because she was chomping down a lollipop that
Talon had brought her after swimming.

right, let's get a-goin'. Babe, you gotta pack some stuff to take to my place.”

we stayin' at Talon's?” Maya asked.

that's okay with you.” I smiled down at her.

be cool. Cody was telling me all about it and how big it was; and, momma, they
got a Xbox and a Playstation. I wanna try those.”

sure that would be fine.”

 My daughter is easily bought.

meet you back at the house,” I said, then turned to walk off, only my arm was
caught on something, and that something pulled. I was spun back around, and
wrapped up in tight arms.

you gonna flippin' learn?” Talon growled.

was my smart response.

one of us is leavin', kitten, I want your mouth. Now give it to me.”

what did I say about necking in front of the kids?” I glared.

get used to it.” He grinned and then proceeded to kiss me, and of course, once
his mouth was upon mine, my brain went blank and my body took over. Meaning, we
were definitely necking in front of the kids.

stopped the kiss, stepped back, smirked, and gave a chin lift to someone behind
me. I turned to see one of Talon's biker brothers do the whole chin lift back.
Only when I looked back to Talon, he was already on his way to his car with

we going?”


walked over to my car, a beat-up, black Volkswagen Beetle, got in, and it was
then that Maya informed me, “I like Talon for a daddy. He makes you smile a

bit my bottom lip, smiled at her, and nodded. Pulling out of the car park, I
noticed Talon's biker brother followed us all the way home. I should have
noticed that morning that I had a tail, but I hadn't. Really, I should have
been the one in the first place to have asked someone to follow or come with us
in case anything happened. In case
had someone out there watching and
waiting for the right moment to commence his payback, but I didn't think of it.


 Because Talon makes me feel safe.



and I walked in the front door at the same time, and by the looks on Julian,
Mattie, and Deanna's faces, I wanted to walk right back out. Mattie quickly
ushered Cody and Maya into Maya's room to play games. Then Griz walked out of
the kitchen carrying a bunch of bright pink assorted flowers.

looked to Talon; his body went solid beside me, which I felt as his hand
squeezed mine. “Did you buy me flowers?” I asked, though I already knew the
answer, only I just didn't want to admit it.

shook his head.

closed my eyes. “They're from him, aren't they?”

was a note, boss,” Griz barked.

look at me.”

kept my eyes closed and shook my head. I didn't want to look at him; I didn't
want to see the note, or the flowers, or the pity from anyone. I wanted to lock
my family, friends, and myself away in an oblivious bubble and not think of

gonna blow,” Deanna said.

in fact, she was right. I felt the pressure build, the stress, and the
heartache of not having enough time to mourn my parents, of having to deal with
this prick again in my life. I was angry, pissed, annoyed, and sexually

didn't realize I was still shaking my head until Talon captured it between his
palms and tilted it. My eyes opened and saw he was just as furious as I was.

can't do this right now. I'd love to let you loose, but not now, and not here
with the kids. Do not let this fucker win.”

need something, Talon. I need to vent really soon, honey, or I'm gonna go

night!” Julian cried out. I stepped out of Talon's hold and turned to him as he
continued, “Or day, should I say. You need to vent, kidney bean; we'll do that
in style. Drinking, massages, make-up, dancing, drinking, crying, screaming,
and drinking some more.”

can't, Julian—”

emerged from the hallway saying, “No, it's a great idea. I can take care of the
children. Zee, it would make you feel so much better.”

not right. Not now, I can't leave Maya and Cody alone. Not that they'd be
alone...I just shouldn't.”

you should. Matthew can take the kids to my place with Vic, Bizz, and Stake.
They'll be fuckin' safer there than anywhere.” He looked to Griz and then back
to me. “I got shit I need to do, but I'll catch up with you sometime. Until
then, Griz, Blue, and Pick will be with you, Hell Mouth, and Julian.”


kitten. Do this. You need an outlet; as much as I'd like you to fuckin' use me,
that ain't gonna work right now. All right?”

nodded. “Okay, honey.”

smiled brightly and said, “Good.”


alon left with the flowers and note—after, of course, a hot make-out
session. And yes, it was in front of everyone. I was getting the impression he
wasn't unfavorable toward public displays of affection. Something I was still
learning to get over myself.

and Cody were both fine with going to Talon's without me, and instead with
Mattie and the bikers. I packed as Maya gabbed about how unreal it was going to
be staying at Talon's, that she was going to have a huge ass—yes, she said ass,
but only because Cody had—room to herself. I was going to have to have another
word with Talon. Though, what had me forgiving Cody so quickly about cursing, was
when Maya told me that he'd said if she got scared through the night, she was
allowed to go into his room, that he'd keep her safe.

that just the cutest thing?

they left, I gave Cody a big ass hug for what he'd said.

caused him to look at me strangely, because either he didn't know why, or he
just wasn't used to a mother figure showing him affection.

made himself at home on the couch watching motorbike racing, while Deanna,
Julian, and I sat at the kitchen table, organizing the afternoon and night’s
events. We were arguing about whether cocktails or straight shots were going to
be tonight’s main choice of beverage when the front door opened, and in walked
Blue and Pick. They sat down with Griz after a quick hello, and we went back to
arguing while we made lunch for everyone.

the end, we decided to do both. Once lunch was consumed—or wolfed away where
the men were concerned—Julian announced, “Massage time. Then we'll start a
little drinky-poo.”

hang on. I thought we were going somewhere for that massage,” Deanna said.

rolled his eyes. “Don't be silly, apple tart. I am actually a professional
masseuse. I've got my table in my car and all. Girl, you won't know what hit
you when I get my hands on you.”

with the help of Griz, got his table from the car; once we moved the lounge
around a bit, we placed the table in the middle. None of the bedrooms were big
enough to have it in.

guys positioned themselves back on the couch and chair, and continued to watch
television. That was, until Deanna came out in my robe. I had demanded—because
it was my night—that she went first.

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