NFH Honeymoon from Hell II

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Authors: R.L. Mathewson

Tags: #contemporary romance novel, #perfection, #bradford, #neighbor from hell, #rl mathewson

BOOK: NFH Honeymoon from Hell II
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Honeymoon from Hell II

Trevor and Zoe’s Honeymoon From Hell


R.L. Mathewson

A Smashword’s Edition

Other titles by R.L.

The Pyte/Sentinel Series:

Tall, Dark & Lonely

Without Regret

Tall, Dark & Heartless

Tall, Silent & Lethal

The Hollywood Hearts Series:

A Humble Heart

A Reclusive Heart

The Neighbor from Hell Series:

Playing for Keeps



Truce: The Historic Neighbor from Hell

The Game Plan

The Neighbor from Hell Collection I

Double Dare

Double Feature: The Game Plan/Double Dare

The EMS Series:

Sudden Response

The Cursed Hearts Series:

Black Heart

Misc. Titles:

The 2014 Chronicle Collection

Nonfiction Titles:

How to Write, Publish and All That Good

This is a work of fiction. All of the
characters, organizations and events described in this novel are
either products of the author's imagination or are used

Edited by R.L. Mathewson, Jessica Atchison,
Jodi Negri and Ricki Weiseltheir

Cover designed by Rochelle McGrath

Honeymoon from Hell II © Rerum Industries,
Inc. 2015 All rights Reserved.

e-book ISBN:


This book like every book that I
have ever written or will ever write is dedicated to my children,
Kayley and Shane, who have been with me on this journey from day


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Dear Reader,

I’d like to start off by saying thank you for all
your support and kind words over the years. It’s because of you
that I am able to do be there and take care of my children by doing
what I love. So, on behalf on my children, I wanted to say thank

Now, moving onto to this
mini-series. I never planned on writing the Honeymoon from Hell
series. It started off as a Chronicle or two on my website, which
is how I continue giving life to the characters that I’ve created
and fallen in love with. When I wrote a teaser about Jason and
Haley’s honeymoon I was hooked and immediately wanted to write the
whole story out as well as the honeymoons for the rest of the
Bradfords, but I wasn’t sure how it would turn out or if it was
even something that you would be interested in reading

Well, while I was trying
to decide what to do I wrote the Chronicle to let you see how Haley
broke the news of their impending family to Jason. After that I
really couldn’t stop thinking about this series, but time was a

So, I decided that I would
write the series and release it in December 2015 after I was able
to get out the books that I promised you. At the same time iBooks
was doing what iBooks does best, helping self-published authors
like myself get a chance to show readers what they could do. iBooks
helped me out, gave me my real break and honored me with the first
title of Breakout Author, so I decided to make my already busy
schedule even busier and write this series early so that I could
say thank you to iBooks for everything that they did to me and
release this mini-series early through them.

Some readers are upset
about the wait, and I am sorry about that, but I wouldn’t be who I
am if I didn’t step up and show my appreciation and gratitude to
those who have helped me and my children when we needed help. With
or without this early release through iBooks, this series would not
have been released at or anywhere else before December
because of my workload, so please don’t feel slighted, because that
was not my intention.

Now, as for this HFH, you
will notice that the prologue is one of the last chapters of
Playing for Keeps
. That
was done so that you wouldn’t need to go back and re-read the end
of the book to figure out where we left off. It also leaves you
with the choice to skip it and move on to the rest of the

With that being

I hope you enjoy the
Honeymoon from Hell mini-series.


R.L. Mathewson


Table of Content

Title Page



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13


About the


Honeymoon from Hell II


(Just a little recap in case you need a

I think I can manage that,”
Trevor said, rolling his hips into her grip and making Zoe lick her
lips in appreciation.

She really wasn’t sure how she’d survived the
last week without him. Five years without plain old sex was nothing
in comparison to seven days of going without sex with Trevor. She
prayed that she never had to experience this kind of torture again,
because she was positive that she wouldn’t survive.

Of course, she knew that if she truly wanted
sex that all she had to do was yell his name and he would have come
running, which was part of the problem. She needed a little space
to make sure that this wasn’t just about sex for either one of
them. Although she’d missed touching him and holding him, she’d
actually missed just being with him more.

She missed his smile, the way he glared at
her when she teased him, the way he pouted when he ran out of food,
and she even missed his bossiness. She just missed him and up until
a few hours ago, she hadn’t been completely sure if he wanted her
for her or for the arrangement, but after his cute little antics,
she knew that he loved her.

His attempts to see her were so sweet and
entertaining. When her hot water had suddenly stopped working,
she’d almost called out to him, but then she’d heard him in his
bathroom muttering to himself for her to hurry the hell up so that
he could turn the hot water tank back on before the pipes burst. So
with a little pleased smile she sat back, curious to see what else
he’d do.

When he’d snuck into her apartment to entice
the dogs with his underwear, it had taken every ounce of strength
that she’d had not to laugh her ass off as she pretended to be
asleep. It had been especially difficult when the dogs managed to
steal the underwear out of his hand and make a mad dash for the
kitchen. For about five minutes she discreetly watched as Trevor
did his best to chase after the dogs without making any noise. She
had to admit that for a man his size, he did a pretty good job of
quietly running after her dogs, except for the occasional curse
that is. When he’d finally managed to grab the two dogs and shut
the door behind him, she’d buried her face in her pillow and
laughed until it hurt.

He was just so damn cute.

Her favorite moment of course, was when he
was outside jacking up her car while his cousins and uncles all
stood along the sidewalk taking pictures and laughing their asses
off at him. Except for the few times he’d flipped them off, he
ignored them as he’d struggled with frozen nuts and bolts for
almost two hours straight. Of course, he probably would have
finished a lot faster if his family hadn’t been throwing snowballs
at him while he’d worked.

They really were an entertaining family.

Still she’d held out, curious to see what
he’d do next. When that something else had been shutting off her
heat, she gave in and came over, even more curious to see how far
he would take things.

Except once he had her where he’d wanted her,
he’d left her alone. She couldn’t even begin to describe how
disappointed she’d been when he hadn’t joined her in the bathtub.
An hour later, disappointed and wrinkly, she climbed into bed
waiting for him to join her there. She’d really been looking
forward to falling asleep in his arms, but the jerk never showed up
so she decided that maybe it was her turn to make a move.

But we’re going to do it my
way,” Trevor announced just before he took her mouth in a quick,
too quick, passionate kiss.

What’s this now?” she asked
in a daze.

I said we’re doing this my
way. While I work, you’ll talk,” he said, grabbing the hem of her
oversized tee-shirt and yanked it up and off her in a matter of
seconds, leaving her completely nude. Trevor’s rough sound of
approval sent shivers of anticipation throughout her

Talk?” She watched as he
devoured her body with his eyes and she was thankful that the room
was dim enough to make her feel comfortable.

Uh huh,” he said, pulling
her forward. “You tell me all about this new arrangement while I
make up for seven days, sweetheart.”

She opened her mouth to answer, but the only
thing that came out was a loud strangled moan as Trevor closed his
lips around one of her taut nipples and sucked, hard. She had to
grab his shoulders and hold on before she fell over.

He wanted her to talk? Now? He really
couldn’t be serious.

W-we can talk later,” she
suggested, hoping that he’d do that little thing with his teeth and
tongue that she loved.

He did.

But then he pulled back and she nearly

I think,” he said, leaning
forward again and running the flat of his tongue over her nipple,
“that this is the perfect time for you to tell me what you had in

But later would be better,”
she said, sounding a little desperate and not really giving a damn.
The man had a gifted mouth and she was more than willing to let him
use that gift on her.

I think now is perfect,” he
murmured, tracing a line with his tongue from one nipple to the
other. He traced around the nipple that practically begged for his
attention before he drew it into his mouth and sucked.

Now?” she choked

Get talking, woman,” he
said around her nipple.

About?” she asked

He chuckled around her nipple before he
flicked it with his tongue and pulled back. “This new arrangement
of yours,” he reminded her.

Oh right, the arrangement,”
she said numbly.

Get talking or I stop,” he
said and just to prove that he was serious, he pulled away from her

Okay, okay,” she said,
grabbing the back of his head and yanking him back to where he
belonged. With a small chuckle, he took her nipple back into his

She forced herself to ignore how unbelievably
good he felt or the fact that he held her hip tightly so that she
couldn’t move against him and focused. If they were going to have
any hopes for a future there were a few things that they needed to
clear up.

How many children do you
want?” she asked, knowing that this was by far the most important
question. If he was hell bent on only having one kid it was going
to become a bit awkward.

As many as you’re willing
to give me,” he said, pulling back and releasing her nipple with a
. “Next,”
he said, burying his face in the crook of her neck as one hand
continued to squeeze and caress her breast as the other slid from
her hip to her bottom where his talented hand kneaded and squeezed,
forcing her to cradle his erection.

Next....okay, um,” she said
absently as she tried to rub herself against him and this time he
allowed it. “If um, if we get married we’re going to need a bigger
home,” she said, remembering his offer to buy them a house. She
wasn’t sure if he meant right away or sometime in the future, but
with twins, Bradford twins, they were going to need more space
soon. Not to mention a large kitchen with more storage space and
maybe a larger fridge.

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