Read No Bra Required! Online

Authors: Nikki Ashton

Tags: #Humor & Entertainment, #Humor, #Love; Sex & Marriage, #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy

No Bra Required! (4 page)

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“I will Dr Bryce, don’t worry.”  Richard smiled and
placed a hand on the doctor’s shoulder.

“Good, that's excellent. Callie you can get me on my mobile
if you need me, otherwise I’ll see you tomorrow.  Enjoy the rest of your
day everyone.”  With that, he disappeared back down the corridor to his
consulting room.


As Ed Bryce shut his consulting room door behind him, he let
out a deep breath.  Richard hadn’t told him how beautiful his
step-daughter was.  Those gorgeous green eyes and that luscious russet
coloured hair that flowed down her back.  God, there was also the
overpowering desire to smell her, and to kiss those freckles on her nose. 
He’d had to pretend to put some notes on the computer, just to stop him from
doing either.  Ed hadn’t thought it possible to feel such a physical
reaction to someone in the space of a five-minute meeting, but the slight
strain in his trousers told him that Lucy had definitely affected him. 
When Richard told him about Lucy and her problems he’d expected that she would
be introverted and dowdy, feeling deeply sorry for herself.  However, she
seemed anything but that.  Admittedly she’d only said hello, but her eyes
were bright, and to Ed it looked like anger behind them, not sorrow, and that
excited him.  And those breasts, and long legs in those skinny jeans, they
were…bloody hell. What was he thinking?  This woman had been dumped on
from a great height by her husband, and here he was imagining what she would
look like with no clothes on.  Ed shook his head and pulled at his
trousers to try and loosen his crotch.  He desperately tried not to think
about what he would like to do with her, should he ever have the pleasure of
seeing her without any clothes on.  Ed collected his bag and left the
surgery through the back door, making a pact with himself to steer clear of
Lucy.  The last thing he needed was a relationship, least of all with a
woman who was probably hurt and angry; it could be a recipe for disaster.


“So,” Richard said to a rather flushed looking Lucy. “That’s
Dr Bryce, what do you think?”  He looked at her intently, he wasn’t sure
that a man was what Lucy needed right now, but the attraction between the two
of them had been palpable.  Lucy was obviously flustered, and he’d worked
with Ed long enough to know when he was feeling uncomfortable, plus he’d seen
the rubbish that Ed was entering on the computer and was pretty sure that they
didn’t have a new patient called “Mr Lance Allot”.

“He seems very nice,” Lucy replied, lowering her head so
that neither Richard nor Callie could see her blushing. 

“Yes he is. He’s worked here about three years now. 
He’s thirty-four and single. He's a local man. His family still lives in the
area, but he lived in Manchester for a while.”  Richard tidied up the
desk, not looking at Lucy as he spoke. 

“Oh right.”  She wasn’t sure what else to say. 
She didn’t want to appear to care, but she couldn’t ignore how he’d made her

Lucy couldn’t recall Simon, her husband whom she’d had a
child with and given a vow to love forever, making her feel that way when
they’d first met.  How was it possible that a man, to whom she’d only said
hello and met for five minutes, could make her feel so alive, especially when
the love of her life had recently destroyed her heart?  Perhaps it was
simply nature’s way of making her feel good about herself again.  It was
just a sexual attraction.  There was no denying he was a handsome man, but
he wasn’t Simon, and it was Simon that she wanted, it was her old life that she
wanted back, but Lucy couldn’t help thinking how delicious it would be to find
out whether Dr Bryce really was as good as he looked.


Chapter 5

eight o’clock, tired after a long house call waiting for Social Services to
assess one of his patients, Ed pulled up on his drive and couldn’t help but
think about Lucy once more.  Thoughts of her had buzzed through his mind
all afternoon.  He’d tried to think of other things like football or beer,
but a picture of Lucy, with her beautiful green eyes, would invade his thoughts
every time.  He had never felt such a reaction before, not even Katie had
made him feel like that.  Katie whom he’d thought had loved him as much as
he’d loved her, but she obviously hadn’t and had broken his heart.

“Hi darling.”  A pretty silver-haired lady dressed in
trousers and t-shirt, standing on tiptoe watering a hanging basket next to the
front door, greeted Ed with a large smile.

Ed got out of his car and advanced towards her, pulling a
hand through his already messy hair.  “Hi Mum, sorry I’m late.  Are
you okay?”

“I’m okay thanks dear, apart from the fact that your bloody
father is driving me mad, as usual.  For some unknown reason, he decided
that he wanted to mow your lawn today, a pretty normal activity you might think
except that he wanted to do it nude!” Georgina Bryce shook her head and tried
not to smile.

“What? Totally nude?” Ed asked, laughing at the
thought.  “Why on earth would he want to do that?”

“It’s your father Ed, why does he do anything?  Anyway
come on in dinner is almost ready.  I thought that we’d stay and eat with
you as you were late getting back.  You can tell us how your day has been
over dinner.”

Ed followed Georgina into the house, and wondered whether he
talk about his day without sounding like a sex mad pervert.

“Evening Dad,” he said as he met his father coming down the
stairs.  “What’s this I’ve heard about you naked mowing?”

Jack Bryce shrugged his shoulders and screwed his face up as
Georgina disappeared down the hall.  “It was a beautiful day, and I didn’t
want to get all hot and sweaty, so what’s wrong with that?  I knew she’d
have to tell you.  The mafia leaves a horse’s head in the bed of people
like her - bloody grass!”

“I heard that,” Georgina shouted from the kitchen.

“Ears like a bloody bat as well.”  Jack hugged his
son.  “Did you have a good day Ed, and did you encounter any interesting
diseases that you can tell us about over dinner?”

“No sorry Dad, although a patient did have to have a boil
lanced today.”  Ed put his doctor’s bag down on the floor and placed his
foot on the bottom stair.  “I’m just going upstairs but when I come down
I’ll tell you about that if you like, although maybe not if Mum’s made custard
for pudding.”

“Ooh I don’t know it might make her custard more palatable.”

“I heard that too!” Was Georgina’s response.


After dinner, Ed and his parents were drinking coffee, and
talking generally about their day, sitting in the lounge. It was all perfectly
pleasant until Georgina changed the subject.

“Listen Ed, I think you should know I’m going to have to go
to America for a couple of weeks.”  Georgina frowned, studying Ed’s face
for a reaction. 

He didn’t respond immediately but stared blankly into his
empty coffee mug.  “Why?” asked Ed, looking at his mother with narrowed
eyes. “Why do you have to go?”

“Katie isn’t well, and Luke needs help with the children.
They have no one else out there, Ed.”  Georgina looked at Ed with a sad
smile, willing him to understand.  “He’s my son too Ed, and they're my
grandchildren,” she pleaded.

Ed ran a hand through his hair.  “I know that Mum, and
don’t want you to have to choose, but it still hurts.  What about you,
Dad, are you going too?”

Ed looked over at his father, who had now taken hold of
Georgina’s hand.  “No son, I’m not.”  Jack shook his head.  “I
will never forgive them for what they did to you and Nate, and while I
understand why your mother wants to go, I don’t necessarily agree with
her.  Anyway, I couldn't go I've got my annual fishing trip next week.”

“Have you told Nate yet?”  Ed asked.  His eyes
were full of sadness.

“No darling, I thought I’d better tell you first, and check
what you wanted me to do?” Georgina sighed.

“We’ll tell him you’re going on holiday.  I don’t want
him to know that you’re going to see his mother.”  Ed coughed and looked
away, trying to hide the tears that were stinging his eyes.  Nate, his
beautiful six-year-old son, was his life, and he hated the thought of anyone or
anything hurting him as his mother Katie had.


Ed and Katie had met when Ed was doing his residency in
Manchester.  Katie was in a bar that Ed and his work colleagues frequented
after work, she had slipped in her high heels, spilling a sickly looking red
cocktail all over Ed.  She’d apologised profusely and offered to buy him a
drink, but as Ed was on his way home after a long day, he’d suggested that she
met him there the following evening instead.  Katie (who had spilt the
drink over Ed on purpose – she’d spotted him the week before and found him
extremely sexy) agreed. They met up the following night, and then the next
three nights, and that was it for Ed.  Katie was the one that he wanted to
spend the rest of his life with.  They married within eight months, when
Katie fell pregnant with Nate.  It hadn’t been part of their plan so soon,
but Ed loved Katie and couldn’t have been happier.  And they were happy,
for nearly two years until Luke, Ed’s brother, came to stay during the summer
while he tried to get an English football club to sign him.  Luke was a
semi-professional footballer in the American minor leagues, and was dangerous
and exciting, everything that Ed wasn’t, everything that Ed couldn’t be because
he was still studying to become a GP.  Two months into Luke’s visit Ed’s
world came crashing down around him.  Nate was rushed into the hospital
with suspected meningitis.  When Ed ran on to the ward to see Nate, the
nurse told Ed that his brother and sister-in-law were waiting in the family
room.  Ed thought it was strange, but figured the nurse had just
misunderstood the relationship between Katie and Luke.  He bounded in
expecting to have to comfort his wife, only to find his brother had beaten him
to it.  Ed’s son was desperately ill, and his wife was kissing his brother
in the next room. 

Ed hadn’t seen either of them since Katie absconded to
America with Luke the following day, leaving her dangerously sick son
behind.  Fortunately, Nate didn’t have meningitis, just a viral infection,
but it took nearly a month for him to recover, which was when Georgina stepped
in to help.  It was subsequently decided that Ed and Nate would move to
live with his parents in their large detached house, in County Durham. 
Then a year later, once he’d qualified as a GP, Ed joined the town’s practice
and bought a house of his own for him and Nate.

It was a horrible time in Ed’s life, and if he hadn’t had to
concentrate on getting Nate better, as well as working hard to provide for them
both, Ed thought that he would have been happy to throw himself under a
bus.  He’d considered going to America to try to win Katie back but what
was the point. If she could leave her young son while he was so ill, Ed
patently had nothing to offer that would change her mind.  After a while,
Ed's sorrow turned to hatred of both his wife and his brother.  All he
knew now was that they were married and had three-year-old twins, Amelia and
Louie. Nate didn't suffer too much from Katie’s desertion. He'd cried for her
at first, but after a month in the hospital under the care of nurses, Ed and
Georgina, he soon stopped, and now never asked whether Mummy was coming to
visit this year.


“Ed,” Georgina broke Ed’s thoughts.  “I am sorry you
know, but Luke asked for my help.”

“It’s okay Mum,” Ed softened now. He knew none of this was
her fault.  “I’ll need to get some help with Nate for after school though,
especially as Dad won’t be here either.”

“I can cancel my trip if that would help?”  Jack leaned
forward and touched Ed’s knee gently.

“God no, don’t be daft Dad.  I can drop him off at the
breakfast club just after eight and then get someone to pick him up from school
and stay with him until I get home at five.  I’m sure Callie can rearrange
my appointments and Dr Kindler won’t mind if I juggle my hours a little.”

“But who are you going to ask to help after school?”
Georgina asked.  “Oh, I’d better tell Luke that I can’t go, he did rather
drop it on me.”

“No Mum it's OK, I’ll ask Callie in the morning.  She
knows everyone and everything in this town.  She's bound to come up with
someone.  I can always ask Ollie’s mum if she’ll take him home for tea for
a couple of nights,” Ed thought aloud and then frowned.  “Argh no I
can’t.  His little sister's got the mumps, so Ollie is staying with his
grandmother.  Having Nate as well wouldn’t be fair on her.  Not to
worry I’ll sort something.  Anyway, I’d better go up and check that he’s
okay.  I promised that I’d tuck him in, won’t be long.”  Ed rubbed
his tired eyes and wearily made his way upstairs.

“Oh Jack I feel awful,” Georgina sighed, after a few

“Don’t be silly, it’s Luke and Katie who should feel
awful.  Ed’s really suffered over what they did to him, in fact, I think
Luke’s betrayal hurt him more than Katie’s because, let’s face it Georgina, how
you get over your twin brother running off with your wife?”

Georgina shook her head.  “I know Jack, but Luke’s my
son too, and he needs my help.”


The following Monday morning Lucy walked along the high
street towards her new place of work, with a stomach that was crowded with
butterflies.  The thought of making a total mess of the job was making
Lucy nervous, but she was especially jittery about seeing Dr Bryce again. 
She hadn’t stopped thinking about the effect that he’d had on her all weekend,
and on Saturday night, she’d even had an erotic dream about him.  She’d
woken up all hot and sweaty and blushing profusely.  It was extremely
filthy.  How could this be happening, she was supposed to be heartbroken
and sad, not feeling like a nubile teenager lusting after the hottest boy in
town?   As she rounded the corner, the butterflies in her stomach did
a decidedly more energetic flying routine.  On the car park were three
cars; a bright pink Fiat Uno, and two identical large saloons, both doctors
were evidently in.

“Morning pet,” Callie called as Lucy walked through the
glass door.  “Did Richard get off okay, and are you all set and ready to

Lucy nodded and placed a hand on her stomach.  “Yes he
did thanks.  I think I’m ready, but I’m a little nervous though.” She
smiled weakly at Callie, who today was dressed in an off-the-shoulder pink
jumper and multi-coloured leggings with yellow wedge sandals.

“Hey there’s no need to worry, everyone here is lovely, not
normal mind, but lovely.  Now listen, before we start is there anything
else you want to ask? I think you got the computer part down to a tee last week
pet, so I don’t see any problems there.”

Lucy shook her head.  “No, I think I’m fine, as long as
you don’t mind me asking questions.”

“Why no, of course not pet.  Okay, so we’re all set for
when the hordes arrive, however before then I want to ask you something?” 
Callie smiled at Lucy and rubbed her arm gently.

“Okay, what is it?” she asked warily.

“I hope you don’t think I’ve spoken out of turn, but the
thing is Dr Bryce has a little problem that he needs sorting out, and I thought
of you.”

Lucy thought of a whole host of problems that she’d love to
sort out for Dr Bryce, which made her hot and flustered.  Luckily, Callie
was sorting the post and didn’t appear to see the new crimson complexion that
Lucy was now sporting.

“What sort of problem?” asked Lucy, fanning herself.

Callie now turned to face her.  “I don’t know whether
Richard mentioned, but Dr Bryce has a little boy, Nate. He's six and absolutely
adorable, a mini version of Dr Bryce, really.”

Lucy shook her head.  “No, Richard didn’t say,” she
almost growled.  But then why would he, she thought, and what business was
it of hers? 

Oh well, even if she was interested in fulfilling any of the
fantasies that she’d suddenly started having, Dr Bryce was a definite no-go
area now.  He had a child and an ex-wife or ex-partner, and besides, her
feelings for Dr Bryce were probably because of her need for physical
contact.  She loved Simon.

“Oh perhaps he forgot,” Callie said breaking Lucy’s
thoughts.  “Anyway, his mum helps him to look after Nate, but she’s going
away for a couple of weeks.  So he needs some help, after school mainly,
and he asked if I could think of anyone and well, I thought of you.” 
Callie beamed proudly, both arms crossed over her ample bosom.

“Me!” Lucy gasped.  “I don’t even know him. Why would
you suggest me?  I could be a murderer for all he knows, and what about
his wife or partner or whatever the child’s mother is can’t she have him…God
she’s not dead is she?”  Lucy put a hand to her mouth in horror.

Callie smiled and shook her head.  “No pet, she’s not
dead, although I reckon Dr Bryce had wished her so on many an occasion. 
No, she’s not around, she left him when Nate was a toddler and hasn’t been back
since, not even to see Nate.  He doesn’t talk about what happened.  I
mean, I know most things around here, but I canna get that out of him under any
circumstances.  Anyway, he knows you’re no murderer, you must have been
checked you’re a teacher for goodness sake.”

“Ex-teacher,” Lucy corrected.  “I don’t think I can
Callie, it’s a lot of responsibility. I don’t know him very well, and what if
Nate didn’t like me?  So, I’m sorry I can’t do it.”  Lucy shook her
head vigorously.

 “He’ll pay you,” Callie insisted.  “And it’s just
for a couple of weeks, two hours at most after school.  He’s changing his
surgery hours to make sure you don’t have to work too late.  I’ll tell him
yes shall I?”

“Callie no, I can’t!”

“Eeeh Lucy pet, there’s no such word as can’t. I think it’ll
do you good to keep your mind off things, and let’s face it, you might get to
spend some time alone with Dr Bryce.”  Callie grinned wickedly and
shivered.  “Ooh how lovely.”

Time alone with Dr Bryce was exactly what Lucy was afraid
of.  He made her tingly all over and have naughty thoughts when she was
supposed to be broken hearted.  How could she possibly think those things
about someone when she was so devastated by the breakdown of her
marriage?  Then there was the fact that a child was involved.  She
hadn’t shied away from children since Lottie died.  Far from it, she’d
thrown herself into her role of Godmother to Noah and Milo wholeheartedly.
 She had been a teacher for goodness sake, but being responsible for a
child on a one to one basis, for no matter how short a time, was a different
thing altogether. What if she started to care for him, especially as his mother
wasn’t around? What if something happened to him, and she blamed herself, just
as she’d initially done with Lottie?

“Right, I’ll go and tell him then.”  Callie didn’t even
pause to allow Lucy to protest.

“Callie, you can’t bulldoze me into doing this.  I
don’t want to,” Lucy cried pulling Callie back by her arm.

“What exactly are you afraid of pet?”  Callie’s smile
was kind as she gently squeezed Lucy’s hand.

How could she explain all the things she was fearful
of?  How Dr Bryce made her feel after one short meeting, or that she may
grow attached to his child, or perhaps her marriage hadn’t actually meant that
much if she kept imagining herself in Dr Bryce’s arms.

“There you go,” said Callie, taking Lucy’s silence as
positive. “Nothing.  I’ll let him know that he has a new part time nanny
for a couple of weeks.”

Callie left Lucy opening and closing her mouth as she
wondered whether Callie was either deaf, obtuse or both.


“Oh…erm…well that’s great Callie, thanks.  I guess
you’d better ask Lucy to come in so I can talk it through with her.”  Ed,
blushing slightly, looked at his computer screen.  “My first patient isn’t
due for a half hour.”

“Okay then pet, I’ll send her in.”  Callie disappeared
taking Ed’s empty coffee mug with her.

Ed had asked Callie for her help on finding someone to look
after Nate, but never in a million years had he expected her to suggest Lucy;
Lucy of the pert breasts and peach of a bottom.  He’d tried to say he
hardly knew her, but as Callie had pointed out, she must have been CRB checked
as she had been a teacher, and her afternoons were free, so there was no
problem.  There was a problem though; he hadn’t stopped thinking about her
since he’d met her last week. Not all the time, but certainly when he was alone
in his king-size bed at night.  It was a while since he’d had a woman in
his bed.  Granted, when he’d first moved back here he’d seen a handful of
the local single ladies, but nothing serious. They were dinner dates mainly, a
couple of them being one night stands when Nate was staying over with Georgina
and Jack.  The longest relationship he’d had was a girl called Hannah,
whom he’d met on a medical conference about six months ago.  She'd lasted
the whole week of the conference, but they’d both agreed that her living in
Portsmouth wasn’t conducive to a relationship, something that Ed had been quite
relieved about.  Well, it was too late now Callie had sorted it all out
with Lucy, so he would have to avoid spending any time alone with her, because
if he did he wasn’t sure he would be able to resist kissing her.

“Ah well,” he said to himself.  “You never know I may
feel differently about her today.”

A knock at the door roused Ed, and he suddenly felt
extremely nervous. She was just a woman for goodness sake. He'd seen many of
them naked, professionally and personally, so what was the issue.

“Erm come in,” he coughed, trying to clear his throat that
suddenly felt dry and constricted.

“Hi.”  Lucy came in slowly, her eyes not meeting
Ed’s.  “I believe you wanted a quick chat.”

Christ, Ed thought. I do feel the same way; she's
gorgeous.  Lucy’s long slim legs and perfect little body made his heart
pump faster and made him want to groan in appreciation.

“Yes, please sit down.”  Ed stood up until Lucy was

Lucy bowed her head as she started to talk.  “It’s all
happened a little quickly, Callie only mentioned it about ten minutes ago, so
I’ve not had a chance to think it through yet.”  Lucy looked at him
finally, and felt herself almost drown in his eyes.

“Oh,” said Ed a little confused.  “I was under the
impression that she’d asked you over the weekend, and you’d had a couple of
days to think about it.  Don’t you want to do it?”  He suddenly felt
disappointed, even though he knew he should avoid any contact with her.

Lucy looked at his dejected face and the pulse in his neck
that she could see just see above his open collar.  Her eyes moved across
to his Adam’s apple and she suddenly had a strong desire to kiss it.  She
crossed her legs rapidly, frightened that Dr Bryce might actually realise what
was going on between her thighs.

“No, I’m looking forward to it,” she found herself
saying.  “It will be great.”

Ed sighed and visibly relaxed into his chair.  “Great,
thank you so much.  It’s a bit of a last minute thing I know, but my mum,
who helps look after Nate, has to go away for a couple of weeks, and the people
that I’d usually call on just can’t help out, so you’re a life saver.”

“No problem,” Lucy mumbled, worried at how intense this
crush on Dr Bryce was becoming.

“Well I guess you should meet Nate, and obviously there are
a few things we need to discuss, so how about you come over to dinner tonight,
about seven, is that okay?”  As soon as he’d said the words Ed wished he
hadn’t.  What was he doing inviting her over to his house to spend time
alone with him, and what if she wore that denim mini skirt that she had on now,
how would he be able to take his eyes off those slim, tanned legs?

“Lovely,” replied Lucy, equally as surprised that she’d
agreed, and without any hesitation whatsoever.


“So all sorted then,” Callie smiled at Lucy, who had just
told her that she’d agreed to look after Nate; not that Lucy had any real say
on the matter.

“Hmm all sorted.  Who’ve we got first today then?” she
asked, eager to change the subject.

“Oh dear it’s Mr Presley.”  Callie shook her
head.  “Well we may as well drop you in at the deep end Lucy.  He’s
due in about five minutes.”

“What’s so bad about Mr Presley?”  Lucy asked, giggling
at Callie.  “I hope that you’re not stitching me up here.”

“Oh you’ll find out pet, don’t worry.”


Five minutes later Lucy was watering the plants when the
glass door into the practice was flung open, crashing against the wall. 
She looked up sharply as it was pushed open with such force that she expected
to see a crack in it.  There standing before her was Mr Presley - Lucy
guessed that he hadn’t been
Mr Presley but now actually thought he
Mr Presley.

“Hello there liddle darlin’”

Mr Presley stood sideways on as he posed in the doorway in
tight black trousers and shirt that was open to his navel.  His head was
slightly inclined as he looked Lucy up and down.  With him, he carried a
white tasselled scarf that he was using to mop his brow, but he was sweating so
much that black hair dye was running down the side of his face, leaving
rivulets in his deep brown foundation.  On each finger were enormous
coloured glass rings and stuffed down the front of his shirt was a chest wig,
or at least that was what Lucy thought it was.  She was mesmerised by him,
silent and in awe until she looked at his feet.  Elvis was wearing a pair
of brown, Jesus Sandals and purple socks.  It was at this point that Lucy
stifled a screaming laugh.  She chewed at her bottom lip and hoped
desperately that Callie would rescue her.  Callie, however, was watching
from a safe distance behind the rubber plant on the reception desk, laughing
silently; not at Mr Presley - she was used to him - but at Lucy, who was
obviously trying hard to keep it together.

“I have an appointment with the Doc honey, Doc Bryce to be
precise.  Hey I’m a poet, and I didn’t realise it.” Mr Presley smiled and
winked at Lucy.

Laughter tears pricked at the corner of Lucy’s eyes as Mr
Presley got the rhyme wrong and she turned away, aware of how unprofessional it
would be to laugh in his face.

“Ooh I’m sorry,” she spluttered.  “I’ve got a really
bad cough.”  She almost squealed.

“Hey now honey you’d best see the Doc yourself. Don't ya
?”  Mr Presley moved towards her in
what could only be described as a strut while at the same time marking the beat
of his footsteps by clicking his fingers.

“Hmm maybe,” said Lucy rushing past him towards
reception.  “I’m sorry Callie, can you see to Mr Presley please, I need a
drink of water?”  She rushed behind the desk, with her head down to hide
the tears of laughter rolling down her face.

“Sure pet, hello there Mr Presley and how are you
today?”  Callie the epitome of professionalism smiled warmly at Mr

“Not too good honey, I’m here to see the Doc about those
pesky piles of mine.”

“Oh right pet; smashing.  So can you confirm your full
name and address for me, just for security reasons because of course, I know
it’s you.”  Callie leaned across and scuffed him playfully on the arm.

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