No Light (33 page)

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Authors: Devi Mara

BOOK: No Light
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He lifted her to sit on top of the antique dresser and pulled back to regain his breath. His eyes moved from her bright eyes to her reddened lips and he nodded. "Yes."

Chapter Eighteen

Unspeakable Beauty

He was still too close. His hands were on her hips, and he could feel each time her lungs expanded. She licked her lips nervously, and his eyes fastened on her mouth. He mentally shook himself. She was young, inexperienced. He forced himself to back away from her, trying to ignore how fast his heart was pounding.

He could not look away from her flushed face, almost growling at the way her eyes watched him. His legs bumped the edge of the bed, and he slowly sank onto it. Every muscle seemed to twitch with repressed energy. He swallowed hard.

"You came for me," Sarah said softly, as she watched him.

He nodded, not trusting his voice.

She slid off the dresser in one fluid motion. He felt his breathing immediately increase, and he forced himself still. She paused, one hand on the top of the dresser and stared at him.

"And you marked me, again."

He wondered at the emotion in her voice. He nodded.

She took a graceful step toward him, then another. His hands fisted in the bedspread, as he watched her drift toward him.

"Even though the first time was an accident?" She paused, and a wave of her scent enveloped him. His eyes fell closed. He sensed her movement, before her hand touched him. He slowly opened his eyes, as she pressed her palm to his cheek.

A hundred different thoughts flew through his mind. Her closeness, her scent, her warmth. It all made his mind buzz. Her fingers drifted to his lips, sending electric shocks through his body. His jaw clenched.

He struggled to remember her question, past the feel of her. His hands rose against his will, to rest on her hips. He pressed his fingers in gently, to feel the small bones. His eyes lowered to watch his hands on her. His fingers along her spine, and his thumbs nearly touched.

The sight jolted him enough to raise his eyes to hers, suddenly unsure. She moved closer to him, a soft smile on her lips, and suddenly her question became clear. He frowned.

"Marking you was the most serendipitous event that has ever befallen me."

He wondered if she knew how much he meant it. She cocked her head to the side, and slow smile spread across her face. He shivered, at the feel of her fingertips trailing down his throat. He bit back a groan, and raised his arms to slide his hands over her shoulders.

He pushed her jacket down her arms until it landed on the floor with a soft thud. He took a steadying breath, and allowed his hands to slide under the back of her sweater. Her warm skin was like a shock to his system. He forced his hands to still their shaking, almost losing control when she arched against him.

"Sarah," he heard himself groan. He looked into her eyes, the green deep and glittering in the sparse light from the setting sun.

She leaned forward and pressed her lips against his, her breathing feathering across his chin as she placed dozens of small kisses against his mouth. He fought not to move, to allow her free reign, but his hands hauled her into his lap. She did not stop kissing him, seemingly content with her new position.

"Sarah, I-" He broke off, as she nibbled his bottom lip. He could not seem to draw a full breath, or form a single thought. He gripped the bottom edge of her sweater and pulled it up, breaking away from her just long enough to pull it over her head.

"I wasn't sure if you would come for me," she whispered.

His hands paused in their caressing of her back. He frowned, and searched her face. She lowered her eyes to his chest, chewing on her bottom lip. He slid his hands into her hair, and waited until she looked up at him.

"I will always come for you."

She stared at him, for a moment, and finally nodded.

Something shifted in his chest, as if something heavy moved to the side and he was lighter because of it. He leaned forward to press kisses to her jaw line, sucking lightly at her throat until she let out a soft moan.

"Because, I'm your marked?" she asked in a shaky voice.

He breathed out against her neck, smiling at her shiver. "When I came for you, your status as my marked did not enter my mind." He watched her eyes become shiny with unshed tears. She gave him a tremulous smile and kissed him.

He carefully avoided deepening the kiss, until he felt her tongue lapping at his bottom lip. He let out a shuddering breath and relaxed his grip on his control. He kissed her passionately, swallowing her soft gasps. He felt her arms wrap around his neck to pull him closer.

His hands tightened on her, and he spun them to place her on her back in the center of the bed. The dim light caught the splash of her hair on the pillow. He pulled back to look at her. Her red undergarment made her pale skin appear almost translucent.               The light sprinkling of freckles across her nose, reappeared on her chest just above the lace edge. His eyes caught on the outline of her ribs, and he had to force himself not to scowl. Someone had deprived her of nutrition for a long period of time.

He leaned forward to kiss her collarbone, trailing his fingers along the top edge of her undergarment, before he bent to press his lips against her stomach. She sucked in a quick breath and let out a soft giggle. He raised a questioning eyebrow, and dragged his fingers over her ribs experimentally.

She giggled and wiggled closer to him, rolling onto her side to face him. He slid his hand down her back, fascinated by her smooth skin. It was several degrees warmer than his and perfectly soft. He moved down press a kiss to her hipbone, just above her pants.

His eyes rose to her face, to see her watching him with a small smile. He traced the top of her jeans with his fingertips. Her eyes fluttered closed and she arched into him slightly. She bit her lip, but he still heard the soft moan. She gave him a faint nod.

He slipped the buttons free and slid the heavy material down her legs. He dropped them, unsure where they landed. He slowly took in the picture she presented. Slim, perfectly formed legs, dainty ankles, and the single freckle on her right knee.

He bent to kiss it, lightly rubbing his lips over her shin. She twitched, and he saw her toes curl from the corner of his eye. Suddenly, she shifted and he was looking up at her from his back, as she leaned over him.

He lay perfectly still and let her gaze wander over him, not touching her even though his fingers itched with the urge to be on her. She raised her free hand and hesitantly reached toward him. He braced himself for her touch, but she paused and looked up at him. It took him a moment to realize she wanted permission.

"Do what you will," he said roughly.

Her hand touched his armored chest, and his muscles almost vibrated with the force it took him to hold still. Her eyes moved over him, unaware of his inner conflict. She tipped her head to the side in question.

"How do I…"

He gently gripped her wrist and pressed her palm to the dull spot on his right shoulder. Her eyes widened in awe, as his armor folded in on itself. He shoved it to the side and ignored the heavy thud on the floor. Her eyes sparkled with amusement, that slowly faded as she looked him over. She licked her lips.

"Can I…"

"Anything," he quickly answered. He let out a hiss of pleasure, as she lay her hand on his chest. The thin fabric carried the heat of her palm to the over-sensitive skin beneath.

"Farran," she said softly. She leaned closer to him, resting her weight against his side, and pressed her lips to his jaw.

He felt drunk on her. Every lungful of air was filled with her scent. His ator pulsed in time with the beating of her heart. Every bit of his focus was fastened on the places her body met his. She slipped a hand under the hem of his shirt and he sucked in a sharp breath.

"Did I hurt you?" He watched her sweet face pinch in concern.

He almost laughed. It was so far from pain. He shook his head. "No."

She watched his face, as she pressed her scarred palm to the bare skin of his stomach. A low growl rumbled up from his chest before he could press it down. Shots of light flashed behind his tightly closed eyes. He could feel the buzz of the ator under her skin, as her lips trailed down his neck and her hand slid up to rest over his heart.

He felt her breath on his ear a moment before she whispered, "Can I take this off?" Her lips brushed him, as she spoke and every muscle in his body snapped tight.

He wanted nothing more than to pull her slight form on top of his. He gave her a jerky nod, and ripped the shirt over his head. He threw it, unsure where it landed, as he watched her stare at him in obvious fascination.

Her eyes moved over his chest, caressing each muscle with her eyes. She looked up at him suddenly and her eyes widened.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"Look your fill," he answered huskily. He leaned back on his elbows.

Her cheeks flushed, as she licked her lips. As her eyes trailed over him, his gaze stayed fixed on her face. Her pink, kiss-swollen lips curved into a soft smile. His eyes rose to hers, the emerald green gaze partly hidden beneath her hooded eyelids.

A word rose in his mind. The only word that could possibly define the feeling that filled his chest, to the point it felt just short of painful. He could not look away from her, the single most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

"I thought I had lost the ability to-" he broke off, as he realized he spoke aloud. He fell silent, and looked down at her pale, fragile hand on his chest. He trailed a finger along the soft skin, struggling to organize his thoughts. He felt her staring at him, her head cocked to the side in that cute way she only used when she was puzzled. He smiled slightly.

"This tiny, human female entered The Corridor with a class of new handlers," he murmured, raising his hand to cup her cheek. "She made a dozen mistakes in as many minutes."

Her lips parted, and he had to force himself not to kiss her. He swallowed hard and continued to speak.

"She infuriated me on every level." She blinked, as he dragged his thumb along her lower lip.

"She was everything I thought I hated," he said, a bit breathless from the soft kiss she placed on his thumb. His muscles tensed, but he forced himself to finish his thought, needing her to understand what he could not put into words. "She restored my faith in an entire species."



              She stared into his dark gaze. Joy, and fear, and some unnamed emotion all swirled inside her, making her heart feel overfilled and almost painful. Her lips trembled, as she gave him a wide smile and pulled him toward her. Somehow, it seemed less confusing with the same feelings reflected back at her from his eyes.

His large hands settled on her waist, real and solid, and holding her against his sturdy body. It seemed impossible for someone so large, to be so careful. His fingers lightly skimmed her hips and shoulder blades, as he removed her remaining clothing. She watched his eyes move over her slowly.

A soft expression she had never seen before, filled his face with what almost looked like adoration. She mentally shook herself. Surely, she was imagining things. He ducked his head to place a chaste kiss to her sternum, murmuring something against her skin.

She wanted to ask what the words meant, but he was on to her hip. The same brush of the lips and the same words. Her left ankle, her right hipbone, the same words whispered onto her body. She lazily rolled onto her front and felt the same attention to the back of her left knee, and the middle of her spine.

Dozens of kisses, and every time with the same three words. She drifted into a pleasure-filled haze of soft touches and the melodic repetition of his language. He gently rolled her onto her back and sprinkled kisses over the bridge of her nose and over her cheeks, before he seized her lips with enough passion to take her breath away.

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