No Reservations (20 page)

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Authors: Lauren Dane

BOOK: No Reservations
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She adjusted herself and stretched above him. He lost his train of thought for a few moments and then remembered she was not only fucking him, but had agreed to both move in and marry him. He tried to keep the gloat off his face.

'Don't think I can't see the gloat in your eyes. But let's hold off on the end-xone dances for a few more minutes, shal we? If we move in together, your girls wil lose some of that together time they have with you and her both. This wil be because I can't bear their mother. It wil be my fault that they lose it. They wil resent me, how could they not?'

You're jumping to conclusions as wel as getting lazy.

Ride me while you're talking. I can live with no Sunday dinners, which you have to admit rarely happen anyway.'

She rose up and slammed her body down on him several times, her breasts bouncing, her eyes sliding halfway dosed. He felt her cunt change, slicken, get hotter as she rode. He had no plans to interrupt wherever she was going at that moment. He was putty in her hands, or between her thighs, whatever.

'Weddings, funerals, graduations, these are the events I am wil ing to deal with her over. Oh and birthdays, but only if there's no way around it. And by deal with, I mean I know she wil be there too. It does not mean I'l plan parties for these events with her. I wil not spend Christmas or Valentine's Day alone if we live together and I sure as hel won't if we're married. I wil not sit at her table for Thanksgiving, nor do I want her at mine. This is non-negotiable. I don't want her in my house eating my turkey and I'm not going to her place either.

I'm not her friend. I don't plan to pretend to be, nor do I want to be. I'l be civil for the sake of your daughters, but that's as far as it goes. Her behaviour this time has just gone too far. I don't plan to cal her up to chat and I don't want to hear that voice on my answering machine. By the way, her parents are assholes too, no wonder she turned out the way she did.

Same goes for them.

She took one of his hands and brought it to her clit.

'Hel o? You're neglecting me already?' 'What did her parents do and why didn't you tel me earlier?'

Mmm, there you go, sport, right there.' She leant forwards, bracing her hands on his biceps and slid back onto his cock time and again. This position was so good for her.

Every inch of his cock stroked, rubbed and stimulated her.

The broad head of him brushed over her G-spot and she control ed the intensity with her movements.

'Look at me.'

She did, not stopping herself from grabbing a kiss as wel . 'I want you to come.

She laughed, arching her back and slamming herself back against him in earnest. With him, the wait, once she let herself go, was never long. He set to flame what had smouldered and that was al she could feel, see, think about.

Those stirrings of orgasm stirred low in her bel y and bloomed outwards, flushing heat and pleasure over her skin, through her cel s. He fil ed and she teased herself with his retreat. He played her, stroking her clit between a slippery thumb and forefinger.

'So bold, taking what you want. Sexy. That's the way, damn it, you're so hot and juicy. I'm close, darling Kate, so you'd better get a move on or you'l be al alone. I'm too much a gentleman for that.'

Her nipples slid back and forth against him as she moved; the hair on his chest abraded but in al the right ways.

She dropped her forehead, resting it against his chest. That changed the angle of his entry just enough to bring orgasm tumbling through her.

He rol ed her so that he was on top, picking up his pace, thrusting hard and deep. She took in the luxury of looking up into his face. The forelock that perpetual y seemed to slide rakishly over his forehead. The way the iris in each eye seemed to be swal owed bythe darkness of his pupils as he got drunk from fucking. He never did anything halfway, despite how easygoing he appeared to be. He took fucking very seriously, it showed in the concentration just around his eyes, the set of his mouth and at last when he came with a half-shout. He continued to stroke inside her for long moments more until he final y relaxed and flopped to the side, tossing a thigh over her to keep her in place.

'I'm hungry and we didn't real y get this whole thing settled.'

'There's some huge buffet. I've never done one before, believe it or not. And we have the important stuff settled. You and I are moving in together and I absolutely agree that you shouldn't have to deal with Eve except on rare occasions.' 'I don't want to be the woman who comes between the father and his daughters.'

'I know you don't. Which is one of the many reasons why you won't. I won't lie, I sense Eve wil try to make trouble with the girls. It's going to be rough at first. Maybe we should get married here, that way there's a strong message that you and I are permanent.'

'Your daughters wil be part of our wedding. I want to include them in the planning. If we got married without talking to them about it, it would only make things worse.'

'So you'l marry me?'

She shoved him off and stood up, walking on stil rubbery knees towards the bathroom. 'Let's not get ahead of ourselves here, Charles. We stil have some talking to do, but I'm starved and, um, you've sul ied me and I need a shower before we go. I don't want your liquid souvenir to be an uncomfortable reminder of this lovely fuck session.'

He stood up and stalked her as she backed into the stal . 'Oh your love words are so beautiful.'

She began to wash her hair as he used the showerhead just across from where she stood.

'I could have said spunk or jiz. I was being artful. I'm going to have potatoes, bacon, pancakes and perhaps gravy on something. I'l work out when we get back. Now that you've bought the cow so to speak, maybe I'l have gravy with every meal as God intended.' He laughed and chased her out, fondling her as she tried to get dressed. Go be useful. See if Leah and Brandon want to have breakfast with us.'

He caught her in an embrace first. 'Your wish is my command, darling Kate. Then we'l have the rest of the day to play. I need clothes for tonight and at some point, I plan to lick your pussy until you scream.' A delighted shiver broke over her. 'Mmm! My favourite.'

Soft skin. Silky hair. Brandon loved it when Leah wore her hair down, and the way it spread over the pil ow when she slept. He loved how it felt sliding over his body. He loved to gather it in his hands and push it away from her face, the way he did now, so he could watch her mouth move on his cock.

Leah looked up at him with her hand gripped tight at the base of his dick and her tongue swirled once, twice around the head before she sucked him gently. Then deeper.

Brandon groaned, losing himself in the pleasure of her mouth and hand.

Leah's tongue trailed down to the root of him, then lower, over his bal s. Her hand, slick with spit, stroked him harder as she licked a little further back. When she nibbled the inside of his thigh, his prick jumped in her hand. He'd have shot off then, but her fingertip pressed the sweet spot behind his sac and she slowed her stroking hand just enough.

'I love it when your cock gets so hard I can feel your heart beating in it,' she murmured and added a lick and a nibble that made al his muscles jerk.

She'd been sucking him for half an hour, bringing him close and easing off at the last moment to keep him close to bursting. Brandon thought his head might explode if he didn't come soon, but, though he knew he could force it through, he let Leah have her way with him however she wanted. It would be that much better, hotter, if he did.

She sat up, her beautiful hair fal ing over her shoulders and over her breasts. Her hand moved slowly but steadily.

'Hmmm . . . You look like you're enjoying this so much, I think I want a little bit of it, too.'

Electric desire arced through him. He reached for her, but Leah moved out of his reach. Her hand never slowed.

'Tel me what you'l do for me.'

He licked his lips, thinking already of sinking his face between her thighs, of finding her clit with his lips and tongue and licking her until she came. 'I want to lick you.'

'Mmm,' she sighed and gave a little shiver. Her hand gripped and squeezed, teasing. 'More.'

'I want to lick your clit, Leah. And taste you. I want to fuck your cunt with my mouth,' he managed though by now his voice had gone so hoarse and rough with pleasure it was a miracle he could say anything.

'Oh, yes,' she whispered and shifted so, instead of kneeling next to him, she was straddling his face. Her mouth found the head of his prick and her lips brushed it, her tongue licking, as she lowered herself over him.

Brandon gripped her hips with both hands and moved her over his mouth so his tongue could find her clit, but he didn't move her more than that. Leah would move her body on his mouth, fucking it while he licked and sucked. He groaned when his mouth found her hot, slick flesh. He lost himself in the smel and taste of her.

He couldn't last much longer, but he was pretty sure Leah was close, too. Her clit was a hard bead under his tongue, and her thighs shook. Her moan tipped it for him as he heard it and felt the vibration of her lips around his dick at the same time.

He tried to hold off but pleasure seared through him and heat rushed up from his bal s and out of his cock. Leah took it al , swal owing him, and her clit throbbed al at once. Her cunt jumped under his lips, pulsing. She came on his mouth, and he eased off after a second or two. Then, with the aftershocks of his orgasm stil rippling through him, he licked at her clit gently, tongue circling, until another wave of shudders moved over her body and she col apsed off him and onto the bed.

They lay in silence, panting for a minute. His hand found her thigh and he stroked it. Leah pushed herself up on the bed to look at him.

'Breakfast,' she said. 'Before I pass out. Before you waste away to nothing.'

She paused to stroke a hand over his hair, and he grabbed it to kiss her palm. You're the one who said you were hungry for my cock. I'd have taken you to get something real to eat an hour ago.'

Leah raised a brow and fixed him with a stern look. Are you saying this is my fault?' He grinned and pul ed her close for one more kiss. Just one more, a little one. Yes.'

'I guess I can own up to it,' she whispered against his mouth, but pul ed from his grasp and danced away from him when he reached for her again. 'No, Brandon! No. Breakfast.

Now.' He got up on one elbow. Yes, ma'am.'

Her eyes gleamed. She'd told him from the start she'd never make him cal her Mistress, and she never had.

Ma'am, though Leah would never ask him to say it, always made her eyes flash. He watched her cross her arms and lift her chin, watched her stretch her spine until she looked as regal as a queen. She'd say it didn't turn her on, but he knew it did.

'I'm going to jump in the shower and get dressed. You,'

she said when he made as though to fol ow her, 'wil use the sink to wash up.'

Shit. He'd been looking forward to hopping in that awesome shower. He knew better than to protest, though -- if he got in the shower with her he'd want to wash her back . . . and her front. . . and it would be another hour before they left the room. And his stomach was growling. And, more importantly, Leah was giving him the look that meant she was serious. Arguing with her about it would only lead to trouble, and not the good kind.

'Yes, ma'am,' he said, just to tease her a little.

She smirked. And I want you to wear that belt I bought you for Christmas along with the sweater in my suitcase.' He looked in that direction, not knowing what she meant.

'It's new,' she explained as she disappeared into the bathroom. 'What you had on last night, frankly, Brandon, was shameful.'

He hadn't packed appropriately and had left most of his stuff at the Penny Pincher. He hoped it would stil be there, though it would need a massive disinfection. He'd have to head over there with Dix at some point today and check out of that rat-trap and get their stuff.

They both washed quickly and as he pul ed the new sweater, black with a fine line of red across the chest, he caught Leah looking at him. 'What?'

She smiled. 'Handsome. I knew it would suit you.'

He looked at the sweater, which was light enough for Vegas at this time of year, and pushed the sleeves up on his elbows. 'Of course you did.'

She always knew. Even things he'd never have thought he'd like, Leah knew he would. It had been true of sushi and clothes and movies and music and books. Brandon had no doubt it would be true of most everything, always.

And you know, too. Don't you?' she asked as she pinned her hair into a twist on top of her head. 'What suits me.' He moved closer to pul her into his arms. 'I hope so. I want to.'

She snuggled dose. She could be so soft when she wanted. He loved that, too. A knock at the door pushed her to kiss him and then open it. 'Hi.'

Kate stood on the other side, a hand over her eyes, i'm just making sure nobody's naked.' Leah laughed. No, it's fine. Breakfast?'

Kate peeked through her fingers with a laugh, then took her hand away. 'Do they cal it breakfast if you eat it at lundi time?' 'I don't care what they cal it,' Leah said. I'm starving.' Brandon's stomach rumbled again, even louder.

'Uh oh,' Kate said. Better get some food in you, Band Boy, or else you might stop growing. C'mon, I've got some vouchers for the buffet downstairs and my contact hooked me up with tickets to the big party tonight, too.

Not that we'd have any trouble finding something fun to do ourselves, but this thing looks schwanky. Black tie.'

She swept Brandon up and down with her look. 'Did you bring your tux?'

Leah laughed as she fol owed Kate into the suite's living room, i didn't exactly bring a gown, either. What are you going to wear?'

Brandon liked to look good but aside from that didn't much care about clothes. He caught Dix's eye, and the other man shrugged. It wasn't likely he'd packed anything black tie, either.

'Weil go after breakfast,' Leah was saying as she took his hand. Her fingers squeezed his. He hadn't been paying attention, and she had to explain. 'Shopping.'

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