Night Lurks (7 page)

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Authors: Amber Lynn

BOOK: Night Lurks
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Will starts laughing. I don't find the song that funny and Ben's singing voice leaves a lot to be desired. I glance over at Alex and he rolls his eyes when he sees me looking.

“I think we should leave the song writing to the professionals. How about those directions? We do have vampires amongst us and that sun is eventually going to rise,” I tell him ready to get a move on it.

“Just head towards the old human cemetery on Oak. The entrance to where we are going is in the cemetery.”

Great. Cemeteries have never been my friends. The ghouls that hang out in them get along with me about as well as most of the witches I know. The only good thing about the ghouls is the fact that they cannot speak. They do like to mess with people though and it gets on my nerves.

“Why would a demon bar be in a cemetery?” Will asks.

“Because most people are smart enough to stay away,” I reply. “The things crawling around in the cemetery probably don't bother with the demons, either. They are way past the point a demon could have fun with them. It must be a great place for demons to unwind.”

“It is definitely a place where we can be ourselves. You will all figure that out as soon as you walk through the doors. I would like to hear more about curious Will. Just how did you guys meet up? I thought humans gave you a rash, Buttercup.”

I don't remember actually giving him that information, but I let it pass. He could just be making guesses and I hate confirming or denying anything for him.

“We met on the set of my latest movie. I imagine you will be first in line when it comes out. Will is the leading man and I got to play the damsel in distress,” I inform him.

That starts a laughing fit from the demon. If it wasn’t the truth, I might be joining him because of how absurd it sounds. “You know I am not going to believe that for a second, right? I don’t think there is a big enough bribe out there for you to be put in that position.”

“When you want your copy of the DVD autographed, remember that thought. They only had me for a day and I rewrote most of the script to suit me. If we are going to discuss what we were doing since we last saw each other, why don’t you tell us all the demon pastimes you were busy partaking in?”

“I spent a week going over my annual review with the Great One. To say it was interesting would be an understatement. I am still loved and my fatherhood desires were acknowledged. There were a lot of questions on that front,” he replies.

A job review with the Devil, I am glad to say I have never experienced one of those and there are no plans for one in the future. The fact that it took a week might be even worse. When I was with the Collective, I did get called in once a year to go over things with Frank. They only took about five minutes and tended to be just him telling me to keep up the good work.

“Why would it take you a whole week to go over things? Did you have to give descriptions of your bowel movements?” I could see that taking a whole week. It would be about all I would have to discuss with the person doing that job review.

“Being the important person that I am, in the scheme of things, gives us tons of stuff to talk about. My review didn’t last all that long, but we did have to discuss all of my underlings. That is what took up the majority of the time. Figuring out who needs to spend a little extra time in the torture chambers is really time consuming.”

I am sure that does take a lot of consideration. As far as demons go, I am trying to figure out if the torture chamber part is a reward or a punishment. From the little reading I have done of the matter, I am actually leaning towards them enjoying it.

The conversation pauses for a second, somewhat of a miracle with the two talkers in the backseat, so I take a second to try to knock around on the wall Sebby has created. I really don’t understand why he won’t let me in. It could only be helpful for us to be able to communicate. There has to be something interfering somehow. I know our bond is unbreakable, but I wonder if there is some kind of jammer being used.

“Ben, since you are the expert on this new bond me and Sebastian share, what could cause us not to be able to connect? I still feel him out there, but I cannot get a direct line.”

“I doubt there is anything that could accomplish that. Your boyfriend is most likely just playing it safe. Candy can pick up your private conversations just like me. If he allowed you to broadcast in, she may be able to make a beeline right for you. I have spent plenty of time with Candy and her going to this extreme isn’t exactly out of character, but to take the vampire leader isn’t really bright. I don’t imagine she was aware of you or she wouldn’t have wasted her time.”

I highly doubt that. She didn’t seem to care about anything other than trying to make a slave out of Sebastian. Thinking that Sebby would allow something like that is pretty moronic, but I guess she doesn’t mind if that word is used to describe her.

“Me being in the equation makes no difference, other than to maybe aggravate her more. I have it on good authority that it will make her want to try some really sadistic techniques out on one half of my man bits.” I have decided that the guys’ private regions belong to me, so speaking as if they were actually on my body isn’t weird at all.

“I guess the fact that the dreams must already be starting is a good thing. If you cannot speak directly to him, it is the only explanation for you knowing future events. When did they start? I have been doing a little more research on just what changes you can expect in the next few weeks,” Ben answers confusing me more than usual with his words.

Yes, I am having dreams of the future, but what in the world does that have to do with anything else? I thought they were coming from Sebastian’s side of things more than mine. He is the precog in our relationship.

“I don’t want to confirm or deny anything, but I do want to hear more about this reading you have been doing. Just what other changes do I have to look forward to?” I turn around to look at him while he responds. He is looking out the window, but turns to look at me. He gives me a wide grin that doesn’t assure me one bit.

“We should probably pretend I didn’t drive the conversation to this point. I cannot tell you what I read without revealing what you are and no one wants that. I just wanted to see if there was anything really interesting that may be passed on to our child.” I figured he wouldn't give me any information, so I turn back around and sulk a bit in my seat.

“Whoa. Wait just a second. You are pregnant? Weren’t you worried about the baby when you were shot with me? Bullets can’t be good for a baby’s health. How close did the bullet come to it?” Will asks what would be a logical question, if I was actually in a motherly way.

“I am not and I don’t plan on becoming pregnant in the next millennium. You will find, as you get to know our group of people better, that the men in my life, who are not guards, really want to have children. As far as Alex goes, he is stuck waiting for me to give in. Ben is just going to have to find another incubator.”

“That makes more sense. You didn't just turn a stray human into a vampire. You did it because it was the only way you could think of saving his life. Not something you would have done just a couple of months ago, now is that?”

Have I mentioned how much I like to avoid hanging out with Demon Boy? He is way too smart for his own good. I could probably give him any three obscure clues about anything and he would figure it out. Not only that, but he would also be able to tell me the history of whatever object I was thinking about.

“We really need to make up a list of topics I am willing to discuss with you. I think from the moment we met, none of the conversations we have had would make it on that list. Let's just stick to ways you can help me find my mate.”

“You can stop here, wolfy. It isn't too much of a walk and I think Buttercup needs some air. It will help calm her before we go in. If the mess of demons that are usually present pick up on all the emotions she has swirling around, we may be in trouble.”

“You are getting more tense than usual. Is everything okay?” Alex asks as he pulls over. “I know you are under a lot of stress to get Sebastian back, but I don't want you to burn yourself out. Once we get whatever information we can from this place, I want us to go home and get a little sleep.”

We can try that out, but I don't know that sleep is in my future. I hop out of the car and let Will out. I have only met Ben officially as far as demons go, so I can imagine this experience is going to be eye opening.

“Lead the way,” I command when our group is all back together.

Chapter 9

The ice cold hand of death


“Okay, as you follow, I am going to go over a few ground rules. First, don't stare at anyone or anything for too long. Chances are not all of you will be able to tell if something is actually a someone in here and you really don't want to offend anyone. Things tend to get nasty if you do. Second, it is best if you all stay pretty close to me. Everyone in here will know who I am and just being with me will hopefully halt any of their questioning.

“Last, but not least, if you see anyone looking at Buttercup even just a tad bit funny, get her out of there immediately. She should be all wolfy, and is as far as I can tell, but someone may be able to delve deeper and figure out what we are hiding. If that happens she has to be protected,” Ben instructs.

I sincerely hope he is going overboard with that last part. Even if someone is able to tell I am a freak, I don't know why they would all of a sudden attack me. I thought the generally agreed upon idea was that most people would want to figure out a way to control the uniqueness in me. I know that is why my dad claims to be making sure I keep hidden from my mom.

“Don't worry. No one is getting to Princess. We have been through the drills before,” Jonas says and I feel everyone close up rank around me.

Why do they have to take the demon seriously? Even Clyde moves up to brush my leg as he walks. I have found that it is easier to just ignore them than making a big fuss about their protectiveness. It is just a waste of breath on my part. I still hope they realize that all the extra protection is just silly. I took care of myself long before I met any of them.

Ben leads us into the cemetery and I instantly feel chills run through my body when we cross the threshold. Dang ghouls. I feel them come alive every time I enter. Stupid demons just have to have the entrance to their stupid bar in the middle of a stupid cemetery.

“Buttercup, were you expecting visitors? They usually don't come out for me.”

“Lucky you. I stay out of cemeteries because of them.” I try to keep my eyes focused forward. Maybe if I don't acknowledge them, they will leave me alone.

“What is that thing?” Will asks and I know better, but I still turn to look.

A female ghoul is standing just to the left of our group. Her eyeball lacking holes seem to be focused right in on me. It could just be that I am paranoid. She might be seeing something totally different than the group of us walking through her grave yard. With my luck, I doubt it.

“I count ten,” Marcus says and I am not happy to hear that high of a number. I think I have run into two at the most in a single visit. It has been a while since my last visit, so maybe ganging up on visitors is their new thing. In the past, they have tried to get all touchy with me and hate is too weak of a word for how it makes me feel.

“Does anyone in the group know what ghouls are?” Ben asks. I am sure he knows, so this is probably just a chance for him to impart his wisdom to the uneducated around us. Since I have had the displeasure of running into the weird beings, I have done research already and I do know what they are.

“They look kind of like what I envision a zombie to look like,” Jake replies. “They don't eat brains or anything, do they?”

“No. They do not eat brains, Jake, and if they did, I don't think you would have too much to worry about,” I reply. “I have done a bit of reading on them and have found the books lie about some key parts. They are remnants of formerly living persons who had a problem with crossing over when they died. Not to be confused with ghosts, who do cross over, but come back with important missions.”

Ben stops walking for a second and turns around. Dude, don't stop with this many ghouls around us. That is just asking for trouble. I am forced to stop and my mood darkens as I glare at him.

“Just what have you found to be a lie in what you have read?” My glare isn’t affecting him and he is looking at me like he is trying to figure out what makes the world spin. I am pretty sure those secrets cannot be found on my face.

I glance around and see a male ghoul try to come closer. I get another chill just from the thought of his touch. It feels like a cold, wet dish towel up against my skin and I would really like to avoid it. It takes days for me to usually get rid of the feeling. A cold hand print always seems to linger.

“The no touching part. Now, please get a move on it.” I push past him heading in the direction we were walking, but I am met face-to-face with a ghoul. Shit.

I stand looking into the hollowed out holes that used to house perfectly good eyeballs. The rest of the body looks basically humanoid. It is glowing just a bit, which is a little odd. Before they have always been a nice shade of alabaster, but they never had the weird light around them.

The woman reaches out and touches my shoulder. At least it isn't skin-on-skin contact. I still feel the chill from the touch, but it isn't quite as bad as it has been before. I sense all of my guards tense at the contact, but no one makes a move to interfere. I don't blame them. The ghoul won't hurt me, I don’t think, and it is really creepy looking.

I close my eyes, not wanting to continue staring into the sightless eyes. Once they are closed, I start seeing flashes of scenes that I haven't witnessed before. This is new and I don’t think I like it.

I see a woman in what I can only describe as a Victorian looking dress. I don't know anything about olden day fashion, but Victorian is what I would classify it as. She is round with child and working to prepare a meal in the kitchen. For as fancy as she is dressed, I would have thought she had some servants to take care of that task. I think that is how things worked back then.

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