No Reservations (27 page)

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Authors: Lauren Dane

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in Las Vegas?' Her brow furrowed.

Yeah. People do it al the time.' He actual y had no idea how much preparation went into getting married in one of those chapels, or even if they had enough time. But if Britney Spears could doit, he was pretty sure they could. 'Oh, Brandon.' She put her forehead against his chest. 'What?

No?' Shit, had he screwed it al up?

Leah looked up at him, her eyes dancing with laughter but her mouth holding back on the smile, i love you so much.'

He let out a breath. 'OK, good.'

'But I don't want to marry you in Las Vegas.'

'OK.' This was a better answer than saying she didn't want to get married at al .

Leah shook her head. 'No. We'l have to have a wedding. Reception. The whole thing. Kate in a bridesmaid's dress, oooh, she'l kil me.'

He didn't want to admit until she'd said it how much he'd wanted the whole shebang himself. 'Real y?' She nodded, solemn. 'Yes. Real y. I'm sure your mom wil want a big, splashy wedding.' 'It's not about what my mom wants.'

'I know that. But. . . it's what you want, isn't it?' She studied him seriously. T know it's what would make you happy.' His hands settled on her hips. Yeah. I'd like a wedding.' He paused, thinking. 'Does that make me a pussy?'

She laughed. 'No. I don't think so. It makes you very sweet.'

He groaned. 'Oh, God, that's worse than being a pussy.'

She poked his chest. 'No. It is not. I love that you're so traditional. I love that you want to get up there in front of everyone we know and wear a monkeysuit and dance the Chicken Dance and toss the garter and al that. I love that about you. Wel , that and your huge, gigantic, immense . . .'

He was already grinning before she finished.

'Ego,' Leah said with another poke.

He caught her hand before she could poke him a third time. 'Ouch.'

Her other hand snuck between them to give him a quick fondle. 'And this, of course.'

He looked around, hoping they were alone enough for her to keep stroking him, but of course now that the sun was up even more people were bustling about, and they were stil on a public sidewalk. Leah held back a yawn that triggered one of his. She laughed. 'Let's have something to eat and head back to the suit to shower and pack up. We have to return your tux, too.' Brandon sighed. 'Back to reality.'

She flashed him one of those looks he loved so wel . 'If you're lucky, maybe we'l have time for you to go down on me in the shower.'

His prick stirred at that. 'I hope so.'

Leah winced. 'But I do think I'm going to have to take you up on that offer of being carried. My feet are kil ing me.' He turned around and hunkered down so she could climb up on his back, which she did even as she burst into laughter. He stood, shifting her weight. 'Ready?'

It was proof of where they were that they barely got a second glance as he started towards their hotel.

'Don't drop me,' she warned.

'Have I ever?'

'There was that one time'Hey,' he protested. 'That wasn't my fault. You wiggled too much.' She dug her chin into his shoulder. Yeehaw, pony-boy.'

'It's too bad about the wedding thing,' he tossed back at her. 'I can't think of a better souvenir from Vegas than that.'

'Oh,' Leah said. T think I can.'

'Are you sure about this?' Brandon looked warily at the design laid out on the paper in front of them. Leah nodded.

Yes. You?' He grinned. 'If it's what you want.'

The tattoo artist had drawn up matching art for both of them. Something smal , not too flashy. Something meaningful for both of them, and something unique.

'I gotta tel ya,' the guy said. 'I've had a lot of requests for ink, but I've never had anyone ask for a picture of a belt before.' 'Good,' Leah said.

She was getting hers low on her hip, where it would only show when she was naked. But Brandon was getting his around his bicep where anyone could see it any time he took off his shirt. Not that just anyone would be able to tel what it was, since the design was clever enough to hide the buckle and make the whole thing look like a simple band of colour.

You both ready?'

'This is so romantic,' Brandon said dryly. 'Getting this done at the same time. How come she gets the cute girl?

'Because that cute girl's my old lady,' said the tattoo guy with a grin, 'and I don't think you want her getting al flustered and messing up your ink, do you?'

Leah laughed. 'We certainly don't.'

It hurt worse than she'd expected, even though the design was simple and the entire process for both of them took less than an hour. They had just enough time to get back to the hotel and get ready to go. Riding up in the elevator, she couldn't help grinning at the sight of them in the mirror.

'We definitely look like we've been out al night.'

Brandon looked, too. 'You look hot. Al messed up and rumpled.'

'Slurry,' Leah said.

'I wasn't going to say so, but. . . yeah.'

She arched a brow, is that a fantasy of yours, Brandon?'

His grin gave her an answer. Leah contemplated the reflection again as the elevator doors opened on their floor.

'Hmm. Maybe we'l fuck first, before the shower.'

Then she stepped out with a grin, not looking back as he stumbled out behind her, and she led the way back to the suite.

Chapter 21

You're total y rocking the best-friend thing with this party.'

Kate waggled her brows at Leah, who sat across from her sipping a margarita as the assembled women chatted and laughed.

Leah raised one shoulder casual y. 'Least I could do for you. You'l be al Mrs Dixon and stuff. Plus I'm next and I didn't want you thinking I'd be satisfied with punch spiked with soda and games involving potential baby names and stuff.'

Did you see my planner? You're total y ruining the surprise like the selfish bitch you are. And I'l have you know Bingo's mom says her punch is better because it has orange sherbet and pineapples in it. Just for that, you only get pineapples. That'l teach you. I won't even let you have the cool I'm Getting Married, tiara she sent me the link for.'

Leah snorted a laugh, i may have in-laws who own a BeDaziler but you have a crazy ex-wife. That's worse. My mother-in-law lives a few states away.'

Kate gulped the last of her drink and hooted when the next stripper came out onto the stage. 'You wound me, Leah.

You real y do. Now shut up while this boy earns his col ege tuition.'

The bendy, pretty hot, moderately legal male stripped and undulated as he danced, grinning the whole time. I've gone to several strip clubs with Dix. Male strippers are just way more fun.'

You two are total deviants. This one,' Leah said, craning her neck sideways as she watched the show, 'seems to enjoy his work.' Always a plus. Being a deviant too. Charles is quite good at it. Of course, I have shoes in my closet older than he is. Not Charles, this happy little stripper.'

Good thing you don't need to wear him on your feet then.' Leah smirked. 'Or do you?'

If it amused me to, I total y would. And he'd love it. I'd leave his arms free so he could do his homework and stuff'

Another snort from Leah, but that died in the din of hoots and squeals as col ege student stripper guy writhed on the stage and dropped to the ground, heading straight for their table and Kate as the bride to be.

'If anyone gets goo on me, I'm gonna put orange sherbet in your punch. I'm just sayin',' she hissed to Leah. 'Hi there, you must be Katherine. I'm Travis.' Cute stripper was even cuter close up.

He didn't shake her hand, but he did get his very flat abdomen in her sight. Nice. 'Hi there, Travis. Aren't you pretty?' He rol ed his hips, the line of his cock pretty close to her face. But he was careful not to get any of whatever he had greased al over his muscles onto her. Such lovely manners.

Kate yel ed over the music. 'Grab a seat. I'm getting married, flatter me and chat with us.'

He laughed in that self-confident way any attractive twenty-three-year-old male has. But he plopped down in a chair at the end of the table. Leah shoved another margarita at her and moved closer.

Few people loved strippers more than Leah, so Kate sat back and watched as Leah turned on the charm. Travis responded right away, like they al did, and Kate wished she had some popcorn to eat as she took them in.

'What's your story, Travis? What I real y want to know is, can you move your body like a cyclone?' Leah asked with a smile.

'I total y can. Wanna see?'

'Dear, sweet Travis, with your washboard abs, of course we want to see. That's why we're here.' Kate winked at him.

'Good point, Katherine.' Leah's voice was dry and the other women with them al leant in and eyed him. 'We'd al love to see.'

Sweet baby Travis had not lied. No, he leant back and rol ed himself, rippling his abs and his nice, albeit hairless, thighs. Then he did some move where he whipped his body around, artful y sending his hair around his face al coy like.

When he finished, the entire table clapped and cooed over him. Leah grinned over at Kate, who laughed out loud.

Baby Travis became their own personal stripper for the rest of the evening, flirting with everyone, giving a few up close and personal dances, flattering, making sure drinks were ordered and sucking up al the attention and tips.

There weren't too many other ways Kate wanted to celebrate her upcoming wedding than to hang out with Leah and pretty boys as they drank margaritas.

Kate wagged her finger at him as they prepared to leave. 'Good evening, sweet baby Travis. Don't let me hear you've blown off school for another quarter. Just go back, even if it's part time.'

He grinned, very fetching and sort of naughty if she went for men young enough to not understand a single cultural reference she made.

I know, I know. You two should come back in again so you'l know for sure. I'l be your arm candy any old time you need it.' He kissed her cheek. 'Congratulations again on the upcoming wedding. Make sure he behaves.'

Kate laughed. 'Ha. He's not one for behaving. It's part of his charm real y. Don't tel him I said that, he gets away with enough as it is.'

Travis laughed as he kissed Leah's cheek and she told him something that made him blush. Dude, you can make a stripper blush,' Kate told her as they got into the limo outside.

Leah buffed her fingernails on her blouse front. 'I stil got it.'

You sure do.' Kate hugged her briefly. 'Thanks again.

For tonight and for being my maid of honour and stuff.'

Enough thanks to get some sherbet in my punch?' Tfft, we'l see if you deserve it by then.' They got into the limo, laughing.

One thing, on the wedding day, you have to be on Pickles watch.'

Leah looked up from her iPhone where she'd most likely been texting Brandon something dirty, and raised an eyebrow. 'Am I gonna have to bring brass knuckles?'

'If you do, I'l give you twenty dol ars to use them on her.

After I do of course.' She shook her head as they glided back towards Kate and Dix's house. 'She's just being her usual self, which seems to be a one-woman wrecking crew on her family. It upsets Dix and that upsets me.'

Kate stewed over that statement she made in the limo for a week until the latest incident came up. As Kate had guessed, making Eve go through her to get to Dix had frustrated her ability to yank him around. This pleased Kate mightily. Until Eve simply began to use the girls to do her bidding instead.

'Hi, Kate,' Kendal greeted her when she came through the front door. The girls lived with them in the new house on weekends and, true to Kate's promise to Dix, they al lived in his old house every other Wednesday and Thursday so the girls could stay there and go to school. It hadn't been perfect, but it was how things worked best and it was Kendal 's last year of high school anyway.

'Hey there. Hope you guys are up for Chinese for dinner.

Your dad just cal ed to say he's bringing some home.' Kate looked up and smiled. 'Yes, you can invite Jimmy.'

Kendal grinned at the mention of her boyfriend. Jimmy and Dix had come to an uneasy truce. Kate liked the boy, but Kendal wasn't her daughter so it was easier for her than Dix.

It had been pretty wonderful when Dix had listened to her and took her advice about the Jimmy situation and invited him around. Kendal would have boyfriends and Dix had to accept it. Keeping his daughter close gave him a far better chance of keeping a good relationship with her.

'I'l cal him in a minute.' Kendal sat on the couch next to Kate, tucking a foot beneath her and snagging a sip from Kate's diet soda.

Kate rol ed her eyes. 'Get your own, girl. You're way younger than me and your joints are in shape enough to take the rest of you into the kitchen to land your very own diet soda.

By the way, where's Adrienne?'

Doesn't taste as good if it's not yours.' Kendal snorted and then a serious look replaced the levity. 'Kate, listen I have to tel you something before Dad gets here.'

'That sounds like I'm going to hate it.' Kate turned to face her ful y. 'Go on.'

'You are going to hate it. I'm sorry. Adrienne isn't coming this weekend. She doesn't want to be in the wedding.' Kate knew Dix's younger daughter didn't like her. It hurt more than she wanted it to, even if she understood it. But this, this was on a whole different level. This would real y hurt Dix.

'She what? Why? What's going on? I take it that since you've told me this before he got home she hasn't told your father about it.' 'She hasn't talked to Dad. I'm trying to talk her out of it. But . . .' But Eve. Eve, that fucking bitch, was written al over this. 'Your mother,' Kate said flatly.

'I'm sorry. I know it's not fair.' Kendal wrung her hands.

Kate shook her head with a sigh. She squeezed Kendal 's hand. 'No, I'm sorry. I know you're caught in the middle and it's not right. I told your father we should wait until you and your sister graduated to get married, but he wanted to go ahead now.' Such a stupid and careful y intimate dance they did around the whole Eve issue. Kendal was a smart girl, but it wasn't fair for Kate to address the situation, no matter how protective she was of Dix.

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