Night Kill (Private Investigator Andrew Knight Mystery Series) (13 page)

BOOK: Night Kill (Private Investigator Andrew Knight Mystery Series)
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“Please forgive my lack of manners,” Roxanne apologized. “Would you like some coffee or perhaps tea?”

“That coffee smells wonderful,” Chloe said.

“Would you like a cup?” Roxanne asked.

“Yes, please.”

“I’ll be right back,” Roxanne said. “Please sit.”

Chloe sat down on the sofa where Roxanne had just been. Just as she settled in, Roxanne returned with a cup of coffee for her. Roxanne sat down.

“A case he was working on?” Roxanne asked. “Did something happen?”

“A few days ago my dad fell through the ice on the lake of the JFK grounds,” Chloe took a sip of the wonderful brew. She continued, “He survived and turned up at a horse ranch nearby. He had a heart attack,” Chloe inhaled and exhaled quickly so as not to start crying again. She went on, “He survived, thank God. Because of the near drowning and heart attack, my dad has trauma-induced amnesia.”

“Oh my God,” Roxanne tearfully moaned.

“We as a family have to deal with,” Chloe answered.

“So, urn back to the case,” Roxanne said. “Are you taking it over?”

“I was in my dad’s office looking through the case file,” Chloe said. She held up her cup for a refill. Roxanne laughed and took Chloe’s cup. She went to fill it. Roxanne returned shortly and retook her seat.

“While on the computer, I read through the rest of his case files.” Chloe took a sip. “When I got to the case he worked on with you, it came to me that your psychic abilities would be able to help find the missing teenagers, and possibly the person who attacked the Higgins Family.”

“So did you talk to the client?” Roxanne asked.

“I set up a meeting for tomorrow,” Chloe said. She finished off the coffee and put down the cup. She looked forlorn, “I was hoping that you would join me on the case.” She brightened up a little, “Besides there was a note in the case folder stating that my dad was going to contact you anyway.”

“You really are his daughter,” Roxanne laughed.

“Will you help me?” Chloe asked.

“I will help you,” Roxanne answered.

“Great!” Chloe exclaimed.

Chloe rose from the sofa. She thanked Roxanne again as they shook hands. Chloe said good bye and left. A frightening feeling washed over Roxanne as she looked at her hand. It was a sensation of death. But whose death was it?”

Chloe arrived early at her dad’s office building earlier the next morning. His new assistant, Amanda, in business attire and with closely cropped blonde hair, was just unlocking the front door.

“I’m Chloe Hawkins,” she said to Amanda.

“I know,” Amanda answered. “Missus Knight phoned me at home last night. She explained that Andrew’s daughter would be taking over the Collins case.”

Chloe followed Amanda inside and closed the door behind them. Amanda put her stuff down on the desk and went to make coffee. Chloe went into her dad’s office and pulled the Collins’ case file. Roxanne should be arriving soon. Chloe put the file folder on the desk and walked out into the reception area. Amanda was now seated at her desk.

Chloe straightened her burgundy pant suit. The front door opened and two women, one older and one younger, walked into the main reception area. Chloe smiled at Roxanne, and the other woman, who she presumed was Nedra Collins. They walked over. Chloe turned in their direction when they came up to her.

“Hello Chloe,” Roxanne said

“Nedra Collins,” Nedra said. They shook hands. Nedra was now more somber and asked, “How is your dad doing?”

“He’s still at Bayport Memorial,” Chloe explained. “Doctor Straussman recommended him for observation. He is still suffering from amnesia.”

“I hope he gets better,” Nedra replied.

“Let’s go into the office,” Chloe said. She gestured towards Roxanne. “I’ve brought Miss Turner in as a consultant on the case.”

“Okay,” Nedra smiled.

The three women walked into Andrew’s office and closed the door.

Chloe sat in her dad’s leather chair while Roxanne and Nedra took their seats in front of the desk. Amanda walked in with coffee for all of them. They thanked her.

“Would you please share with me what has happened so far,” Chloe looked at Nedra.

“My son, his girl friend, and four other teenagers went out to the abandoned prep school out by St. Nazianz,” Nedra informed her. “There were no traces of them when the Sheriffs department investigated the scene. All they found was the Ouji board and melted candles.”

“When your son didn’t come home, that’s when you called my dad,” Chloe said. “Is that correct?”

“Yes,” Nedra answered.

“JFK Prep is owned by a developer out of Chicago, right?” Chloe asked.

“Is that important?” Nedra answered.

“Possibly.” Chloe said. “Why were they at the abandoned school?”

“I don’t know,” Nedra explained. “I thought they were going out to celebrate my son Chad’s birthday.”

“I presume they first played with the Ouji board,” Chloe surmised.

“Yes,” Nedra replied.

“And then went to make out?” Chloe added.

“I believe so,” Nedra said.

“There was no trace of them,” Chloe said, looking over the notes in the case file.

“Well, we need to get a look at where they were,” Chloe said. “I’ll have to contact the current owner of the school grounds to get permission to investigate the area. Once I’ve done that we can proceed from there.”

“I’d like to come along,” Roxanne said.

“Not a good idea,” Chloe hesitated.

“But I could be of help,” Roxanne insisted.

“I’m not sure.” Chloe was still reluctant.

“What’s it going to be?” Roxanne pressed further.

“You can come with me,” Chloe finally agreed.

They thanked Chloe and…

The sunlight was nearly swept away and darkness poised ready to take its place. Chloe, along with Roxanne slowly drove up the gravel driveway. Both wore more appropriate clothing for their investigation.

Before them loomed a historic monument of faded brick and broken windows. Even in the daylight the main building of JFK Prep struck an eerie chord.

Roxanne couldn’t help but stare at the front of building as they stopped in front of it. She hadn’t even stepped inside as of yet, but felt a great forebodingness about it.

A woman in her late fifties emerged from the black BMW with Illinois plates. She was quite slender, dressed professionally, and her silver hair had nary a strand out of place. She strode with confidence towards Chloe’s car.

Chloe and Roxanne got out and greeted her.

“Georgina Rowlands,” she introduced herself to them. It was as if they should’ve been impressed just by the mere mention of her name. They were not.

“Chloe Hawkins, “Chloe replied. She gestured towards Roxanne, “And this is Roxanne Turner.”

“A pleasure,” Georgina answered.

“Let’s go inside,” Chloe insisted. Just before they were about to head off, Chloe went back in her car and grabbed a couple of flashlights.

As they walked in the direction of the side entrance, Georgian explained, “The investors I represent bought the property in order to fix it up and turn it into a seminary. That was a few years ago and unfortunately progress has been quite slow.”

“Why is that?” Chloe inquired.

“I’ve gone through several contractors, because of,” Georgina paused. She went on, “oh, how shall I put this. It was because of certain incidents happening on the property.”

“What incidents?” Roxanne asked.

“Well,” Georgina answered as they came up to the side door. “Certain unexplained things.”

“Supernatural things?” Chloe surmised.

“So they claim,” Georgina replied.

They stopped in front of the massive wooden door. Georgina used her key to unlock it and soon they were inside. The painting of the woman immediately caught Chloe’s attention. She walked up to it. Chloe ran her fingers ever so gently across it and felt the brush strokes and imperfections of the wall that made up the beautiful painting.

“Do you know who painted it,” Chloe turned and looked at Georgina.

“No,” Georgina answered. “But we made several attempts to cover it up and it just reappears.”

“What do you mean it reappears?” Roxanne asked.

“We’ve painted over it several times,” Georgina was exasperated in her reply. “We even tried paint remover on the damned thing.”

“Paint remover?” Chloe exclaimed. She examined the painting more closely. The brush strokes showed no signs of damage. “It looks untouched.”

“So you wanted to see the dorm rooms,” Georgina said, changing the subject.

“Yes,” Chloe answered.

“They’re this way up the stairs,” Georgina gestured with her hand towards the stairs leading to the second floor. “Please follow me.”

As they ascended the stairs, Roxanne had a strange feeling wash over her. She turned and looked back at the painting, but there was nothing unusual about it. Roxanne shook it off as nothing more than an overactive imagination. She joined the others whom were already at the top of the stairs. Georgina led them down the hallway past a rusted bed frame with a musty smelling mattress that still held the impressions of previous use.

“The kids make out on it,” Georgina explained rather nonchalantly.

“Disgusting,” Roxanne shuddered.

“Here we are,” Georgina announced.

The room was plain looking. The walls were faded and the paint was chipping. There were several cracks in the ceiling that spread across it like spider webs. Only a single window provided very little light into the room. The majority of the panels were boarded up with plywood. A circle of melted candles on the floor reminded Roxanne of a bizarre-looking birthday cake.

“I have to be going,” Georgina glanced at her watch. “I have a meeting this evening with another contractor.” Georgina handed Chloe the keys. “Just lock up when you leave. I’ll pick up the keys from your office tomorrow morning.” She left the two of them alone.

Chloe put the keys in her pocket. Roxanne stood there as Chloe walked around the dorm room checking things out.

“Are you getting anything from the room,” Chloe asked as she paused by the window.

“No,” Roxanne answered. “Why?”

“Why don’t you try in that circle of candles,” Chloe suggested, but first she handed Roxanne a flashlight.

“Alright,” Roxanne said. She walked over to the candles, stepped inside the circle, and sat down on the floor. She set down the flashlight beside her. Roxanne closed her eyes. Chloe shone the light in Roxanne’s direction.

Roxanne breathed rhythmically with each beat of her heart focusing only on that and not anything or any other sounds in the room. At first, the images swirled about in a blur of light and shadows, but soon things came into focus.

Roxanne opened her eyes a few minutes later. Chloe was gone! Roxanne flipped on her flashlight and searched the room. Where could Chloe have gone?

“Just breathe Roxanne,” she told herself. Roxanne drew in a deep breath; exhaling it slowly. As she did this, Roxanne heard voices coming from somewhere down the hallway. This surprised her, since Roxanne thought that they were the only ones in the building. Maybe while she was in her trance, someone else had entered the place and Chloe went to check things out. So Roxanne decided to check things out too. She headed off in the direction of the voices.

She had only gone a short distance down the hallway, when Roxanne stopped outside another of the dorm rooms. She could hear the voice more clearly now. Roxanne turned the door knob and opened the door. There was a boy and girl making out. Embarrassed, Roxanne closed the door. Roxanne suddenly felt chilled; like if someone had put their cold hands up her back. She spun around, casting her light in that direction, but saw nothing! Roxanne mustered up enough courage to continue down the hallway. Roxanne decided she’s gone far enough and was about to turn back when a terrible scream pierced the stillness. She’d barely gotten out of the way when the door flew open and the boy and girl inside rushed out and headed off in the direction of the scream. Roxanne quickly followed. She stopped when they knocked on the door.

“Did you hear it,” the frizzy haired boy asked the one with the earrings.

“Yeah,” he replied. “It sounded like my sister.”

“Come on,” a dark haired girl said.

The four of them ran down the hallway in the direction of the scream. Roxanne turned off her flashlight and followed at a safe distance. When they got there, a girl with short cropped black hair was curled up in a fetal position murmuring incoherently.

“Where’s Chad?” the boy with the earrings asked. She didn’t answer.

Roxanne couldn’t see because the rest of them blocked her view. She tried to push past them when they all heard it; an eerily moan.

“What’s that, Jazz?” one of the girls asked with her eyes wide with fright.

“I don’t know,” Jazz answered sharply.

Roxanne, who for some reason hadn’t been noticed by the group, left them and headed off in search of the source of the moaning. When she got to the staircase, Roxanne switched on her flashlight and followed the descending steps. The beam of light finally came to rest upon a hooded figure. The person simply stood there not moving at all. Why didn’t he move? Surely the light was bright enough for them to see that someone was there.

BOOK: Night Kill (Private Investigator Andrew Knight Mystery Series)
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