Newly Exposed (20 page)

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Authors: Meghan Quinn

BOOK: Newly Exposed
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She did as she was told, and I took that as the green light. I shifted to the side and caught a portion of side boob and swore to the sky. I fucking loved side boob, almost more than whole boob, almost being the key word.

Erasing side boob from my head, I pressed my hands to her back and ran them up from the middle of her back up to her shoulders and back down. I could feel her relax under my hands, which I could not be more proud about. She was comfortable with me, and I loved that, that she could trust me, even though I was a big fat liar about going to massage therapy school. Fucking Massage school, yeah, I wouldn’t last two days. It was cute that she believed I would be able to do something like that, though.

As my hands ran up and down her body, I kept my eyes forward and away from her glorious ass cheeks that kept poking up right by my dick. It was pure torture for me, but I swore I wouldn’t be the creep with the hard on while rubbing down a girl; I would just be the creep who thought about it.

“That feels so good….cupcake,” she complimented in a sultry voice.

I laughed and continued to rub her down, listening to the little mews coming out her mouth. My hands drifted lower on her sides each go around, testing the waters of how far I could go. Her breathing grew heavier with every pass of my hands and I was fascinated by the goose bumps that rose from my touch. It still boggled my mind that I was able to affect her that much.

Taking a chance, I ran my hands up her back, down her shoulders and let the very tips of my fingers skim the little side boob that was peeking out. The moment my fingers connected with her sensitive skin, she took a deep breath and tensed her entire body. I thought I’d made a huge mistake until she relaxed again and smiled.

Fuck, yes!

Feeling more confident, I ran my hands up her back again, then back down her shoulders, and this time, I let the pads of my fingers touch her side boob. The softness of her skin and the plush feel of her breasts had me breathing heavily as my hands traveled up her back again. When I reached her shoulders, I steadied my hands and watched as she waited patiently for my touch. Slowly, I ran my palms down her sides and connected once again with her side boob. This time, an ever so light moan escaped her mouth, which spurred me on even more.

My head leaned down and pressed a kiss against her neck, as my hand continued the motion that not only tortured her, but tortured me as well. When my hands started to trace back down her body, I pressed my lips to her neck, slipped my hands under her body so they touched her collarbone, and then ran them down just until I hit the swell of her breasts. I waited for a second for her to tell me no, and to possibly fuck off, but when she didn’t, I went the last couple inches until my hands cupped her breasts.

Her nipples were hard and played with my fingers, which rolled over each swollen nub. I breathed into her neck, trying to gain my bearings from the intimate touch she allowed. I squeezed her breasts gently, and before I knew it, she turned under me, grabbed my neck, and brought me down to her lips, where she kissed me mindlessly.

My dick surged to the crotch of my pants as her legs wrapped around my waist and her hips flew into mine.

Holy shit, I was going to combust in seconds.

Her lips traveled across mine with light kisses, and then in one big movement, she opened her mouth and licked my lips, begging for entrance. I couldn’t deny her anything, even if I’d wanted to, so I opened for her and matched each stroke.

Occasionally, I would run my tongue along her lip ring, loving the way it felt in my mouth. I loved how everything about her fit perfectly with me.

One of my hands ran up her stomach, just below her breasts, and rested there until she wiggled her body to the point of her groaning in my mouth. I finally obliged and gripped her breast in my hand. It was so fucking soft, so fucking perfect, that I had to take a second to gain myself.

A moan slipped past her lips, and I knew I was a fucking goner. I kissed her lips, then traveled down her jaw, to her neck, and past her collarbone. I took a deep breath, pulled up slightly, and looked at the beautiful woman below me.

The thought of “how did I get so lucky” kept running through my head as I took in her pink little nipples that were hard pebbles on the tops of her soft breasts. Her eyes were aroused and just waiting for me to take her. She was everything I could ever ask for in a woman.

I lowered my head back down and was about to take her breast in my mouth when the back door to the house slammed and Scout’s voice rang through the night air.

“Adam, are you out here, man?”

Solo’s eyes flew open and she scrambled under me to the top of the lounge, where she couldn’t be spotted. She searched for her top, which was on the ground, so I reached down and handed it to her.

“Over here, man,” I called out.

“Don’t bring him over here; I don’t want him to see us,” she whispered in panic and embarrassment.

Disappointment washed over me at her announcement. It fucking hurt to know that she still didn’t want people to know about the feelings we had for each other, as if it wasn’t obvious. It was like I was her dirty secret, and that was something I was not happy about.

I took a deep breath, calmed the hard on I was sporting, grabbed a towel, and held it in front of me. I took a glance at her wide eyes one last time, shook my head in disappointment, and then got up.

“What are you doing back so early?” I asked, as I walked toward Scout, who was drinking a beer.

“Nailed the shoot again, man. I’m telling you, I’m on fire these days.”

“Maybe I should get some pointers,” I weakly smiled, still reeling from the closed off reaction from Solo.

“Did your first shoot not go so well?”

I met Scout at the edge of the pool and guided him back in the house, so Solo could scurry away without being seen. The whole situation made me feel so dirty, so used.

Once in the house, I grabbed a water out of the fridge and faced Scout, whose back was to the pool. Solo’s figure popped out of the lounge chair and ran to her house. It was upsetting that she wanted to hide from everyone, like she was ashamed of me. Pain and anger started to seep into my veins as I tried to act normal around Scout, like my heart wasn’t splitting in two.

“Nah, it went alright. Zia seemed happy.”

“Did she take you back to her office?”

“What? No. What’s back there?”

Scout grinned. “When she’s pleased and horny, she’ll fuck you, man. One of the best fucks you will ever get. The girl knows how to make a man beg for more.”


“Yeah, I’ve only been back there once. It was fucking fantastic, but kind of weird, which I told her after,” he laughed. “Surprised I didn’t get fired, but she appreciated my honesty. She’s mainly back there with Gunner.”

“Because he is the king of all dicks?” I asked, taking a sip of my water.

“Not sure. Probably,” he shrugged.

My phone that was on the dining room table lit up and I walked over to grab it, which was when I saw it was a text from Solo.

“I’m beat, man. I’m going to go upstairs and take a shower.”

“Alright, we have our family gym session tomorrow.”

“Family gym session?” I laughed.

“Yeah, once a week, we all schedule a gym session together. It was Ty’s idea. Basically, it’s a pissing match to see who can lift the most. Such bullshit, Ty always wins. The guy is a machine.”

“Seems like you’re a little butt hurt,” I said.

Scout held his rear end and said, “I am.”

Laughing, I shook my head and walked away. “See you tomorrow, dude.”

As I walked up the stairs, I opened the text message from Solo.

Solo: I’m sorry, Adam. Please don’t be mad at me.

I ran my hand over my face, as I tried to decide what to do. I was so fucking mad; I didn’t see what the big deal was. It’s not like there was a policy of no dating each other. Frustrated, I typed back to her.

Adam: Too late for that.

Chapter Seventeen


“Wake up, dickhead,” Ty called through my door, as he pounded on it. “It’s family time.”

Groaning, I turned and looked at my phone to see what time it was. Eight in the morning and I already had multiple text messages.

I rolled out of bed, grabbed my phone, and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. The moment my head hit my pillow last night, I turned my phone on silent and went to sleep. I blocked all the crap that was going on in my life out of my head, forgot about Solo, and slept.

As I brushed my teeth, I flipped through my phone and saw that all the text messages I received were from Solo.

Solo: Please, Adam, I just got scared.

Solo: I can’t tell you how sorry I am. I know that looked bad on my part.

Solo: I care about you, Adam, please talk to me.

Solo: I know you’re mad, but I just wanted to tell you that the night we had before Scout showed up was one of my best. I’m sorry.

Solo: Please, Adam…

I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to not feel the emotions that were wearing on me. I could see Solo’s pleading eyes in my head, and I didn’t want to see them. I was hurting, and I wanted her to hurt. I wanted her to feel my pain, like a dickhead. So, instead of responding, I finished brushing my teeth and threw some gym clothes on.

When I made it to the gym, all the guys were lined up and waiting for me.

“So glad you could join us, Sleeping Beauty,” Ty said, rubbing his hands together. “Same rules, boys. One guy starts and we all follow suit, just like the basketball game, Horse, but with weights. Every time you can’t lift the amount of the person who sets up the exercise, you get a letter. Questions?”

“What are we spelling?” I asked, shifting in place, trying to warm up my body. “And can we get a little treadmill action beforehand?”

“We have ten minutes to warm up, and then we get into it. Today’s word we’re spelling is meat curtain.”

“Seriously?” I asked, feeling slightly grossed out.

“You have a problem with my word of choice?” Ty asked, taping up his wrists.

“It’s really two words,” I pointed out.

“Fine, you pick a word,” Ty said.

I thought about it for a second while adjusting the hat I’d put on my head. I was about to answer when Scout said, “How about blumpkin?”

“Blumpkin?” I asked, not knowing what the hell that was.

The other guys threw their heads back and laughed. “Yes,” they all said together.

“What is a blumpkin? Is it some kind of drug?” I asked, completely confused.

They laughed even harder from my apparent stupidity and all went to the treadmills.

“Urban dictionary it,” Scout said, as he started to jog.

As I got on the treadmill, I pulled out my phone, and typed the word into Urban Dictionary. After I read the description, I knew I would never be able to look at the guys the same. I just prayed that none of them ever had a blumpkin done to them.

“You’re a bunch of sick fucks, you know that?”

They laughed again and continued to jog.

I was five minutes into my warm up, still trying to un-picture a blumpkin from my head when Solo popped into the gym, wearing a pair of magenta skinny jeans, a white shirt with “Frankie Relax” on it and her hair up in a high ponytail. She looked so damn beautiful.

She looked around the gym and then stopped walking when she spotted me.

“Come to catch the show, Solo?” Nikko asked, while rubbing his mouth on a towel that was around his neck.

She twisted her hands in front of her and said, “Actually, I need to borrow Adam real quick. I have to talk to him about the second half of his photo shoot today.”

I pressed stop on my treadmill, grabbed my towel off the top of the machine, and walked out of the gym, as Solo tagged along behind me. Once the door to the gym was shut, I turned around to face her.

There were dark circles under her sorrowful eyes, leading me to believe that she really was sorry. She was gutting me just from the look she was giving me.

“What’s up?” I said coolly, not letting her see how she affected me.

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