Night Visions (Night Series) (10 page)

BOOK: Night Visions (Night Series)
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Twenty minutes and three
cornfields later, a monstrosity loomed in front of them. Sam and Ian pulled into the equivalent of the Bates Motel. She was expecting a crack of thunder and slasher music to accompany their arrival.

"We're staying here?" she asked. Unable to take her eyes off the
creepy building they would spend the night in.

Ian paused with one foot out the door.
“Why? What's wrong?” The concern in his voice matched the tension in his body.

"Oh nothing...aside from the fact that this place belongs in a horror movie,” she snorted.

The tension left his shoulders as he gave her a wink. “It's late and this was the closest place.”

“Well if Norman Bates hands us a room key, I'm outta here,” she exclaimed, as she tugged on the door handle.

Stepping out of the car, her eyes roamed the motel, even though crypt was a more fitting term. There were a total of ten rooms separated by a corridor with a vending and ice machine. The vacant parking lot said they were the only guests.

"Great," she said under her breath. "There's gotta be a reason why we are the only people here. Do you think the others are buried out back?” she whispered, shoving her hands in the pockets of her hoodie.

Ian chuckled as he opened the door to the office and disappeared inside. The faint tinkle of a bell announced his arrival.

Spots of green paint flaked off the face of the building with what appeared to be moss climbing around the edges. Add in the drawn curtains on all of the windows, the foggy g
lass and you had the creepiest motel in history.

As if the eerie appearance didn't give her enough reason to worry, a crow cawed overhead. Oh
, that was a good omen. Now all this place needed was a couple of zombies and a vampire.

She took a step toward the vending machines to see if they were actually functioning, when a noise drew her attention to the woods across the road. Peering through the trees, she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. A howl sounded, causing
goose bumps to rise on her flesh.

Could this trip get any worse?

Feeling exposed and alone, she spun on her heel and raced to the office door yanking it open, then letting it slam behind her. The sound bounced off the walls. She turned around breathless to find two sets of eyes on her.

orry,” she breathed.

The elderly man behind the counter shrugged and went back to checking them in. She released a sigh of relief when she noticed the man did not resemble a serial killer. In fact, his frail arms didn't look as if they could wield a kitchen knife with enough force to cause harm.

The rich scent of coffee teased her nose. She found the pot in the corner furthest from the door. A few quick steps brought her to it. Grabbing a Styrofoam cup from a nearby stack, she poured the coffee inside, hoping the warmth would thaw the ice in her veins.

She couldn't get the cup to her lips fast enough. Sipping the steaming brew she glanced around the office. It definitely needed some modernizing, but was neat in appearance. A stark contrast to what she was expecting. The walls appeared freshly painted. Hopefully the rooms were as clean.

Behind the counter, a television switched from a commercial to the news. A reporter appeared on screen talking about a hunter who had just been attacked by a wild animal. Authorities believed it was an isolated incident, but could not confirm, until they completed their investigation.

Sam shivered, the howl she heard earlier taking up residence in her mind.


* * *


Key in hand, Ian grabbed their bags out of the Rover, opened the door to their room and extended his arm for Sam to enter. Ginger bumped her legs as she plowed her way through. Sam hesitated on the threshold as the smell of 1970 smacked her in the face. Were there really rooms like this still? Obviously there were at Motel 666.

Lime green shag carpeting lined the floor, with matching drapes at the window. Just to the side, two orange fabric chairs were pushed under a worn laminate table. A dismal brown bedspread complimented the nostalgic décor. The only bright beacon in this blast from the past was a 19-inch plasma TV mounted over the dresser.

Ian scooted around her, dropping their bags on the floor. He made the same gesture with his body as he plopped on the bed, resting his foot on one of the chairs.

While he busied himself unlacing his boot, she forced her feet to move. One quick push and the door closed behind her with a soft click, followed by the snap of the security chain. Better to be safe than sorry. No need to make it easier for the spooks to get in.

When she turned back toward Ian, her jaw dropped. He tugged his shirt over his head, revealing a sight that made her heart race. What she imagined he would look like underneath, didn't compare to reality. He wasn't kidding when he said he worked out. She bet she could bounce a rock off his tanned abs. She was tempted to give it a try.

"What are you doing?" She choked, unable to look away from his chest.

"Going for a swim. Care to join me?" He dug through his duffel and pulled out a pair of swim trunks. He held them in his hand waiting for her response.

"A swim?" She could think of a hundred other things to do with Ian besides swim. Like diving under that hideous bedspread with him naked. "Don't you think it's kinda cold?"

"Not any colder than the lake. How many times did we sneak out to swim under the moon?"

That was different. She felt more at ease with him then. There were no boundaries standing in their way. She didn't trust herself to not do something foolish. Like finish what they started before he left.

"Too many to count. Besides I didn't bring a swimsuit."

Ian lifted his brows. "You don't need a swimsuit."

Her stomach did a flip. The thought of being naked with him sent her pulse racing. "I'm not jumping in naked."

"Who said anything about naked? Go in your bra and panties."

"Uh uh." Crossing her arms over her chest defensively, Sam shook her head.

"Why not? It's no different than wearing a bikini." He started walking toward the bathroom, then stopped and spun on his heel. "Unless you don't wear any?"

"Wha…of course I do," Sam sputtered. "It just wouldn't be appropriate to traipse around here in my underwear. What if someone sees?" Like the old man behind the counter. She could see it now. Her body plastered all over the internet. The tabloids would have a field day. Her agent would probably request copies and wonder why he hadn't thought of the idea first.

Ian held his arms out, giving her a better view of his chiseled abs. "In case you haven't noticed, we're the only ones here."

"What if someone checks in late?"

"I'll cover you with a towel," he sighed, unable to hide his frustration with her. "Come on. After that long drive, it will make you feel better."

Sam finally caved. It was just like wearing a bikini. Not to mention that the idea of swimming did sound heavenly. She could handle this. A relaxing swim and nothing else. "Okay. I'll meet you out there."



Sam clutched the towel to her body. The scrap of material barely covered her black lace bra and panties. Ian casually waited in the pool, his arms making swirling motions in the water.

"Hop in. It's actually warmer in here than it is out there."

While it sounded like a good idea at the time, standing there in her underwear made her doubt the sanity of her decision. Not to mention the half-pound of Twizzlers she devoured. She prayed her stomach didn't look like an inflated balloon. And why did she have to get the king size candy bar?

She was about to leave when Ian crooked his finger at her, the challenge in his eye
s pinned her in place. Oh no. Her resolve began to slowly crumble. That was not a good idea. Two adults alone, in a pool, half naked at night could only end one way.

A sigh of wind blew through, lifting her towel. The chill air added to the
goose bumps already skittering across her skin. Ian was right. It probably was warmer in the pool. She swung her gaze around. The parking lot remained empty and the only lights visible through the windows came from their room and the office.

Convinced they were alone, she dropped her towel. The change in Ian's expression didn't go unnoticed. While he tried to remain indifferent, she caught the twitch of his lips. The darkening of his eyes. In one fluid motion she cut through the chilly water. Bursting to the surface, her breaths came in staggered gasps.

"Liar!" She exclaimed as her teeth clacked together. "It's like an ice bath!"

"Let me make it up to you," Ian said, a devilish grin teasing his lips. "Come here and I'll warm you up."

Sam crossed her arms over her chest, more to guard her heart than from the cold. "Are you ever serious?"

Ian stalked toward her, the water rippled around his muscular body. "I'm serious now."

Confusion cemented her in place, as he closed the distance. She could not tear her eyes from him.

"No… Wait." She pressed her palm against his chest, surprised at the warmth that pulsed under her skin.

"I'm done waiting, Sam. A part of me died with every second I've been without you." He tucked a damp curl behind her ear. His hand slipped down cupping the back of her head, while his other slid around her back, pulling her close. "I'm ready to live again. With you."

He brushed the tip of his nose against hers. But his touch didn't affect her. His words did. The way they stole her breath. Made her vision blur with unshed tears. "I don't know if I can do this again
, Ian."

She avoided his eyes, focusing instead on his chest. Looking at him would undo her. Which is the last thing she needed. To succumb to the desire she felt for him would be easy. Picking up the pieces of her heart when he left again wouldn't.

"I wish I could erase the years of hurt. Absorb it into my soul for you, but I can't." He tipped her chin up, pain evident in his eyes. "I promise I will never leave you again. I will stay with you until I breathe my last breath."

Water slapped against the sides of the pool, as the silence hung heavy between them. Her eyes hadn't left his
, nor did she miss the glimpse of the kind, compassionate boy she once knew. She struggled to keep her emotions under control, to think rationally. One night. One night to get him out of her heart and mind. To let her body feel what it had been starved for so long.

His breath teased her lips. Sam slipped her tongue out to moisten them and that's when he made the connection. Ian's mouth captured hers, his tongue slipped inside. His kiss like a spark, igniting the flames that burned through her.

She needed him. As much as she hated admitting that, she couldn't deny it any longer. Especially now when every part of her body burned with want. If he didn't quench the need, she would die a slow, miserable death. Giving in to the moan rising from her throat, she wrapped her arms around his neck, tugging him closer. Deepening the kiss. Each swirl of his tongue left her wanting more.

Strong hands cupped her buttocks, lifting her until her legs wrapped around his waist. His desire pulsed at her core.

Ian's lips left hers. His tongue licked a path to her shoulder, hovering just above the swell of her breasts. She arched her back, urging him to continue, to satisfy the need to be with him. To feel him next to her. Over her. Inside her.

Hot lava rushed through her when his tongue slipped past the top of her bra, snaking its way further until
it circled her nipple. Her legs tightened, wishing away the fabric between them, wanting him inside her.

He pressed her against the side of the pool. Not even the cool water could soothe her burning skin. One rock of her hips had him moaning. Another rock had him tugging at her panties. Just as the cotton barrier slipped past the curve of her hips, an agonizing howl rent the air, tearing Ian and Sam apart.


* * *


Ian's eyes locked with Sam's, her cheeks still flushed with desire. "What was that?" she asked
, breathless.

Ian tried to relax his expression, not wanting to alarm her.
His muscles tensed under her fingers. Before he could answer, a crack split the air, followed by a thunderous boom.


The timing couldn't have been worse. He placed a soft kiss on her lips. In one swift motion, he lifted her out of the water, setting her on the pool's edge. He hopped out, swept up her towel and draped it over her shoulders.

Grabbing his hand, she pulled him towards her, confusion and worry filling her eyes. "What's wrong?"

His eyes skimmed her body, his fingers aching to trace every curve. Would be doing just that if it weren't for… He needed to get her to their room. Now.

Without thinking Ian
captured Sam's face in his hands, his lips hovering just above hers. She parted them, welcoming his kiss. He couldn't refuse. Each sweep of his tongue tasted strawberries and chocolate. Her mouth molded to his, taking him deeper. Until unease slipped under his skin, causing him to pull back.

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