No Ordinary Love (29 page)

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Authors: Kenya Wright

Tags: #Asian erotica, #Interracial, #Erotic Romance, #interracial erotica, #african american romance, #Erotica, #dark erotica

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As if he heard me, he grunted and dove his hands to my panties. I hummed. It couldn't be helped. I'd been wound up all day with stress and tension. His body on top of mine was a needed distraction, even though it could cause many problems up ahead.

Wait. Should I let him touch me? Fuck. I really want him to, if only for a few seconds.

The flutes continued as the men chanted and drummed.

“The time grows late, well past the hour of the boar. It is the dead of night,” the man said into my headphones, but I no longer cared as I uncrossed my legs and spread my thighs open wider.

“Yes, Tora,” Kenji murmured. He slid off of his chair, got on his knees, and widened my legs even more. Kneeling on the ground, he placed himself between my thighs.

Really? You’re just going to eat me out right here? In front of everyone?

My entire body tightened. So much rioted within. I couldn't ignore the fact that Kenji, this powerful man, one that was feared probably by the whole city was now on his knees and between my legs like a submissive sex slave. It rocked me to the core, and not in a good way—I was bubbling with wickedness. I relished the fact that if I said no right now, he'd jump up, get back in his seat, and sit down, the whole time craving just one lick of my pussy.

Damn. No one woman should have this much power.

The music softened around us. Did they notice that the only two people in the audience were now missing one, and that the missing person was now waiting for me to take off my panties?

“The chanter declares how sad of a fate for the princess, who must now be the next girl to be fed to an eight-headed serpent that demanded the regular sacrifice of beautiful girls,” the English man said. “How cruel that the princess is abandoned in such a place.”

“Take off your panties,” Kenji said a little louder than the words he’d said before. An edge lathered those words as if my not obliging was causing him torture. I pretended I couldn’t hear him.

“No one can save the princess,” the English man continued in my ears. “Although she would cry to her father. Nothing would come but the valley's echo. If she was to cry to her mother, she would hear nothing in response, except the wind through the pines. All that is happening to her is like a dream. Her hope withers away.”

Inch by inch, the woman glided along the stage, shielding the light with her hands. Yet, in the audience, a woman had an even freakier fate. My panties dampened with each second of Kenji kneeling in front of me with pleading eyes.

I curved my mouth into a smile. “Yes?”

“Open for me, Tora.” Kenji nudged my leg.

I moved away one of the ear plugs. “Yes.”

“Take off your panties.”

I stuck my tongue out at him. “Do it yourself, Dragon.”

He growled, but the oncoming drum drowned out most of his noise.

“Naughty, Tora.” In no time, he shoved his hands under my gown. It should've caught me off guard, but it turned me on even more. The skin along my thighs were wet. Fire blazed against my flesh. We were in a theater with people performing in front of us and his men in rows behind us, and I didn't give a damn.

“Please,” I murmured.


“Do it.”

“Chikusho.” Inch by inch, he moved his fingers to my waist, grabbed my panties, and wrenched them down. The diamonds on my gown clinked against each other as he struggled like a madman to get those panties off. Moaning, I lifted my bottom up and a chuckle escaped his mouth.

“Shh,” he murmured. “You’re missing the performance.”

“And what about you?”

“I've seen this before.” He buried his head underneath my gown before I could come up with a quick reply.


He consumed me right there. His mouth smoothed against my folds, his lips dipping and gliding along my throbbing clit. Blood and need filled that sensitive bud, right as he took it in his mouth and sucked on it in a rhythm that mimicked light vibrations.

Shit. His tongue is a vibrator. Does he have any more tricks I don’t know about?

“Mmmm,” I said louder than I wanted to. I could've sworn that the woman on the stage heard me as she now lay on her knees. With each strike of the drum, Kenji lapped at my center and the woman twisted and turned in a pulsating cadence.

“Oh.” I curled my toes in my shoes, barely able to stay quiet as he flicked the tip of his tongue inside of my pussy.

What the hell are you doing to me?

I gripped the edge of my seat, scooting my body away from his mouth, just to give me a few seconds to contain myself. “Oh … D-Dragon.”

His name dripped off of my tongue. My insides clenched into tiny globes that bounced against every sensitive part of me. I was a fragile balloon being blown up with warm air and ready to explode with just one more breath.

“ … the eight-headed creature has come in the figure of a woman and has passed many a year, muddying the clear mountain streams,” the English man said. “Like the frantic waves of the stream, her hair and heart, too, move in confusion—”

I tore the headphones away from my ears and arched my back up as Kenji cupped my naked ass and lifted my pussy to his face. “Dragon.”

He nipped at one of my folds. I jerked up a little. “Okay. I won't call you that.”

Next, he inserted his fingers into me, sliding them in and out as his mouth did his magic and the drumming on stage served as the beat.

Before me the woman performed, but my vision was nothing but a blur of movement—jagged gold and fuzzy shapes of red. My eyes watered from holding my moans in. The flute played loud. The drums pounded harder, and my heart boomed in my chest as my orgasm mounted into an explosion that left me oblivious to everything around me.

I screamed. “Oh!”

So loud. I could've sworn the drums missed their beats and the chanters slipped up a few notes.

“Oh!” I ground my center into his face, humping his mouth and riding him hard with upward thrusts and winding hips.

Fuck. You're making me crazy!

And he obliged my frantic grinding with further wet laps at my clit and faster movement of his fingers.

I came hard, all over him, drenching his face and getting my arousal all over the top of his suit jacket and crisp white shirt. I was sure my juices spilled all over that fancy little tie and even moistened the opening of that shirt to where his hidden tattoos lay.

This was madness. I knew it, letting myself go in a theater in front of everybody and face-fucking my captor.

It was reckless,


and so



but …

I didn't care.

Chapter 31





When he helped me into the limo, he asked, “Did you enjoy the performances?”

“I have no idea what happened after the first one. What was it about again, killing a serpent?”

“Yes, and we'll have to go again.” He beamed with this ridiculous smile.

“Stop that.”


“Grinning like you've conquered the world.”

“Have I not?” He got into the limo behind me and laughed. “I'm sure we can ask the poor dancer who kept messing up her moves each time you screamed.”

“How would you know she was messing up? Your head was down … ”

“Where, Tora? Where was my head?”

“Under my gown, tasting my pussy.”

He rubbed his lips. “Yes, I was.”

“This doesn't change anything.” I stayed in the middle as he turned to me and kissed my cheek.

“I know.”

“We're only … I don't know … dating in a really creepy way that involves hot sex in various places, apparently, and this is about you slowly getting over your need to possess things.”

“Not things or women, you. I want to possess you. Let's make sure the problem is clear. These two weeks are now about me getting over my need to possess

“As well as getting you some glasses.”

“That’s fair.”

“This is still a bit irrational.”

He frowned. “Why?”

“Because you barely know me.”

“I've held myself back enough in life from love and emotional connections. I'm done. Something about you is different. I want it in my life.”

I blew out a long breath. “You're too intense sometimes.”

“I don't know any other way to be with you.” He kissed me, seizing my mouth with his as his tongue kept my attention the rest of the car ride. “When I see you in a day, I sleep for hours.”

“So I'm also to serve as some sort of physical sleeping pill, too. I'm thinking I'll need a salary if I get any more duties.”

That evening, we headed into his building and rode the elevator, holding hands. Without wine or a smoke of something special, I walked the rest of the night in this intoxicated state, inhaling Kenji into my body and enjoying his attention.

We sat on his balcony. He'd handed over my computer. Shocking him, I'd returned his journal.

“When did you find this?” He stared at the red book.

“None of your business.”

He formed his lips into a thin line. “Did you read any of it?”


He sipped his beer and looked at the Tokyo Tower glowing with thousands of red and white lights. “What did you think?”

“I thought the haikus were clever and creative. I'm not a big haiku purist or anything, but they did capture my attention most of the day. I might’ve spent some hours trying to dissect a few.”

He smirked and chugged some more of his beer. “Which one?”

“The haiku about the dragon in the cave and the lonely, cold tiger getting ready to enter.”

He didn't turn my way as he set the beer on the table. “And what do you think I'm saying?”

“I don't know yet. First, why is the dragon sleeping in the cave?”

“He's hiding from the world. They think he's a monster.”

“And so he's asleep, not even living his life.”


“And this cold and
tiger happens to stumble onto this cave?”

“Yes.” He looked at me. “Why did you say ‘lost’ that way?”

“Why do you think I'm lost?”

“Because you're always searching for something whenever I'm around you.”

“Hmmm.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “Insightful, but you’re wrong. I'm not lost.”

“Maybe not.”

“I know who I am.” A breeze disrupted my curls and lifted them around my shoulders.

“Sure, I believe you know who you are, but where's your home?”


“But you're here in Tokyo.”

“For my book.” I picked up the beer that he'd set out for me. “Does this taste good?”

“Try it, and stop changing the topic.”

“I'm not, and I'm in Tokyo for my book.”

“You could've written about any sex industry anywhere. Surely America has many underground ones.”


“Why Tokyo?”

“My friend Zo was here.”

“Oh yes, Zo without an e. Do you love him?”

I didn't like the way he asked the question. For some reason, he bared his teeth as if ready to bite someone's head off.

“As I've said before, Zo and I are just friends. We would never take it any farther again. It wouldn't work.”

“Is he your closest friend?”

“He's my only real one. After him, everyone else is more like activity partners. I do things with them like go eat at a new spot or dance at a club, but we don't really share things about our lives.”

“And how's your relationship with your mother?”

“Not good.”

“So then, I have to ask you. Is Brooklyn really your home anymore? Maybe it's somewhere else. Perhaps Tokyo could be one of your homes, at least.”

I shook my head. “You don't give up.”

“Tokyo could be your home base as you travel and write.”

“It could be, but that would take weeks and months here to get the lay of the city. I would need to budget and look at possible ways I could make an income to live here. There's so many things to think about.”

“I could get you a place near me or,” he gestured behind him, “You could live with me.”

“You've lost your mind.”

“I'm only raising possible options.”

“Ones that are a bit loony to bring up after only knowing each other for a few days.” I took a sip of the beer and read the label. “Raging Bitch. What an interesting name for a bottle of beer.” I laughed right after hiccupping. “There are no Japanese letters on here. Is this an American beer or something?”

“Yes, it’s American brewed, but a Belgium IPA, meaning India pale ale.”

“Umm, which means?” I chuckled and swallowed some more of the bitter liquid.

“I'm a few years new to the beer scene.” He pulled out his phone. “I have a beer app that explains the various—”

“Did you just say you had a beer app on your phone?”

His face shaded red for a few seconds. “I like beer.”

“Apparently.” I grabbed the phone from him. “And what does the beer app do?”

“Reviews beers, gives me information on breweries. A lot of the time, when I want to try something new, I have someone go get a six pack from another country or order a big supply.”

“Wow. You're some sort of beer geek.”

“Not really. Oh wait.” He grabbed my hand and pointed to the tower. “Look at it.”

On the tower, all those beautiful lights shut off. In one second the sky was a huge fire of red and white. Next, a haunting dimness blanketed the city.


How odd it was that watching the lights disappear captured me way more than when the tower was bright and illuminated. There was beauty in the darkness—layers of mysterious splendor that one couldn’t see with just a light or candle’s flame.

“Night time is my favorite,”
Dad would say.

“Why, Daddy?”

“Society and the entertainment industry tries to tell us that we should be scared at night. Look at all the horror movies or even the news. Why? When it’s dark around you, that’s when our minds are most isolated from the world, from all the static. Darkness breathes energy in us all, if only to see the light one more time.”

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