No Bra Required! (22 page)

Read No Bra Required! Online

Authors: Nikki Ashton

Tags: #Humor & Entertainment, #Humor, #Love; Sex & Marriage, #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: No Bra Required!
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Lucy ran back into the kitchen and opened the cupboard under
the sink, quickly finding the stop-cock and turning off the water.  She
ran back to the utility room and watched, as finally after a few seconds, the
water slowed to a dribble.

After briefly surveying the damage, Lucy rang a
plumber.  He agreed to come around the following morning, telling Lucy
that nothing else would happen now she’d turned the water off.  He also
suggested she turn the electric off before unplugging the washer and tumble
dryer.  Lucy had tutted at this, pointing out she wasn’t stupid.  The
plumber realised that Lucy was obviously stressed and simply responded by
saying he would see her at nine in the morning.  Lucy then rolled up her
jeans, took her shoes off and paddled into the utility room.  She opened
the back door and let out the rest of the water, before spending the next hour
and a half trying to clean up the mess of soggy carpet and soaked walls. 
Finally, with some semblance of order restored, Lucy decided to go back to

It was almost 8 p.m. by the time Lucy pulled onto the drive,
heaving a sigh of relief.  She was cold and extremely hungry.  She
opened the front door and walked down the hallway, the lounge was in darkness,
so she went through to the kitchen, thinking that Ed had probably decided to
eat with Katie, which troubled her.  When she got into the kitchen it was
empty, just the light above the cooker was on.  She looked around to see
two empty wine bottles and a white plastic bag that held a series of plastic
take-away cartons.  Lucy looked inside, and they were still full of
food.  Suddenly her heart began to beat faster, there’d only been one wine
bottle when she’d left, and why hadn’t they eaten the food, but more to the
point where was Ed and where was Katie?  Lucy moved back into the hallway
and towards the stairs.  As she placed her foot on the bottom stair, Lucy
felt a fear like nothing she’d ever felt before.  She knew that whatever
was up the stairs would probably break her heart because deep down Lucy knew that
Katie had won and that she would find her and Ed together up there. 
Quietly she crept up the stairs, wiping the uncontrollable tears that were now
beginning to slide down her cheeks.  At the top, she moved towards Ed’s
bedroom door, and with shaking hands she opened it and flicked on the
light.  There, in front of her, was Lucy’s ultimate nightmare.

“Hi honey,” Katie purred from beneath him.

“Ed, how could you?” Lucy whimpered

“Oh shit, Lucy.”

Lucy turned and ran from the room, silent tears flowing
unheeded down her cheeks.

Chapter 18

In a trance Lucy drove back to her father’s house and packed
into a suitcase the clothes that she hadn’t taken to Ed’s.  She wrote a
note for Hilary next door, asking her to let the plumber in, and then pushed it
into an envelope, along with a blank cheque to pay him, before posting it
through her letterbox.  Lucy then drove off towards the motorway, and

About twenty miles from home, Lucy pulled off the motorway
to a service station hotel.  It was getting late, she was exhausted both
physically and emotionally, plus there was no bed at home for her to sleep in.

Once she let herself into the room, Lucy allowed herself to
cry.   She curled up on the end of the bed and sobbed.  There
were no histrionics as there were the day Simon left, just quiet sobbing and an
aching heart.  Finally, when her head started to pound, Lucy wiped her
nose on the shiny, golden throw on the end of the bed and stopped crying.

“No more tears,” she said aloud to the empty room. 
“They are the last tears I will shed for Ed Bryce.”

It was almost 1 a.m. and Lucy suddenly realised that her
mobile hadn’t rung once since she’d left Ed’s house.

“You wanker,” she cried at the silent mobile.  “Huh,
obviously you’re too busy with Katie to check how I am.” 

Feeling that tears were about to start again, Lucy
remembered her vow and took deep breaths, until finally the feeling
subsided.  Then she decided to try and get some sleep, hoping that Ed
wouldn’t appear in her dreams.


At 5 a.m. Lucy was woken by her mobile ringing next to
her.  She looked at the screen; it was Ed.  Lucy felt panic stricken
as the mobile rang, and rang.  She threw it to the bottom of the bed as if
it were a bomb about to explode.  Eventually, it stopped, but as soon as
Lucy leaned over to pick it up, the mobile started to ring again.  This
time Lucy turned it off.

“Piss off,” she shouted at the phone in her hand.  “I
don’t want to know what your pathetic little excuse is.”

Seeing Ed’s name flashing on the screen made her heart ache
again, and quietly she sobbed, until finally she fell back to sleep for another
couple of hours. 


By 8 a.m. Lucy was ready to go home.  She’d woken with
a pounding headache and was now desperate to get out of the miserable room with
its hideous blue and gold décor, and off white towels that were hard as
cardboard.  But before going to her car, Lucy went to the mobile phone
store in the service station to get a new SIM.  As well as sorting her out
with a new SIM the man behind the counter had also deleted Lucy’s voice
messages for her.  He asked if she wanted to listen to them first, but
Lucy couldn’t stand the thought of having to hear the excuses that Ed had

 Once she was in her car, Lucy brought the mobile to
life and went to her contacts.  She scrolled through until she found Ed’s

“Delete,” she whispered.

Lucy then realised she had to tell Gerald what had happened,
not a conversation she was looking forward to.  He would be gentle,
supportive and understanding, and Lucy knew he would make her cry.  She
looked at the clock on the dashboard.  It was eight-thirty, so that would
make it about 9.30 p.m. in Australia.  Lucy cursed as it dawned on her
that she now only had a ‘pay as you go’ SIM, and she wouldn’t be able to call him. 
She would be home in less than an hour; she’d ring him then, which would at
least mean she could cry without fear of crashing the car.


“Hi Dad,” Lucy said as Gerald answered his phone an hour

“Lucy darling, how are you?  How’s Ed and everyone?”

Tears immediately sprang to Lucy’s eyes at the sound of her
Dad’s voice, and the mention of Ed.

“Well that’s what I’m calling you about.  We’ve split
up, and I’ve come back home.”  Despite the promise to herself, Lucy
started to cry.

?  Why, what’s happened sweetheart?”

“It’s a long story Dad,” she whispered before recounting the
tale of Katie, and the sordid discovery of her in Ed’s bed.

Lucy had been right; Gerald made her cry, as did Richard,
who also joined the conversation via speakerphone.  Though both were outraged,
they were also amazed that Ed would do such a thing.  Particularly Gerald
who had only agreed to go out to Australia because he was convinced that Ed
would look after his daughter.

“I don’t understand it Luce,” Richard said.  “From what
your dad has told me, Ed was besotted with you.”

“I thought so too, but he was even more besotted with Katie
apparently.”  Lucy sniffed loudly.  “Sorry, I promised myself I
wasn’t going to cry, but it hurts – a lot.”

“Right, we’re coming home.”  Gerald’s voice cracked.

“No Dad, you’re not and please don’t get upset.  I’ll
be fine.  But, I need you to promise me something, do not, and I mean
under no circumstances, contact Ed on my behalf.  We are over. Promise me
please, both of you.”

For a moment the two men were silent.

“I promise,” Gerald replied flatly.


“Okay I promise, but seriously Luce, we’ll get the first
plane we can,” Richard responded.

I will be okay.  I’m not going to take to
my bed with a bobble hat on.  Actually I couldn’t if I wanted to, I don’t
even have a bed.”  Lucy laughed at the absurdity of the situation.

“What?”  Richard and Gerald chorused.

“That’s a whole other story that is too long and boring to
tell you now, so anyway, enough of me, how’s Australia?”


By ten-thirty that morning Lucy had bought herself some
necessary furniture, enough at least to live in some level of comfort. 
She was now walking up Sarah’s drive, dreading having to re-tell the whole
sorry story once more.

“Shit,” Sarah cried as she opened the door.  “Oh
sweetie I’m so so sorry.  I honestly thought that he was one of the good
ones.”  Sarah flung her arms around Lucy.

“Erm, how did you know?” Lucy asked, managing to struggle
free of Sarah’s hold.

“Gerald called me; he didn’t think you’d want to have to go
over it again.  Come on, let’s do the only thing we can in situations like
this…let’s get plastered.”

“It’s a bit early Sarah.”

“Crap, it’s after midday somewhere in the world, so it’s not
too early.”

 Sarah plonked Lucy down on the sofa and disappeared to
get a bottle of wine and two glasses.

“Sarah, I’ve got to take collection of a bed this afternoon,
I can’t get drunk,” Lucy said as Sarah came back into the room.

“Oh don’t worry about that, I’ll get Ben to run us around to
your house when he pops home for lunch.”

“Honestly Sarah, I don’t want to get drunk.  I don’t
want to end up crying again.”  Lucy’s face crumpled.  All the emotion
that she’d been holding in for hours came tumbling out.

“Oh Luce, I don’t know what to say.”  Sarah put her arm
around Lucy’s shaking shoulders.  “Just let it all out, come on have a
really good cry.”

Finally, Lucy’s tears subsided, and she fished a tissue from
her jeans and blew her nose.

“Better?”  Sarah asked, handing Lucy a glass of wine.

Lucy nodded.  “A little thanks.  I thought he
loved me.”

“I think he does sweetie, I just think she’s a little
unfinished business.”

“She’s a little bitch,” Lucy replied.  “It’s what she’s
been after since she got there, and he promised me she wouldn’t manage it.”

“Well as we know what a man thinks and what his dick thinks
are often two different things.”

Lucy couldn’t help but laugh.  Sarah almost always had
the ability to make her laugh.  Lucy smiled and leaned across to kiss
Sarah’s cheek and hug her tightly.

“What’s that for?”  Sarah asked.

“For being you and for being the best friend anyone could
ask for.”

“That’s what I signed up for all those years ago.”

“I know, but it’s beginning to become a little one sided,
isn’t it?”

“No, you were there when my mum died, and when Ben almost
missed Noah’s birth, oh and that time I almost got caught having sex with Danny
Brown behind the curtain in the drama studio at college.  If it hadn’t
been for you pretending to faint, his girlfriend would have been bound to find

“Well, you’ve been brilliant recently, so thank you.”

“What now then? Are you going to go back there eventually,
maybe when your dad gets back?”

Lucy shook her head.  “Nope.”

“But the other day you said you’d stay, even if it didn’t
work out between you and Ed, so what’s changed?”

“Us not working out and him shagging his ex-wife in front of
me is quite different.”

“Hmm I suppose so.”

“I’m still going to sell the house, but I’m going to get
something smaller.  I don’t need a family house, a small cottage or apartment
will suit me just fine.”  Lucy sighed and dropped her head into her
hands.  “God, Sarah I’d even started to think about having another baby
one day, that’s how safe he made me feel.”  Lucy kept her head down,
willing away the tears that were threatening again.

“Oh sweetheart, that’s awful, I feel terrible for you, and
I’m gob-smacked Luce, I honestly didn’t see this coming.  He seemed like a
genuinely lovely guy, who cared about you a great deal.”  Sarah shook her
head in disbelief.

“I think he did care about me, loved me even, but you’re
right Katie was unfinished business.  I doubt that they’ll even stay
together, but it’s too late for him and me.”

“Oh my God,” Sarah gasped.  “I’ve just had an awful

“What?” Lucy asked startled by Sarah’s gasp of horror.

“What if you never have sex that good again, because he was
pretty fucking good wasn’t he?”

“You only know that because I told you, I might have been
lying.”  Lucy couldn’t help smiling at the thought of sex with Ed, but
then her heart seemed to knock on her chest as if to remind her of the
situation, and
sadness enveloped her,
turning her smile into a frown.

“Christ Lucy, you didn’t have to tell me, I heard you don’t
forget, on the night of the party.  I could even hear you orgasm over Ben’s
snoring, and that’s bloody loud when he’s had a drink.”

“Well, at least I’ll have the memories if the next one
doesn’t live up to standards.  Actually, that’s another annoying thing,
the night I got home from here we had incredible sex on the dining room table,
and then he takes Katie to bed the next day.  Anyway, what am I saying
there’ll never be anyone else.  From now on I’m going to live like a nun.”

Sarah almost spat her wine across the room.

“With a dirty habit maybe,” she cried.  “Come on, pass
me your glass, one more won’t hurt you.”

Chapter 19

Almost two weeks later Lucy had got some sort of order in
the house, all the things she had bought had arrived, and most importantly for
Lucy there was a ‘For Sale’ sign planted firmly at the end of the drive. 
She’d cried over Ed, and what might have been, but ultimately she realised that
it all had probably gone too fast.  She’d fallen in love with him too
deeply and too quickly, and although Lucy didn’t regret their time together, in
hindsight she probably should have steered clear of another relationship so
soon after Simon.  Yes, Ed had helped her get over Simon, but she’d simply
replaced one cheating bastard for another, although she conceded Ed wasn’t in
Simon’s league.  In some ways she could see how Katie could have beguiled
him, she was his first true love, and while she wasn’t white washing Ed, Katie
had probably laid it on a plate for him. However, Lucy didn’t wallow in
self-pity, this time she felt stronger and more determined than ever to go on
with her life.  Ed was just another story to tell.

When speaking to Gerald, daily, he’d expressed feelings of
guilt for suggesting Lucy should pursue a relationship with Ed, but as Lucy
pointed out, she wouldn’t have done if she hadn’t truly wanted to, and in any
case if Katie hadn’t arrived things may well have been different.

There had been no contact at all from Ed, or anyone else in
County Durham, because obviously no-one had her new number.  Gerald had
called Hilary, and explained that Lucy had an emergency back home to deal with,
so asked if Hilary could take over looking after the house until he and Richard
were back.  Hilary had been willing to do so, and informed Gerald that the
plumber had now fixed the burst pipe in the utility room.

Richard had called the surgery, on Lucy’s behalf, a call
that left Lucy feeling guilty.  Seemingly Callie was off work,
incapacitated by her back, and so Elspeth was helping Margery out with
reception.  Lucy felt terrible about leaving them in the lurch, without any
explanation, but she couldn’t talk to anyone about it, especially if they were
likely to talk about Ed.

And so, it was almost as though Lucy’s life up North had
never existed.  She’d even managed to get her job back at the charity
shop, although Mrs Edwards had taken a little persuading.  Finally, she’d
agreed that Lucy could come back on a trial basis, and if after that time she’d
shown she could be trusted, she may get her full hours back.  Lucy
couldn’t help but smile, she’d missed Mrs Edwards and her superiority complex.


When Lucy got home after an afternoon in the shop, the red
light was flashing on the answerphone.  She pressed the button and
listened to the message as she started to make a cup of tea.  It was

“Hi Lucy, I didn’t want to ring you on your mobile, while
you were working, so when you get home can you give us a call, please.
 It’s nothing to be alarmed about, but we need to speak to you.  It
doesn’t matter what time, we’ll be up early.  Bye darling.”

Lucy’s heart started to beat faster as she dialled the
number.  What if something was wrong with her dad?

After a minute or so of the international dial tone, Richard
answered the phone.

“Richard, what’s wrong, is it Dad?” Lucy asked anxiously.

“No, darling, no it’s not.  I’m sorry I didn’t want to
upset you.” Richard’s tone was soothing, yet there was something in the sound
of his voice that hinted something was wrong.

“Well, that’s good, but something is bothering you, what is

“Ellen called me last night, and don’t be too worried, but
Callie is ill.”

Lucy sat down heavily on the sofa.  “How ill?”

“She’s got ovarian cancer and has had to have a

Lucy didn’t hear much more of the conversation, all she could
think of was darling, vibrant Callie and the laughs that they’d had
together.  How could this be happening, no-one deserved this, least of all

“Lucy, are you going to go and see her then?”  Richard

“Sorry Richard, what did you say?” 

“I asked whether you were going to see Callie.  She’s
been trying to get hold of you, so asked Ellen to call me.”

“I didn’t let her know my new number.   I was
being so pathetic about Ed that I cut everyone out of my life that might speak
to him.”  Tears now started to sting Lucy’s eyes.

“It’s okay, you know now,” Richard soothed.

“Is she going to die, Richard?”  Lucy’s voice broke.

“I don’t think so darling, from what Ellen said they don’t
think its spread.  So I’m sure she’ll be okay, but she had no idea, she
just thought she had a bad back. She’s been taking pain killers and stomach
tablets for months without telling anyone.  She’d not even been to see her
own doctor, just a chiropractor, but obviously he wasn’t helping. 
Apparently, it was Ed that suspected it, and got her a consultant’s appointment
fairly quickly.”  Richard sighed heavily. 

Lucy gasped involuntarily at the mention of Ed’s name. 

“When was this Richard?” she asked.

“I’m not sure Luce, only a couple of weeks ago. 
Apparently, Callie has kept it secret, she didn’t want anyone to know, but
obviously now everyone does.”

Lucy ran a hand through her hair.  “I need to see her
Richard, but I don’t want to see Ed.”

“Well it’s up to you Lucy, but I know she’d love it you went
up there.”

“I don’t understand why she’d want me though.  We’ve
only known each other a few months.” Lucy stood up and started to pace the
room.  “Is she in a hospital, or at home?” she asked.

“In hospital, in Newcastle.  I’ll text you the
details.  So, will you go?”

“Yes, I should go if it’s what Callie wants.  I’ll go
tomorrow.  Mrs Edwards won’t be happy about me not going into the shop,
but who cares.”

“Okay sweetheart, and give her our love and tell her we’re
thinking of her and will see her soon.”


As Lucy walked along the sterile hospital corridor the
following day, her heart started to beat faster.  She was worried about
seeing Callie, worried about what to say to her, how to react if she looked
ill.  Lucy chastised herself; of course she was going to look terribly ill
she had cancer for goodness sake. 

Once Lucy got to the ward she asked one of the nurses about
Callie, and was pointed toward a private room on the right.  The door was
closed, but Lucy could see through the window that Callie was sleeping. 
Lucy gasped, Callie was propped up on a pink pillow, with a frill around the
edge, her usual pink bow in her hair, and wearing a pink candy striped
nightshirt, looking as far as Callie did, pretty normal.  As she opened
the door, Lucy started crying tears of relief.  She ran over to Callie and
flung her arms around her.

“Howay pet, what on earths all this crying about?” 
Callie enveloped Lucy in her arms and hugged her tightly.

“Oh Callie, I’m so sorry.  I should have been around
for you.”  Lucy sobbed into Callie’s shoulder.

“Well you’re here now, pet.”

“What do you want me to do, anything at all? I’m here for
you.”  Lucy snatched a tissue from the top of Callie’s bedside cabinet.

“I don’t need anything Lucy pet, it’s Ed that needs you.”

Lucy stood up abruptly and placed her hands on her hips.

“But Richard said you’ve been asking for me,” she cried.

“Well, it’s the only way I could think to get you here.
 Once I couldn’t reach you on your mobile I didn’t know what else to do,”
said Callie smiling widely at Lucy.

“Are you actually ill?”  Lucy demanded looking at
Callie through narrowed eyes.

“Oh aye pet, I’ve had my hysterectomy about four days ago,
and then I’ll have to have some chemotherapy, but I’ll be mint pet, don’t you
worry.  So, less of me, what’s gone on with you and Dr Bryce?  He’s
had a face like a smacked arse since you went.”

Lucy shook her head in disbelief, here was Callie about to
face awful months of treatment for cancer, and all she cared about was sorting
out her and Ed.  She truly was a remarkable woman.

“You have no idea at all what happened?”  Lucy said
finally as she pulled a chair nearer to the bed. 

Callie shook her head.  “No, he’s visited me a couple
of times, but he won’t say anything.  You know what he’s like, too bloody
private for his own good that one.”

Lucy thought carefully about what to say.  Ed obviously
didn’t want anyone to know his business, or the fact that he was a cheat, and
why should Lucy protect him, but something told Lucy that this was Ed’s secret
to tell, and she didn’t want to be the one to spoil Callie’s perception of him.

 “Well, there’s nothing for me to say, it just didn’t
work out.”  Lucy looked down at the floor to avoid Callie’s gaze.

“Look at me pet, and then tell me that there’s nothing to
say.”  Callie moaned slightly as she shifted in the bed.

“Are you okay?”  Lucy asked as she took hold of
Callie’s hand.

“Howay, I’m fine, now stop stalling me Miss, and tell me
what’s happened.”

Lucy thought for a moment about what to say.  She’d
have to tell Callie something, but should she tell her the truth?

“I thought he loved me Callie, but I don’t think he
did.  Well, not enough anyway.”

“Rubbish, it was obvious he did in the way he looked at
you.  He’s been miserable since you went home.  Like I said, I canna
get a peep out of him, he’s lost weight, he looks tired, and he’s awful
quiet.  That’s not a man that didn’t love you.”  Callie reached for
Lucy’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

“I’m sure he’s fine.  How are the rest of his family,
are they back from Wales yet?”  Lucy knew if they were it meant Katie had

“No, they’re still there, as far as I know, but they tend to
spend the whole summer there anyway.  You’re asking the wrong person
though pet, Dr Bryce and Ellen are the only people I’ve had contact with for
the last couple of weeks.  I was pretty much knocked for six when I got my
results, and sorry to say I went to ground until I came in here last
week.”  Callie turned and looked away from Lucy.

“I believe it was Ed who spotted what was wrong?” said Lucy
breaking the silence.

“Aye, it was just after his Dad’s party, so he got a
consultant friend of his to see me pretty much straight away.  I think he
knew though, he’s an extremely intelligent man that doctor of yours.” 
Callie’s eyes shone with tears.

“He’s not my doctor Callie,” Lucy whispered.

“Oh Lucy pet, just go and see him for goodness sake. 
Talk to him, and try to sort things out.”

“I can’t Callie, you don’t understand.”

“Tell me,” Callie cried.  “How can I help if you don’t
tell me what the problem is?”

“He shagged his wife!”  Lucy put a hand to her mouth;
she hadn’t meant to say it, plus saying it meant it actually happened.

Callie was open mouthed, staring at Lucy.

“His wife, since when has she been back?”  Callie
pulled herself up into a sitting position.

“Since Jack’s party.  That’s why we had to get rid of
everyone pretty quickly.”  Lucy dropped her head, ashamed at having let it

“So where was she hiding out then?  He didn’t say
anything, you didn’t say anything.”

“I shouldn’t have said anything, I’m sorry Callie, please
don’t ask me anything else about it.”

Callie rubbed Lucy’s hand gently.  “Lucy pet, I know
people think I’m an old gossip, but I won’t say anything to anyone.  I
like you and Dr Bryce, and think you should be together, so anything I can do
to help I will.  Now, bloody well tell me what happened.”

Lucy sighed and shook her head.  “Well it was all top
secret because of Nate, he didn’t want her to see him.  She turned up at
the party and then stayed with Georgina when Jack took Nate to Wales, and then
Georgina had to go to Jack because he was ill.”  Lucy paused not wanting
to continue.


Lucy gulped back the tears that were threatening to fall.

“Well then she moved into a B & B,” she said finally, “and
I moved in with Ed for a few days, and then…”

“And then that’s when the deadly deed happened.” 
Callie replied.

Lucy nodded.  “Hmm, yes.  I caught them at it in
Ed’s bed.  Look Callie, I don’t want to talk about it anymore, it’s too
horrible to think about.”

Callie sighed heavily.  “Okay pet, but I tell you
something I’m shocked.  It’s just not like him.  Would you think
about forgiving him?”

Lucy shook her head vigorously.  “No.  He knew how
much Simon hurt me, and then did the same thing, so no I wouldn’t.”

“Well that’s a shame pet, because I think you’re made for
each other.  There may be an explanation you know.”

“Oh yes I know what it is; she was his first true love, the
mother of his son, oh that’s okay then.  Sorry Callie, but for me it’s

“Eeh, I don’t know Lucy, it’s heart breaking.” Callie shook
her head and sighed.  “Anyway pet, are you going to be staying at your
dad’s tonight?”

Grateful for the change of subject Lucy smiled.

“Yes, but I’ll come and see you tomorrow before I go home.”

“Okay pet that would be lovely.  Now tell me everything
that you’ve been doing since I last saw you.”


Lucy spent an hour with Callie, and then could see that she
was tiring, so decided to go home.  As she made her way along the
corridor, Lucy took a deep breath.  It hadn’t been as awful as she’d
expected and they hadn’t had to talk about Ed too much.  A sense of relief
washed over Lucy that Callie seemed okay, she was strong and was bound to beat
the cancer, and Lucy was sure now after seeing her.  Lucy got to the exit,
and just as she was about to walk out, she noticed something in the corner of
her eye.  Someone was watching her.  Lucy spun around and almost fell

“God Katie,” she whispered to herself.

Lucy’s hand went to her mouth and gazed at her smiling
enemy.  Katie looked more beautiful than ever.  She had a hand
pressed to her stomach and was smirking triumphantly.  Lucy moved back
against the wall, behind a row of wheelchairs, and watched Katie disappear
through a set of double doors.  As they swung shut Lucy looked up at the
sign above them; her heart thudded in her chest as she read the word

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