Nightshifters (5 page)

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Authors: Tamelia Tumlin

BOOK: Nightshifters
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“I can’t.” Jared’s heart lurched into his throat. He wanted
to go with her, but he just couldn’t face the stares anymore. He hadn’t been
off the mountain in nearly eight years.

Now, for the first time in a long time, he wished his life
could be different. He wished he could have a life with the beautiful woman in
his charge.

“I understand.” Anna gave him a tight smile. Though she
tried to be brave, her bottom lip quivered. Once more, Jared nearly gave in to
her plea.

A horn blared outside.

“That’s my ride. Wish me luck.” Anna stood and felt her way
to the door. Jared opened it and tried to ignore the knot in his gut. He hated
to see her leave. He knew she would never return.

Go with her! Don’t let her walk out of your life!

Jared stood against the door frame, fists clenched so tight
his nails dug into his palms.

His heart and logic played tug-of-war inside his head. Logic
won. There was no way could he leave the mountain. He had no choice but to let
her go.

Anna placed her hands on his shoulders and stood on her
tiptoes. She placed a quick kiss on his cheek. “Thank you, Jared. I won’t ever
forget you.”

Three impatient beeps blared again.

“I’ve got to go.” She stepped onto the porch and carefully
made her way to the waiting cab. She clutched the small bag of belongings in
one hand and felt along with the other until she reached the car. Jared watched
as Anna disappeared into the taxi and out of his life.

He ran a thumb along the scar where her lips had touched. He
could still feel the warmth and smell her freshly shampooed hair. The sweet
scent of plumeria lingered in the air.

Sadness slid over him. He would miss Anna. And what could
have been.

If only…


Two months later, Jared crept along the mountainside. His
heightened senses warned him that something wasn’t right. An unusual scent
wafted across the night breeze.

With the stealth of the jaguar, he moved, almost silently,
through the bushes until he reached his house. Crouched low, Jared watched the
shadow on the porch through yellow slits.

He growled softly.

Someone invaded his territory.

Predatory instincts kicked in. He lowered his body, keeping
his stomach close to the grass and crept closer to the porch, muscles flexed
with each fluid movement. When Jared reached the steps, he hid within the
shadows of the night.


Something moved across the porch. The wood creaked.

Crouched and ready to pounce, Jared dug his claws into the
moist earth. He sniffed.


Jared stilled.


Lifting his head, he caught sight of a slim woman dressed in
jeans and a T-shirt standing at his front door.

She lifted her hand and rapped on the wooden door. With a
hiss, Jared fled across the yard into the woods.

It is Anna!

His heart pounded in his chest as he forced his body to
morph back into his human counterpart. He didn’t know which was worse. To see
him as the shifter or the disfigured monster.

He chose the monster.

Why is she here?

He knew the operation had been successful. His colleague and
longtime friend, William, had informed him of her progress. But she had never
contacted him.

Until now…

Jared waited until his body settled into the man within
before he headed back to the house. Quietly, he stopped by his truck and
slipped into the extra pair of jeans and shirt he always kept with him. Just in
case he ever morphed away from home.

He reached the porch. “Anna?”

She turned. In the moonlight, Jared could see her smile. His
heart stopped. She was as beautiful as he remembered.

“I hope you don’t mind. I wanted to see you again.”

Jared brushed past her and opened the door. “Come in.”

He hesitated before he turned on the light. Could he let her
see him? Would she run away in horror?
I can’t hide forever.
He gritted
his teeth.
Now or never.
Jared turned on the light and stepped aside so
she could enter. “How are you?”

Anna stepped into the living room and turned to him. She
didn’t run. She didn’t scream. Her face remained impassive. “I’m fine now. I
had the operation. It took a while for my eyes to heal properly.”

Jared swallowed the lump forming in his throat. He crossed
the room and sat down on the couch. He felt exposed, his scars and lumps
plainly visible.

Anna sat down beside him. She took his hand. “I wanted to
thank you for saving my life.”

Jared shifted uncomfortably, keeping his head down. “You
didn’t have to come all the way back here to do that.”

“I didn’t.”

Jared jerked his head up. “What do you mean?”

Anna took a deep breath. Her hand trembled in his. “I came
to tell you that — that…”

“What is it, Anna?” Concern filled his voice. Was something
else wrong?

Anna blushed, then jumped to her feet. The sudden movement
ripped her hand from his. The warmth from her hand in his evaporated and an
arctic chill settled over him.

He fought the urge to pull her into his arms, knowing she
would cringe with repulsion. She couldn’t want to be near him. So why was she

Anna stood in front of him twisting her hands. “I wanted to
make sure you were all right.”

“Why wouldn’t I be?” Jared’s voice sounded clipped even to
him. She should just go. Save them both the humiliation. He knew what he was.
Now, she knew too. No need for her to pretend that she wanted to be here.

“I just meant that I know you are all alone here on the

Jared shifted uncomfortably on the couch. The springs
squeaked. His voice hardened, “I prefer it that way.”

“I know you do. I just can’t bear the thought of you
spending your life all alone. Surely you want some kind of socialization. A
friend maybe?” Anna rocked back on her heels, her eyes wide and nervous, then
she rushed on, “It’s not good for someone to be alone all the time.”

“I’m used to it.” Jared gritted his teeth. What exactly did
she want? Why didn’t she just go? “I’m glad you’re better, Anna. I wish you all
the best.” He deliberately made his words sound dismissive, like a final

Anna took another deep breath and quickly plunged on. “I
wanted to tell you that I love you, Jared.”

Stunned, Jared’s jaw dropped. All thoughts of goodbye
disintegrated. What had she just said? He couldn’t form the words, but
questions swirled in his mind at a dizzying pace.

“I know you don’t feel the same way about me,” Anna said in
a low voice. “I needed to tell you how I feel. Not that I’m expecting you to do
anything. I just wanted you to know.” She lowered her lashes.

“Anna, how can you love me? I’m a monster.” His words tinged
with an edge as hard as steel.

Her eyes jerked up. She sat back down beside him and took
his hand once more. Her touch sent tingles of warmth through his entire body.

“No, Jared. You’re a kind and generous man. When I couldn’t
see, I fell in love with the man you are inside. I never got to know the man on
the outside. Your scars are a part of you, but they are not all of you.” She
reached up and tenderly touched the lump along his jaw.

Was he dreaming? Did she mean it? He searched her face for
deception, but all he saw was love shimmering in her green eyes.

Could she…?

No! It wasn’t possible. He was a creature doomed to an
eternity of solitude. No woman could ever love him.


“Anna, my love. You can’t mean that. I have nothing to offer
you except a life of misery.”

“All I want is you,” she said softly, rewarding him with her
heart-stopping smile. She squeezed his hand tightly. “That’s all I need.”

Hope lightened his heart and suddenly he felt free for the
first time in a decade. Dalia’s spell shattered by the one thing he thought he
would never have.

True love

Jared felt his facial muscles tighten. The lumps shrank and
the scars began to disappear.

He was free.


He reached, touched his face.

No scars.

No lumps.

No evil spell.

Anna gasped. “What’s happening?”

Jared’s eyes bored into hers. “The spell has been broken.”

“How? I thought you said it couldn’t be broken.”

“The only way was by finding true love. I never thought
anyone could love me. Not the way I looked.”

Anna shook her head. “Jared, true love is blind.” She
laughed. “No pun intended. And I love you, no matter what you look like. I love
the man inside. The one who saved my life and helped me get my sight back. I
love you, Jared. All of you.”

“Anna, my sweet Anna,” he groaned, pulling her hand to his
chest and holding it over his wildly beating heart, his fingers intertwined
with hers. “I love you, Anna, with all of my heart. I have from the moment I
discovered what a beautiful spirit you have. So kind and generous.” Jared
swallowed hard. “I just never dared to hope you might one day love me too.” He
crushed her to his chest and held her close. “Will you marry me, my sweet,

Anna’s green eyes sparkled. “Of course, my love.”



Chapter 1

Kill Damien’s father? No! I can’t!

Rana Cartwright reeled at the High Priestess’s suggestion.
She twisted her hands in her lap as a cold, clammy sweat pricked her skin.

 “Drive a stake right through his demon heart and burn
him.” The High Priestess waved her arms over the wooden bowl in the center of
the table emphatically. Gold bangles around her wrist jingled together like
wind chimes in a summer breeze. Her thick Cajun accent, spoken through
toothless gums, garbled her words. However, Rana understood their meaning
perfectly. And her heart turned to stone. How could she ever consider killing
her son’s father? There must be another way. There had to be.

The High Priestess leaned over the candlelit table, her
thick, ebony, multi-braided hair narrowly escaping the bowl of goat’s blood,
and looked Rana straight in the eye. “Save your son, child. Burn the vampire or
he will take the life right out of your boy. The offspring of a Dhampir and a
vampire is a life source for the undead. He gains strength with each rising
moon and each setting sun. And your baby loses his.” She clutched the chicken’s
foot that hung on a leather string around her neck and closed her eyes. Her
lips chanted incoherently in a language Rana did not understand, yet somehow
the murmured sounds sent icy chills over her skin. Seconds later the High
Priestess’s eyes flew open and in a glazed, almost trance-like state, she
grabbed Rana’s shoulders, curled her long dark fingernails into the flesh and
shouted, “Find and destroy the vampire or lose your son forever, child. Kill

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