No Ordinary Romance (10 page)

Read No Ordinary Romance Online

Authors: Stephanie Jean Smith

Tags: #interracial romance, #explicit sex, #multicultural romance, #wwnam

BOOK: No Ordinary Romance
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Thomas found her spot, and he began increased
the pressure of his thrusts as her body began to shake
uncontrollably. She called his name repeatedly, he held her at that
angle until she came. "That right baby, feel everything I have to
give you."

Connie never expected to feel this way in
Thomas's arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her
face on his chest as he continued to thrust deep inside. He put his
hand between them and worked her clit until she shot of again.

Thomas surged inside her one more time before
his orgasm hit. He didn't want to move, he sat on the bed and held
her as she cried, her tears wetting his neck and chest. "I got you
Constantina; I'm never going to let you go." It took a while for
Thomas to realize that she had fallen asleep with him still inside

He lifted her off his body, and she crawled
into the middle of the bed and went back to sleep. Thomas couldn't
take his eyes off her. They didn't discuss him staying the night,
but there was no way in hell that Thomas was leaving. He disposed
of the used condom in the bathroom connected to Constantina bedroom
and quickly joined her in bed.

Constantina moaned as she felt Thomas's
weight on the bed. He wrapped his arms around her, spooning behind
her as he covered them with the bedding. She relaxed her body and
for the first time in her life, slept with her lover in wild


Chapter 7

Connie woke up wrapped up in Thomas's arms;
he tightened his hold on her when she tried to pull away from his
embrace. Eventually, he let her go rolling over onto his back. She
opened the blinds so the morning sun could shine down on his body.
She pulled the covers down and studied his magnificence in

She loved the color of his
bronze skin. His chest was smooth and well
he had a tattoo of a wolf on the left side of his
chest. The tattoo was like nothing he ever saw
it was a true work of art. His fur coat midnight
black and his eyes were emerald green, it's
she imagined Thomas would appear as a wolf.

She followed the dusty
trickled of
hair that
ran down the middle
of his taught body and became a thick nest of hair from which his
beautiful cock sprang. She licked her lips anticipating tasting him
once again. Her fingers brushed across his immense length and
watched as it swelled in response. Connie continued her perusal
down his long muscular legs. The dusting of hair on his legs seemed
to accentuate his alpha male persona.

"Are you just going to stare at my body all
morning or are you going to give me some action." Thomas opened his
eyes to see Connie in a playful mood. He was glad that she accepted
his claim on her.

Connie proudly sat naked on her bed still
unable to believe what happened last night. "Well I'm new to this,
I've never let a man spend the night, and I'm unfamiliar with
morning after etiquette."

Thomas grabbed her arm and dragged her across
his body. "I believe it starts with how we left off. I give you
another mind shattering orgasm. You feed me, and we do it

Connie kissed him as she ran her hands
lovingly down his body, pausing at several stages along the way. "I
can handle that. I hope you don't have any plans today. We got
about six to seven inches of snow. I usually go into work on
Saturdays during tax season, but not today. That gives me more time
to focus on you."

"Constantina, there's no place else I'd
rather be, keep sexing me up and I'll be you're devoted slave."

Connie took his half erect cock into her
mouth, working the mushroom tip with her tongue as she massaged his
glands. He lifted himself eagerly into her mouth trying to force
himself down her throat. She quickly lifted her head and jerked on
his hardened length. "This is my show Thomas, lay back and let me
do the work." She continued to massage his swollen length as she
licked and kissed every inch of his genitals.

Thomas couldn't stand her brand of torture
any longer; he grabbed her head urging her to take him back in her
mouth. "Constantina finish me off baby."

Connie sucked him off hard willing him to
explode inside her mouth. She felt his body tense then the flood
gates seemed to open up. She sucked and swallowed his cum as
quickly as he released it. He groaned when she took everything that
he had to give. Connie lifted her head and searched Thomas's face,
his skin flushed and his nipples erect.

"I would die from heart failure if your
morning after etiquette was any better. Now let me return the
favor." Thomas flipped her onto her back, holding her arms above
her head as he maneuvered himself between her legs.

"Do you need handcuffs? I need your hands to
be free so I can achieve the ultimate satisfaction."

"You blow my top off, and suddenly you have a
big head."

"I think you're the one with the...uhmm, big
head." Connie looked pointedly at his semi erect cock lying on her
stomach. "The handcuffs are in the nightstand."

"I don't need handcuffs to make you

He moved faster than lightening, Thomas had
Connie on her stomach rubbing his thick length between her butt
cheeks before she could blink. Thomas sucked and nibbled his way
down her back listening intently for the little catches in her
throat. He yanked her up on her knees, pressing her head down into
the pillow.

Thomas could feel Constantina become still as
he explored the scars on her body. "Trust me Constantina; trust me
with all of your body."

"I'm trying it's not easy exposing myself
this way." Connie thought about lovers in the past, those who only
had sex with her in the dark and others who became disgusted after
seeing her scars.

Thomas could see the faint scars along the
base of her back and fullness of her ass. He continued to explore
her body, kissing and licking her scars, real and imagined. Her
labia and thighs were discolored, some areas redder than others. He
worshiped her body, letting her know that he wanted her scars and

He spread her nether lips and probed her slit
with his fingers. She was wet, but she wasn't feeling his caresses.
He probed deeper and harder until he heard Constantina moan his
name. "Yes baby, now we're getting somewhere. He continued to probe
her with two fingers as he tugged on her clit before taking it into
his mouth.

Connie was like a coiled spring, there was no
quick way to bring her off. Thomas was patient and so determined
that she would come on his terms. How many nights had she dreamed
about a man who would take his time to ensure her orgasms? "Thomas
I'm almost there."

"I know baby." Thomas reached for one of the
condoms he left on the nightstand and donned it quickly. He
replaced his fingers with his cock thrusting deep inside her. His
hands moved to her hips, and he took his time riding her into bed.
He wanted Constantina to realize that no other man was going to
make love to her this way. "You're mine Constantina."

Connie felt hot and cold at the same time,
she felt the little electric shocks deep in her core as Thomas
worked his magic. "Thomas please, let me come!"

Thomas used her wetness to glide his fingers
over her clit as he picked up the pace of his thrusts. Constantina
body began to shake as she cried out his name. He felt the heat of
her cum through the condom and came shortly afterwards. He pulled
out of her and quickly disposed of the condom.

When he came back to the bed, Constantina
continued to lie on her stomach trying to catch her breath. They
both were tired and sweaty. "Do you want to take a shower?"

Connie shook her head in the negative, she
didn't think she could move right now if she wanted to. "I need to

Thomas laughed as he slid into bed next to
her covering them both up. He couldn't keep his hands off her, so
he began rubbed her back waiting for her to calm down. "You want to
tell me about the fire."

Connie turned to look at him. Thomas's hair
was in disarray, and both of them needed a thorough shower. Yet
here he was lying next to her, his eyes full of empathy showing her
that he cared. "We lived in a poor neighborhood in some small town,
in Iowa. My mother couldn't keep a job, but she had plenty of men
friends to buy her booze and supply her with drugs.

David was four, and I had just turned seven.
The night of the fire our mother left us alone and made me promise
that I would stay in bed. We only had one television in the house,
and I would sneak downstairs after David went to sleep to watch

On the night of the fire, 'West Side Story'
was coming on later that night and I was determine to see the
musical. I promised my mother that I would stay in my bed, but as
soon as David fell asleep, I snuck downstairs and watched the
movie. It was everything I hoped for; I loved the singing. I even
pretended as if I were one of the dancers in the movie.

I fell asleep on the living room floor and
woke up when I heard a crackling sound. I saw flames coming from
the kitchen. Little did I know that the fire had already reached
the second floor. I ran to the stairs, but embers from the second
floor fell trapping me on the stairs before I could save David. My
nightgown caught on fire, but a fireman reached me and put the
flames out. I kept yelling for David, but the fireman rushed me out
of the house into waiting arms.

Eventually another fireman found David, but
it was too late he carried David's lifeless body out of the house
and took him to the other waiting ambulance. That was the last time
I saw David. I swear that I saw my mother's face in the crowd. I
called to her, but she never came forward."

Thomas caressed her face and wiped away her
tears as she told her story from hell. "It's okay baby, let it out.
I have a feeling you've been holding this in for most of your
life." He pulled her into his arms and kissed her forehead before
she laid her head on his chest.

Connie listened to Thomas's heartbeat a few
minute before continuing her story. He was a strong man and he
would be able to hear her story without turning away from her. "I
was flown to the burn center in Lincoln. My nightgown had melted to
my body leaving horrible burns on my lower back, thighs, and
genitals. I can almost feel the pain as I remember the doctor
removing my skin along with my gown.

I think the worst part was
when they took me to the d
ebridement chamber where they scraped the dead skin
from my body. They would give me antibiotics, and they were
extremely careful about the pain medication administered to me. I
had to undergo several skin grafts over the course of the

I heard that my mother was arrested for some
crime unrelated to the fire. She gave up custody of me, and I
became a ward of the state of Nebraska. I ended up in several
foster homes before I finally came to live with Momma Lettie. I was
ten years old and felt like an old woman. The scars aren't the only
reminder of the fire. The hair on my hair turned white because of
stress and pain of the burns. My hair used to be a pale blond.

When I saw my mother in the crowd that night,
I knew that she started the fire as sure as I knew that David was
dead. When I saw her face, I could tell that she was angry that I
survived. I always wondered why she wanted to kill us. What was
wrong with me and David that she wanted us to die?"

"Constantina, your birth mother was clearly a
psychopath. There's nothing wrong with you that the love of a
strong man can't handle. You've got a heart made of gold, you're
loyal, and your hot little body keeps me coming back for more.
Momma Lettie was your true mother, she obviously loved you. You've
been raised in a loving household, and that's why you're the giving
person that you are."

Connie was quiet, absorbing Thomas's words.
"I'm tired Thomas, and I'm probably going back to sleep, but I
promise when I wake up I'll make you a feast fit for a king."

Thomas smiled, knowing that whatever this
thing he and Constantina have wasn't going to fade away. He's going
to hold on tight and never let her go. "I'm gonna hold you to
that." He was tired too, he tightened his arms around her as he
went back to sleep.


When Connie woke the second time it was after
1:00 p.m. She got out of the bed without waking Thomas and took a
quick shower. It was a good thing she went to the grocery store
early this week. She planned a menu in her head as she came back to
her bedroom pulling on a pair of pants and a sweatshirt.

"What are you doing?"

Connie smiled at Thomas who looked like an
unmade bed. "You need to take a shower, by the time you get out
I'll have your lunch ready." She felt her heart beat speed up when
he took a heated perusal of her body with his lust laden green
eyes. "No Thomas we can't stay in bed all day. Well, not until we
get some nourishment." She left the room as he pulled down the
covers, she didn't trust herself not to jump his body.

Thomas laughed at Constantina as she fled the
bedroom; he took a quick peek outside. He wasn't going to wear his
tuxedo all weekend, good thing for him that he still had his
luggage in his car. Of course, he was going to have to endure the
snow in his wingtips. He put on his clothes and braved the cold and
snow to grab the suitcase from his car that still had clean

Connie was waiting for him as he re-entered
the house. "Why didn't you tell me that you needed something from
your car I would have gotten it for you?"

Thomas was shocked that her sidewalk and
driveway were cleared; the person or persons even took the time to
clean off his car. "How did you get your driveway and sidewalk
cleared so fast?"

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