Next August (7 page)

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Authors: Kelly Moore

BOOK: Next August
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He’s not answering his phone. I wanted to thank him for the navy blue dress that he bought for me to wear Saturday, but at the same time, I wanted to scream at him for thinking he could dress me and spending the outrageous amount of money on the price tag.

I call Anna. “Are you still up for shopping?” I ask her.

“When and where?”

“Meet me at the mall.”



“He bought you a dress that cost three thousand dollars?” Her mouth hangs open.

“Yes!Can you believe it?”

“Why are we here looking for a dress? I’m confused.” She takes my elbow.

“I can’t accept a gift like that. Besides, I don’t want him dressing me. If I give him this, he will think that he can control me.” I huff out.” If he can’t accept me for who I really am, then there’s no point. I told you I didn’t think I would fit into his world.”

She pulls me over to a bench.” What exactly it is you do for him?”

I have to remember the nondisclosure.” I take care of his staff. Several of them are on some pretty heavy medications and they need to be monitored.” I hate lying to her, I’m not very good at it.

She sees right through me.” Yeah, right.” She says sarcastically.” Mr. Mysterious has his secrets and he has sucked you into them.”

“I really can’t discuss it with you. Or anyone else.”

“I get it, but I’m worried about you. I at least hope he’s amazing in bed,” she says and laughs.

“Oh my god Anna, you have a one-track mind!” I laugh with her.

“Come on.” She grabs my hand.” Let’s go find a dress that will rock his world.”



Shopping was fun and we found the perfect dress. The perfect “me” dress. I can’t wait to see the look on August’s face when he sees me in it. I decide not to say anything about the other dress. I give it to Stella to return. She doesn’t seem very happy about it, but she says she’ll take care of it.

Today is my first day to spend some solo time with Tom. I decided there will be no aides with us from ten to four, Monday through Friday. Just me. Twice a week, I’ll work with his physical therapists. I recommended occupational therapy, and a speech therapist to evaluate him. The physician taking care of him didn’t really see the need, but he appeased me anyway.

“Good morning, Tom. I’m Nash. Do you remember me?” I watch him carefully for any signs of acknowledgment.” I want to try some new things with you today.” He doesn’t respond in any way. It’s disappointing, I admit. Maybe I just imagined responsiveness that first time I saw him. Or maybe I’m going to have to be patient.

I take his left hand in mine.” Can you squeeze my hand?”

Nothing.” Do you like television?” I pick up the remote. The news is on. I switch channels several times and stop when I see Tom’s head slightly turn. It is a woman playing the piano and singing. His eyes focus.

I knew it. I knew he’s in there. I have to find something that will draw him out. I walk around to the foot of the bed to finish my daily assessment, and to my surprise, there’s a stream of water coming from his left eye. He’s still staring at the television. I grab a tissue.

I remember the piano in the great room and August telling me it was his mother’s. It must remind him of when she played. I wipe away the tear with a tissue.” You miss her after all this time.” He blinks and then shuts his eyes.

I sit on the side of the bed and hold his hand again.” Open your eyes, Tom,”I say softly. They remain closed.” I know you can hear me. Open your eyes.” I say a little more firmly.

His eyes open and he looks straight at me.” Can you squeeze my hand?” I ask him again. He reaches up and touches my face. Oh my god, he is responsive. Why has no one seen this?

I’m elated.” I can’t wait to tell August!” He drops his hand and looks away.

“Tom, look at me.” He has crawled back into his shell and will not respond. He’s hiding from August, but why? It gives me an idea. I take one of the unused journals that the aides use to document everything they do for Tom while they are taking care of him.

“Tom. I know you can move your hand and you can probably write. I’m going to lay this journal on your bed along with a pen. I need you to help me figure out what I can do for you. Tell me why you’re hiding.” He doesn’t look at me.” I’ll leave the journal right here, just in case you change your mind.”

I hover around for thirty minutes, fidgeting with things and tidying up even though nothing really needs tidying, but I get no further responses from him.



The next day, when I come in to relieve the aide, I notice the journal sitting on the nightstand.” Why is this here?” I pick it up and ask her.

“When I came in last night it was on the floor.” She answers.

I flip through the first couple of pages, but it’s empty. Wishful thinking.

“Does he respond to you in any way?” I ask the aide.

“No, he never does. He’s the same every day.”

“Thank you for taking such good care of him.” I walk her to the door and then turn around.

“Okay, Tom, time for me to check you out again.” I start from his left side since he can’t move the right side. As I pick up my stethoscope he grabs my hand lightly.

Rather than overreact, this time, I talk to him.” There you are. Good morning,” I say. His eyes find mine. He watches me as I assess him.

“Do you want me to find some music on the television for you?”

He nods slightly, so I reach for the remote and find a music channel. I stare at him as he watches the television. For the first time, I see a slight resemblance to August. They have the same dimpled chin and just underneath the gray, I see a smattering of black. The picture I saw of his mother on the piano, she had red hair. I look around the room and I don’t see any pictures on the wall. That gives me another idea.

“I’ll be right back.” I run down the stairs, grab a picture off of the piano, and take it back to his room. When I show it to him, his tears start flowing again.” How about I set it on the shelf in front of you, so you can see her every day?” He nods again. Progress. I can’t wait to tell August, but I don’t dare say the words out loud again. He might tune me out.

At the end of my time with him, I lay the journal and the pen back on his bed.” Just in case,”I say and smile at him.” I’ll be back Monday.”



My flight to Seattle is amazing. The pilot lets me sit in the co-pilot seat, right beside him. He’s friendly and nice, but I’m perplexed about how little personal information he knows about August. He’s been flying him around for years.

Fred shuffles me off the plane and into a limo. My curiosity gets the better of me.” Fred, what do you know about Tom and Sara?”

He glances back at me.” Sara was killed in a car accident when August was eight. His father was never the same after her death.”

“What about Tom and August after she died?”

He hesitates.” Tom was rough on August.”

He doesn’t volunteer any more information so I decide I will wait. I’ll ask August about it myself.



The city streets are bustling with people. Traffic is crazy, and I’m so thankful for Fred. He pulls up in front of this huge hotel. The architecture is beautiful. A red carpet lines the entryway. A bellhop opens my door as Fred takes my bags from the trunk. He hands them to the eager young man and gives him some cash.” See to it that she makes it to her room.”

I kind of expected August to meet me at the car.” Where’s August?” I ask Fred.

“He has some loose ends to tie up. He said to tell you he will meet you at the party at eight.”

I glance at my watch that gives me about two hours to kill. I follow the bellhop to the massive elevators. He pushes the button for the top floor. I’m anxious as we go up. The doors open into a single hall with a heavy wooden door

“This is your floor, madam.” He grabs my bags.

“The entire floor?”

“It’s Mr. Rylan’s penthouse suite. He left instructions for you on the table. Here’s my card. When you’re ready to go to the party, call me and I will come get you.” He opens the door and places my bags just inside the door.

The décor is all white with a breathtaking view of the city. I see the famous Ferris wheel, the one that’s in so many pictures of Seattle. I even have a glimpse of the Space Needle.

There is a note in the kitchen.

“I can’t wait to see you in your dress. I hope you liked it. Just in case I forget to tell you, thank you for being by my side tonight. Make yourself at home. Order anything you like. There’s a bottle of white wine in the refrigerator in case you are feeling a little nervous. Just be yourself, Nash.



I could use that wine. I hope he is not disappointed when he sees me in the dress I bought instead of the one he gave me.

The shower is bigger than the kitchen at my apartment. I take my dear sweet time shaving all my bits. I towel off and decide to tackle my hair first. Someone knocks, so I don the luxurious white robe hanging in the bathroom and head for the door. I peek through the peephole and there is a stunning looking woman holding several bags. Is she looking for August? A twinge of jealousy hits me. I tentatively open the door.

“May I help you?”

She brushes by me.” I’m here to do your hair and makeup.” She says it like I should have been expecting her.

“I don’t understand?”

“August had me clear my schedule so that I could help you get ready for the party.” She sets her bags down.

“Thank you, but I don’t need your help.” I cross my arms, anger bubbling up.

“He said you might say that, but I’m supposed to stand my ground. He said if I left without doing my job, I’ll be fired.”

That controlling son of a bitch. I have a mind to not even go to the party. The woman starts fidgeting.

“Please,” she says, and she suddenly looks kind of pitiful. “I really like my job.”

I can’t be angry with her. This is all on August. I relent and show her to the bathroom.

I hate to admit it, but she is awesome. I don’t even recognize myself in the mirror. The makeup is a bit much for me, but my hair looks amazing. It is so shiny and soft. She pulled it into a high loose bun. Locks of it fall around my face.

“Thank you so much.” I reach for my wallet to tip her. She stops me.

“Mr. Rylan has already taken care of that,” she says gently.

Of course, he has. I thank her again and walk her out.

I have about thirty minutes left before I need to leave. I look back in the mirror and wipe some of the excess makeup off my face. Much better.

My dress is black with silver beads around the low cut neckline and around the hem. It is long with a slit up the side. I slide on the matching bra and garter with silky hose. I paired it with strappy high heels that wrap around my ankles. I feel so tall and sexy. I put on silver dangling earrings that Anna insisted would be perfect with the outfit. I spent way too much, but I wanted to look nice for August. The dress he bought me was way too elegant. I would’ve been fidgeting all night. This is simple but very pretty and a little sexy. Anna assured me that it would be perfect for the party.

I find my black clutch and put my lipstick inside along with my wallet. I retrieve the card the bellhop left and dial his number.

I wait outside the elevator doors, fully expecting the bellhop. When the doors open, I am frozen in place by the sight of the man leaning casually against the elevator walls. August straightens and saunters toward me. His eyes are all over my body. He walks a circle around me and I can feel the heat radiating off of him.

When he is behind me he slips his arm around my waist.” This is not the dress I bought for you.” He says so close to my ear that he has given me goose bumps.

He turns me toward him.” You don’t like it?”

He glances at my cleavage and carnal appreciation sweeps over his face.” You are going to fucking kill me in this dress.” He kisses me, and I’m breathless when he pulls away.

“You look handsome in your tux.” I manage to mutter.

“I’m tempted to cancel the party and keep you to myself, but I really want to show you off.” He kisses me again.

“We could be a little late.” I smile up at him.

He growls.” Tempting, but divesting you of this dress will have to wait. We have a full house of people waiting on us.”

I kiss him this time.” Maybe we could locate the coat closet while we’re down there.”

“I like the way you think.” He smacks my ass.

He pulls me into the elevator and presses me against the wall. I can feel his erection between us. I’ll have marks on my neck from his beard.” My neck is going to be red.”

“Good. It will mark you as mine.” He places his hand between my legs.” I can’t wait to make your skin red here.” He inserts a finger into me, then sticks it in his mouth.

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