Nightlord Lover (8 page)

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Authors: Kathy Kulig

BOOK: Nightlord Lover
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“Yellow fever! When was that?” she asked.

“New Orleans, in 1815,” Ramon answered.

“Oh.” Larissa sat down in a wing-backed chair next to the
potbelly stove, absorbing the heat. “That’s awful. It’s hard to comprehend that
time span.”

“For a mortal, yes.”

Garrick returned with his arms full of firewood and placed
it in a metal stand by the stove. He stoked the fire, adding a couple more logs.
“Warming up?” he asked Larissa.

“Yes, thank you.”

The fireplace roared to life and he came over and pulled her
up off the chair and into his arms. He kissed her hard, deeply, passionately.
“I must talk to you about spells and marking. So you’ll understand what’s

His arms held her close and she wouldn’t give up the chance
to learn something about this mysterious man and find out something of his
past. She might trust them more, but she doubted she’d change her mind. This
wasn’t for her. “I’m sorry to hear about your parents. Ramon told me. I’m sure
you have some good memories. Did you have any special Christmas traditions back

He shot a look at Ramon and the other vamp shrugged his
shoulders. Garrick then smiled and Larissa’s heart soared. She couldn’t be
having feelings for him. How could she grow accustomed to what he was?

“I do have some good memories of Christmas,” Garrick said. “My
mother had a beautiful voice. During the holiday, I remember we’d sing carols
in English and French and have a large meal and rum punch. I remember fresh
holly and ivy strung around the house and sprigs of mistletoe hung on the doors
and windows.”

“It sounds very festive. No Christmas trees?” she asked.

He shook his head.

“You should try to remember those holidays more than the
last one.” He released her to attend to the fire. She glanced at Ramon who was
pouring her a glass of red wine from a crystal decanter. He handed her the

She took a sip of the wine, the oaky dry taste lingering on
her tongue. Then Ramon kissed her, holding her face gently between his hands.
The most wonderful sensual pleasure surged through her, then doubt and guilt
slammed her back to reality. What would Garrick think? What would he think
considering they had a threesome the night before? This was new and confusing
to her. Everything was new and confusing.

“Mmm. Love the taste of wine on your lips,” Ramon said.
“Trust us. You have nothing to fear. We have the power to take you but we

She broke away from the kiss and Ramon moaned his
displeasure, but in a teasing way.

“Don’t stop,” Garrick said. “I was getting turned-on
watching you.”

Larissa laughed nervously and glanced at him. “Oh?” She
sighed, getting all worked up again. She stood and stared at the wall to catch
her breath. After all, she did want them again, but wasn’t ready to lie down
and spread her legs just yet. Was it her desire or their control over her?
Maybe not knowing if she was under their control was what unsettled her.

Slowly, she strolled along the wall, admiring the paintings,
all by the same artist. “This one is identical to the painting in my apartment.
The man standing in front of this house looks like Garrick. No, wait, it’s a
mirror image of my painting. Strange.”

“You’re right, it is the same,” Ramon stated.

“There’s something special about these paintings, isn’t

Garrick’s brows rose. He didn’t answer.

She glanced at Garrick and the dark, sensual look he gave
her sent a jolt of need to her core. What was it about the man? Since he first came
into her store while she was wearing the French gown, she had the urge to
undress for him. All she would need is one command from him. The spicy scent of
his body or whatever cologne he wore made her lightheaded.

Attempting to regain some control, she would show a little
restraint and leaned forward to study the painting. “This one has a signature.
It’s dated 1891. Ramon Travere.” She swung around and glared at Ramon. “That’s

He nodded, smiling. “Busted.”

“I hadn’t expected that. You both have lived during a
century or two of history beyond my own experience. It’s unsettling and
difficult to grasp.” How could she possibly have a friendship, never mind a
relationship, with either of them or both of them? The idea of immortality
struck her with such fear as if she were falling into a bottomless pit.

Garrick strode up to her and took her face between both
hands. “Do not worry over these trivial things. We’ve learned to put the past
behind us and live in the present.” Apparently he hadn’t. He kissed her then
moved his mouth to her ear and whispered, “I want to make love with you. We
both do. Why are you resisting us? Everything was fine last night.”

“Because I’m not a mouse like Anja said,” she murmured. “I’m
a strong-willed person. Not an easy target.”

Garrick laughed low in his throat and it raised goose bumps
on her skin. “Sounds like a dare. Want a test?”

Stepping back, she sat down and tried to ignore the
throbbing in her pussy. Yes, she did want to experience his power. Was it wise
to admit it? Picking up her wineglass, she took a sip, leaned back to look into
his eyes. “Will you mark me like Anja said? Will you make me immortal? I don’t
think I’m ready for that.”

He shook his head. “I’d never mark you unless you asked for

“How does it happen?”

“To become immortal, you have to be marked three times
within a short amount of time. Each time, a transfer of vampire elixir is
infused directly through the fangs during a collection. On the third marking,
the mortal is drained completely of their blood and must drink of a vampire’s

“What happens if you mark me once?”

He glanced at Ramon. “You become bound to the one who marks
you. You will be influenced by their commands although you have free will. They
can hear your thoughts, and you can hear theirs. You become more sensitive to
light, gain strength, need less sleep. It’s a deep connection on a physical and
mental level. There are advantages and disadvantages. Once you’re marked, you’re
also bound to the Guild and can’t leave this area.”

She considered all that. “I understand, it’s a commitment. I’ll
have to think about it.” Although she only had a few sips of wine her head
spun. Garrick and Ramon crouched down in front of her, eager to explain their
world, obviously hoping she’d understand and be receptive to their words. She
was and couldn’t understand why. A deep pull started in her chest and swirled
down to her womb and groin. Never had she wanted two men, or any man as much as
she wanted Garrick or Ramon.

“So you think you can resist my control?” Garrick asked.

How could she? She could barely control herself now. They
were more powerful than she could imagine. Both of them. How could she fight
them and did she want to? “You’re too strong. I can feel myself losing control.”
Her body trembled.

He lowered his head, smiling. Heat swirled around her. Every
nerve ending sparked to life. Her nipples hardened, her clit plumped and her
body ached to be filled by both of them. She wanted them, wanted her clothes
off, theirs off. She groaned her frustration and inability to resist them.

“What’s wrong, Larissa?” Garrick asked as he moved closer
and placed a hand on her knee. It was over. No way could she resist. They could
have her. She’d beg if she had to.

“How long have you exerted your power over me tonight?” she

“What power?” Ramon asked innocently.

“Your power of seduction and control.”

Garrick smiled and his eyes darkened. “Honey, the only
influence we’ve used on you tonight is in the wine you just drank. Ramon cast a
spell in the wine for protection, not seduction. If you feel desire for us, it’s
all you.”

“Let’s hope it works,” Ramon said. “We won’t be around New
Hope much in the next week or so.”

“What’s going on during that time?” she asked. Talk about
something else before she attacked these guys. All she wanted to do was rip off
her clothes and fuck them. What was wrong with her?

“Meetings in Corydale. Bastian and the Guild are meeting
with town council members and local miners, trying to work out an agreement.”

“What kind of agreement?” The sound of that made her

“We’re establishing a new settlement in Corydale and some
are resisting. We need the miners to build underground tunnels.”

“The mortals don’t want it?” she asked.

“Some vampires don’t either because Bastian will assign
those who don’t have enough establishments here in New Hope to move there. Many
don’t want to move.”

“Like Lazaro and Kashia?”

“You got it,” Ramon said.

She heard the glass crash on the floor and then realized she’d
dropped her glass. The men looked at her with worried expressions. Every last
ounce of control had vanished. She surrendered to pleasure. Something inside
broke free. Without hesitation, she moved and lunged into Garrick’s arms. They
tumbled on the floor, arms and legs wrapped around each other. His mouth found hers
and kissed her so deeply she thought he’d steal her last breath. “Yes, Garrick,”
she breathed.

Extra hands lifted her sweater and she rolled over to meet
Ramon who swiftly removed her top and bra. He kissed her passionately too while
Garrick flipped off her shoes and tugged off her jeans. The panties slid down
with them. When she rolled back into his eager arms, he was naked. His muscles
hard and cut lines shadowed in the dim candlelight. Then behind her, Ramon
rubbed his body against her back and she felt the smooth, rigid nakedness of
him. Heaven, she was in heaven and overwhelmed by the attentions of these two

“Only a protection spell? Not a seduction spell?” she asked,
her body on fire. She touched, kissed and explored their bodies.

“No,” Ramon said. “Only a protection spell. It won’t stop
everything but will help in a number of ways.”

Air rushed out of her lungs as she was thrust onto the bed.
One second she was on the floor, the next she was on the bed. How do they do
that? Both men lay on either side of her, pinning her arms and legs apart. “Guess
we can test our powers of control another time?” Ramon said, his fingers
dancing lightly around each breast.

“Yes.” She writhed on the bed, leaning into their touches
and stroking. It was hard not to cry out and beg for more.

Garrick’s hand slid down her belly close to her pussy then
moved to her inner thigh. “How did you get me on the bed so fast?”

“A little manipulation of physics,” Garrick said as his
fingers spread her nether lips. Larissa arched her back.

“Please,” she purred.

“Want us to stop?” Ramon asked.

“Christ, no.” She wanted to beg, wanted to be marked to
experience all she could with them, but what would she have to give up? “I want
you both. I want to be your crimson swan again.”

“We don’t need to feed again this soon,” Garrick said. “But
you can have us both. We can both fill you together.”

“At the same time?” she asked.

He nodded.

“I’m not sure if I can do both, but I’m not opposed to
trying.” Her words trailed off as Ramon bent over and began to suck her nipple,
using his tongue and teeth to make her shiver. Garrick knelt at her side, the
muscles of his chest and arms deeply outlined in the dim lighting. Lowering
slowly, he teased her clit with his mouth and tongue. With both men working on
her simultaneously, she wouldn’t last long. “I’m going over the edge if you two
keep this up.”

“I won’t let you come until I want you to.” Garrick hooked a
finger inside her wet channel, thrusting in and out, and drummed her G-spot. A
new jolt of exquisite sensations took hold. This time the orgasm threatening to
explode within her was deeper, stronger. Never had she felt such out-of-control
pleasure. “Garrick,” she pleaded, but wasn’t sure for what.

“So wet,” he murmured and didn’t let up. “You want me to
release you so you can come?”

“Do you have that much control?” Ramon’s cock slipped from
her mouth and he moved to her side, again massaging her breasts and pinching
both nipples almost painfully. “Yes,” she breathed.

She was right there on the edge. Was he using his powers to
stave off the push she needed to reach pure bliss? “Please,” she moaned. The
heel of his hand stroked her clit with each thrust. Climaxing while he
stimulated her like this would be rapture.

“Yes, I have that much control. I can hold you on the edge

Again her body jolted at if an orgasm was about to uncoil,
then the sensation abruptly stopped. Rolling her hips higher to meet his touch,
she moaned. “More.”

“Not yet.”

“Oh God. Torturing me.” So close but he blocked her from
achieving pure bliss.

“Now,” Garrick ordered and increased the pressure of his
thrusts and the climax ripped through her. Hands continued to stimulate her as
she thrashed on the bed. The trembling subsided but left her with a frenetic
urge to have more.

Gazing up at her two lovers, she noticed how hard their
cocks were and wanted to pleasure them too. As if Ramon heard her thoughts, he
swung his leg over her chest and straddled her, offering his cock to her.

Gladly, she took him into her mouth and Ramon groaned. The
pressure on the end of the bed shifted. Garrick removed his finger from her
cunt, eased between her legs and pressed his engorged cock at her entrance. “Damn,
she’s so wet.”

He gripped her hips and thrust his full length into her.
Larissa arched her hips as best she could, considering Ramon was over her
chest. Closing her eyes, she enjoyed the thrust of Garrick’s cock in her pussy
and the slow glide of Ramon’s in her mouth.

Then she was lifted onto her hands and knees. Garrick moved
underneath her and Ramon knelt behind her. “I’m dying to try that hot arse of
hers,” Ramon said.

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