No Quarter (15 page)

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Authors: Anita Cox

BOOK: No Quarter
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“Colin!” she gasped.

“You feel so damned good,” he said through labored breaths.

She laughed while fighting for air. “So do you. That was intense.”

After covering them both with the sheets, he spooned into her, kissing her neck. “Nala, my love, you are my family. If pups come along, then so be it. But you should know I’m quite content with you. No, not content. I’m elated to have you as my mate.”

Her eyes stung at his words. She blinked to fight back the tears. “Thank you.”

“Thank you,” he whispered.

Chapter Twelve


The meeting the following morning was as expected. Most of the Lycans were frightened at the thought of human awareness. Nala, Colin, and Jake did the best they could to field questions from the pack. When Nala reminded them that some of them had faced intolerable cruelty from their own kind, it seemed to bring things back around.

“As I said, I intend to invite a human here today so you can meet her, to see that like us, they’re not all alike.” Not a word was spoken after that, and the meeting was adjourned. Her call to Susan went well, and she’d agreed to meet for coffee.

Nala went alone, much to the chagrin of her mate and her Beta. She arrived early and scanned the area. Nothing seemed out of sorts. Comfortable that she was safe, she ordered her beverage and took a seat in the corner. Susan arrived a few moments later.

The two women stared at each other for a brief moment, neither seeming to know how to start the conversation.

“I think it’s important, to start a dialog,” Nala began.

Susan let out a large breath. “Thank you for starting. I didn’t know what to say.”

She clutched her mug. “I have a crazy idea and I’m not sure you’re up for it. So I am relying on you to tell me if any of it makes you uncomfortable.” Silently, she prayed to the gods that her plan would work.

“Crazy ideas invented the light bulb, electricity, the internet, and Cheetohs. Lay it on me.” Susan leaned in on her elbows and sipped at her coffee.

Nala pulled her shoulders back, sitting a little higher. “Our introduction was under…unusual circumstances, but we’ve been introduced nonetheless. We can’t change how that happened. However, I think to give you an accurate depiction, I need to show you the best of us
the worst.”

The color left Susan’s face. “The worst?”

Nala quickly filled Susan in on her past, how she came to be the Alpha and that female Alphas were unheard of. “I’d like to show you how we live. Then, you will be present for my no quarter challenge. It will be gruesome and someone will die. Can you cope with that?”

Her mouth hung open as she stared at Nala. “No quarter…that means…”

“No mercy, fight to the death.” She stared into the woman’s eyes, trying to gauge her reaction. “There will be blood. But you seem to be able to handle that.”

“Blood from birth is one thing. It’s life. It’s the creation of life. But…” She stopped, shaking her head and squeezing her eyes shut. “Never mind, I have an open mind. Who am I to be squeamish if it’s your life on the line?”

Content with her answer, Nala stood from the table. “I’m in the Honda Accord. You can follow me.”

“No!” Susan stood from her chair and slung her bag over her shoulder. I’m riding with you. You have the responsibility to drive me home. Got it? I took the bus here anyway. But, still. This way you have to win. You have no choice because you have to fulfill your responsibility to me.”

Crazy human!
“That’s not really the way it works, but I take the responsibility anyway.”

Susan followed her to her car. The drive back to pack property was filled with questions from Susan. “So, this is the beginning of women’s rights for you then, huh?”

“Yes, as I said, Grace was raised thinking she was a human. So when she came to us, she was appalled at the lack of, well, position for the females. She took very drastic measures. My Alpha had kidnapped her because of her royal blood. The rest, we already covered.”

She shook her head. “That’s some real medieval shit.”

Nala laughed. “We’re working on it.”

“So, interspecies breeding is a new thing then?”

This topic was a bit more uncomfortable for her. “Well, it was rare before, as far as I know. But, yes, we are beginning to live and, uh, love together.”

“I can see why. Shifter men are fuckin’ hot!”

A violent burst of laughter erupted from Nala. It must’ve startled Susan because she jumped.

“I’m sorry. But yes, I can see our men are of better stock. They don’t faint at the sight of birth.”

“Hey, your Centaur turned all grey. I thought we would lose him too!” She smiled and put her palm on her forehead. “Oh God, don’t judge us all on the account of Pete. He’s always been a bit of a panty waste.” She rubbed her forehead before putting her hand back in her lap.

“Human men can’t all be that bad. Can they?” Nala glanced at her as she turned onto the drive to the pack property.

“Good ones are hard to find.”

“Well, I can tell you shifter men are excellent lovers if you’re ever interested. By the way, welcome to the Belfast pack’s property.”

She leaned forward in her seat, taking in the view. “Holy shit. Look at this place! It’s breathtaking.” Her head shot from left to right and back. “Look at all the houses. You are all hidden very well.”

Nala hoped her people behaved and received Susan well. She put the car in park and turned off the engine. “Home sweet home.”

A small group of Gnomes had gathered as they exited the car. Thomas approached with a small box. “We made this for our honored guest.”

Susan put her hand over her mouth. “Wow. Really?” She took the box from Thomas and slowly opened it. Inside, Nala could see a set of beautiful handmade garnet earrings. “You

Molly, a tiny Gnome with a jet black bun affixed to the top of her head nodded. “I made the earrings. Thomas carved the stones and set them.”

“That’s very generous. Thank you so very much.” She looked at Nala. “This is too much.”

Shaking her head, she winked down at her friends. “It’s best not to argue with a gift from the Gnomes. They’re very sweet that way.”

Molly skipped over to Nala. “I think she likes them.”

“I thank you for making them. That was very kind.”

Four pups came bounding toward them.

“Puppies!” She began to crouch down and pet them. “Oh God! These are your people’s children. Not puppies. What…what can I do? Is it okay to touch them?”

With a smile and a nod she urged on. “You can treat them as you would any other puppies. They love the attention. And yes, we call our children pups. It’s okay. Scratch their tummies. Pat their bottoms. They love it.” She knelt next to Susan, realizing how foreign it was to the human. The pups jumped, rolled around and kissed Susan’s face.

“They’re so sweet.”

“Okay kids. Let’s let her past the driveway. Off you go.” Several whines were heard as they pups began walking away.

Nala gave her a tour of their land, ending with the pack house where their guest joined them for dinner.

“Whoa, whoa…human’s don’t eat this much,” she protested. Her eyes bulged as she looked down at the plate piled high with food.

“Lycans have a high metabolism. We have to eat a lot to keep up our strength.” Colin had joined them, much to Nala’s relief. “Just scoot whatever you don’t want on Jake’s plate. He eats as much as three of us.”

Jake lifted his plate toward her. “That’s right. I’ll take it all!”

Her face burned red. A sheepish grin spread across her lips as she shifted three quarters of her contents onto his plate. “So,” she began, “it’s like this all of the time. Big meals together like one big happy family?”

Nala forced a smile as she looked down at her plate. Her fight was in a few hours. The thought of which made her nauseous. “Yes, unless these two are nipping at each other’s hind quarters.” She waved between Colin and Jake.

Jake smiled as she tore off a hunk of bread. “It’s a sibling thing. Do you humans have that? Sibling rivalry?”

With a snicker, Susan waved her fork in the air and swirled it around. “I shaved a bald spot on my sister’s head one night while she was sleeping.”

Several around the table joined her laughter. “So that’s a yes, then?” Jake winked.

He’s flirting with the human?

“My brother would flirt with a tree if it were receptive.”
Colin rolled his eyes.

Nala’s wolf stirred and whined. Colin must’ve noticed because his smiled turned into a hardened stare. He nodded.
“Easy girl. You’ll do fine during the fight. None of us will let them pull anything. We’ve a plan in place if they fight dirty.”

Protect your mate. Protect her at all costs. For the pack. For the family.
Her silent wolf uttered words for the first time in weeks.

Nala felt Colin’s wolf stir.

Jake stopped chewing and scooted from the table. “Excuse me.”

Everyone at the table fell silent.

Susan looked around. “Was it something I said?”

Colin placed his fork on the table and scooted his plate away. “Did Nala explain our wolves reside in our head when we’re in human form…that they have thoughts and feelings too?”

Her head shook.

“Her wolf is…restless because of the fight. Mine picked up on it because we’re mated. Jake, being her Beta, or second in command, is also on edge. We’re just picking up on pre-fight jitters. I’m sorry if it’s uncomfortable.”

Nala swallowed the lump in her throat. Food was certainly out of the question. “Do you remember how I said I wanted you to see the best and the worst of us?”

Susan nodded.

Nala searched for the words. “I don’t want to color your opinion of others. However, all I have to offer is my own knowledge. The pack that’s coming tonight, they originated from Chicago. They’re very greedy and power hungry. They outgrew Chicago and had to expand. Most Lycans are content staying in their packs, on pack land. Most don’t ever expand. Expansion is unheard of, for the most part. Anyway, they’re looking to take our land, push us out or claim us as their slaves or something.”

“Slaves! No!” She crossed her arms over her chest. “It’s the twenty-first century. We don’t do slaves anymore!”

Nala couldn’t help but smile at the woman. “I’m not sure what she means exactly when she says, ‘Lower Lycan,’ but it can’t be good.”

“Lower Lycan? I don’t like this bitch already and I just found out about Lycans.” She tossed her napkin on her plate. “Why don’t you just blow them away?”

“What, like you guys did at the school?” Tracy’s glare bore through her.

“Tracy!” Nala growled. Her eyes glowed.

Susan’s mouth fell open. She regained her composure quickly. “No, I had that coming. Cool eyes by the way. Now I’m totally jealous.” She turned to Tracy. “We were ignorant. There’s no denying that. So. Touché.”

“It’s just not the way we handle things. Hand to hand combat, to show who the bigger man, or in my case, woman, is.” Nala shot another look at her closest confidant.

“Apologies.” Tracy stood up and started gathering plates. “It’s just…what’s to keep your kind from doing that to us again? And what do we do? Get guns of our own?”

“Yes.” The voice was quiet and solemn as it slipped out of Susan’s mouth.

“Humans have guns. You might want to get a few of your own. You know…for protection.”

The look of shock on Tracy’s face was shared by many around the table.

“We’re not going to start killing humans. Diplomacy is the plan. The royals can handle this.” Nala’s tone spoke that it was the end of the discussion…for now at least.

Jake trotted back into the dining area, sweat glistening on his forehead. “Sorry if I was rude.”

Unable to decipher what was going on with her Beta, Nala chose to ignore him. “Jake, I need to prepare for the fight tonight. Would you please take care of our guest until then?”

“It would be a pleasure.”

He smiled at Susan.

She blushed.

Nala and Colin shot each other a glance.
, they both thought simultaneously.

Chapter Thirteen


The sun had set. Nala stood on the deck with Colin, peering out at the land. Neither of them spoke, the silence between them saying enough. Colin knew the pressure his mate was under and that tiny piece of knowledge was the comfort she needed.

In the distance, she could hear the crunching of gravel under rubber tires. They were approaching…in vehicles. That was very unusual for their kind, but the Scottsboro pack was one of showmanship. The Belfast pack gathered ranks, circling around, facing the newcomers. Susan stood next to Jake, which made Nala feel a bit more comfortable. Scottsboro Lycans would sniff her out immediately. The pack and the Beta were there to protect her if they had any funny ideas.

“A human at a no quarter battle. That’s funny Baker.” Stephany rolled her eyes. “Is this the new rage, mingling with humans?”

“It’s part of our integration plan, yes.” Nala pushed through the Belfast crowd to the front.

Wearing knee length leather boots, leggings and a dress that barely covered her ass, Stephany Kincade smirked back at Nala. “Ready to die, were-bitch?”

“Not today. Thanks. Where’s my challenger? Bad hair day?”

Jackson Kincade stepped out of a canary yellow Humvee and shirked off a leather jacket. He looked ready for war, wearing camo pants, a black muscle shirt and combat boots.

“Cute outfit.” Nala winked at him.

He growled in return.

Her stomach lurched again, but she forced herself to smile through it.

Richard and Trina edged their way to the front.

Nala’s gaze immediately fell on them. Trina looked like she’d lost weight. Her eyes were sunken in and her hair looked filthy. “Ready to come home yet?”
Please say yes. Please.

Trina opened her mouth to speak but before anything could come out of her mouth, Richard’s arm flew around her shoulders. “We’re fine, thanks.”

She only stared at Trina, hoping the woman would come to her senses.

Jake stepped to the front of the crowd. “This way, please.” He led them to a clear field of grass.

Susan was surrounded, shoulder to shoulder, by Belfast pack members during the walk. When they reached the clearing, a circle formed for the fight, Belfast on one side, Scottsboro on the other.

Jake stepped to the center. “Rules have been the same for centuries. This is a no quarter battle between Nala Baker, Alpha of the Belfast pack, and Jackson Kincade, challenger. No one is to interfere under penalty of death. The only person who can stop the fight is one of the opponents. You may fight in either human or Lycan form. Any questions?”

After a moment of silence, Susan stepped forward. “I have a question.”

“Figures,” Stephany spat.

“You’re fighting for this land. Right? For the right to rule it?” She glared at Stephany.

“Yes, yes, and if you weren’t a stupid human, you’d know this.”

She smirked back at Stephany Kincade with disgust. “Then if she wins, does she win your land? Seems only fair.”

Colin spoke up. “That’s not how it works. If Nala wins—s”

“She won’t,” Stephany huffed.

“If she wins, she gets to keep her land and her life. The loser will have lost their life so it’s square.”

Susan stepped back in the crowd, keeping her eyes on Stephany.

I don’t trust her either. Smart human.

“Let the battle begin.” Jake stepped back, edging through the crowd until he was next to Susan.

Nala squared off, standing still as she watched Jackson bounce on his feet like a pro-boxer. She stood still, weight on the balls of her feet, ready to move.

Deep breath in. Good. Deep breath out. Fake to the left, fake to the right. What is he doing?
Jackson bounced around, air boxing to himself. Nala shook her head. “Are we fighting, or do you have an imaginary friend over there?”

He lunged at her. She stepped out of the way and he stumbled.
It can’t be this easy.

After righting himself, he resumed bouncing up and down with his fists up in front of his face. She didn’t see the jab when it connected with her chin. A flash of white, followed by the sting of pain through her jaw startled her. She took a few steps back and shook her head. It hurt, but it wasn’t
. She loosened her knees and crouched.

When Jackson rushed her again, she lunged slightly, hitting her shoulder into his gut and flipping him over her back. He hit the grass with a hard thud, rolled over to his stomach and pushed off the ground. She backed away a few feet to give herself some room to react.

The pounding of hooves could be heard approaching. She wanted to look, but didn’t want to take her eyes off of her opponent. When he looked away, she snuck a glance. Grace and Roman were approaching with the entire herd of Centaurs, including the new parents.

“Wendy, you should be resting,” she called over her shoulder.

“Oh I’m rested. Tiff is watching the babies. Zoltar and I wouldn’t miss your fight. We’re here to be certain it’s a fair fight. We have intel they plan an ambush tonight and the royals won’t stand for it.” She scraped her hoof on the ground.

“You have no right to interfere!” Stephany screeched.

Zoltar laughed. “We’re not interfering. We’re spectating.”

Nala waited until Jackson turned back to her. She wasn’t going to take a cheap shot. She kept her eyes on him as he looked to his pack for answers.

“Fight’s over here, Jackson.”

He turned to face her. The bouncing ceased as he sized her up. A larger crowd seemed to have quelled his antics. The air around him shimmered as he shifted to wolf. Nala followed suit. Jackson crouched and circled. She matched his movement, keeping him at her front where she could defend.

Finally, he leaped at her. She held her ground, waiting until he nearly reached her when she opened her muzzle and clamped onto his leg, pulling hard as she rolled. His side hit the ground with a giant
. When he scrambled to get to his feet, she lurched on top of him and bit down on his shoulder. His warm, salty metallic blood filled her mouth as she bit him once, twice, then three times before jumping to the side.

He righted himself, limping as he edged toward her again.

“Kill her!” Stephany screeched.

Following his mates scream, he lunged at Nala. Both wolves bit and tumbled, rolling on the grass as they took hunks out of each other. White heat seared her face as he tore at the flesh by her jaw.

“Remember your training!” Prometheus’s voice boomed through the air.

Nala shifted to human, healing her face. She grabbed a large rock and slung it at Jackson, hitting him in the eye. He yelped and shifted back to human. “Bitch! That’s not fair!”

“You’re twice my size. Let’s talk about fair,” she spat the blood that still lingered in her mouth.

He swung at her, his fist connecting with her brow bone. The second she heard the crack of bone, she shifted to wolf, praying the magic would heal her. It did enough to keep her eye from closing, though she could feel her fur wet with blood. She shifted back to human immediately, hiking her leg up, and then crashing her boot down on the side of his knee, buckling it from under him. He fell to his knees and yelled out in pain.

“Watch your back! Their pack is stirring!”
Colin’s voice called out in her head. She glanced around. They were moving. Something was up. The air glistened as the entire Scottsboro pack shifted, except for Trina who stood glaring at Nala.

Nala’s hair stood on end, but she kept her opponent in her sights. That’s when she heard it, the thumps of large wolf pads hitting dirt. Another Lycan was approaching. She shifted to wolf and leaped over the top of him, shifting into human, pulling the knife out of her boot and slicing the throat of the beast before landing on her feet.

Stephany screamed. “No weapons!”

“No weapons with my opponent. That was someone interfering. The rules are clear.”

Nala could hear Susan’s protests over the crowd. “That’s not fair. That’s cheating. Cheaters!”

“Quiet,” Jake urged her. “Pay attention.”

A commotion to the left stole her attention. Three of the Scottsboro pack members had grabbed three Gnomes by the throats. Nala froze. Her duty as Alpha was to protect her pack.

“Conceded and they go free,” Stephany sneered. Before Nala could think, the rest of the Gnomes jumped on the three wolves and began clawing and stabbing the wolves with Gnomes in their mouths. Extreme pressure closed around Nala’s throat. Her vision blurred. But what happened? She shifted her gaze down to find Jackson Kincade’s arm wrapped around her neck, squeezing.

She knew she had mere seconds before she was dead. He wouldn’t stop with her blacking out. He called a no quarter battle for a reason.

“Fight. Please fight Nala. This is a piece of shit, punk. You took down Jagger Merrill. Jackson Kincade can’t be the end of you. Fight for me. Fight for the pack!”
She could hear the tears in Colin’s mental voice. He was pleading with her to fight.

Her feet were not touching the ground. Her hands could not reach the man behind her. Her legs kicked but did little damage.
Remember your training.
Blackness began closing around her and her muscles started to twitch. She had to shift but…peace. Peace was creeping in. It was light and airy. No pain. No guilt. No nightmares. Pure, unadulterated peace and tranquility.

“Nala, I love you. Now please, fight for me. Come back to me.”
Colin! He needed her. He didn’t deserve to suffer because of one weak moment. She closed her eyes and focused hard. Her skin blazing as she fought to shift with what tiny energy she had left. Her vision blurred one final time before she felt the tingling over her body as hands and feet were replaced with paws, her face replaced with a muzzle. She scrambled and wriggled until Jackson could no longer hold her neck. He dropped her.

Nala spun, biting his inner thigh where she thought a major artery resided. She chomped down hard, feeling his blood pulse in her mouth. When he fell to the ground she leaped up, locking her jaws around his throat and bit down hard, pulling back until Jackson’s lifeless body stopped moving.

“No!” Stephany Kincade dropped to her knees and screamed.

Nala fell back on the ground and stared at the body of Jackson Kincade. Eyes glazed over, throat now a gaping bloody hole. Color already draining from his face, he was gone.

Kill or be killed.

She sat down on her rump and hung her head, crying out. This didn’t have to be. No one had to die today. The archaic rules had to be abolished.

“Shh, it’s okay.” Colin whispered in her ear as he stroked her fur. “You did what you had to do. It’s okay.”

She leaned her head into his chest and whined.

“Nala, I need you to shift. Your shoulder is dislocated.” He held her furry face in his palms. “Please shift.”

She hung her head again, after pulling it free from his hands and collapsed on the ground, tears rolling down her furry muzzle. Something was wrong, Colin was right. The pain started to roll up her shoulder, into her neck. She howled out as she shifted.

“We’ll clean out the riff raff,” Prometheus announced. “Get her to your doctor.”

Wendy and Grace rushed to her side. “Wait,” Grace said. She sniffed Nala. “Nala! What the hell?”

“What?” She asked as she wiped the tears from her face.

“Wait.” Colin closed his eyes then opened them again, wide. “What?”

“What do you mean, what? What the hell are you doing accepting a battle while you’re pregnant?” Grace put her hands on her hips. “Oh. Oh! You didn’t know?”

“No! I didn’t.” Tears rolled down her cheeks as she looked at her mate. “I’m sorry, I didn’t.”

Colin’s face burned red. Finally, moisture pooled at his lids. “Pregnant. We’re pregnant!”

“You’re going to pay for this, bitch!” Stephany screamed as she dragged Jackson’s body away. “I’ll kill you for this!”

Wendy darted toward her. “I should kill you now!”

“No!” Nala stood with Colin’s help. “No more. No more killing. No more death. Let her take her mate home and mourn.”

Wendy spun on her heel, her mouth slack. “What?”

“Please, let her go. Let her mourn the loss of her mate. She’s upset, as we would all be.” She turned to Colin. “Get me to the doctor. I want to make sure this baby is okay.”

Wendy’s mouth came together as her shock turned into a smile. “I can actually recommend a really good human midwife.”

When Nala turned to see what Wendy was looking at, she saw Susan staring at her, tears streaming down her cheeks. “Nala.”

Colin helped her to her feet. “I’m sorry. I can only imagine how horrible that was to watch.”

“No,” she sniffed, “I’m crying because…because I thought you’d lost. I just met you and you’re so sweet and…I’m glad you won.”

“Baby! I’m going to be a dad! You’re going to be the best mom!”
Colin’s voice was screeching through her head.

“I, uh,” she wiped her palms on her pants, “I promised to get you home.”

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