Night of Seduction

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Authors: Iris Bolling

Tags: #music, #family relationships, #brothers and sisters, #iris bolling

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Night of Seduction/Heaven’s Gate

By Iris Bolling

Smashwords Edition




Books by Iris Bolling

The Heart Series

Once You’ve Touched The Heart

The Heart of Him

Look Into My Heart

A Heart Divided

A Lost Heart

The Heart

The Pendleton Rule

Teach Me

The Book of Joshua I – Trust

The Book of Joshua II – Believe


Table of Contents


Book One Night of Seduction

Chapter 1 Siri and TeKaya

Chapter 2 Eric and Jason

Chapter 3 Siri and TeKaya

Chapter 4 Jason and TeKaya

Chapter 5 Siri

Chapter 6 Eric and Siri

Chapter 7 Jason

Chapter 8 Kerri and Miriam

Chapter 9 Latoya

Chapter 10 Siri

Chapter 11 The Paparazzi

Book Two Heaven’s Gate

Chapter 12 Siri

Chapter 13 Eric and Latoya

Chapter 14 Siri

Chapter 15 Eric

Chapter 16 Ty

Chapter 17 Jason and TeKaya

Chapter 18 Ty and Kiki

Chapter 19 Eric and Latoya

Chapter 20 Siri



Book One

Night of


Chapter 1

Siri and

ife as Siri knew it
changed in a matter of moments. A two minute conversation began a
string of lies that turned her world upside down. Today she was
going to reclaim her life. The past was no longer going to control
her. Glancing into the mirror, the questions and doubts still
swirled through her mind.


t you

Siri turned to
the one person that knew the turmoil of the last year. Gracefully
placing her hands on her hips, she asked,



t what me. You know
exactly what I

m talking

Her baby sister TeKaya Kendrick scowled at

I can see your pathetic little mind over there
working. You are not backing out of tonight. I have VIP tickets, a
limo filled with champagne and a date with, Silk Davies, crooner
extraordinaire. The man that can make your panties wet with one
song. There is no way I

m going to miss this
concert. Let


Before she could mumble a word, Siri was
snatched by the arm, dragged down the stairs, out the front door,
and thrown into the waiting limo.

An hour later,
as a crew cleared the opening act

s equipment from the
stage TeKaya suggested they go to the bar. A drink was the last
thing Siri needed or wanted. On the other hand, hanging out with
her baby sister, TeKaya, whom everyone called TK, a drink might be
exactly what she needed. Why she ever agreed to this outing, she
would never know. Friday

s At Sunset was one
of the best outdoor concert series Richmond, Virginia had to offer.
The artists that appeared ranged from old school funk to jazz and
all points in between. It was August and this was the last concert
for the season. The evening was a delightful seventy degrees with a
nice cool breeze trickling through the crowd of close to thirty
five hundred concert-goers.

As the official
photographer, TK had VIP tickets to the event and immediately
deemed it as her opportunity to entice


himself, Silk Davies. Siri smiled at the

she would probably get a handshake and picture,
then be sent on her way.

“What are you
smiling about?

TK asked turning to her

For a brief
second, Siri thought she should be honest and tell her that
fairytales and dreams only end up as nightmares over

but, that would be cruel. Although life had thrown her
a few curves, she certainly did not want to rain on

s fairytale. So instead, Siri replied,

Just enjoying some of the sights out here

“I know what
you mean. Did you see the sister with the blue-blonde hair? What
could she have been thinking when she stepped out of the

Leave it to TK
to be blunt.

You should stop.
Someone could be saying the same thing about

Siri knew before the thought was finished it was not
true. TK was a fashion photographer that looked like she should be
on the other side of the camera. Everything that touched her body
was the latest fashion from a variety of up and coming designers.
Tonight she was wearing an original design by her friend, Chanin
Rachel, out of Atlanta. The outfit was simple, but on TK, with that
perfect size six body, any man would stop and stare.

TK turned and

That may be, but I looked in the mirror before
leaving the house. She struck another pose,

And I look

She retrieved her drink from the
bartender and began walking back to their seats.

Speaking of outfits, you are definitely wearing that
two-piece skirt set, showing off your navel. I

t understand why you always wear old maid clothes. If
I had your flat stomach and big booty, you

t be able to handle my strut.

Siri smiled
brightly at her little sister,


m not sure
I can handle your strut now. But thank you for the compliment and
the outfit.

Happy to see
her sister smile, TK took her seat.

Are you having

She did not know the reason for her

s failed marriage, but she did know it left a
dispassionate view of life. When they were growing up Siri had a
zest for life unmatched by anyone else she knew. Living each day to
its fullest had been her motto and she had followed it vigorously.
Then she married Carl Austin. Not only did he snuff the life out of
her, it seemed he also took a part of her soul. Tonight it took TK
three hours to coerce Siri into coming with her. After a year of
seeing a shell of her sister, she wanted to see a genuine smile on
her face.


s it. Something had
to give. Siri did not like the look from her sister. It was one
thing to hear strangers question her sadness, but quite another to
hear your little sister pitying you. She was going to enjoy herself
tonight, even if it killed her. Taking the glass of wine out of

s hand, she took a sip and sat back in the lounge
chair. She returned the glass, removed the pins that held her hair
up, allowing the breeze to blow through it as it fell down her
back. She leaned over and returned the glass to TK,


m having a wonderful time. Thank you for inviting

The look of
relief on TK

s face was priceless.
The sun was about to set and the main act was about to take the

“I hope your
camera is ready. I want a lot of pictures of this

Picking up her
camera TK adjusted the lens.

You realize sometime
during the performance I will have to leave you. But it

t be for too long.

“Do you girl, I
can take care of myself.

With that said, TK stood and began doing
just what she loved, capturing moments of a lifetime.

“Ladies and

the announcer began as the lights on
the stage dimmed.

The moment has
arrived. If you came with a special someone, now is the time to
pull them close. If you came alone, grab your neighbor. If you are
still alone, I have the number to an escort service. No one is
going to want to leave alone, tonight. The man referred to

the baby maker, the guaranteed panty dropper and Mr.
Get Her Wet,

The man with the voice so smooth,
they had to change his name. Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands
together for the incomparable, Silk


The crowd stood
on their feet and enthusiastically greeted the Grammy award-winning
artist to the stage. As if on cue, the band merged with the rhythm
of the applause from the audience. Just as the sun set, magically,
Silk Davies appeared center stage dressed in white pants and a long
sleeve linen shirt that stopped at his thighs. The band stopped.
The applause settled and the man

s voice was all that
could be heard. There were no instruments playing, not a sound from
the crowd, just a man with his eyes closed and a microphone at the
moment soothing all the ills of the world. If anyone ever wondered
if Silk Davies could sing, the answer was loud and clear. The sound
of his voice was mesmerizing.

At the
conclusion of the first song, he opened his eyes and smiled at the
crowd. Then in the smoothest voice, Siri had ever heard he

Good evening. I am Silk Davies. Welcome to a
night of seduction.

Now she understood exactly what the
announcer meant about panties getting wet. Instinctively she
crossed her legs and gripped the arms of the lounge chair as her
eyes followed the man across the stage to the white baby grand
piano. Meticulously he began exactly what he indicated, seducing
every female in attendance.

Siri sat and
listened. It was uncanny how the selection of songs seemed to
follow a journey through a relationship. From the uncertainty and
excitement in the first stages, to the hurt and sorrow at the end.
Tears slowly slid down her cheeks as he sang through the hurt of a
dream being shattered. After the first set of songs, the band
continued to play as Silk left the stage. Upon his return, he sat
center stage on a stool, dressed in a pair of jeans and a white tee
shirt that hugged his body displaying his muscle bound arms. He

t a big man, Siri thought, but lord, what he had was
well defined. He picked up his guitar and smiled.


m an incurable romantic who could never leave you
hopeless. After every cold, harsh, winter, there comes a fresh,
new, spring. Let

s continue the

indescribable urge, to hear what this man was about to say,
consumed her. Siri sat forward anticipating the next note. It
seemed, for a moment, he searched for something or someone in the
crowd. His eyes scanned over her, but then quickly returned. The
intensity of his stare caused her to turn around in her seat to see
who he was looking for. Turning back, she found his eyes directly
on her. Certain it was her imagination, she settled back and
listened. This time when he began to sing, it felt as if no one
else was there but him and her. Every note, to each song, touched
her heart. The tears dissipated and the doubts she felt about her
life began to dissolve. By the time he reached the last note,

s outlook on life had changed. The man on the stage
had given her hope again. It was foolish of her to think he was
singing only to her, but what the hell, that

s the way
she felt. One day she had to find a way to thank him.

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