Nicole Krizek (7 page)

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Authors: Alien Savior

BOOK: Nicole Krizek
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“What will happen then?” She asked.

Kor took a moment to think about his answer. “Then I will protect you, like I have since the moment we walked away from that slaver. Meeting up with my ship and crew will not change that. It will not change how I feel about you.”             





Lacy kept repeating Kor’s words in her head.
It will not change how I feel about you.
What had he meant by that? Was he saying that he had romantic feelings for her, or that he felt like she was his responsibility?

She couldn’t help but hope that he had attachments to her that went beyond his sense of duty to his people. She had to admit to herself that it scared the hell out of her, but those two men were becoming the most important people in her life.

Not just because they had saved her and that she was completely dependent on them. They made her feel protected and cherished, they made her laugh, and also happened to give her the best sexual experience of her life. She felt like she was falling hard for the two Arathians.

She looked over at Kor as they made their way to the shuttle’s kitchen. They had decided that they could all use a good breakfast. Amazing sex and evading death, apparently, worked up an appetite, and Lacy’s stomach agreed. It let out another rumble as they entered the kitchen and Kor headed to a control panel.

He hit a series of buttons and started listing off the food that was available. Lacy had no idea what any of it was so Kor made the selections. A drawer slid out of the wall and inside were all of the ingredients he needed. She watched his hands, which were a blur of movement as he began cutting, mixing, and heating various dishes.

She was mesmerized by his fingers and hands that had felt so good on her body, but had also displayed the same speed and competency at the ship’s controls.

Her core began to throb as she remembered how wonderful Kor and Ty’s hands had felt, as they had run them over her skin, preparing and tormenting her, before pumping in and out of her tight body. She tried to shift her legs slightly to ease the ache she felt in her body, but out of the corner of her eye she saw Kor’s head whip up and around to face her. The breath left her lungs at the arousal she saw in his eyes. Had he detected her arousal?

He set the food and tools down before moving towards her. She backed up a couple of paces, not wanting to evade him but she was overwhelmed by his behavior. She’d never been the recipient of such a naked lust.

The choice of standing her ground or fleeing was taken from her by the arrival of Ty. He looked from one to another, taking in the scene, and Lacy could tell he was trying to decide whether or not to interrupt.

Apparently his excitement would not be overshadowed because he exclaimed, “She’s a match. Her DNA matches ours.”

The three of them stood in place for a few moments before Ty strode across the floor, took Lacy into his arms, as his mouth took hers in a passionate kiss.

Lacy let herself melt into the embrace and the rush of Ty’s kiss. Her blood immediately heated and she kissed him back eagerly. She felt Kor press against her back and she reached one arm around to hold his head while he lowered his lips to her neck.

Ty pulled back and looked at her reverently. “You’re a miracle Lacy. Our little miracle.”

Then Ty turned her in his arms to face Kor, and once again her mouth was taken in a kiss. Kor was unexpectedly gentle as he nipped at her lips and slowly rolled her tongue with his own. Then he kissed his way along her jaw to her throat, burying his face against it while he stood there, holding her and Ty.

Lacy felt cherished and she allowed herself to absorb the feelings, holding them near to her heart.

After what felt like forever, Kor pulled back to smile into Ty’s eyes. He threaded his hands into Ty’s hair and pulled him in for a kiss. Twelve years after the vaccine and after nine years of searching, Ty and Kor had finally found a race of beings that had been seeded from the same creators as the Arathians. Lacy was the first true hope their people had found.

Kor pulled back slightly and asked, “What do we do now?”

Ty chuckled but stood there shaking his head. “I’m not sure. We’re the first ones to ever get a positive match on the DNA test. There’s no precedence. I was thinking that we should try to contact the Arathian Center for Genome Research as soon as we get aboard the Adastra to give them the results. I’m sure they’ll want us to bring Lacy to Arath, as quickly as possible, but there are a lot of tests I can run myself in my lab on the ship.”

“Okay, that sounds like a good plan.”

“Um… I have a question.” Lacy said, extracting herself from their arms. “Do you mean that I’m going to become some kind of lab rat?” She asked, stepping away and folding her arms over her chest.

The men exchanged confused looks, then Kor asked, “What’s a lab rat?”  

“On Earth, rats and mice are used in scientific experiments. They’re kept in small cages, are given food and water, but are taken out and experimented on at the whims of the scientists until they’ve served their purposes and are killed.
Then dissected.” She explained.

She faintly heard Ty whisper something a half-second before Kor let out a roar and was suddenly in her face. He lifted her off the floor by the waist, and brought his face to within an inch of hers. She thought that he looked much like an unchained animal before he gave her a small shake.

“I will never allow you to come to harm, Lacy. You will not be separated from us and taken to a laboratory to be used in experiments.” His breath was coming in harsh pants. “I would never allow it and would fight anyone who suggested such a thing! You are

She brought her hands up to his face and stroked the hair back from his brow, unafraid of his sudden outburst.

“I know you wouldn’t let anything happen to me, Kor. I’m sorry that I even thought it. I’m just scared of the future.” She continued to stroke his hair and, after several frozen moments, his eyes lost most of the crazed look. His breathing became more rhythmic and the tension in his shoulders seemed to ease. “I would protect you with my life, my little Lacy.”

She felt the breath leave her lungs in a rush as she processed what he had said. Ty let out his own sound of surprise from her right and she looked at him to see if it was a good thing or a bad thing. He
stood, staring at Kor, as if had just bestowed a great gift upon them.

Kor and Ty looked at each other. “Does that mean what I think it does, Kor?” Ty asked.

“Yes. If it’s agreeable to you?”

“You don’t even have to ask.” Ty said with a smile.

Lacy watched the exchange with mixture of fascination and confusion, while, at the same time, trying to not be too hopeful. They were clearly talking about something important, something that had Ty beaming like a kid on Christmas.

Kor looked down at her, still wrapped up in his arms. “Lacy, would you do us the great honor of joining our family and becoming our mate?”

The moment seemed to hang in the air and everything seemed to move in slow motion. She understood that they were asking her to do the Arathian equivalent of getting married but she had read that, unlike on Earth, divorce was unheard of. The Arathians didn’t even have a word for it. To the Arathians, mating was for life, and every member of a family worked hard to make sure that the others were always happy and cared for. It was everything she’d ever wanted from her life back on Earth. Now, it was a life that she’d never have, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t find something even more fulfilling out there in space.

Her mother had always said that she’d know when she was in love by thinking of her life without that person.
And how painful that would be. Those men were unlike anyone she had ever met and the thought of not being with them was unimaginable. With that, her mind was made up.

“Nothing would make me happier.” She answered.

She only had a split second to enjoy the twin looks of delight before Kor claimed her mouth in a demanding kiss.

The moment was missing something. She reached out to Ty and she pulled away from Kor’s mouth long enough to yank Ty to their side. He was laughing as she wrapped her arm around his neck, still in Kor’s arms, and closed the distance between their mouths.

Ty’s kiss was more gentle than Kor’s, but just as urgent. He pulled back to stare into her eyes and say, “You have my heart, little Lacy.” Then he looked to Kor, “You both do.”

They moved closer and Ty was the one that pulled Kor to him. The kiss they shared was primal in its intensity.

Lacy watched avidly, enjoying her front-row-view of the passion those men shared. They kissed with their entire being, and it was enough to make her panties wet.

If she had been wearing any.

The men pulled apart, inhaled deeply, and turned their eyes to her, their pupils dilated. She knew they could smell her desire and it was such a turn on. She rubbed her stomach against Kor’s bulge and he groaned. He lowered her slowly till her feet touched the ground.

She was suddenly hungry for something else besides breakfast as she reached her hand between them and grasped Kor’s hard length, covered by his form-fitting flightsuit. She’d have to remedy that hunger soon, but first she reached to Ty and ran her other hand down his length. She suddenly felt alive and powerful to have those two men waiting for her.

She looked around the small cooking area and found a short box to kneel on. She slowly sank to her knees, looking between them so they knew exactly what she intended. Kneeling on the box, their cocks were exactly at the right height for her mouth.

She used both hands to first open Kor’s uniform, then Ty’s, to free their hard shafts. She took her time, looking at their cocks for the first time. She admired how they were the same shade of light brown as their skin, but hairless, unlike the men of Earth. Also unlike humans, her two males were already slick with their own lubrication which she found immensely fascinating.

She nudged them to stand closer together and they immediately locked in an erotic embrace of mouths and hands. She moaned at the sight, grasping their lengths and began a slow stroke from base to tip. Their lubrication was enough to allow her hand to pass smoothly along their shafts.

One of them groaned into the other’s mouth as she got to the tips, which did not have the mushroom-like head that she was used to, but instead was shaped more like a bullet. She gave the heads a couple of shallow strokes before dipping back down to the bases.

She was enraptured with their texture and feel, but her mouth watered for a taste. She leaned forward and, while holding Ty’s cock at the base, licked up his length and swirled the tip, enjoying his taste. He was absolutely delicious and she
dove back for another taste, this time engulfing his entire shaft as far as she could take him down her throat.

She couldn’t take him far enough to wrap her lips around his base because, just like the rest of his magnificent body, his cock was long and lean. She took him as far as she could go before pulling back.



Ty thought that he may have just died of pleasure as he felt Lacy’s first tentative swipe of her tongue, then he had to grab onto Kor’s shoulders to remain upright as he felt his cock engulfed by the heat of her mouth.

“By the Gods Lacy!”
He shouted down to her.

She pulled off him with a loud slurp, never faltering in her hands’ motions on either cock. She had the audacity to smile up at him, innocently, and ask, “What?”

She didn’t wait for an answer, but dove onto Kor’s cock, giving it the same attention that Ty’s had received. Kor groaned and laced his right hand through her hair while his left was still gripping Ty’s shoulders to anchor himself.

Ty heard her moan around his mate’s cock and knew exactly what she tasted. Ty loved to take Kor’s length in his mouth and to savor his mate’s taste, especially while Kor was still asleep and his cock was flaccid. Neither of them stayed that way for long, but Ty loved the deep moans of pleasure Kor made in his sleep-laced voice.

Ty was jolted out of his thoughts by Lacy once again bobbing her talented mouth along his shaft. He never knew what to expect because she was constantly changing the tempo, suction, and pressure.

He suddenly needed his uniform off and tore at it. Kor caught on and helped him before divesting himself of his own. Ty always loved the feeling of his mate’s body and couldn’t stop his hands from roaming the expanse of Kor’s muscular chest pinching one nipple first before moving on to the other.

Kor reciprocated by latching his mouth onto Ty’s neck right below his ear, where Ty was the most sensitive. With Kor and Lacy’s talented hands and mouths, Ty was already feeling a climax building in his balls. Determined not to come, he bore down on his self-control and turned the heat up on Kor, running his left hand down his torso and next to Lacy’s hand, still working his cock, and rubbing on the space right behind Kor’s balls.

Kor made an unintelligible sound and punched his hips forward uncontrollably. Lacy took immediate notice and, as Ty had hoped, she pulled off of his cock and started working her mouth over Kor’s. Kor caught on to his plan and pinched one of Ty’s nipples, hard, in retaliation. Ty yelped, but chose to accept his punishment and focus instead on their beautiful mate who was still on her knees in front of them.

He reached down and started to pull her up and off of Kor, who had started moaning with each thrust. The prelude to his climax.

Lacy made a sound of disappointment at having to let their cocks go, but Ty swallowed it quickly with his mouth while Kor swept his hands up her body to remove the dress. Ty had to release her, but only for a moment, as it was swept over her head.

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